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The new Canada food guide is said to be a major change in it since 2007.

The one major thing I liked

about this new guide is that emphasis is given on proportions rather than portions. While it is very
difficult to eat food with a different serving size and bit complicated to use, the new guide uses a less
prescriptive approach. It gives the message to eat more plants and less meat and dairy. Thus, even the
meat is sub-categorized under the new proteins category, more stress is given to eat plant based

I completely agree with food Canada’s guide to encourage the people to drink more water and making it
as a ‘beverage of choice’. While it goes against the previous guide to have 100 percent fruit juice as the
new guide makes it a sugary drink which can cause dental and obesity problems. The other thing I liked
most is that this food guide put more emphasis on not just what we eat but how we eat. It suggests that
people should eat together to reinforce more healthy habits.

Overall, the new guide can be good if followed for the health of Canadians. Putting more value for home
cooked food rather than processed foods, drinking more water, less alcohol, eating together will make a
positive effect on the health of people.

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