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Pattern by Floranfetamina©2020
from La Pandustria

©This pattern is for personal use only. You can’t sell, publish, distribute or share it in
any manners. You can sell the finished product made from this pattern giving credit to
La Pandustria or Floranfetamina as a designer.

• Light Yarns: Skin, orange, black, red, light blue, blue jean, light green and white
• Hook size: 2,5mm.
• Tapestry needle.
• Toy stuffing.
• Safety eyes size 10mm.
* Optional: 2 red small buttons or a piece of red felt.

Finish size: 4,7 inches.

MR=Magic Ring
Ch = Chain
Sc = Single crochet
FLO= Front loops only
BLO = Back loops only
INC= Increase
DEC= Decrease
Number in ( ) at the end of each round or row indicates the total number of stitches
that should be in that round or row.


With skin yarn
Rnd 1: 6 sc in a MR (6)
Rnd 2: INC in all 6 st(12)
Rnd 3: (1 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (18)
Rnd 4: (2 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (24)
Rnd 5: (3 SC, 1 INC) x6 (30)
Rnd 6: (4 SC, 1 INC) x6 (36)
Rnd 7-14: Sc around (36)
Rnd 15: (4 SC, 1 DEC) x6 (30)
Rnd 16: (3 SC, 1 DEC) x6 (24)
Rnd 17: (2 SC, 1 DEC) x 6 (18)
Rnd 18: (1 SC, 1 DEC) x 6 (12)

Stuff firmly. With red yarn, embroider a diagonal scar that starts bellow the right
eyebrow and runs all the way down belong the eye. With black yarn, sew marks along
the scar.
Attach eyes 7 stitches apart each other, between round 9 and 10. Border eyebrows
with orange yarn.

To make the hair, work a 1,5 inch loop stitch in each stitch every alternate row.
(Graphic 1)
With orange yarn.
Rnd 1: 6 sc in a MR (6)
Rnd 2: Making a 1,5 inch loop st in each stitch, INC in all 6 st(12)
Rnd 3: (1 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (18)
Rnd 4: Making a 1,5 inch loop st in each stitch (2 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (24)
Rnd 5: (3 SC, 1 INC) x6 (30)
Rnd 6: Making a 1,5 inch loop st in each stitch, (4 SC, 1 INC) x6 (36)
Rnd 7: Sc around (36)
From here now, work in rows.
Rnd 8: Making a 1,5 inch loop st in each stitch, sc 14, ch, turn (14)
Rnd 9: Sc 14, ch, turn (14)
Rnd 10: Making a 1,5 inch loop st in each stitch, sc 14 (14)
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Sew wig on head and cut open the end of every loops.
Use a dog comb to make the hair looking fluffy and trim it. Use hairspray or glue to
make the hair stayed.

With dark blue yarn
Rnd 1: 6 sc in a MR (6)
Rnd 2: INC in all 6 st(12)
Rnd 3: (1 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (18)
Rnd 4: (2 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (24)
Rnd 5: (3 SC, 1 INC) x6 (30)
Rnd 6-7: Sc around (30) (Picture 1): Round 9, working in the back loops
Rnd 8: In FLO sc around (30)
from Round 8
Fasten off.

With green yarn

Rnd 9: In BLO from Rnd 8, join yarn and
sc around (30) (Picture 1)
With white yarn
Rnd 10: Sc around (30)
With red yarn
Rnd 11: Sc around (30)
With light blue yarn
Rnd 12: Sc around (30)
With green yarn
Rnd 13: (3 SC, 1 INC) x6 (24)
With white yarn
Rnd 14: (2 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (18)
With red yarn

Rnd 15: In FLO (1 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (12)
Fasten of every yarn and stuff firmly.
Attach the head with the tapestry needle on the back loop from the Rnd 15 of the

Hold the body with its font away from you. Identify the stitch that is in the middle of
the body. Count 2 stitches to your right and join dark blue yarn.
Row 1-4: Sc 6, ch 1, turn (1-2-3-4)
Fasten off.

Shoulder straps (Make 2)

Make sure that the straps must be crossed on the back side of the body.

Join dark blue yarn at 3 stitches apart from the last back stitches of Rnd 8.
Ch 16. In 3rd chain from hook, sc 14.
Join at the front of the overall.
*Optional: Attach the red buttons or the little piece of felt.

Feet (Make 2)
With white yarn
Rnd 1: 6 sc in a MR (6)
Rnd 2: INC in all 6 st(12)
With red yarn
Rnd 3: In BLO (1 SC, 1 INC) x 6 (18)
Rnd 4: Sc around (18)
Change to dark blue yarn
Rnd 5: (1 SC, 1 DEC) around (12)

Make a bow with white yarn.

Arms (Make 2)
With skin yarn
Rnd 1: 5 sc in a MR (5)
Rnd 2: INC in all 5 st (10)
With green yarn
Rnd 3: In BLO, sc around (10)
With red yarn
Rnd 4: Sc around (10)
With blue yarn
Rnd 5: Sc around (10)
With green yarn
Rnd 6: Sc around (10)
With white yarn

Rnd 7: DEC around x 5 (5)
Fasten off, leave a long tail and stuff lightly.

(Graphic 1)
How to make the loop stitch:
When you made it, it leaves a long loose loop behind. I used it to make the strands
of hair.
1. Insert hook in the next stitch.
2. Grab a strand of yarn with the desire length (The yarn on your non-hook finger
will become the loop). Pass the hook over and around the near side of the loop.
3. Catch the far side of the loop.
4. Pull the far side through the stitch. Now you have two loops on your hook.
5. Yarn over and put through booth loops to complete the stitch.
6. On the other side of the work you’ll see the loose, but on the front, you will see
a regular job.


Thank you for your interest in my pattern. If you have any question about it, don’t
hesitate to contact me.


Enjoy crocheting.

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