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<Droc VII

E. A. EapawKoBa
c6opHHK yrrpaiKHeHHH
"lJaCTb 1
K y1l.e6uuK.y H. H . BepeUfaiuuou, 0. B. Aq,auacbeBou
yqeHH KJiacca _ _
_ _ _ _ IIIKOJih I _ _


YYe6Ho-Mero.a.HYecKH~ KOMn11eKT

E. A. EiapawKosa

aHrJ11'11'1CKOrO ~3b1Ka

c6opHUI< ynpa)l(HeHUU
4acrb I
K yYe6HHKY ~. H. Bepeu.tarHHO~ 1,.1 .a.p.
«AHnrn~cKl.-1~ .ff3blK: IV K11acc»
(M. : npocse~eHHe)

4 KJiacc
HCMO PoccuucH:ou AKa8eM..uu 06pa3oeanua

JA3aaHue m1mHaau,amoe, cmepeomunHoe

~ 3AaTe11 bCTBO
MOCKBA • 2015
Y,l1;K 373:811.111
EEK 81.2Attrn-2

11MeHa aBTOpOB 11 H8388Hl-le UHT11pyeMoro H3ll,aHIUI YJCa3aHhl Ha THTynhHOM nHCTe D,aHHOM

Ktt11rn (cT. 1274 n . 1 '-laCTH '-lernepTOii fpaJK.n:attcKoro KO)leKca Pocc11wcKoii <l>e.n:epau1111).
lfao6paJKemie )"1e6ttHKa «Attnrni1cK11i1 Sl3hlK: y'-!e6 . .n:m1 IV Kn. UIKOn c yrny6n. 113y'-!eHHeM
attrn. si3., 1111ueee 11 rnMHaJHH I 11. H . Bepell\arirna, 0 . B . Acpattaci,esa. - M. : Ilpoceell.leHHe»
np11Be)leHO Ha o6JlOlKKe )18HHOrO H3)18HHSI HCKnl0'-111TeJlhHO B KalfeCTBe HJlmocrpaTHBHOr o MaTe-
p11ana (CT. 1274 n. I '18CTH lfernepTOH fpaJKAaHcKoro KOll,eKca PoccHHCKOH <l>e.n:epau1111).

l>apawKoBa E. A.
E24 fpaMMaTHKa aHrJIHHCKoro .SI3hIKa. C6opHHK yrrpa:>KtteHHH: 1.J.aCTh I: 4 KJiacc:
K yqe6HMKY 11. H. BepemarnHoH 11 .n;p. «AHrnHHCKHH SI3I:.IK: IV Knace». <l>fOC
(K HOBOMY yqe6mfKy) I E. A. EapaIIIKOBa. - 15-e H3.LJ.., cTepeoTHn. - M. :
J13,naTeJibCTBO «3K3aMeH», 2015. - 125, [3] c. (CepHSI «Y1Ie6HO-MeTO,IJ;H-
qecKHH KOMilJieKT»)
ISBN 978-5-3 77-08421-1
.[(aHHoe noco611e noJIHOCTblO COOTBeTCTBYeT cpe.nepaJibHOMY r ocy.napCTBeHHO-
MY o6pa30BaTeJibHOMY CTaH,!1,apTy ( BToporo fIOKOJieHHH) ,D:JUI Ha'laJibHOH UIKOJibl.
OHO npe,ncTaBJUleT co6oii nepBblH KOMfIOHeHT )"le6Horo KOMTIJieKTa, COCTOSll.Uero 113
'leTblpex KHHr:
• rpaMMaTHKa aurJIHHCKOro H3LIKa. C6opHHK ynpa:iKHeHHH. 1:1aCTb I
• fpaMMan1Ka attrm1iicKoro H3b1Ka. C6opHHK ynpa:i1rnett11i1. l.JaCTb II
• fpaMManiKa aHrn11iicKoro H3h1Ka. Iurnra .nmi po.n;11Teneii
• fpaMMaTHKa aHrJIHHCKOrO ll3b1Ka. flposep04Hb!e pa60Tbl.
C6opHHK co,nepJKHT 285 rpaMMaTw1ecKttx ynpaJKHetttti1, 06ecneq11sa10w,11x ycsoe-
Htte 11 '3aKpern1eH11e npasttJI rpaMMan1K11, KOTOpb1e 113yqa10Tcll B 4 KJiacce. XapaKTep
speMll ytiaW,HXCll H n03BOJilleT B KOpOTKHe cpOKH .u.o6HTbC}I xopowero 3HaHHSI rpaMMa-
,[(Jlll ytiaIUHXCSl UJKOJI c yrny6neHHbIM 113ytieHHeM aHDIHHCKOro Sl3b1Ka, JIHUeeB 11
ntMHa3HH, 113y4at0m11x Sl3bIK no y4eott11Ky 11. H. BepemamHoii 11 .np. «AHrnttiicKHH
ll3hJK: IV KJiacc».
Ilp11Ka30M N2 729 M11HHCTepcrna 06pa30Batt11si H HaYKM PoccHi1cKoi1 <l>e.nepau110
yqe6Hb1e noco611si 113.n;aTeJJbCTBa «3K3aMeH» .nonyw,eHhI K 11crroJ1h30BaHHIO a o6w,eo6pa-
30BaTeJibHbIX opraHH3aUIDIX.
Y,Ll;K 373:811.111
lil>K 81.2Aurn-2

IlO.llilHCaHO B rre'laTb 30.06.2014. <l>OpMaT 70x 100/ 16.

fapH11Typa «lliKOnbHaH». I:iyMara OcpCeTHfill.
Ylf.-113.l{. n. 4,58. Yen. ne'l. 11. 10,4. T11paJ:K 20 OOO 3K3. 3aKa3 ,N'Ql447/14.

ISBN 978-5-377-08421-1 © EapaIIIKOBa E. A., 2015

© 113)1.aTeJibCTBO «3K3AMEH», 2015

CBOPHHK BKJIIO"tJaeT B ce6.H 285 yrrpamHeHHH

Ha 0Tpa60TKY rpaMMaTH"tJeCKOro MaTep11a.rra no
rrporpaMMe 11eTBepToro KJiacca. BnIIIOJIHeHHe 3THX
yrrpamHeHHH o6ecrre"tJHBaeT He TOJihKO 3HaHHe
rpaMMaTH1IeCKoro MaTepHa.Jia, HO H, "CJTO 6oJiee
BamHo, HaBhIKH rpaMOTHOH pe11H. MaTepnaJI rrpe,n;-
cTaBJieH OlleHh rrpOCTO, He Tpe6yeT YCHJIHH B oc-
BOeHHH. Y rrpamHeHH.H no Kam,n;oii TeMe pacrroJia-
raroTc.H B rrop.H,n;Ke rrocTerreHHoro HapacTaHH.H
Tpy,n;HocTeii. 0Tpa6oTKa rpaMMaT111IecK11x CTPYKTYP
H,n;eT TOJihKO Ha 3HaKOMOM JieKCH"tJeCKOM MaTepna-
Jie. YcBoeHHhIH rpaMMaT1111ecK11ii MaTepHaJI BKJII0-
1IaeTC.H B ,n;a.TihHeHIIIHe ypoKH, 1ITO o6ecrre"tJHBaeT
ero rrp01IHOe 3aIIOMHHaHHe.
Ilepe,n; Kam,n;hIM yrrpamHeHHeM yKaaaH rraparpa<P
"lfT06hI pa6oTa ,n;eTeH 6hIJia a<P<PeRTHBHOH, Mhl
rrpe,n;JiaraeM BIIHCbIBaTh JIHIIIb 3Ha11HMhie qaCTH
H CHJihl H 1103BOJIHeT c,n;eJiaTh aa KOpOTKOe BpeMH
MHOro yrrpamHeHHH.
B ROHn;e c6opHHRa ecTh TeMaTH"tJeCRHH yRa3a-
yrrpamHeHH.H Ha Ram,n;oe rpaMMaTH"tJecKoe rrpaBHJio.

C6opHHK peKoMeH,n;yeTca rrpeno,n;aBaTeJIHM aHr-
JIHiicKoro H3bIKa B Ka"lleCTBe ,ll;OIIOJIHHTeJibHOI'O rro-
co6HH ,n;JIH oTpa6oTKH rpaMMaTHKH. OH TaKme
MOmeT 6bITb MCilOJib30BaH y-qam;HMMCH H MX po,n;H-
,D;JUI po,n;HTeJieH.

By,n;eM o"lleHb 6naro,n;apHbI BaM

aa BamM 3aMe"llaHHH H no.menaHHH.
IlpOCHM rrpHCbIJiaTb HX no a,n;pecy:


1. 3aiD.a~Te o6w.~e sonpocbt ~ Aa~Te KpaTK~'1

(§ 34, §§ 38-39)

Does it often rain in September?

Yes, it does. (It often rains in September.)
1. in December?
Yes, ........................ .
(It usually snows in December.)
Yes, ............................. (It is raining.)
3. ...................................... yesterday?
Yes, ..... ...................... (It was cold yesterday.)
4. ...................................... two days ago?
Yes, ........................... (It rained two days ago.)
5. tomorrow?
Yes, .......................... . (It will rain tomorrow.)
6. in Anapa?
Yes, ........................ .
(It sometimes snows in Anapa.)
7. ................. .................... in August?
Yes, ...........................
(It is usually dry in August.)
Yes, ........................... (It will snow.)
B cKo6Kax yKaaaHbI HOMepa rraparpacl>oB KHMrM
9. ................................. last week?
Yes, ..................... (It often snowed last week.)
10. -
Yes, ..................... (It is snowing.)

2. BcTaBbTe sonpoc111Te11bHb1e c11osa.

(§ 42) '

why who where what how (2 paaa)

when (2 paaa) how many how old

1. .................... is the weather today? - It's hot.

2. ............................ is the weather like today?
- It's nice.
3 . .................... is . your sis . t er.? - She is
. f"ine.
4. ................................... do you come home from
- At four o'clock.
5. ....................... seasons can you name? - Four.
6. ... .. .. .. ... .......... ... ... do you like spring?
Because it's so beautiful.
7. ....... ... ............. .. ... do you go in summer?
We usually go to Anapa.
8. ............................ dislikes summer?
My aunt does.
9. ........................... 1s your uncle? - He 1s 30.
10. - ....................................... does it usually rain 1n
- In autumn and in winter.

3. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1ilt sap111aHT.
(§ 34)

1. It often (rains/ is raining) in

2. It never (rains / is raining) in
3. It ................................. (rains/ is raining). Don't go
4. (Does it snow/ Is it snowing)
in November?
5. It sometimes ............................. (rains/ rained) last
6. It ................... (doesn't/ didn't) .................... (rain/
rained) yesterday.
7. ....... ........... (Was/ Did) it snow last October?
8. .................. (ls/ Does) it often rain in May?
9. Let's go. It ........................... (isn't raining/ doesn't
10 ................... (Was/ Did) it rain last week?

4. PacKpoil!Te CK06K111.
(§ 22, § 24, § 34)

1. It ........ (be) so beautiful in spring.

2. It ........ (be) so hot last month.
3. It never ................... (snow) here.
4. It ................... (snow) now.
5. It sometimes ................... (snow) last October.
6. It never ....................... (snow) last December.
7. My little sister .......... ...... .......... (like) winter.
8. We usually ..................... (play) in the forest.
9. She usually ..................... (have) winter holidays
in January.
10. The weather .................... (be) bad today.
It ....................... (rain).

s. Bo3bM1t1Te KpacHytO PY4KY VI vicnpasbTe

owvi6K1t1. no.a4epKHYTb1e cnosa OCTaBbTe 6e3
Vl3MeHeHVI ii1.
(§ 17, § 34)
r i _.,_!_ -"----4---'--+---''---i--"'---1

~- It
~---2-~- I__t.___.,.__---··-·-·-<·
, . nin!_,i _ -~-++J
t~·~: :ft : ~~~~~~i~~,~~~~r-+---+--
a~ ndw.

, 5. It is _ I_ I J_ I __j

r-;~ ~: , :~ :n~~:J_n;~g;~J~~1~b -~1'-- -f--1

8. Is i it ft n sno~ h~re7 i ·-
·········-···...·..· ··--·-----

' I ' i I I i

__ _... -l___ _..-··- · --... _l___/_.l_ _._J_ __l_ __J...---- ..-·-··---~---~ --- ~.__ J_.,~/-


6. BcTaBbTe apT111K11111.
(§ 17)

1. When it is hot ....... . people wear ......... sports

shoes and ......... sandals.
2. In ........ winter ........ people usually wear ........ .
overcoats and ........ caps.
3. ........ people wear ....... mittens and ....... gloves
in ......... winter.
4. ......... people wear ......... boots on ......... cold
winter day.
5. ......... spring is ......... nice season.
6. ......... weather is fine in ......... summer.
7. What ......... long dress!
8. What ......... cold day!
9. What ......... rainy day!
10. What was ......... weather like yesterday?

7. 3aJJ.a~Te 06~111e sonpocb1.

(§ 22, § 23, § 38)

1. ......................... it cold today?

2. ......................... the weather nice today?
3. . ....................... . you wearing your new dress?
4. she wearing a white blouse?
5. they wear gloves in winter?
6. she wear sandals in summer?
7. they wearing raincoats?
8. they know the poem?
9. ......................... you take sweaters when you go
to the South?
10. ................. .. ...... you going to the South?

8. J].on111w111Te «XBOCTll1K» pa3.ae1n1TeJlbHOro BO-

(§ 41)

1. It is cold, ............................ ?
2. He is wearing a green T-shirt, ........................... ?
3. She is wearing a yellow raincoat, ...................... ?
4. They are wearing high boots, .............................. ?
5. We are ready, .................................. ?
6. He isn't playing snowballs, ................................... ?
7. She isn't making a snowman, .............................. ?
8. They aren't at the shoe shop, ............................. ?
9. We aren't late, .............................. ?
10. It isn't hot, ............................... ?

9. 3a.aa~Te anbTepHaTl-1BHb1e sonpocb1.

(§ 40)

Are you wearing a jacket or a coat (o,a,t,~)?

1. it hot or ...................... (o,~,l,d)?

2. you like shorts or ............. (a,e,n,s,i)?
3. you live in Africa or in .................... .
4. .............. you wearing a yellow or a .................. .
(e,.r,d) blouse?
5. ... ......... .. you wear shoes or ........... ..... (o,o,s, t,b)
in winter?
6. .............. Ann wear T-shirts or ........................... ..
(e,o, u,b,l,s,s,)?
7. .... .......... they wearing overcoats or ....................
(a,e,c,k,s, t,i)?
8. .... .. .. .. .. .. they wear mittens or
( e,o,s, v ,l,g)?
9. .............. she wearing a cap or a .......... (a,t,h)?
10. ........ ...... the weather good or ............ (a,b,d)?

10. Bo3bMlt1Te KpacHyta py4KY lt1 1t1cnpaBbTe

OW"'16Klt1. no.Q4epKHYTble CfJOBa OCTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 17, § 22, § 23, § 38, § 41)

ffi-~~t!!t :t:~,·· al~ri--:-, ~~~1~~ -;~~~e3:

Ll -~f;e_~-~~~-£ ~-rb~Lu ~,t~d~d;-~t-~i~-
~-<!t?-~~-~!;-~''Y~~t~--t~-_c~Jt~~-- i n*i---
6 .j _w~at \ was _ ea~her~ Ii _ ~est~~ ? )____!_
'7! I I ' I '

r-LWJ:i~lLLJE___ Q~~ -P-~~1 ___v>{~cid_t_I!_

I ! j I

_?hQrt__ _
r-+arld tihe iT-s~irt,. I I i i I
f .§l Q$ __y~l,I_ ~E!_~C:i.ri.~ .._<l_~_r_<!i ri~.Q~t__ pQ~~--t-- ~---
ct- l s~1ke
Is :to ~e~r n ;alst i :
LJ~'f-_j-~1_~~J~~f ,_J 5-_f_:_L1=~~±/

11. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. My name IS .......... Bob. I come from ..........

2. I often go to .......... Hyde Park.
3. My Granny lives in .......... country .
4. My brother is on .......... right, and my friend
IS on .......... left.
5. It IS .......... dog. Its name IS .......... Spot. It's
. 't i"t?.
.......... f unny name, isn
6. I have got .......... uncle. He is .......... driver.
7. He has got .......... two aunts. They are ......... .
8. ........ Pamela wants to become ........ economist.
9. .. ........ Browns have got .......... two daughters
and .......... son.
10. It is always warm in .......... September.

12. BCTaBbTe I
s 111n111 s I
TaM, rAe 3TO
Heo xo-
(§ 4)

1. This is David... dog.

2. My cousin ... birthday IS in May. I'll give him
a dog as a present.
3. This is David ... and Frank ... dog.
4. She has got two brothers. Her brother...
room is on the right.
5. She has got a brother . and a sister. Her
brother ... teacher is from London.
6. What is your sister ... name?
7. The Brown. .. pet is very nice.
8. These are my friends. The boy... grandmother
works in a hospital.
9. I have got an aunt and an uncle. My aunt ...
friend works in London.
10. I like Kate... and Bob... grandmother.

13. CKa>K~Te, 4TO 3TO He TaK.

(§ 22, § 45)

1. It suits you well.

2. She looks great in this overcoat.

.......... ................................. ................ in this overcoat.
3. Children like to wear mittens.
.. ..... ... ........... ...................................... to wear mittens.
4. He wears sandals in autumn .
...................................................... sandals in autu mn.
5. They wear fur coats in spring.
.................................................... fur coats in spring.
6. People put on warm clothes in summer.
warm clothes in

7. She knows the song.
the song.
8. I understand the proverb.
....................................................... the proverb.
9. This cap looks nice on the little boy.
nice on the little
10. I like the colour.
the colour.

14. .Qon111w111Te «XBOCTlllK» pa3.lleJ1111TellbHOro BO-

(§ 22, § 41)

1. You like the sweater, ...............................................?

2. They wear fur coats in winter, .......................... ?
3. We buy socks in shoe shops, .............................. ?
4. She wears jeans, ........................................................ ?
5. He goes to the South, ............................................ ?
6. It suits me well, ........................................................ ?
7. He doesn't work here, ............................................. ?
8. She doesn't know the boy's name, .................. ..
........................... .......... ?
9. Your parents don't call you Bob, ..................... .
.................................... ?
10. Your friends don't take photos, ......................... ?

15. Bo3bMVITe KpacHyl-0 PY4KY vi111cnpaBbTe
OWll16Kll1. no,a4epKHYTbte c.nosa OCTaBbTe 6e3
(§4, §9, § 17, §41, §45)
l .........
! i
1..: T~is FfS . ·i
.... . . 1
! I !
2.1 THis are I
4-~====i:==:::=:;:::::::::::::::=.::...._-+-i _ _,_____,___ _____,
I 1 ! , l l l j

3.i S e i' n'tl w rk~ ia ospital i ~

__Le$t' l---L- ___ LT _J=J---+-J___

-~ _!!'f_Ej_J(Jt~I}', _!ciLJ~- ~-~ - 1---J--~- .-=~ =1

~~l-~-~l~~-~L~_!:!_O, ~- it? i_ __ olp_J__ __ L___ ! _ 1

L~~s ~i~n't! _li_~e t~_jcgl ~r. ! - ~-- {- J__

r··· ijoys-:------arl1.en'i li~e
I 7 .!t ·T- . e--··-·[·--· I I ·
! ! -·y···--····
--· - --r·····-·--r- -··········
his ball.
--· -j- ············-i . -- • --· ;

1-_13_,j_!~isj;__~L nc,e. !His na~ei' . ci11¥ ' -..... I

i 9j_r_~·~_sel. - ~~J.!~- YE~ure~_ of_~~_!9-_ ilY· -- ----·11
! I I i l 1 ! r

10.i w at I is rthe weather od y? I l

; ~,---
: - , i : -t- I ;i I ! I

l:_:-_i-~~ L:: t~~-1-_~-:.-J:.:. :L::.i===--=-J ~: ::t:: :l:_::.±:~=t : :cJ


16. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. There is ........... apple in ........... basket.

2. There is ........... cup on ........... table.
3. There are ...... ..... carrots in ........... bag.
4. I usually have .............. apple juice for ............ .
5. Could I have ........... cup of ........... tea?
6. Could I have ........... glass of ........... milk?
7. Let's have ........... look.
8. Is there ........... banana in ........... fridge 1 ?
9. That's ........... pity.
10. I can't make ........... fish soup without .......... .

11. BcTaBbTe There is 111n111 There are.

(§ 33)

1. ........................ . an apple on the table.

2. ........................ . some milk in the glass.
3. some bananas in the bag.
4. ........................ . some chairs in the room.
5. some tea in the cup.
6. ........................ . a book on the desk.

fridge - XOJIO,ll;HJlbHHK

7. ......................... some soup in the fridge.
8. .......................... some cups on the table.
9. ......................... some carrots in the box.
10. ......................... some bread on the table.

18. 3aJJ.at1Te 06~111e sonpocb1 111 JJ,at1Te KpaTK111t1

(§ 10, § 33, § 38, § 39)

1. ice cream in the bag?

Yes, .................. .
(There is some ice cream in the bag.)
2. ............................. soup in the fridge?
- Yes, .................. .
(There is some soup in the fridge.)
3. .. .. ........ ........ ......... cookies in the box?
- Yes, ................. ..
(There are some cookies in the box.)
4. - ............................. cakes in the basket?
- Yes, .................. .
(There are some cakes in the basket.)
5. ............................. milk in the glass?
- Yes, .................. .
(There is some milk in the glass.)
6. ............................. coffee in the bag?
- Yes, .................. .
(There is some coffee in the bag.)
7. .... ..... .. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. . vegetables?
- Yes, .................. .
{They have got some vegetables.)
8. ............................. fruit?
Yes, ....... ............ (She has got some fruit.)
9. ............................. biscuits?
Yes, ................... (He has got some biscuits.)
10. - ............................. food in the fridge?
Yes, .................. .
(We have got some food in the fridge.)

19. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1i7i sap111aHT.

(§ 10, § 12, § 22, § 23, § 33, § 34)

1. ...................... (Is there/ Are there) much bread

on the table?
2. ...................... (Is there/ Are there) many cups on
the table?
3. (Is there/ Are there) ............... (many/
much) jam in the fridge?
4. ...................... (Is there/ Are there) ............... (many/
much) potatoes in the box?
5. We have got ............................... (some/ any) tasty
6. We haven't got ................. (much/ many) money.
7. Granny wants to cook ........................ (some/ any)
fruit salad for lunch.
8. She never .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... (wear / wears / wearing)
9. It often ........................ (rain/ rains/ raining) here.
10. It is .... .. .. .. ... .. .... .. . .. (snow / snows / snowing) now.

20. Bo3bMVITe KpacHytO PY4KY vi vicnpasbTe
OWVl6KVI. no.a4epKHYTble CJlOBa OCTaBbTe 6e3
( § 12 t § 1 7 t § 3 3 t § 34 f § 3 8)


21. BcTaBbTe apTVIKJlVI.

(§ 17)

1. My hamster eats only ................ grass,

vegetables and .......... bread.
2. What is .......... cleverest animal?
3. ........... . elephant lives in .......... hot countries.
4. rabbit doesn't eat .......... meat.
5. .... ........ dolphin is .. .. .. .. .. very clever animal.
6. .. ........... hippopotamus is .............. large African
animal with .......... short. legs.
7. There is ....... ... lot of ... ..... .. snow.
8. There is ....... ... lot of ... ....... grass.
9. There are .......... lot of .......... leaves.
10. That is .......... funniest animal in .......... Zoo.

22. YnoTpe6"1Te noA 4epKHYTb1e cy~ecTB"1Ten b-

Hble B cpopMe MHO>KeCTBeHHOro 4"1Cna. He 3a-
6yAbTe np111 3TOM BHeCTlll Heo6XOA111Mble 1113Me-
(§ 1, § 9 f § 22)

1. Look at its foot!

2. This is a nice photo.

3. This is my fox.

4. This is our favourite place.

5. That family is large.

6. There is a potato there.

7. There is a mouse here.

8. The monkey has got a banana.

9. This puppy likes to run.

10. That sheep is slow.

23 • .aonlllWlllTe «XBOCT"1K» pa3.D.ellll!TeJlbHOro BO-

(§ 41)

1. This elephant likes bananas, ................................. ?

2. Elephants like bananas, ........................................... ?
3. Mike wants to go to the Zoo, ............................. ?
4. The boys like to play snowballs, ........................ ?
5. Many birds fly to Africa, ..................................... ?
6. Birds don't like milk, ............................................. ?
7. Wolves don't live in cities, .................................. ?
8. Mr Black's dog doesn't eat fish, ....................... ?
9. Tigers are cleverer than cats, .............................. ?
10. The monkey is funnier than the parrot, ........ .
...................................... ?

24. BcTaBbTe 's llllllll s' TaM, r.D.e 3TO Heo6xo-

.D.lll MO.
(§ 4)

1. This hamster is Billy... pet.

2. This tortoise is Billy ... and Bob ... pet.
3. I have got a grandmother and a grandfather.
My grandparent ... car is not new.
4. Mrs Black... dog is the cleverest animal I
5. The Black ... dog doesn't eat bread.
6. Mr Smith... family is not large.
7. Tom... brother is a businessman.
8. I have got two friends. My friend... grand-
parents don't work.
9. I have got two sisters. There is a nice
picture in my sister ... room.
10. Mrs Porter... house is very nice.

25. Bo3bMlllTe KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe

( § 1, § 5' § 17' § 34' § 38)

I i. I Th~t ~he~ Z~. !

s J iggbst ]er cocjile [in
~~~1 Th~_ li~~dO~Sf)~ Ii 4--~o!~ ~/~t ys.j ~
L-1:i_l"_h1~.E!~ _il ~-$-nt-~~-L i~_ -~-~---~Q_~!ry_--j
, 4. 1There l are thred w ' lfs i in ! th~ Z o. I i


26. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. Bill's teacher is from ....... Great Britain.

2. This businessman is from ....... United States.
3. Let's go to ....... Zoo at ....... end of ...... .
4. Do you celebrate ....... Christmas?
5. They had ....... party on first of ...... .
6. I saw ....... Sam's parents on ....... second of
....... October.
7. I saw ....... Ted's cousin at ....... end of ...... .
8. ....... Harry's uncle was in ...... . United States
....... last Christmas.
9. We celebrate .... ... Easter in spring.
10. What was ....... weather like last month?

27. CpaBH"'1Te.
(§ 5)

My dog rs cleverer than my cat. (clever)

1. The elephant's cage ............................. the bear's
cage. (big)
2. The cow's tail ............................ the sheep's tail.

3. The elephant ...................................... the giraffee.
4. This parrot ........................................... that parrot.
5. The tortoise ................................... the hare. (slow)
6. The dog ....................................................... the wolf.
7. The horse .................. ......... .... .... .. the hare. (quick)
8. This food ...... ....... .. ..... ... ............... that food. (good)
9. This shop ....................................... that shop. (bad)
10. This grass ...... ..... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. that grass. (nice)

28. Han111w111Te, 4TO 0H111 caMb1e-caMb1e.

(§ 5)

That is the most beautiful picture we

have. (beautiful)

1. I'm .......................................... boy in the world.

2. That is car in the world.
3. That is bike in the shop.
4. That is .................................. bag I have. (big)
5. That is .................................... song in the book.
6. Russia is .......................................... country in the
world. (large)

7. David is .................................. boy in our class.
8. Pamela is .................................... ........ gir1 in our
class. (beautiful)
9. That is ................................................. text in the
lesson. (interesting)
10. That was .................................... holiday. (bad)

29 . ..Qon111w111Te «XBOCTlll K» pa3JJ.e11111Te11 bH o ro

(§ 41)

1. He was in the United States last autumn,

• e e e. e' ' • • e' ' e II a' e ' • e ' a' e' e' e ' • ' ' e '

2. She was in the Zoo last Saturday, ....................?

3. They were in London at the end of May, .......
................................... ?.
4. The boys were at the stadium, ............................ .
................................... ?.
5. Bill was at home, ................................................ ?
6. They weren't happy there, .................................... ?
7. Your grandparents weren't in Great Britain
last Christmas, ................................... ?
8. Frank wasn't in the country, .................... ~ ......... ?
9. It isn't cold, .................................................... ?
10. It's cold today, ............................................... ?

30. Bo3bM~Te KpacHy~ py4KY ~ ~cnpaBbTe
(§ 5, § 17, § 22, § 24, § 41)

~·-1-- i i i - _ i --1---~-----~
r-1,.IJ!l[~qt_) w s the we!ath r_Ji ke _!ll~_l~_t-~

~ ;J~±::t~ -~-1- -~~J--- t dn nd: J Ma . !

1 -'!·l-I~CIL~--h~fLJn _a 1
yef t ~-~---t-~t--e 9_Clt -1
~-- ~ ~-~-~~ t.;isu ll_yj e J:!Q _E_ 7j_~~c oc~~-·---~---+----~
I- §"i-K-~_e --~_e_i:b _du _t!op!_J _stL~lJ _di---L-\ _J
1--z_,~_tt_~ -~ _fi__ f:!e rit'_J l_ _ti_
t ? - ~-- -----i --l--t-- -I
~::I ~±y t::$~n ! ~ : rh~ ~o~,e r,n·t~:~1 I
0 0
i hef

~QI~~~~J~~ - -~r~- ~~~~=: ~~*---~l==- =-=rJI!

L .-+-
I - .:.' I_ I • • I
- - + - - - - + -- ' - - - - l - - - - +- - 1 - - - - - l - - - - + --;....
' -
·- ·-- ··-+:-
i 11

.l -- J _. _ji···---i. -·-····-·-······· ·- --
1~--._ :__ _._L_,.._......._.L ·-- ···-··-'--......./
·····--·- · ·!·· ·-
- -···-··-···········L - r ··- ····-.-...:---···..•~
L...·- ·······-·L........ ·-····-·-·---·-···-·--. ....__,,...J.


31. BcTaBbTe apT1t1KJ11t1.

(§ 17)

1. Did you play ..... ...... hide-and-seek ..... ...... last

2. Did you go to .......... stadium at .......... end of
........... month?
3. Did you go to ... ....... sea .......... last summer?
4. Do you like to look at ........... moon at .......... .
5. When ........ weather is fine, we swim in ........ .
6. I usually have ................ porridge for ............... .
7. ........... people don't wear ........... sandals on
......... .. cold winter day.
8. ........... Hyde Park is on ........... right.
9. That's ........... pity.
10. We never celebrate ........... Halloween at .......... .

32. 3aAail1Te 06LU1t1e sonpocb1 111 AaillTe KpaTK1t1il1

(§ 24, § 38, § 39)

1. in London last Christmas?

- Yes, .......................... .
(He was in London last Christmas.)

2. in the United States at
the end of May?
- Yes, .......................... .
(They were in the United States at the end of
3. Easter at the end
of April?
- Yes, ............................ .
(They celebrated Easter at the end of April.)
4. ............ .................................... the Christmas tree on
the first of December? - Yes,
(They decorated the Christmas tree on the first of
Yes, ........................... (They could swim.)
6. ................................ twenty cards last Sunday?
Yes, .......................... .
(She sent twenty cards last Sunday.)
7. - .. .. .... .. .. .... .. ... ................ the books on the table?
- Yes, ...........................
(He put the books on the table.)
8. - ............................................ a very nice present?
- Yes, .......................... .
(She got a very nice present.)
9. Mother's Day?
- Yes, .......................... .
(They always celebrate Mother's Day.)
10. ... ........... ......... ........ ....... .. . to send Christmas cards?
- Yes, .......................... .
(She likes to send Christmas cards.)

33. Han111w111Te, 4TO npo1113owno B4epa.
(§ 24)

be (2 pa3a) celebrate decorate get up

listen read send swim visit

1. We ........................... Mother's Day.

2. He .......................... .. the Christmas tree.
3. She ........................... at 7 o'clock.
4. They ........................ cards.
5. We ........................... there.
She ............................... to the music.
7. He ................................ the text.
8. Kate ............................ at home.
9. Kate and Bob ........................... at the stadium.
10. The boy ............ ..... ....... .... his grandmother.

34. Aon111w111Te «XBOCTll1K» pa3Aen111TenbHOro so-

(§ 24, § 41)

1. He was in the forest, .............................................. ?

2. She wasn't at the stadium, .................................. ?
3. They weren't tired, ................................................... ?
4. We were right, ........................................................... ?
5. He could swim well, ................................................ ?
6. She can't play hockey, ............................................ ?
7. He didn't go there, .................................................. ?
8. She didn't see the teacher, ................................... ?

9. They drew a nice picture, ..................................... ?
10. They swam in the river, ........................................ ?

35. Bo3bMlllTe KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe

ow1116K111. no,n.4epKHYTb1e cnosa ocrasbTe 6e3
"13MeHeH "1 '1.
(§ 17, § 24, § 38, § 41)

~t~11~~1~- ~l~ =~F~;,~~·· ~ ~;J1 :~t;tl·==:1

I !
' 2. i Di
i ;
ypu Jse
T<1>m at an I en
• ' ! !
'f the 1


36. BcTaBbTe apT"1Kn"1.

(§ 17)

1. ........... Mike's brother gets up at 7 o'clock in

2. Nick's mother comes home in
3. ........... Kate and Ann's sister goes to ......... ..
bed at 8'clock in ........... evening.
4. I don't like to get up on ........... cold winter
5. Did you have .. ......... good time?
6. What did you do at .......... weekend?
7. I' 11 go to .. .. ... . .. stadium ... .. .... . next week.
8. Browns will go to ..... ..... mountains
....... ... next summer.
9. .. .... ... . Sedovs will buy . .... .. ... . new house ..........
next month.
10. .. .. .. ... . Mr Durov will speak .......... English to
.......... Mr Smith.

37. CKa>K"1Te, 4TO 3TO He TaK.

(§ 28, § 45)

1. He will do exercises in the evening.

.. .. .. .. ... ..... ........ .... ... .. .. . .. .. .. exercises in the evening.
2. She will go to school on Sunday.
... .... .. .... .. . .. ...... .. .. .. .... . .. .. . to school on Sunday.
3. I shall take a shower.
...................................... a shower.
4. We shall help about the house.
...................................... about the house.
5. Tom will be in London next week.
...................................... in London next week.
6. Tom is in London now.
..... ... ........... ................... in London now.
7. Tom was in London last month.
...................................... in London last month.
8. Tom goes to London every summer.
.. ... ... .... .... .. ........... ......... to London every summer.
9. Tom went to London last year.
..... ........ ..... .. .................. to London last year.
10. Tom will go to London next Saturday.
...................................... to London next Saturday.

38. 3aAaillTe cneuvia11bHb1e sonpocb1. Ha4HVITe

sonpocb1 where, when(2), why,
co cnos
what(2), what colour, how, how old, how
(§ 24, § 42)

1. .................. ················· .................................................... .

- Last March. {They were in the United States
last March.)
In London. (He was in London last week.)
She could come because she was ready.
White. (The box was white.)
Forty. (My uncle was 40 in 2000.)
In the evening. (They washed the car in the
The box. (They opened the box.)
Five. (They visited five countries.)
The book. (He took the book.)
10. -
Very well. (He skated very well.)

39. Han"1W"1Te, 4TO npo1,13ot'i.n.eT.

(§ 28)

be buy come decorate do draw

have help take visit wash

She will visit her grandparents.

1. He ................................. exercises in the morning.
2. I ................................. about the house.
3. Pamela ............................................... a shower.
4. The boys .............................................. up.
5. We ............................................. home at 7 o'clock.
6. The Porters ........................................ a party next
7. The Greens a new computer
8. Mr Green ...................................... in New York in
9. My friends ........................................... an elephant.
10. We ............................... the Christmas tree in the

40. B03bM"1Te KpacHylO py4KY "1 "1cnpasbTe

(§ 17' § 28, § 41, § 45)

r---i---t~-+--+--<-+--+-~+----+-~;---t---+~-+----' ~~,

. I .
ih the
-i------···t -·- -r-···- --- t--~···-·:i---·-·r-----·---,i
! •


i s.l To was at l sc~ool, didn't h ? I

f ~~~~i~! ~f~~~~~-:~t~r~.~~·r-T-y~- .-J;•-~-=·-r· ·-~-J"j


41. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. In .......... Great Britain .......... Monday is ........ .

second day of .......... week.
2. How many ...... ..... lessons does ........... Tim's
sister have on .......... Thursday?
3. ... ... ... last Sunday ... . .... .. Mrs Adams had ........ .
4. What will you do on ........... first of .......... .
5. It never snows in ........... summer.
6. It is .... ....... cold day today.
7. It is ........... cold today.
8. ........... weather is cold and rainy.
9. Let's do .......... shopping on .......... Wednesday.
10. I'll buy ......... present for ......... Mr Larson
... ....... next Tuesday.

42. 3a.n.a ~Te sonpocb1 K>KaLJ..teMy.

(§ 43)

1. ..................... ............. .......... in London?

He was. (He was in London.)
2. .. .......................................... at home?
She is. (She is at home.)
Ted can. (Ted can come.)
Ann could. (Ann could read.)
5. .................................................... a computer?
David has. (David has got a computer.)
6. .................................................... to ski?
My friend does. (My friend likes to ski.)
7. ......................................................... in a hospital?
His grandfather does.
(His grandfather works in a hospital.)
8. ......................................... to the United States?
He did. (He went to the United States.)
9. ........................................................ him the book?
She did. (She gave him the book.)
10. - ....................................... many Christmas cards?
They did.
(They sent a lot of Christmas cards.)

43 • .Qonll1Wll1Te «XBOCT111K» pa3Aenlt1TenbHOro BO-

(§ 41)

1. He won't come on Saturday, ................................ ?

2. She won't watch TV, ............................................... ?
3. We shan't speak to Kate's brother, ................. ?
4. I shan't write the test, .......................................... ?
5. He will do exercises, ............................................... ?
6. We shall celebrate this holiday, ......................... ?
7. They will wash up, ................................................... ?
8. Your teacher will give you the books, ............. .
.............................. ...... ?.

9. They usually celebrate this holiday, ................... .
10. They didn't celebrate the holiday last year,
........................................... ?

44. 3aAa~Te eonpocb1 K nOAJle)f(aw.eMy.

(§ 43)

1. at noon?
They will. (They will come at noon.)
2. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... . there on Thursday?
We shall. (We shall go there on Thursday.)
3. ....................................... a hamster?
He has. (He has got a hamster.)
4. .. ..................................... a new house?
They have. (They have got a new house.)
5. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . in London last year?
She was. (She was in London last year.)
6. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. in Moscow in 1999?
They were. (They were in Moscow in 1999.)
7. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. .. .... to the swimming pool
in the evening?
Tom does.
(Tom goes to the swimming pool in the evening.)
8. ....................................... English?
They do. (They speak English.)
9. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. . in the kitchen?
Ann is. (Ann is in the kitchen.)
10. - ....................................... at school?
They are. (They are at school.)

45. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHytO PY4KY 1t1cnpaBbTe
owt116Kt11. noA4epKHYTble cnosa OCTaBbTe 6e3
lt13MeHeHlt1 ~.
(§ 17, § 28, § 34, § 38, § 43)
f'.... JT\,.._ _/ "-- JT'..- _/""\,__ JT'._ _/ ' - __Ff\.__ _/""\,__ _../j\._ _/ ' - ./f'.- / "-- _../j\._ _/

1. W 10 fha J__h~~J_Q__md ta l'!lo_f,ro~~l_-~-----+----·----+-. -.. . .---1

2. W 10 have 8ngl1sh ion Th ~ rsc ay?/
--·-·---1·-·-·--··--· ·- -···-··-·1-···-- -··- ·--·-···-·-··1-····-·-··-·-· ···-·--·--·-r·--·-·-·--· ·---·-· · ··· -·r--------- · ·

3. w 10 were ~t t le ?tac iun1l le: st Morda'?

J l i l i ' ~

4.1In RUssic S ~ nd 3Y JS ~ eventh day c•f t h e

I i
= -.J.':. ,; ;~~~J-:~=--~~. -... --·····.-~~~-~ -- ~'.~: :~= : ~~~.!.:-:-.~~ --:· ~-~J1.:.~-· · · · ·------·····i-----···-1
~ ! l l l
....... .. . ·· ···· ···· ·~ · · ·· ···· . ········

5.\ W 10 ~re hung_r:~? ; __,y__~ la!::~~---J________J_____

6.I W 10 60 to bch ---r--· I
)OI I in the i eveni~g?
~ -- ~-----~
- ·-··· -···--- ----r··-- --··- -----~----

7. rt sortiet mes s1noV11: in odtober. I 1

8. This harr ster · · ~-~ fu .nn~~ 1 ~~ l~ ·nir~~- , i i~ -~~J

i !
pe: shop l
I I I : I
9. W '\er~
a1 e you usu al!''
--··--- -- -·-·----- -----·--· ·-··-·
gp on lfhursda¥7
·-·-··-·-·· ·-·-·-·-·-·t-·-·--··--···· - ··----·:-··---- ··-·· ·- ·--·-- ·t-·--·--·-·-·

10. Is snk u ;uallv 11e~t ~er itriendsi th =re1



46. BcTaBbTe apTV1Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. Does ......... Ann's teacher speak .......... English

. ......... c1ass.?
2. Do you do ........ shopping before ........ classes?
3. .......... pupils in our school don't wear
4. I have got .......... eight exercise-books.
Yesterday I bought ......... new exercise-book.
.... .. ... . exercise-book is nice.
5. There are ......... many different museums in
6. Shall we meet after ......... classes?
7. Shall we go to ......... forest at ......... end of
......... week?
8. Shall we go to .......... United States in ........ .
9. Shall I make ......... cake for ......... dinner?
10. Do you speak ........ English after ....... classes?

47. Aal:1Te KpaTKlill:1 OTBeT Ha sonpocb1 K no.n.-

ne>KaL.UeMy. 06paT111Te BH1t1MaH111e Ha rnaron.
noA4epKH111Te ero.
(§ 44)

1. Who wears a brown uniform?

My friends ............................. ...... .
2. - Who is writing a test now?
- Those pupils ...... ......................... .
3. Who has five lessons today? - We ............... .
4. Who was busy yesterday? - They ...... .. .. ... .. .. . .
5. Who lives in London? - Mr Black ................ .
6. - Who lives in Pskov?
- The Gromovs .............................. .
7. Who speaks English? - We ............................... .
8. Who is speaking English?
My cousins ................. ................. .
9. Who has got many exercise-books?
The boys ..................................... .
10. - Who wants to go to the museum?
I ..................................................... .

48. BcTaBbTe cnosa s CK06Kax B HY>KHO!ll

(§ 5)

David is older than Mike. (old)

David IS the oldest boy in the class. (old)

1. Winter .................................... season of the year.

2. Autumn ............................................. summer. (cold)
3. Autumn .............................................. winter. (warm)
4. Summer .............................................. season of the
year. (warm)
5. Spring ........ ................... ....... ... season of the year.

6. Autumn season of the year.
7. My dog .. ...... .. .. ... .. .. .......... .. .. .. ....... ... your dog. (old)
8. Autumn leaves ............................. summer leaves.
9. This parrot ................................... bird i:n the pet
shop. (beautiful)
10. This .................................. house in the city. (old)

49. YnoTpe6lt1Te nOJJ.4epKHYTble cyll\eCTBlt1Tenb-

Hb1e 8 cpopMe MHO}f{eCTBeHHOrO 4lt1Cna. He 3a-
6yAbTe nplt1 3TOM BHeCTlt1 He06XOAlt1Mble lt13Me-
(§ 1, § 9, § 17, § 22)

1. Is the sportsman showing her a photo?

2. This city is not large. ............................................. .

3. That story was not interesting.

4. There is a Zoo here. 3,n;ech ecTb 11Ba 3oorrapKa.

5. There is a wolf in this cage.

6. There is a potato in that basket.

7. My sister has got a nice toy.

8. David's uncle is a policeman.

9. This businessman's wife works here.

10. His son wants to be an economist.

50. Bo3bMV1Te KpacHyl-0 py4KY 1r1 1r1cnpaBbTe

ow1116K111. no.n.4epKHYTb1e cnosa OCTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 1, § 12, § 17, § 23, § 31, § 34, § 38)
L 1- +·- . . .L i .. L . ....... L.. .. . . c ..... L .... . .

~_!+~~~-t_~d~-l~ejJ u.~. ua~_~th ir !P~

: I classes? ! : : ! I 1 ! I I
~-~-rw~1~t_i~t~,_L_~~~-t=t BJ'P-~<>- ?_-t---___
i 3.tJ?-9 y~u fpea~~lis in _ th~ c ass?
i-~+w~a_qi_s_+~_e ~~~ !no~Lf-...,.....i
i 5. , I ~isited ) ml:iny\differbnt mlise in --+-___.____-+----!

[~.[~~:e[l:J~-,;]~t~b~tiJ_~ ~ryll
' I this boo~. i i i I I 1
t -- ·--+----+..--- 1-----T---- ----r--·
:··· ··-- ···-f- ···--··········· 1 --- 1·- ..

! 7.1Frbnkf~Jkothert antj t bk p

i -r !
8. I Thlerei is i many snbw I in wimte
f i 1 j ! 1


r-~~i~~r.~--~~~4~-~-FJ=r -l-+~--
:10.! It 11sn1't snow
1 • I ;
1 A nil. 1 : :

: ...........l------
L I ..-- L· __
,i _ _ __ _!,_
• ___
.. -".. -
__,,..-'-..-.. ·-·'-·-·--~--.....,...----
1________L _J_ _______L _
J ---···----··-1


51. BcTaBbTe apT~Kn~.

(§ 17)

1. When do you come ... .. ..... home from

2. There is .......... desk in .......... classroom.
3. There is .......... exercise-book in .......... bag.
4. Do you have ..... .... History on ...... .... Monday?
5. ..... .... . Spot is ... .... ... funny.
6. .. .. .. .... Spot is .... .. ... . funny dog.
7. ......... . Jerry is .......... little.
8. .......... Jerry is .......... little boy.
9. .......... Sam's little sisters are ......... nice.
10 ........... Alan's little sisters are ........ nice girls.

52. Han~w~Te no o6pa3U.Y, ynoTpe6~B cnoso

(§ 11, § 22, § 45)

He doesn't wear a uniform at school.

He never wears a uniform at school.
1. Kate doesn't get up at 7 o'clock .
............................................ at 7 o'clock.
2. Bob doesn't go to school on Saturday .
............................................ to school on Saturday.
3. My uncle doesn't go to the Zoo .
....... ..................................... to the Zoo.
4. My mother doesn't write letters.
.................. ................................. letters.
5. My aunt doesn't eat sweets.
6. Babies don't drink coffee.
7. My friends don't celebrate Halloween.
................................................... Halloween.
8. They don't play computer games.
computer games.
9. We don't buy sausage.
.................. ................................. sausage.
10. The children don't bring toys to school.
.... ............................................... toys to school.

53. HanviwviTe no 06pa3u.y.

(§ 11, § 45)

There isn't any milk in the cup.

There is no milk in the cup.
There aren't any books on the table.
There are no books on the table.
I don't see anything. - I see nothing.
I didn't meet anybody. - I met nobody.

1. There aren't any apples in the basket.

....................................................... in the basket.
2. There aren't any desks in the classroom.
....................................................... in the classroom.

3. There isn't any apple juice in the fridge .
..................................................... juice in the fridge.
4. There aren't any chairs in the kitchen.
................................................... in the kitchen.
5. There isn't any meat in the fridge.
................................................... in the fridge.
6. They didn't read anything.

7. She doesn't teach anybody.

8. You won't meet anybody there.

................................................... there.
9. We don't put anything in the basket.
................................................... in the basket.
10. They don't ask anybody.

54 . .QonV1W~Te «XBOCTV1K» pa3Aefl~TeJlbHOro BO-

(§ 41)

1. They often meet her at the museum, ............... .

........................................... ?
2. They never meet her at school, .......................... ?
3. They have got a new pet, ..................................... ?
4. They never eat chocolate, ...................................... ?
5. She usually speaks English in class, ................ ?
6. She never speaks Russian in class, ................... ?
7. The pupils never wear uniforms at school,
........................................... ?

8. The pupils sometimes wear uniforms at school,
................................................... ?
9. It often rains here, ...................................................?
10. It never rains here, .................................................. ?

55. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHyl-0 py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe

(§ 11, § 17, § 41)
; I

·- 1- ---t- -
hoime fr


56. BcTaBbTe apT111K1n1.

(§ 17)

1. We are having ....... Music lesson.

2. We had .... .... Art lesson yesterday. lesson
was interesting.
3. We have got .............. five lessons on .............. .
4. There are ........... lot of ........... desks in .......... .
5. There is ......... nice picture in ........ classroom.
6. Who is at ......... blackboard?
7. Put ...... ....... bag on .......... .. floor under ........... .
Mike's desk.
8. .......... weather is fine today.
9. I read .......... lot.
10 ........... Tom's sister likes .......... Alice's dog.

57 . .Qon 111w111Te «XBOCTll1 K» pa3AeJ1111TeJlbHOrO BO-

n poca.
(§ 41)

1. It is cold, ...................................................................... ?
2. It is a nice cat, ......................................................... ?
3. There is a cat in the box, .................................... ?
4. There ls a book on the desk, .............................. ?
5. There ls a blackboard there, ................................ ?
6. There is an exercise-book on the table, ........... .
........................................... ?.
7. It is your exercise-book, ......................................... ?
8. The soup is in the fridge, .................................... ?
9. There is
some soup in the fridge, .................... ?
10. The ball is under the table, ................................. ?

58. Aon111w111Te «XBOCTlllK» pa3,D,e11111Te11bHoro so-

(§ 41)

1. They are pupils, ......................................................... ?

2. There are pupils in the classroom, .................... ?
3. They are in the kitchen, ........................................ ?
4. There are four chairs in the kitchen, ............. ?
5. There are a lot of pens in the box, ................ ?
6. There are three pictures on the wall, ............. ?
7. The pictures are on the wall, .............................. ?
8. The children are at home, .................................... ?
9. There are a lot of children at the stadium,
10. The pupils are reading, .......................................... ?

59 . .Qonl-'!Wl-'!Te «XBOCTlllK» pa3Aefll-1TellbHOro BO-

(§ 11, § 41)

1. They never go shopping, ........................................ ?

2. She never speaks English, ..................................... ?
3. She doesn't know anything about Art, ............. .
........................................... ?
4. She knows nothing about Maths, ....................... ?
5. You never go to school on Saturday, .............. ?
6. He said nothing, ........................................................ ?
7. He will see nothing interesting there, .............. .
... " ..................................... ' ..?
8. She meets nobody there, ........................................ ?
9. They brought nothing to you, ............................. ?
10. She bought nothing yesterday, ............................ ?

60. B03bM1t1Te KpacHyl-0 py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe

(§ 11, § 41)

s i t t .h
[,.__ e__ _ . ._~' --*- !

..............L.....___. ............................-..-.................... ..,. ......_._. ........,

·····························) ·········· ········!

8. obpdy dild n'


61. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. By .... ... way, we shall have ....... five lessons

on ....... Monday.
2. Let's go to ....... sports ground and play ...... .
3. That's ....... good idea.
4. What's ....... matter?
5. What's ....... problem?
6. We have got ....... new teacher. ....... teacher's
name is Mr Brown.
7. ....... Browns have got ....... nice house.
house is not in ....... London.
8. I met ....... funny little boy yesterday .
boy said: "I can't play ....... football. Let's
play ....... hide-and-seek."
9. In summer ....... Mike lived in ....... country.
He saw ....... big tree there. tree was
very old.
10. We bought ....... armchair ....... last Thursday .
.. ..... armchair is comfortable.

62. 3a.aa~Te cneu,111anbHb1e sonpocb1.
(§ 42)

Next Tuesday.
(They will come next Tuesday.)
- To the swimming pool.
(They will go to the swimming pool.)
A dog. (They have got a dog.)
Two. (Tom bought two toys last Friday.)
They have. (They have got a nice house.)
They will give him toys because he likes
to play.
Green. (His bike is green.)
She will buy a lot of juice.
Last Friday. (He played chess last Friday.)
10. -
At school.
(She meets her friends at school.)

63 • .aon1.1w1.1Te «XBOCTll1K» pa3,ae11111TellbHOro BO-
(§ 41)

1. You will go there tomorrow, ............................... ?

2. He can't help you, .................................................... ?
3. It often rains in October, ...................................... ?
4. It is raining, ............................................................... ?
5. The weather is fine, ................................................. ?
6. It never snows in September, .............................. ?
7. There is a lot of snow there, ............................. ?
8. There isn't much snow, .......................................... ?
9. The snowmen are funny, ........................................ ?
10. There are three big snowmen in the park, .... .

64. Aon1.1w111Te «XBOCTll1K» pa3,ae11111Te11bHOro so-

(§ 41)

1. I am not your teacher, ........................................... ?

2. I am your friend, ...................................................... ?
3. I am ill, ......................................................................... ?
4. I am on holiday, ......................................................... ?
5. I am at home, ............................................................ ?
6. You are happy, ........................................................... ?
7. They are busy, ............................................................ ?
8. I am late, ...................................................................... ?
9. I come late, .................................................................. ?
10. She comes late, ........................................................... ?
65. 803bMl/1Te KpacHytO PY4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe
(§ 11, § 17, § 41)

! I
1. box 1

2. i ?
' i
3. ate ~t t?
1. •
4. are !ate a e you?
j l i l !

5. Yo _ are ~lw ys lat~, am l!l_ ~ ~

· I r · · i 1

. ' I ' ' ' I
8. Sh _c~n_J?!.~ _J e_seri_@!scl_c;:_a__:~--- ~~~~ - -- ~---- - ,
9. Th t s ~_g_
9_g _i_<:l~L~~~J
i '
_t_~~Lj ___( _~
I ' ; '

L~ -T~~~ , l~-tl ~~:e ~~rrenj -t~~~ ~ r~~J~?- 1


66. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. He can speak ....... English.

2. He is singing. Do you know ...... . song?

3. I can sing well. I like ....... English and ...... .
Russian songs.
4. At ....... age of four David could read
and write.
5. There was apple in .. .. ... bag. Where is
....... apple?
6. There was .. .. .. . pen on .... .. . desk. Where IS
....... pen?
7. There is ...... . long ruler on ... .... teacher's
table. That is ....... longest ruler we have.
8. There is ....... cup on ....... table. Shall I wash
....... cup?
9. There are ...... . carpets on floor. Do you
like ....... carpets?
10. There is .... ... picture on wall. I drew
.. ..... picture yesterday.

67. Yn0Tpe6111Te yKa3aHHble cyw,ecTs111Te.nbHb1e

B cpopMe MHO}l(eCTBeHHOro 41'1CJla.
(§ 1)

1. He likes his ................. (toy).

2. The .............. (child) are singing their favourite
............ .. (song).
3. There are four .... ............... (photo) in the bag.
4. How many ........................... (potato) are there in
the bag?
5. How many new .................. .... (zoo) are there In
these .. ... .. .... ... .......... .. (country)?
6. Are ............. (wolf) cleverer than ............... (fox)?
7. There are two ................... (woman) in the car.
8. Do you clean your ........................ (tooth) in the
9. His ....................... (brother) are ............................... .
10. Do you like to read ................... (comedy)?

68. Han111w111Te COOTBeTCTBYK>IJ..\llle MeCTOlllMeH1115L

(§ 7)

The boys are reading the texts.

The boys are reading them.
1. Mrs Page is telling Ann a story.
Mrs Page is telling .. .. ..... ...... .... ........ .... ... . a story.
2. The Adams met their friends on Saturday.
The Adams met .. ...... .... ....... .. .... ...... . on Saturday.
3. We can learn the words tomorrow.
We can learn .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... ...... ... ...... ... .. .. . tomorrow.
4. We shall have a test next week.
We shall have ....................................... next week.
5. My mother never takes my sister and me to
her office.
My mother never takes ........ ..... ........ ... .. ... . to her
6. Can you see Tom?
Can you see ...................................... ?
7. You can go with Kate and me.
You can go with ............................. .
8. I don't know her friends.
I don't know ..................................... .
9. I know his sister.
I know ................................................. .
10. She teaches her son.
She teaches ........................................ .

69. Han1i1w1i1Te npae1i1JlbHb1&'.1 sap1i1aHT.

(§§ 2-3, § 7, § 9)

1. Where ............... (is/ are) the children?

...................... (It is/ They are) in the garden.
2. Where ............... (is/ are) the people?
. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . (It is / They are) in the bus.
3. Where ............... (is/ are) the money?
...................... (It is/ They are) on the table.
4. Don't give him any books to read. He never
gives ............... (it/ them) back.
5. Don't give him any money. He never gives
............... (it/ them) back.
6. My sandwiches ............... (is/ are) in the bag,
you may take .................. (it/ them).
7. My money ............... (is/ are) in the bag, you
may take .................. (it/ them).
8. I'm afraid we can't buy the toy. We don't
have ... .. .. ..... .. .... (many / much) money.
9. .................. (This/ These) work ............... (is/ are)
very interesting.
10. - Did you take ............... (that/ those) money?
- No, I didn't. I didn't need ............... (it/

70. Bo3bMll1Te KpacHyK> py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe
(§ 2, § 7, § 9, § 17)



- i-- -

10 !~l---+--'-----1---+-e· r verty
J.,---.- .._.. _ L _..- .......L ...- - ..--'....-·-....- .-~'"····
.- ·· - - - . .. __ _, - - - .... ~~-~l--.,,.-.-''..-
L..---- ·J-..-•·..- ...-<....._,_,...- ..i......_ .. _ · ····•..l .. _ ._._,.r "'' - ..- ·


71. BcTaBbTe apT1111<1u1.

(§ 17)

1. There is ....... bird in ....... tree. Can you see

....... bird?
2. There are ....... birds in ....... tree. Can you
see ....... birds?
3. There is ....... new museum in ....... street. I
visited ....... muse um .. ..... last Sunday.
4. By ....... way, did you go to ....... school at
. ?
....... age o f ....... six.
5. I have ........ English ....... five times ....... week.
6. ........... Mr Porter's son goes to ........... London
twice ...... .... year.
7. Porters go to ....... United States once
8. Mike and ....... Ted's ....... brother goes to
Hyde Park once ....... week.
9. Kate's little sister has milk five
times ....... day.
10. ....... Mrs Green's children go to ....... Natural
History Museum once ....... month.

12. BcTaBbTe many 111n111 much.

(§ 12)

1. Are there ............ . people there? Do they need

............... food?
2. Are there ............... pupils in the classroom?
Have they got ............... work to do?
3. Has the farmer got ............... cows? Do they
give ............... m1"lk?•
4. We haven't got ............... time.
5. How ..... ....... ... times a week do you go to the
swimming pool?
6. We haven't got ............... money.
7. Are there . ... ... ... ... .. flowers in the garden?
8. There aren't ............... people in the shop.
9. Have we got ............. .. apples?
10. Have we got ............... work to do?

73. Han"1W"1Te cooTBeTCTBYtOW."1e MeCT0"1MeH"1~.

(§ 7)

Mrs Green likes bananas.

She likes them.
1. Mr Baker is reading this letter.
. read"1ng ................ .
......... ...... 1s
2. Mrs Taylor wrote the letters .
............... wrote ................ .
3. The Browns brought those nice flowers .
............... brought ................ .
4. My aunt came with her little son .
............... came with ................ .
5. My uncle went there with his daughter ..
. .............. went there with ................ .

6. The Porters will go there with ToM and me.
.... ... .... .... will go there with ............... .
7. The letter is from my friends .
............... is from ............... .
8. The letters are from my grandmother .
............... are from ............... .
9. My sister and I like Jerry's poems .
............... like ............... .
10. My sister doesn't like Mathematics .
............... doesn't like ............... .

74. PacKpo~Te cKo6Kvi.

(§ 17 ../ 9 )

1. We have English ................... (e,i,f,v) times a

.................... (e,e,k,w).
2. We have examinations .................... (e,Q,c,n) a
.................... (a,e,y,r).
3. We have tests .................... (o,w,.t) times a
.................... (a,y ,d).
4. She has Maths ..................... (o,u,f,r) times a
.................... (e,e,k, w).
5. We go to the Zoo ... ...... ...... (e,o,c,n) a
6. My Granny makes cakes ............... (i,~,x) times
a .................... (e,e,k,w).
7. I visit my grandparents .................... (e,e,h,r,.t)
times a .................... (o,h,m,n, t).
8. They go to the museum ..................... (e,i,n,n)
times a .................... (e,y,a,r).

9. They have English .............. (e,i,c,_t,w) a ............ .
(e,e, w ,k).
10. I go to the theatre .............. (c,_t,e,i,w) a ........... .
( o, t,n,h,m).

75. B03bMll1Te KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe

(§§ 2-3, § 7' § 12, § 17)

. I
ntsl fol!Jr im

t==l -'~~e> -=~ttJ:=:::l-r=::::l=±=:~-:::-;:L=t·= ~·


76. BcTaBbTe apT111K11111.

(§ 17)

1. When .... .... .. ... Ted's grandmother was ............ .

schoolgirl she had ............. doll. ............. doll
looked like .. ....... .. . . reaP baby.
2. .. .. ... .. . Mrs Hill has got ... ..... . son. He is ...... ..
3. ............. Hills have got ............. two sons. They
are ........... pupils.
4. That is ............ most difficult word in .......... ..
5. .. ................ second dictation was more difficult
than .. .. ...... . first one.
6. Let's sing .......... fourth song. - That's ........ ..
good idea.
7. There are .............. lot of .............. books about
........... Hyde Park.
8. Is ......... Hyde Park ......... most beautiful park
in ........... London?
9. My uncle has ............. meat for ............. dinner
twice ............. week.
10. .. .... .. .. Ann's mother does ... .. .... . shopping three
times ........... month.

real - HaCTOHID;HH

77. Han1i1w1i1Te socKn"1 uaTenbHbte>KeH"15'.
(§ 17 .13.6)

what a clever dog!

what short trousers!
1. easy poem!
2. difficult work!
3. funny desk!
4. nice clothes!
5. good meal!
6. bad food!
7. little mice!
8. great news!
9. sweet cake!
10 .............................. tasty bread!

78. BcTaBbTe cnosa "13 paM04K&11 1 •

(§ 6)

bad badly beautiful beautifully

good well happy happily
quick quickly slow · slowly

1. I don't like to play chess with Bill. He plays

2. Bill is a .......... ...... .. ............... .... ...... ... . chess player.

3. Ted can run ................................................. .

He Bee cJioBa Ha paMO~KH cJie~yeT yrroTpe6HTh.


4. He is a ........................................ ........ runner.
5. You speak .................................................................... .
6. He is ................................. because he has a five.
7. My dog jumps ..................... when I come home.
8. The Greens are a very .............................. family.
9. Mary is a ............................................................. girl.
10. She dances .............................. ............ .. ......... .... ..... ..... .

79. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1VI sap111aHT.

(§ 6 v" 1- 2)

1. The house is ............................... (nice/ nicely).

2. The house looks .. ................ ..... .......... (nice / nicely).
3. She cooks ........................... (nice/ nicely).
4. She is a .......................... (nice/ nicely) cook.
5. She is always ................................ (happy/ happily).
6. She is singing .............................. (happy/ happily).
7. She looks so .... ... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . (happy / happily)
8. Your room looks so ......................... (comfortable/
9. He speaks English very .................... (good/ well).
10. His English is ....................... (good/ well).

so. Bo3bMVITe KpacHyl-0 py4KY 111 vicnpaBbTe
(§ 1, § 6 .( 1-2, § 17)

. + is th~
....... : .... . . . or~
2. i ·le·· · sorl
ev nth+-····
...................+ ....................;....................... ······ . . .. . . .ficJ1t
. · =t· di --+
th n . he si~th les~on.
vbu haJ~-- he
---'-+- - ----..,-·-··- - -:-- - ----··;----·-
'go d ~im atj W nd$or
- · - - f - - - .- .._

_$~faril Par~~/ , i '

4. on : a Ji_Q~__
_! ! m t_ m_y frie: ds in!d_
in~ite~ t er1 tot m~ b rthbav pa!rty. •
!)~ l:l~ _llV_h,__W:E!J s~ 1 J1 _krit J di tat)Qri_ nelct
Iw ek.I I
' I

. .. .?'. · ·-~~~-~.... Jg~·· · . . .... l_i~~......!. ..E9~... . . .............. .. ... ......../

8: T~ose! shoesf lo k ric ~nd
9. Ev1eryone locj>ke att hi was
I I !
dancirng ic~. 1


81. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. What is ........ ... weather like today?

It's fine. ........... sky is blue, ........... sun is
2. Would you like .......... glass of ........... milk or
........... cup of ........... tea?
3. ........... milk is good for ........... babies.
4. ........... milk is bad.
Where did you buy it?
5. - I like ........... soup. Who cooked it?
- My sister did. She usually cooks
soup for us.
6. I never eat ........... soup. I don't like it.
7. .. ......... ice cream is bad for ........... teeth.
8. Don't show ........... ice cream to ........... little
Tom. He mustn't eat it today.
9. .... ....... monkeys like ........... fruit.
They don't eat ........... birds and .......... .
10. ........... Maths is ........... most difficult subject
for ........... Mr Porter's children.

82. Han1.1w1.1Te npasvinbHbll-1 sap1.1aHT.
(§§ 2-3)

1. Bad children ......................... (don't/ doesn't) make

parents happy.
2. Bad news ................ (don't/ doesn't) make people
3. Was it ......... (a/ an/-) easy work to do?
4. Jack couldn't help us. He didn't give us
.................. (much/ many) money.
5. Did Tom give you ............................ (much/ many)
6. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . (Her eye is / Her eyes are)
7. ... ...... ............. ........... (Her hair is / Her hairs are)
black, ................... (it is/ they are) beautiful.
8. There is ................ (hair/ a hair) on your jacket.
9. The money .............. (is/ are) in the desk, but
you must not take . ....................... (it/ them).
10. You can't see ....................... (much/ many) people

83. BcTaBbTe There 1s 1.1n1.1 There are.

(§ 33)

1. a kitchen and two bathrooms

in their house.
2. ......................... two bathrooms and a kitchen
in their house.

3. bread in the fridge.
4. sandwiches1 in the fridge.
5. cheese on the table.
6. cheese sandwiches on the table.
7. nice flowers on the desk.
8. a nice picture in the book.
9. money on the table.
10 ......................... . people in the house.

84. Aon111w111Te «xsocT"1K» pa3.ae11111Te11bHoro so-

(§ 41)

1. There is nothing interesting in the box,

........................................ ?
2. It's rather difficult to make bread, ................ ?
3. It was rather difficult to make the cake,
4. There was a cake on the table, ...........................?
5. I am your aunt, ......................................................... ?
6. She didn't invite her friends, .............................. ?
7. She never invited her friends, ...... ...................... ?
8. They had a test last week, ................................... ?
9. The Jacksons have got a nice country house,
...... .. .................................. ?.
10. The Jacksons had a good time, .......................... ?

sandwich - 6yTep6po,zi;
85. Bo3bM"1Te KpacHytO py4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe
ow1116K111. noA4epKHYTOe cnoso ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§§ 2-3, § 17, § 41)

I i I ! _ i I
6. us
eat nnan · frlu1t. i --. . · ·-t---·--· ---·--
--t-----t--~·-·-+---·-r· 1
·-·- ·- --·-
rig t, bm~'t OC? i I I
i i i
re is sonite r/noriey ii n the

9. Th re is I sotne l hoheyf cbke

· --- ~-1--1-··r-~---! 1

. . --
ta le, \ isri't therte?
r . r··· ·r ·- ·r·-·
·1· -·-· · · t· !
... . . .
lsole ronlylin

honey - Me,n;

86. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. Robinsons visited ....... different museums

in ......... United States.
2. I usually have .. .. .. ...... porridge for ........... .
3. . .... .... porridge is hot!
4. By ......... way, let's have ......... birthday party
on ......... Saturday. - That's ......... good idea.
5. What's ............. time? - It's 5 o'clock.
6. What's .............. weather like today? - It is
not raining, but ........... sun is not bright.
7. We sing .......... different English songs.
8. I liked ........ songs you sang at ........ lesson.
I think we shall learn ......... same songs.
9. We learnt ............... same subjects .............. last
10 .......... last lesson was very interesting.

87. BcTaBbTe hard 1111n1 hardly.

(§6 v'3)

1. I could ... ....... .......... believe my eyes.

2. He worked .................... yesterday.
3. He .................... said a word.
4. If you want to be a student you must work

5. My brother can play basketball well.

He practises 1 •••••••••••••••••• • ••• • • • •
6. He is a bad chess player, he ............................... .
7. Do you want to be a skater? Then you must
work .................... .
8. I can .................... see the number.
9. It was so noisy. We could .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. hear
10. You are working

88. 3a.Qa~Te o6~"1e sonpocb1 "1 .Qa~Te KpaTK"1~

(§§ 38-39)

1. there a sofa and four chairs

in the room?
Yes, ................................. .
2. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ... .. ... . there four chairs and a
sofa in the room?
Yes, ................................. .
3. ............................. the carpet beautiful?
Yes, ................................ ..
4. ............................. the curtains new?
No, .................................. .

1 prac t'ise - TpeHttpoBaThC.H

5. there a flower on the
table an hour ago?
- Yes, ................................. .
6. - ............................. there many children there
last Sunday?
- No, .................................. .
7. - ............................. there many people at the
back door two hours ago?
- Yes, ................................. .
8. - ............................. you got the keys to the
- No, .................................. .
9. - ............................. you have a bike when
you were three?
- Yes, ................................. .
10. - ............................. she have Nature Study
last year?
- Yes, ................................. .

89. 3aAall1Te sonpocb1 K nOA4€pKHYTbl M cno-

(§ 33, § 42)

What IS there lll the basket?

There is an apple
lll the basket.

What is there in the box?

There are a lot of toys in the box.

1. ........................ ............................ in the bedroom?
There is a sofa in the bedroom.
2. .............................................. in the living-room?
There is a piano in the living-room.
There is a chair in the hall.
There is a car behind the house.
There are a lot of trees in front of the
There are a lot of shops in this street.
There are a lot of pens in her bag.
They went to the South last summer.
They often visit their grandmother.
10. -
She is doing exercises.

90. B03bM ~Te KpacHyK) PY4 KY ~ ltlcnpaBbTe
OW"'16K~. no.Q4epKHYTble CJlOBa OCTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 1, § 6, § 8 , §§ 22-23 , § 33, § 38, § 41, § 43)

uncle hab a lotj Had 't

l !
f· . . ..... . .. . ·-- -i --··· J_
! 5. J _W~er isl he w~rk. - i I have
I 6. I It Iis a l~r t~ble arld
id-die f ihe rodm. 1
···················· ··-··-·········-+··········-·-······ ·····- ·············-········-········ ·-····-·········-:.,:_ ----···- ···-·; ··-·-- ·-·-····---···-·····- ·-t···-···-····-·····Ti..-·--·-··-····

l 7.1w 0
8. w 0 n ~he ddor?

! I · i ' ' i ·
110. I we t tb t e lcin m o bay
t -----r
··-· · · -·-··· · -----·-:··----·· ·- ·-·--·- r-··-·-· ----·-r--·-·-1----------- ago.
-----·1·---- ---·--r------

i ~ I ~aw a i ne A;merican f lm1 T~e ilm:

l-- w~sn'
L- __ ____. -L___J___ __J____./-- _ _ _L-.._L.
v+ry ~e!I. I J--- I_______I !
J ____ _,--'---~- -·-- _J_v-


91. BcTaBbTe apTV1KJH1.

(§ 17)

1. Do you usually cook ......... food outdoors?

2. Where is ........... Nick's pet? - It's in .......... .
3. There is ......... large kitchen in ......... house.
4. When did you wash ... ... .. . floor?
5. .... ...... Browns have ... .. .. .. small house in ....... ..
6. What ......... small house!
7. What ....... .. large kitchen!
8. What ........ . beautiful flowers!
9. What cold day!
10. What funny jeans!

92. npo4VITat1Te npeAJlO>KeHVls:I. HanVIWVITe co-

OTBeTCTBYl-Oll.\"1e npeAJlO>KeH"1s:I B 6yAyLUeM spe-
(§ 28)

He is happy.
I think he will be happy.
1. She is at school.
I . think she ............................................ .
2. He is tired.
I think he ................................ ............. .
3. They are ready.
I think they ...........................................
4. It is dark.
I think it ............................................... .
5. She is fine.
I think she ............................................ .
6. I am in London.
I think I ................................................ .
7. It is funny.
I think it .............. ................................. .
8. They are hungry.
I think they .......................................... .
9. She is ill.
I think she ............................................ .
10. They are at home.
I think they .......................................... .

93. npo4VtTa~Te npeAnO>KeHVtfl. HanVIWVITe co-

OTBeTCTByKHl~Vte npeAnO>KeHVtfl B 6y.ay~eM spe-
(§ 28, § 33)
i There Is a museum there.
I am sure there Will be a museum
1. There Is a park there.
I am sure .................... .............................. there.
2. There is a new picture on the wall.
I am sure ................................ .. ........... on the wall.
3. There is a new house in this street.
I am sure in this
4. There are a lot of apples in our garden this
I am sure .. ....................................................... in our
garden this year.
5. There are two bathrooms in the house.
I am sure ....................................................................... .
in the house.
6. There is a bus stop near our school.
I am sure .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .... .. ........ .. .. ... near
our school.
7. There is a party at the club.
I am sure ............................................. at the club.
8. There is somebody in the office.
I am sure .............................. ......................................... .
in the office.
9. There are a lot of people in the shop.
I am sure ....................................................................... .
in the shop.
10. There are a lot of children in the bus.
I am sure ....................................................................... .
in the bus.

94. 3aAaillTe anbTepHaTlt1BHbte aonpocb1.

(§ 33, § 40)

1. There will be four rooms in the house. (five)

................................................................. in the house?

2. There will be a picture on the wall. (a map)
................. ............... ..................... ............. . on the wall?
3. The sitting-room will be at the back of the
house. (at the front)
............................................. ........................ at the back
............................... ....... of the house?
4. We'll have a piano in the living-room. (in
the bedroom)
................................................. in the living-room or
........................................... ?
5. They will go to the South. (stay at home)
............................................................ to the South or
................................................... ?
6. There will be three bedrooms upstairs. (two)
........................................................................... upstairs?
7. There will be a table near the window.
(a desk)
near the
8. He will be an economist. (engineer)

9. .She will be ten next month. (eleven)

.. .. .. ................... .... ....... .. ..... .. .. ....... ... .. .. .... .. next month?
10. There will be ten children at the party.
........................................... .... .. .. .... .......... at the party?

95. B03bM"'1Te KpacHytO py4KY ,,,., "'1cnpasbTe
(§ 6, § 17, § 28, § 33)


96. BcTaBbTe apT111K.n111.

(§ 17)

1. Did .......... Sam's brother come by .......... car?

2. .......... Mike and .......... Ted's mother went to
.......... Hyde Park by .......... car.
3. Why is .............. front door locked? - I lost
........... key on ........... way home.
4. There is ......... little bathroom in .......... house.
5. There are ........ large bedrooms in ........ house.
6. It is .......... largest house in .......... street.
7. We go to ........ ....... country four times ........... .
8. What .......... comfortable house!
9. What .......... comfortable beds!
10. What .......... bad weather!

97. Han111w111Te, KTO 4TO C06&.1paeTCs:t CAe.naTb.

(§ 29)

buy cook get up have invite

play put on read walk "Nash work

He is going to wash up.

1. He ........................................................ a new bag.
2. She ................................................. ...... her aunt.
3. We ....................................................... in the park.

4. I ...................................... ;................. "Harry Porter".
5. The boys .............................................. at 6 o'clock.
6. My uncle ................................................... . tomorrow.
7. I .............................................................. my raincoat.
8. My friend and I .......................................................... .
9. Granny ..................................................... fish.
10. We ............................................................. a party.

98. Han111w111Te no 06pa3uy.

(§ 29)

(play/ do)
Are you going to play chess?
I am not going to play chess.
I am going to do my homework.
1. (play/ read)
................. she ............................. tennis?
- She ................................................ tennis.
She ............................................... a book.
2. (buy/ take)
... ......... .... . you ........ ... .. ....... ........ the book?
- I .................................................... the book.
I .................................................... it from the
3. (walk/ take)
they .................................................?
They ....................................................................... .
They ...................................................... a bus.
4. (work/ have)
he .................................................... ?
- He ........................................................................ .
He .............................................................. lunch.
5. (cook/ make)
................. she ......................................... fish?
She ............................................................ fish.
She ..................................................... sandwiches.

99. 3aAaVITe a11bTepHaT111BHb1e sonpocb1.

(§ 40)

1. He went to the museum two days ago.

(to the Zoo)
...... ..... .............. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. .. two days ago?
2. She can ski. (skate) .................................................... ..
3. They are writing. (reading)

4. They have got five lessons on Monday. (six)

.................................................................... on Monday?
5. He has got a bike. (a car) ..................................... ..
6. He had lunch at school. (at home)

7. There are two bookshops near his house.

..... .. .. .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .... ........ ......... .. .... .. near his house?
8. She is going to buy honey. (jam)

9. She speaks English well. (badly)

10. They bought a dog. (cat)

100. B03bMvtTe KpacHyt-0 py4KY vt vtcnpasbTe

(§ 17, § 28, § 29, § 33, § 38, § 42)

I !
ho,u se ndt f r i
-t--- ---1


i:·-----·-····-· od y ·-··-······--·
3 . ···-----··-···r·····-····-······ ~av· ··
u ..·r--- i
••••t •- ••••••n•••••-•••

4. Wlhen th~y
•• "'!" .........;···
..................... _ •• ............ . . . . .l

8. It \is
; !
9. Next yeair i nea
hob I.
:10. t , ........................_______________.. .._.Jwill
N..........!,....................... te~. ..····-·

[=-- :~c~~J _ _ ___. __ J_ __/ ______J_.____ __L __ _

··-········-···---~·-···· + ············ ·········i····- ··-·······................._......•., ...................................__,_____,


101. BcTaBbTe apT1t1K11111.

(§ 17)

1. We shall go to .......... country. - Have

good time!
2. By ............... way, we have got little
. .
country house. ............... house is nice. It's
.............. nice comfortable house.
3. You can buy ......... food for your pets in this
4. Let's take .......... food out of .......... car.
5. Who closed ..... ..... back door?
6. We went to .............. Windsor Safari Park on
..... ..... hot summer day.
7. What .......... easy poem!
8. What ........... comfortable rooms!
9. What .......... wonderful weather!
10. What .......... wonderful day!

102. Han111w111Te npas11111bHblVt sap111aHT.

(§§ 2-3, § 10, § 12, § 17, § 33)

1. ......... . .. ................. (There is / There are)

(many/ much) chairs in the room.
2. ... .. ......... ....... ........ (There is / There are) ................. .
(many/ much) furniture in the room.
3. The pupils can wear .......................... (some/ any)
clothes they like.
4. There ............... (is/ are) much fruit salad in
the fridge.
5. How many chairs .. ....... ................ (are / there are /
are there) in the kitchen?
6. What furniture ...................... (is there/ are there)
in your room?
7. What ........................... (is/ is there) next to your
school? - ......................... (It is/ There is) a park
· near our school.
8. - Where ........... (is/ are) his clothes?
................... (It is/ They are) in the wardrobe.
9. When is the ................ (better/ best) time to do
......................... (shopping/ the shopping)?
10. ................................. (It will be/ There will be) a
stadium behind our house.

103. BcTaBbTe shall I will L111n1 am I are I

is going to.
(§§ 28-29)

1. Who wants to clean the blackboard?

I ...... ........................... do it.
2. Why do you have a duster1 in your hand?
I .................................... clean the blackboard.
3. Why do you need the box?
I ....................................... put my things there.
4. Mary ...................... be at the party. - I didn't
know that. Then I ................................... go too.

duster - Tp.arrKa
5. The Johnsons usually go to the seaside in
summer. But this summer they .............................. .
visit their friends in Berlin.
6. - Peter is ill. He is in hospital.
- What bad news! I .... ....... .. ... ......... .. . visit him
7. - Why are you wearing your old trousers?
- I ........................................ work in the garden,
I don't want to put on my new trousers.
8. Why is Jack late? - Don't worry. I'm sure
he ............................. come.
9. Do you want to go to the library with me?
I ........................ .......... go there after classes.
10. I think I ......................... go to the library after
classes. I am not sure.

104 . .Qon111w111Te «XBOCTll1 K» pa3_ae11111Te11 bHoro

(§ 41)

1. There isn't any food at home, ............................ ?

2. There is nothing interesting there, ................... ?
3. The milk isn't in the glass, ................................. ?
4. There is some milk in the glass, ....................... ?
5. Mrs Hill's son had a flat in London, .............. .
....... ...... ....................... ?.
6. There is no garden behind our house,
................................... ?
7. You keep your things in this box, ................... ?
8. You like your new flat, ......................................... ?

9. You don't like meat, ................................................?
10. You never eat sweets, ..............................................?

105. Bo3bM111Te KpacHy~ py4KY 111 111cnpasbTe

(§ 2, § 10, § 17, §§ 28-29, § 33, § 43)
; :

' .-~--1---+-~+---+----ji---+---+~~--+-~-+---+-__._. ~·
1 I . : : : :
i 4. I a,m sur d in f he I evenin!g. ~ 1
i i i i I I i j ! '

5. T ~re ~re j m ny fur itu e ih t~e Turnersj


h J~~--:- --- -- -~- .----- --- ---r _r-T--~[J] '

i 6. 1- Gra ny is going to le~n ~he : wi~doW. :

1--~- ~-b~Clb'~- -!~~ri__ r__~ ---t'd~L~ --~~!eJti_~.'"~J

! 4-=- rh~t__ re__ OU _J)O ng t~jdo_p~~t -~_rl_~(ly_?:

:- ~Y jfrie d has in ited e tl h i~ - 9jrth,d ay'
him ~

1 :party. jSo II'll bu a pr$se1t fpr : :

l-8.-- whb-ciici·· - -~~ - ~-i-b ·-· ·h~ ---~-~~ $~·- ~~ ··~~~1---- -
r-- - --r··· ·- ---;----- 1 ·----- · · ---+---, ------ ·,··- --- :·-··-· ··-····-:··· · ·· -·-----:
-····- ---+--··----- - ··-· --

\_~~- 1The[~ lis_ ~~- sta __.da d ~amLl~~~I tc:>._J~-~---J


106. BcTaBbTe apT1i1Kn1i1.

(§ 17)

1. Is there .... ... kitchen in ... .... Porters' country

2. There is no ..... ... . dining-room in ........ . Ted's
3. Is there ....... chair in ....... kitchen?
4. I have got .......... comfortable bedroom.
bedroom is small.
5. There is ........ sofa in ........ kitchen.
6. What colour is ........ sofa in ........ kitchen?
7. What ........ comfortable sofa!
8. By ........ way, that is ........ most comfortable
sofa we have.
9. - Let's do .... ... shopping on way home.
- That's ....... good idea.
10. We can't go to ....... History Museum by ...... .
car. That's ....... pity.

101. BcTaBbTe There is 1i111111 It 1s.

(§ 33)

1. ...................... fish in the fridge.

2. ...................... a pity you couldn't buy fish.
3. ... ................... 8 o'clock.
4. ...................... nobody in the classroom.
5. difficult to learn the words.
6. a difficult word in this text.
7. something nice in this box.
8. nice to see you again.
9. a lot of snow in the forest.
10. snowing now.

108. 3aAai1Te o6w.if1e sonpocb1.

(§ 28, § 38)

1. There will be a new house near our school.

.. ... .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ....... .. ...... .. a new house near our
2. He will be late for the lesson.
............................................... late for the lesson?
3. They will be students.
4. There will be three pictures there.
............................................... three pictures there?
5. There will be two bus stops in this street.
.... ....... .. ............ .. .. .... two bus stops in this street?
6. They will be happy to see him.
....... .. .... ....... ....... .. .... .............. happy to see him?
7. They will be in London next week .
............................................... in London next week?
8. There will be a new park in this town.
....................................... a new park in this town?
9. There were two tables in her kitchen.
....... ...................................................... in her kitchen?

10. They were busy.

109. Han111w111Te p,pyrot1 sap111aHT 0Tp111uaTenb-

Horo npep,no>KeHlll5L
(§ 11, § 45)

1. He didn't know anybody there .

........................................................... there.
2. She doesn't know anything about music.
........................................................... about music.
3. There isn't anybody in the classroom .
........................................................... in the
4. There isn't anything in the bag.
in the bag.
5. We don't write anything.

6. There isn't any tea in the cup .

........................................................... in the cup.
7. There won't be any books on the desk.
.. ............. .......... ............. ............ ......... on the desk.
8. There wasn't any money in the bag .
........................................................... in the bag.
9. There isn't any cheese in the fridge.
.. ................... .............. .. ...................... in the fridge.
10. There aren't any toys in the box .
........................................................... in the box.

110. 803bMll1Te KpaCHYKl PY4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
ow1116K111. noA4epKHyToe cnoao ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 3, § 11, § 17, § 28, § 33, § 45)

! : I ~ 1 : : : :

f-14ThFre l is la ~r~fha :r i t1e 1vini -r orri.

i··-- __ ,_Ib~- -~ ~-rn.~lkb9.!f-- !~ r~f.b~- --~q.rnJj· .

I 2.Thf ret ar l


' ' i
i ~ h


l_ _sof~~- .9-r~tJ!!tle~ !_____L J_ ____J__
i ! I I i I i ! i
The re ! is lth d cdr i ~ f nt l of the h
····-·i·······-·····-····t··-··-·····-·-;····-····-···-1-·---·- -·-r·--·····-- ···-----;····-·--·-- ·--·--:--·-·-······

~J~~_!?_ r~shµ1d ~hi2t_f I.J~!1C t t da :

j_ S. J_Ih~re Us l col ~ td>da :. u!J9'l_ yo_Y!._ j ck~t.

~-~Jt_~~ --P-- '-trg_~ _t>tQ~~b_~___ n~(lr__in~ -- ... . -----t ____

· grCi:)nd ar~nt~' hpuse.
i I I I I ! !
7. Will I ije he ~e ~ ne w his !
1 ?I I l 1 ! i
town. I I i
>--·-l--·-··--·l--·----1----·--1---···- -1----·--1----r-·-··--· ----r---·- - i-----· ---·---~-----
1 i 11

s. They lworh't . ev' r I 0 here


I10.1 He willl ~ap~y to det thi~ p eseht.

[~f -I~{J~JJ~~=I~- T]~=r~:_·-~-[;


111. BcTa s b Te a pT"1 KJn.1.

(§ 17)

1. .. ......... house is small.

2. It is ........... small house.
3. ............. Nick and ........ ..... Ted's bedroom is on
............ first floor.
4. It is ............ largest room in ............ house.
5. There is .......... carpet on .......... floor in front
of ........... fire place.
6. What ........... lovely child!
7. What ........... lovely children!
8. What ........... lovely hair!
9. What ........... lovely chair!
10. What ........... lovely weather!

112. YnoTpe6"1Te yKa3aHHb1e cyw.ecTB&11TellbHb1e

B cpopMe MHO>KeCTBeHHOro 4"1CJ1a.
(§ 1)

1. ................. ..... (monkey) live in hot ......................... .

2. There are twelve .................. (month) in a year.
3. There will be a lot of ............... .... ....... (fireman)
4. ...................... (koala) live in ................ ... (tree) and
eat ................... (leaf).
5. ...................... (mouse) have very sharp 1 ..•..............

6. These ....... ......... (child) can sit on the
7. These ................ (dog) have little ...................... .
8. These .............................. (woman) can make nice
........................ (dress).
9. The ...................................... (sportsman) don't eat
...................... (potato).
10. Those ............................... (farmer) have got a lot
of ................. (cow) and ..................... (sheep).

113. Han111w111Te npas111nbHb1C1 sap111aHT.

(§ 6)

1. That sounds ................. (good/ well).

2. It rains .................. (hard/ hardly).
3. He went back ..................... (quick/ quickly).
4. She spoke very .................. (slow/ slowly).
5. You are so .......... .... ..... (slow / slowly) today!
6. You don't look very .................... (happy/ happily)
7. "I'll go to London next month," she said ......
............................. (happy/ happily).
8. That sounds .................... (bad/ badly).

sharp - OCTpbIH
9. I am sure you will find my house .................... .
(easy/ easily).
10. It is ................................ (easy/ easily) to find my

114. Han1,.1w1,.1Te npas1,.1nbHbl~ sap1,.1aHT.

(§ 2, § 6, § 12, § 17 I § 22, § 23, § 33)

1. The Taylors' house was ........................................... .

(comfortable/ comfortably).
2. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. (There is / There are) .... ................. .
(many/ much) fruit trees behind the house.
3. .... .... ... .... ... .... (There is / There are) .... ................. .
(many/ much) fruit in the basket.
4. We have got .. .......... (a / the / -) new armchair
in ............ (a/ the/-) living-room.
5. What ........... (a/ the/-) comfortable armchair!
6. The floor is rather dirty, you must clean it
................... (hard/ hardly).
7. The floor is dirty, you .... ............ .. .... (hard /
hardly) cleaned it.
8. She had beautiful blue ............ ........ (eye/ eyes)
and brown ...................... (hair/ hairs).
9. In some schools children ......................... (wear/
are wearing) uniforms, but in my brother's
school they ...................... (don't/ aren't).
10. The boys in his class ................................ (wear/
are wearing) uniforms today, but Tom ............. ..
(doesn't/ isn't).

115. B03bMVITe KpacHyK> PY4KY vi vicnpaBbTe
0Wlt16KVI. no.Q4epKHYTOe cnoso ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§§ 1-2, § 6, § 17, § 33, § 34)

t- .l ·-+-

i i i
i- i No slile
;! Ii '
! !
7. I He1 to k :a uidk. ;

m lfor l m ? I I
·--··--[---·--·-·T---·-·· ------t--·--·- ·--- --·--··-1
I !. ii 1!


116. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. There is .......... old f urniture in .. .. .. .. .. hall.

2. I like .......... furniture in .. ........ kitchen.
3. - There is .. .. ... .. . new shop near our house.
- Can we buy .......... furniture in .......... new
4. There is .......... sofa in .......... corner of ......... .
5. We've got .. ... .... desk in ... .... .. corner of
6. There is .......... carpet on .......... floor in
middle of .......... living-room.
7. Was there ....... . ....... .. large mirror in
8. We can have .......... breakfast outdoors.
- Look at .......... sky! It's grey. Let's have
.......... breakfast in .......... kitchen.
9. I'm in ......... hurry. Let's go to ........ .
museum by .. ........ car.
10. What .......... nice weather we are having!

117. BcTaBbTe cnosa s CK06Kax B HY>KHOt1

(§ 5)

1. What is ...................... (quick) way to get to the

Main Road?
2. Which 1s ...................... (interesting): the book
or the film?
3. It is ...................... (interesting) to know that
there is a famous dog show in London every
4. The National Gallery is one of ..................... .
(interesting) art galleries in the world.
5. Which is ........ .... .. ... ... (good) way to get to the
British Museum?
6. Which is ............ (old) square in London?
7. Which is ................ (old): the National Gallery
or the British Muse um?
8. Harrods is one of ............ (big) shops in London.
9. - Is London as ............ (big) as Moscow?
- I think it's ............ (big).
10. He is ...................... (funny) boy I know.

118. Yn0Tpe6111Te nOA4epKHYTbte cyuteCTBt11Tenb-

Hb1e B cpopMe MHO>KeCTBeHHOro 4111CJla. He 3a-
6y.ll,bTe np111 3TOM BHeCTll1 He06XO,D.111Mble 1113Me-
(§ 1, § 9' § 22)

1. The boy is going to visit that city.

2. The businessman often goes to this town.

3. The pupil wants to see this square.

4. What is the main question?

5. There will be an art gallery here.

6. This church is very old.

7. That road was very bad.

8. This text is about that theatre.

9. This country is famous for its traditions.

10. Is there any cinema here?

119. Han111w~Te, 4TO npo1113ow110 ABa .O.HH Ha-

(§ 24)

be call do go join
meet see speak spend visit

1. We ........................ five hours out of town.

2. Mr Smith .... ................................ his old friend in
Red Square
3. My parents ................... ........... the shopping.
4. My friend and I ...... .............. ....... to the cinema.
5. We ................................... a new film.
6. Boris .................. ............. to Mr Adams.
7. Lena .................. .............. in church.
8. The children ... ...................................... the History
9. Mr Green ..................................... his doctor.
10. Tom ................................... the Chess Club.

120. Bo3bMl!1Te KpacHytO py4KY 111 lltcnpasbTe

(§ 1, § 5, § 6, § 17, § 43)

l _l~.t-1 1~-<;~VL.) .~...~!J~~t ~b_~J>~g_ ·;~J~ .lDi·· · ·- ~

I th ·arid. ' : _ : I I
- - + - - + - - - + -- - -i --
I ,
I ,
i ;
·-+··· · ·-·· ~···- · · ·-·l
•····· ······-···•-······- ·-..


121. BcTaBbTe apT111Krn1.

(§ 17)

1. .......... Room 40 is on .......... fourth floor.

2. Is .......... Room 53 on .......... fifth floor?
3. ... ... .. .. Lesson 20 IS easy, .. .... .. .. Lesson 21 Is
4. .. ........ Lesson 19 Is .......... more difficult than
.......... Lesson 15.
5. .. ... . ... . Lesson 3 is .. ... ..... most difficult lesson
in .......... book.
6. .... .. .. .. third lesson is .. .. .. ... . more interesting
than .. .. .. .. .. fourth.
7. ...... .. .. tenth lesson was .. .. .. .. .. most interesting
lesson we had.
8. By ......... way, I like .......... fifth song better
than .. ... .. . .. sixth song.
9. Will you please open your books at .......... .
page six.
10. There is ......... funny picture, ........ interesting
poem and ......... two nice songs at ......... page

122. YKa>K111Te, KaKoe speMfl HY>KHO yn0Tpe-
6111Tb. Past Indefinite 111n111 Present Perfect?
(§ 26)

1. OH HaBeCTHJI ,n;pyra B"t!epa.

2. B cy66oTy OH HaBecTHJI ,n;pyra.
3. OH HaBecTHJI ,n;pyra.
4. OH HaBeCTHJI ,n;pyra TPH ,ZJ;HH
5. OH HaBeCTHJI ,n;pyra.
6. .H "t!HTaJI 3TY KHHry B
npornJIOM ro,n;y.
7. f[ npO"tIHTaJI 3TY KHHry B
npornJIOM ro,n;y.
8. f[ "t!HTaJI 3TY KHHry.
9. f[ "t!HTaJI 3TY KHHry' Kor,n;a
10. .H rrpoqHTaJI 3TY KHHry.

123. Han111w111Te rnaron B Present Perfect.

(§ 25)

1. (wash) I ································· ············· ···························

2. (count) He ........................................................... ......... .
3. (clean) You .................................................................. .
4. (visit) She ............... .................................................... .
5. (lock) I .........................................................................
6. (open) It ..........................................................................
7. (play) We
8. (look) She ..................................................................... .
9. (close) They ................................................................... .
10. (help) I .......................................................................... .

124. Hanl-1Wl-1Te, 4TO Bbl 3TO y>Ke CAenanl-1.

(§ 25)

1. Will you help Boris, please?

But I ................................................ him.
2. Wash your hands!
But I ................................................ my hands.
3. Will you open the box, please?
But I ................................................ it.
4. Will you translate the text, please?
But I ................................................ it.
5. Will you count the money, please?
But I ................................................ it.
6. Will you clean your room, please?
But I ................................................ it.
7. Will you lock the doors, please?
But I ................................................ them.
8. Play this game!
But I ................................................ the game.
9. Will you cook dinner, please?
But I ................................................ dinner.
10. - Will you visit Tom, please?
But I ................................................ him.

125. Bo3bMlllTe KpacHytO PY4KY 111 111cnpasbTe
ow1116K111. no.o.4epKHyToe cnoso ocTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 2, § 17, §§ 25-26)

----+---+- +----r---·--;-·- ·- ·-r-·----;--- 1

- -._l_--··- ··---/-.i--r····-'-----···-· ~·


126. BcTaBbTe apT1t1Kn1t1.

(§ 17)

1. There is ....... large wardrobe in ....... bedroom.

2. There is .... ... armchair next to ....... window.
I like ....... armchair.
3. We have ....... dinner in kitchen.
4. ....... Mr Brown doesn't live in ....... country.
He lives in ....... town.
5. Is there ....... park next to ....... school?
6. Where is ....... letter? - It's on ....... desk.
7. Where are ....... clothes? - They are in ...... .
8. When is ....... best time to go to ....... Africa?
9. ....... winter is ....... coldest season of the year.
10. Ted is .. .. ... good runner. But he is not ...... .
best runner in our school.

127. YKa}f(1t1Te, KaKoe epeM51 HY}f(HO yn0Tpe-

61t1Tb. Past Indefinite 111n111 Present Perfect?
(§ 26)

1. Bbl KYIIHJIH cJioBapb B11epa?

2. Bbl KYIIHJIH cJioBapb?
3. Bbl yme KYIIHJIH cJioBapb?
4. Bbr KYIIHJIH cJioBapb ,z::t;Ba ,z::t;H.H
5. Bbl ern;e He KYIIHJIH cJIOBapb?
6. OH 6hIJI B JloH,n;oHe?
7. OH 6hIJI B JloH,n;oHe B
npOIIIJIOM Mec.a:u;e?
8. OH 6hIJI B JloH,n;oHe B 1995?
9. OH yme 6hIJI B JloH,n;oHe?
10. OH Kor,n;a-HH6y,n;h 6bIJI B

128. Han1-1w1-1Te rnaron s Present Perfect.

(§ 25)

1. (meet) They ................................................................. .

2. (buy) She ................................................................... .
3. (watch) He ..................................................................... .
4. (read) We .................................................................... .
5. (build) You .................................................................. .
6. (wash) It ....................................................................... .
7. (see) You .................................................................. .
8. (cook) She ................................................................... .
9. (be) We .................................................................... .
10. (help) He

129. 3aAaV1Te sonpocb1 s Present Perfect.

(§ 25)

1. (buy) you ..................... a red pen?

2. (listen) .............. he ................. .... .. to the song?
3. (see) .............. she . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. the film?
4. (read) .............. you . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. the text?
5. (wash) .............. he ......................... up?
6. (clean) .............. they ..................... the room?
7. (help) .............. you ....................... your sister?
8. (cook) .............. she ...... .. ................ lunch?
9. (build) .............. they ..................... a bridge?
10. (bring) .............. it ·························· a toy?

130. B03bMvtTe KpacHyl-0 PY4KY 111 111cnpaBbTe

OWVl6KVI. no.Q4€pKHYTble CJlOBa OCTaBbTe 6e3
(§ 17, §§ 25-26)

. ··· 1


I l_L
........~..._ _.........L·~---
- - l
. . _,_, , - ---
···--·~....-L.._..__./,,..~L..- ..·-·········


131. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. Do you live on ....... fifth floor?

2. Did he call ....... police?
3. What's ....... matter?
4. He lives at 33 ....... Apple Street.
5. There is ......... table and ......... four chairs in
......... kitchen.
6. There are ......... four chairs and ........ table in
7. It's such ....... lovely house.
8. She is such ....... lovely girl.
9. They are such ....... clever children.
10. Do you usually have ....... sandwiches for ..... ..

132. YKa>K111Te, KaKoe apeM51 HY>KHO yn0Tpe-

6&11Tb. Past Indefinite 111n 111 Present Perfect?
(§ 26)


2. .f.[ IIOCTPOHJI ,D;OMHK, Kor,n;a
3. .H HHKOr,n;a He CTpOHJI ,ll;OMHKH.
4. .H em;e He IlOCTpOHJI ,ll;OMHK.
5. Thr Kor,n;a-HH6y,n;h cTpOHJI 6aIIIHH? ·
6. MhI rrocTpOHJIH ,n;oMHK Bqepa.

7. .H em;e He BhIY1IHJI CJIOBa.
8. MbI He c,n;eJiaJIH ypoKH.
9. 0HH HHKOr,n;a He BH,ZJ;eJIH
10. B11epa OHH He BH~eJIH

133. Han1r1w1r1Te rnaron s Present Perfect 1r1

Past Indefinite.
(§§ 24-25)

Present Perfect Past Indefinite

1. (be) He .................... . He ............................. .
2. (buy) She ................... . She ............................ .
3. (do) They ................ . They .......................... .
4. (read) I ........................ . I ................................. .
5. (see) You .................. . You ........................... .
6. (wash) It ...................... . It ............................... .
7. (read) They ................ . They .......................... .
8. (write) She ..... .............. . She
9. (clean) We We
10. (come) He He

134. CKa>K1r1Te, 4TO 3Toro He 6b1no. Yn0Tpe-

61r1Te Present Perfect.
(§ 25)

1. (work) She ..... ................. ....... there.

2. (meet) I .................................. him.
3. (read) They .. ........... ..... . .. .... . the story.

4. (buy) We .... ..... ... ... ... ... ...... .. the game.
5. (live) She ............................. in London.
6. (bring) He .............................. the cassette.
7. (cook) You ...................... ...... bananas.
8. (wash) I ....................... ........... the floor.
9. (see) It .............................. .. the boy.
10. (open) I .................................. the window.

135. Bo3bM~Te KpacHy~ py4KY ~ ~cnpaBbTe

(§ 17, §§ 25-26)

+-J l : - ---i i -·1 -1 i:


-~4;_ ~~t~*;$1~~-=i~-1 ~ -t.

3. ! H
h s ~ e~ r -'tY-9sh . 1 -L-
4.[ [)lf--1'f>u !~v r dan~_ i tas~? __ ! !

f_~_J_ s ~~--~_i9_llit___ r~n_b1 atJ~___! --·~-_j~~-~i._ _

y: _
I ! I
I \ f ! I j ! \

~~-! ~ti!~~;~t~~~~~:~o~~ ~t~~+:-~t1--

!10 .i -::-- I I'Mgoing to L~nd _n ~or i ~h ist~ a S, .
W-= IHa~e igodd
Lr _L_._J_____J_ _ __
L_j_1____t ._.l___
! JimJ! l ! I
J _____ i... -·--L____ r - --~-L~-- -l-v------·


136. BcTaBbTe apTL11KJH1.

(§ 17 ..18)

1. ......... Hyde Park

2. ......... History Museum
3. ......... Red Square
4. ......... Park Avenue
5. ......... Bolshoi Theatre
6. .......... Big Ben
7. ......... Covent Garden
8. ......... Royal Opera House
9. ......... High Street
10 .......... Oxford Street

137. BcTaBbTe apT111K1n1.

(§ 17)

1. Are you going to call .......... police?

2. There are .. .. ...... . lot of ... ....... small towns in
.......... North of .......... Russia.
3. .. ....... Hyde Park is one of ......... biggest parks
in .......... London.
4 . Is it .......... main idea of .......... new film?
5. Is there .......... theatre in ..... ..... Green Street?
6. Where is .......... Royal Opera House?
I have ...... .... no idea.
7. ...... ... ... . Covent Garden is one of ........ .... . best
theatres in .......... world.
8. I was at " .......... Odeon" last year.
9. ............ British Muse um is one of ............. best
museums in . 't i"t?.
. ............ world , isn
10. Are you going to ............. cinema? - Yes, I
am. I'm in ........... hurry. .......... film starts at
3 o'clock.

138. 3aAa~Te sonpocb1, yn0Tpe6111s Present

Perfect 111 Past Indefinite.
(§§ 24-27)

1. (buy)
................. you ever ........................ a piano?
2. (buy)
When ............. you ........................ the piano?
3. (be)
················· you ever ·•••••1>••··············· to London?
4. (be)
When ············· you ........................ in London?
5. (speak)
................. you ever ........................ to a pilot?
6. (speak)
When ............. you ........................ to the pilot?
7. (see)
················· you ever ........................ the film?
8. (see)
When ............. you ························ the film?

9. (meet)
you ever Mr Carter?
10. (meet)
When ............. you him?

139. Han111w111Te npeAnO>t<eH111s:i B Present Per-

fect 111n111 Past Indefinite.
(§§ 24-27)

1. (already / see)
I ................................ the film.
2. (just/ see)
I ................................ the film.
3. (ever/ see)
.................. you ...................... . the film?
4. (when/ see)
.................. you ....................... . the film?
5. (see / in 2003)
.................. you ....................... . the film Ill 2003?
6. (never / see)
I ................................................ . the film.
7. (see/ yet?)
.................. you ....................... . the film ............. .
8. (when/ visit)
.................. he ........... ............... Pete?
9. (ever/ visit)
.................. he ......................... . Pete?
10. (just/ visit)
He ............................................. Pete.
140. B03bMlt1Te KpacHyta py4KY "1 "1CnpaBbTe
(§ 17, §§ 24-27)
f--··--· ··-·-·-·····+·-··-······-··-- ·-- ·-·+· ----· -·-·-··---1------ -- -+----· ·- +--- ----+:-·-·-+-..:::.-..._;
thJ ostl b au~iful
····-·········-··-·········-·-······- ··· ··-·-··-······-···l··-..···- ··········· ···-·--·····-~·--····-······-··-·

city i the I
l j
i 2. There are a
,- - -~;
! 3. in

4. +··-·-·······--·+ ·-·····-············l················-··L _.
·· · · --· r·-··-·

5. Ni~k I

6. --'-1----t---+--+--fi m ~-+I -- + - - - - i
7. I
····--·· -- r - ·-·····--·

8. ho$pit I.
9. They haJe


141. BcTaBbTe apTVIKJlVI.

(§ 17 .r 7-8)
1. Moskva river
2. Moscow
3. south of ....... Moscow
4. South America
5. south of ....... London
6. South Africa
7. Central Africa
8. South
9. North
10 ........ Pushkin Museum

142. BcTaBbTe apT~Kn~.

(§ 17)

1. Have you ever swum in .......... Moskva river?

2. I haven't been to .......... Pushkin Museum for
.......... ages.
3. He was in ............ South America ..... ....... last
4. She wants to go to South Africa
next October.
5. Have you been to ................ south of ............... .

6. He lives in .......... south of .......... Moscow.
7. This book is about .......... Central Africa.
8. You are going to .......... South, aren't you?
9. Have you ever been to .......... North?
10. .......... Sergiev Posad lies to .......... north of

143. HanVIWVITe npeAJlO)f(eHVl51 B COOTBeTCT-

BYl-OUJ.eM speMeHvi.
(§ 36)

1. It takes me twenty minutes to get to school.

Yesterday ..................................... forty minutes to
get there.
2. It takes us five minutes to wake him up.
Yesterday ........................................ twenty minutes
to do that.
3. It takes them ten minutes to get to the
swimming pool.
Last Sunday ......................................................... five
4. It usually takes you an hour to do your
I'm sure tomorrow ..................................................... .
two hours.
5. It takes me an hour to get to the theatre.
What about you?
How long ............................................ to get there?

6. It takes me three minutes to clean my teeth.
\Vhat about you?
How long ......... ...... ....... ................ .... .. .. ... ..... to clean
your teeth?
7. It took me two hours to do the exercise.
\Vhat about you?
How long .................................................... to do it?
8. I am sure it will take me a month to read
the book.
\Vhat about you?
How long .. ....... .. ... .. .. ... ....... ... ..... .. .......... .... to do it?
9. It takes me ten minutes to wash up.
\Vhat about you?
........................................................................................ or
more to wash up?
10. Last year it took me three hours to do my
\Vhat about you?
or more
to do your homework last year?

144. Han111w111Te npas111nbHbtll1 sap111aHT.

(§ 36)

1. It usually ............................ (takes/ will take/ took)

me twenty minutes to water the flowers.
2. I am sure it .................................... (takes/ will take/
took) you two minutes to find him there. It's
3. It ......................... (takes/ took/ has taken) me five
minutes to clean my room. I can go now.
4. On Saturday I cleaned my room. It .................. .
(takes/ took/ has taken) me three hours to do
5. My Granny and I cooked dinner yesterday. It
............................ ............... (doesn't take/ didn't take/
hasn't taken) us long to do it.
6. The text is not difficult. It .................................. .
(doesn't take/ won't take) you long to translate
7. This book is very interesting. The stories are
I like to translate them for my sister. It
(doesn't take/ won't take)
me long to do it.
8. .................... (Does/ Will/ Did) it usually take you
long to do your homework?
9. How long ........... (does / did / has) it take you to
do your homework yesterday?
10. How long ............... (does/ did/ has) it taken you
to learn English?

145. Bo3bMlllTe KpacHyK> pyl.IKY 111 111cnpaBbTe
(§ 1, § 17, § 36)
f·--'-1-- I - --+-- . -----+----- - J---- ---t---- -- +·- --l-·-··::::·- -•
1. I hav n'tj s en i Mo kv~ r ve~ y t. !

--1····-- ·-.. --:---- -----:-···· ---·· t --·----- --------·1· . ·-··········· -·-·······i······--

4 t eyj g
tQ t e ~o th IAfr ea i in
~-- ·-- i I
l__l__~1_y? i : ! !

[ 3.i L()~~~n ~~ ab~ry_ lar~e _ity.:_It _is ,on

L ! o!J_th$ _1~~,t ~itv _!_I!_! e ~orjd. : ,
! 4.1It us ally t ke Im t~n
inute tq g t !

! ! m se m. 1 1 i-t i f I ! I I
l§:i:J!f~ ~~T.~~G;J_~~!L.
! I ~1=-<!~~()f;ii~-f--..J.:
i i ! l : I ! :
i I ro · m las~ Yf:!ar.! J_ : . i I i
1 i

i7TI bm ~-Jill
; I ' I I
~akr-v~~ :c;---t~~r t -
I :I ' ' !
~ w~ite rhi~ e~erqise l : -~

' '.. - ; . . ... .... .;

/ 8. ,i It j do Isn't t f ke$ hl;m_Ion __!? !~~L n w J
, ,1 I d , I ; ; ! , :
i wor s. .i ... .1-- ---i ! I ! i I !

!.!.Q~rt!~ __i_~J_ rea c!4_1u_h ~~-.!.Q_Q~+-· ti ir::D--·· f~v~+---- -t-_j

t=t=P~=~=-t~~¥=~~==~~ ==~t~-=:~:=.l==b.·=1~,J

146. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17 ./7)

1. Scotland
2. Britain
3. South America
4. North America
5. Volga river
6. River Thames
7. Thames
8. centre of ....... London
9. pHMJIHHe ....... Romans
10. aHrJIHqaHe ....... English

147. BcTaBbTe apT111Kn111.

(§ 17)

1. Have you ever been to ......... South America?

2. Is ........ River Thames in ......... centre of ........
3. How many bridges are there over ............... .
4. ....... Romans wanted to build ....... bridge over
....... Thames.
5. Who built ........ first stone bridge over
Moskva River?
6. When did ........ Romans build .. ... ... first town
on ....... River Thames?
7. When did ....... Romans leave ....... Britain.
8. What is ....... Volga River famous for?
9. What city is ....... capital of ....... Scotland?
10 ........ English celebrate ....... Christmas on ...... .
2 5th of ....... December.

148. PacKpOHTe cK06K111.

(§§ 22-28)

1. Children usually . ..... ....... ... .... (begin) school on

the first of September.
2. Last year we ... .. .. .... ..... .. ... . (begin) school on the
second of September.
3. Tomorrow our lesson ............................. (begin) at
eight o'clock.
4. The children always .................. (wear) uniforms
when they are at school.
5. - I can't .................... (find) my sister.
- I ................... (try) to help you. What ............. .
she .................... (wear)?
6. I .................... (be) busy yesterday. I ................... .
(come) home late. I .................... (have) dinner
and .................... (do) my homework.
7. ............... (be) you busy now? What ................... .
you ............. (do)?
8. It .................... (be) 4 o'clock. Mike ................... .
(play) chess now. He always .................... (play)
chess at 4 o'clock.

9. Yesterday I .. ... . .. . ... ... .. ... (go) shopping with my
sister. Tomorrow I .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. (go) shopping
with Granny.
10. - I am sure he .................... (come) to school
.. .. .. ... .. .. . he ... .. ... ... ... .... . . (come) to Moscow?
Yes, he .................... .
When .............. he .................... (come)?
He .. .. . .. . .. . ... .. . ... (come) two days ago.

149. Han"1W"1Te npas"1nbHbl~ sap"1aHT.

(§§ 22-28)

1. We .......................... (wash/ washed/ have washed)

up already.
2. .............. (Do I Did I Have) you .................... (buy/
bought) a present for Granny yet?
3. When ............... (do/ did/ have) you ................... .
(buy/ bought) the present?
4. Jerry ...................................... (finishes/ finished /has
finished) school already.
5. Ted .......................... (doesn't finish/ didn't finish/
hasn't finished) school yet.
6. Peter .................................. (finishes/ is finishing/
finished/ has finished/ will finish) school next
7. Billy .............................. (finished/ has finished/
will finish) school in 2002.
8. He .................... (see/ saw/ has seen) the film
9. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . (Does / Did / Has) he ever
(see/ seen) the film?
10. When ... .............. (does I did/ has) he
(see/ saw I seen) the film?

150. Bo3bM1t1Te KpacHyl-0 py4KY 1i1 1i1cnpaBbTe

(§ 1, § 17, § 18, §§ 25-27, § 36)
j : ! i I - 1 ---- _ ___T_____I ---r------ ---t---
; 1. Washi gt' n lis · c~pit I of he l Un tedi

ri I~;~j=i;+~-~;f~-; =~~~~~~ i ~=;F


j' stkte§.

i of i th$ Moscpw sqtliar .

I l I

I I · ·

I :

~-~t:P~=-$_E!_+ki ~--$i~t_ ~tp_w 4~-: ~--~-- .- -j_-____ -

I el~ve
::· -------·-·t-- --1--· ------ ---th i or 1 t~e twe ve Ice tury?
--·······-r ···------- -t·· · -----j--------···r --- -·· --------·r··- ·- ·-········· : -------·····--··1· ·--·- · ---
-········-···········1 -·-·····--········

i 4. It ! do sn't tcike me uc trme I to clepn

i I i I i i

:-· ' I

i r9.oni I I ! · I : i
r~ir:;~~-- ~ll_~· cj_1cl~-~ t~~k -;;[_~~=~k~~ :!~b--= __
i' I hol!use?• 1
I I I! I


ApTHKJIH § 172 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25,

26, 30, 31, 35, 36, 40, 41, 45, 46 , 48, 50, 51,
55, 56, 61, 65, 66, 70, 71, 74-81, 85, 86, 90,
91, 95, 96, 100, 101, 105, 106, 110, 111,
115, 116, 120, 121, 125, 126, 130, 131, 135,
136, 137' 140-142, 145-14 7' 150
Borrpoch1 aJ1hTepHaTMBHh1e § 40 9, 94, 99
BonpochI K no,n;JJemaw;eMy § 43 42, 44, 45
0TBeThI Ha Borrpoc K no,n;Jiemaw;eMy § 44 4 9
BorrpochI o6:rn;He
§ 38 1, 7' 18' 2 0' 2 5' 3 3' 3 5' 8 7' 108
Borrpochl paaAeJJMTeJibHhle
9, 14, 23, 29, 30, 34, 35, 40, 43, 52,
§ 41
55, 57-60, 63-65, 84, 85, 104
BorrpocbI cne:u;HaJihHhie § 42 2, 37, 62, 88, 178
rJiaroJihI to rain M to snow § 34 1, 3, 4, 5, 19,
20, 25, 50, 52, 115
KoHcTpyKD;HH There is / There are § 33 1 7-20,
83, 88, 93-95, 103, 107, 110, 115
KpaTKMe OTBeThI § 39 1, 18, 33, 87

1 ll;:mpphl COOTBeTCTBYIOT HOMepaM yrrpamHeHHH B

CoopHHRe ynpaacuenHii.
3 .n;ech yKa3aHhI napar pacphI H3 KaHrH ,IJ;JUI po,u;HTe-
MecTOHMeH1:u1 JIH"t!Hhie § 7 68-70, 72
MecTOHMeHHSI yKaaaTeJihHhie
§9 15, 22, 48, 69, 70
Hape"t!HSI § 6 78, 79, 89, 95, 113
06opoT to be going to § 29 97, 98, 102, 105
Oco6eHHOCTH ynoTpe6JieHH.H CJIOB a lot of, many,
much § 12 19, 20, 73, 75
Oco6eHHOCTH yrroTpe6JieHH.H CJIOB never, no,
nothing, nobody § 11 53-55, 59, 60, 65, 109
0TpH:u;aTeJihHhie rrpe,n;JiomeHHSI
§ 45
13, 39, 40, 53, 54, 109
CHcTeMa BpeMeH § 20 148, 149
CTerreHH cpaBHeHHSI rrpMJiaraTeJihHhIX
§5 25, 27, 28, 47
Cym;ecTBHTeJihHhie, yrroTpe6JI.arom;nec.a TOJihKO B
e,n;HHCTBeHHOM "t!HCJie § 2 69, 70, 75, 82, 85
Cym;ecTBHTeJihHhie, yrroTpe6JI.HIOrn;neca TOJihKO BO
MHomecTBeHHOM "CIHCJie §3 69, 75, 82, 85
Cyrn;ecTBHTeJihHhie. MHojKeCTBeHHoe "t!HCJIO
§1 22, 25, 48, 50, 67' 80, 112
Cym;ecTBHTeJihHhie. IIpnTamaTeJihHhIH na,n;em
§4 12, 24
YrroTpe6JieHne CTPYKTYPhI it takes B;eM,
rrpome,n;meM H 6y,n;ym;eM BpeMeHn
§ 36
Future Indefinite By,n;ym;ee Heorrpe,n;eJieHHoe BpeM.a
§ 28 38, 39, 40, 45, 92, 93, 95, 102, 105,
108, 110

Past Indefinite Ilpome,n;mee Heorrpe,n;eJieHHoe BpeM.H
§ 24 4, 32-35, 37' 133, 138, 140
Past Indefinite MJili Present Perfect? §§ 26-27
122, 125, 127' 130, 132, 135, 138-140
Present Continuous HacTOH~ee npo,n;oJI:meHHoe
BpeM.H § 23 7, 10, 19
Present Indefinite HacTOH~ee Heorrpe,n;eJieHHOe
BpeMS .
§ 22 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 22, 48, 53
Present Perfect HacTO.HIJJ;ee coBepmeHHoe BpeM.H
§ 25 123-125, 128-130, 133-135, 138-140

Y11e6noe u3oanue
JiapamKoBa EJieHa AJieKcau,z:i:poBHa

rPAMMATVlKA AHrJlVllllCKoro 513blKA

c6opH111K ynpa>KHeH111ilt
4acTb I

K yqe6HHKY 11. H. Bepern;anrnoii 11 .np.


4 KJiacc

¥fanaTeJibCTBO «3K3AMEH»

fHrneHHt-IeCKHH cepTH<f>HKaT
.N2 POCC RU. AE5 l. H 16582 OT 08.04.2014 r.

1nasu1>1ii penaKTOp JI. J(. Jianno

PenaKTop JI. B. <PWlamoea
TexttHqecKuii pe.a.aKTop JI. B . lla6Jloea
KoppeKTOp H. A. KypmeeBa
,l1,H3aHH o6JIOil<KH A. JO. Ee.rmeea
KoMIIhIOTepttml sepcTKa T. H MeHbWOBa

107045, MocKBa, JlyKoB nep., .n. 8.
E-mail: rro o6lll,HM sonpocaM:;
no sonpocaM
Ten./<PaKC 641-00-30 (MHOroKaHaJibHbltt)

06lll,epoccHHCKHH KJiaccu<t>HKaTOp npo.nyKU.HH

OK 005-93, TOM 2; 953005 - KHl.ffH, 6pou.nopb1, JJHTepaTypa yqe6HaR

On1eqaTaHo B cooTseTCTBHH c npenocTaBJieHHhIMH MaTepml.llaMM

B OOO «11IlK IlapeTo-IlpHHT», r. Tsepb,

Ilo BonpocaM peaJIH33UHH o6pam:aTLCH no TeJJ.: 641-00-30 (MHOrOl~aHaJJLHLIH).

J13iJame!lbCm60 «3K3BMeH» nped!la2aem eaw.eMy BHUMaHu10
cJ1eoy10Ujue ytte6Ho-MemooutJec1(Ue .U30aHu>i U3 cepuu
«Ytte6110-MemoouttecKuii KOMn.neKm»:
I. rpaMMaTHKa anrJIHHCKOro H3b1Ka. Knura ,IJ.JIJI pO,ll.HTeJieH. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
11.H. Beperuarnttoii, T.A. IlpHTbIKHHOH «English II» I E.A. EapaIUKosa.
2. rpaMMaTHJ~a aurJIHHCKOTO Jl3h1Ka. Kuura ,IJ.JIH pOJlHTeJJeH. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
H.H. BepeIUarHHOH, T.A. IlpwTblKHHOH «English II. 2-H ro.n o6yqemum I E.A. EapalllKOBa.
3. rpaMMaTUKa aHrJIHHCKOro H3b1Ka. IIpoBepO'IHblC paoOTbl. 2 KJJacc: K yqe6HHKY
11.H. BepeIUarnHOH, T.A. IlpHTbIKHHOH «English II» I E.A. EapaIIIKOBa.
4. rpaMMaTHKa anrnnncKoro H3b1Ka. 1Ipoeepo11ub1e paoOTbl. 2 KJJacc: K yqe6HHKY
11.H. Beperuarnttoi1, T.A. IlpHTbIKHHOtt «English II. 2-11 ro.n 06yqeHID1» I E.A. EaparuKoBa.
5. rpaMMaTHKa anrnHHCKOro H3b1Ka. CoopHHK ynpa,,menuii. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
11.H. BepeIUanrnoi1, K.A. EoH,napeHKO, T.A. Ilp11ThIKHHOtt «English 11» I E.A. EapalllKOBa.
6. rpaMMaTHKa anrJIHHCKOro H3b1Ka. C6opHHK ynpaJKueuuii. 2 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
H.H. BepeIUarnHoH, T.A. Tip11TbIKHHOH «English II. 2-if ro.n o6yqeHttH» I E.A. EapalllKOBa.
7. rpaMMaTHKa anrJIHHCKOro H3b1Ka. Knura )J.JIH pOJJ.HTeJieii. 3 KJJacc: K yqe6HHKY
11.H. Beperuanrnoi1 H .np. «AHnrni1cKHif H3b1K: III KJJacc. 2-11 ro.n o6yqeHIDI» I E.A. Ea-
8. rpaMM3THK3 3HrJIHHCKOTO H3blK3. Knura )J.Jlff pOJJ.HTeJieH. 3 ruiacc: K yqe6HHKY
H.H. BeperuarnHoH 11 .up. «AHrm1i1cKHtt H3bIK: III KJiacc. 3-tt ro.n. o6yqemrn» I E.A. Ea-
9. rpaMMaTHKa anrnuiicKoro H3b1Ka. 1Ipoeepo11Hble pa60Tbl. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HttKy
11.H. BepeIUarnttoii, T.A. ITpHThlKHHoii «English III. 2-ii ro.n o6yqeHIDI» I E.A. EapaIUKOBa.
10. rpaMMaTHKa anrnulicKoro H3b1Ka. 1Ipooepo11Hble paOOTbl. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HWKY
11.H. Bepemarnttoii, T.A. IlpHThlKHHOH «English III. 3-11ro.n06yqeHID1» I E.A. EapawKoBa.
11. rpaMMaTnKa anrJIHHCKOro fflblKa. C6opHHK ynpa:11menuii. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HttKy
11.H. Beperuarnttoi1, T .A. TipttThIKHHOH «English III. 2-w ro.n o6yqemum. B 2 qacrnx:
qacTb 1 I E.A. EapaurnoBa.
I 2. rpaMMaTHKa aurnuiicKoro HlblKa. C6opHHK ynpm1meHHH. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
H.H. BepemarnHoi1, T .A. TipHTblKHHOH «English III. 2-if ro.n o6yqeHIDI». B 2 qacrnx:
qaCTb 2 I E.A. EapaIIIKOBa.
13. rpaMM3THKa aurnuiicKoro HlbJKa. C6opHHK ynpa:iKneuuii. 3 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
H.H. Bepemarnttow, T.A. I1pHThIKHHOH «English III. 3-w ro.n: o6yqeHIDI». B 2 qacrnx:
qacTb 1 I E.A. EaparnKoBa.
14. rpaMMaTHKa anrJIHHCKOro HlLIKa. C6opHHK ynpaJKueuuli. 3 KJJacc: K yLJe6Hl1KY
H.H. Bepern.arnttoH:, T.A. I1pHTbIKHHOH «English Ill. 3-H: ro.n o6yLJemum. B 2 qacrnx:
LfacTb 2 I E.A. EapanIKosa.
15. rpaMM3THKa aHrJIHHCKOro ff3bIKa. Kuura JI.JIB POJJ.HTeJieu. 4 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
H.H. BeperuarnHOH, O.B. AcpaHaCbeBOH «English IV» I E.A. EapalllKOBa.
16. rpaMMaTHKa anrnHHCKOro Sl3b1Ka. 1Ipooepo11ub1e pa60Tbl. 4 KJiacc: K yqe6HHKY
H..H. BepemarnHOH, O.B. Ac}>attacheBOH «English IV» I E.A. EapallIKOBa.
I 7. rpaMMaTHKa aurnuiicKOro fflbIKa. C6opHHK ynpa:IKHCHHH. 4 KJiacc: K yqe6ttl1KY
11.H. BepemarnHoH, O.B. Acl>attacbesoi1 «English IV. B 2 qacrnx»: qacTh 1 I
18. rpaMMaTHKa aHrnHHCKOro H3bIKa. CoopHHK ynpaJKueauii. 4 KJiacc: K yqe6ttHKY
H.H. Bepew.arnttoii, O.B. Acpattacbesoi1 «English IV. B 2 qacrnx»: qaCTb 2 I
E.A. EapaIUKOBa.
,lJ;aHHOe nocofai:e nOJIHOCTblO COOTBeTCTByeT <Pep;epaJibHOMy
rocyp;apCTBeHHOMy o6pa30BaTeJibHOMy CTaH,D;apTy (BTOporo noKOJiemUI)
,D;.illl HaqaJibHOH lliKOJibI.


K yqe6HHKY «AlffJIHHCKHH H3bIK: yqe6HHK ,D;.illl 4 KJiacca lliKOJI
c yr;zy6JieHHbIM M3yqeH:HeM aHrJIHMCKoro R3hIKa, JIHu;eea H rHMHa3HH /
H . H. Bepemanrna, 0. B . A<PaHacbeBa. - M. : TipocaemeHtte» cocTOMT . "
M3 qeTbipex KHttr:
• fpa.MMaTHKa aHrJIHHCKOl'O .R3bIKa. C6opH11K ynpIDKHemm. 'l laCTb 1
• I'paMMaTHKa aHTJIHHCKOro R3bl.Ka. C6opHHK ynpIDKHeHMH. lfaCTb 2
• I'paMMaTMKa aJ-IrJIMHCKoro H3hIKa. KHMra ,D;JIR pop;HTeJieif
• fpaMMa1'MKa aHrJIHHCKOro H3bIKa. TipoaepoqHbie pa60Tbl.
I1oco6MR npaKTH:qHhI, COBpeMeHHbl no cop;ep)KaHMIO M o<PopMJieHMIO.
yqEHHKH rroJiyqaT:
- 285 npOCTbIX ynpa)l(HeHHH no rpaMMaTMKe; Ha BbIIlOJIHem1e Ka)K,D;Oro
noTPe6yroTcR cqttTaHHhie MMHYThI, TaK KaK ffY)KHO 6yp;eT BnMcaTb TOJibKt
- cneu;ttaJibHO ,D;.illl HHX HailMCaHHbIH rpaMMaTttqeCKHM cnpaBOtIHMK,
- pa36op THil:HqHbIX OIIlH6oK;
- peKoMeH,D;au;ttM no pa6oTe c ~eThMH;
- KJllOl.JH KO BCeM ynpa)l(HeH:HHM.
- noJIHOCThIO roTOBhIH yqe6HbIH MaTepttaJI ,D;JIR ofrhHCHeHMR, OTPa6oTKH,
- no qeTb1pe aap:HaHTa npoaepoqHhIX pa6oT Ha ace ocHOBHbie
rpaMMaTHqeCK:He TeMbl.
~eJieHanpaBJieHHaH H C:HCTeMaTMqecKaH pa6oTa H~ rpaMMaTMKOH 3aMeTHO
noBJIMReT Ha Kat.JeCTBO ycrHoif M nMCbMeHHoif peq:H yqam,MXCR, a TaK)Ke
o6JierqMT ycaoeH:He acero R3hIKoaoro MaTepttaJia.
TipMKa3oM NQ 729 MMHMcrepcraa o6pa3oBaHMR M HaYKM Pocc:HifcKoif
<I>ep;epau;MM yqe6Hble noco6MR H3,D;aTeJibCTBa «3K3AMEH» p;onym.eHbl
K MCilOJib30BaHHIO B o6meo6pa30BaTeJibHbIX opraHH3au;MRx.

ISBN 978-5-377-0842 1- 1

9 78 5 377 084211

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