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I N G G R I S ( P PU)
The question 1-4 is based on the following passage.

The Congress of Vienna (1814-15), convened after Napoleon's defeat, sought to restore order to a
Europe disrupted by revolutionary and imperial France. Its members' objective was a constellation of
states and a balance of power that would ensure peace and stability after a quarter-century of revolution
and war. In addition to the delegates of many small states, the congress included representatives of five
large European states: Austria, Prussia, Russia, Britain, and France. After months of deliberations, the
congress established an international political order that was to endure for nearly 100 years and that
brought Europe a measure of peace.
The congress made no effort to restore the Holy Roman Empire and its 300-odd states. Instead, it
accepted the disappearance of many small states that had occurred since 1789 and created the German
Confederation. The confederation consisted of thirty-eight sovereign states and four free cities and
included the five large kingdoms of Austria, Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, and Wurttemberg. The
confederation met at a diet in Frankfurt, with an Austrian always serving as president.
Prince Clemens von Metternich, who directed Austria's foreign policy from 1809 until 1848, was
the dominant political figure within the confederation. He waged a decades-long campaign to prevent the
spread of revolution in Europe by seeking to restore much of the political and social order that had
existed before the French Revolution. Metternich's Carlsbad Decrees of 1819 established a pervasive
system of press censorship and regulation of the universities that dampened German intellectual life and
hindered the publication of writings advocating the principles of liberalism. In the 1820s, he engineered
the formation of the Holy Alliance of the monarchs of Austria, Prussia, and Russia to quash political,
social, and economic developments within Central and Eastern Europe thought to threaten political

1) The second paragraph is mainly concerned with…

A. The recovery of holy roman empire

B. Dissappearance of many Germanic small states since 1789
C. The five large kingdoms of Europe
D. The creation of German Confederation by the congress
E. The reign of Austrian leader in the confederation made by Vienna Congress

Pertanyaan diatas menanyakan tentang isi atau gagasan pokok paragraf kedua.
Jawaban dari soal ini dapat diambil di keterangan dalam kalimat “The congress made no effort to restore
the Holy Roman Empire...Instead, it accepted the disappearance of many small states... and created the
German Confederation. The confederation consisted of...” atau “Kongres (Vienna) tidak berusaha
mengembalikan Kekaisaran Romawi Suci ... Sebaliknya, ia menerima lenyapnya banyak negara kecil ...
dan menciptakan Konfederasi Jerman. Konfederasi (tersebut) terdiri dari ...”
Dari keterangan diatas dapat diketahui bahwasannya paragraf kedua berisi tentang bagaimana Kongress
Vienna tidak membangun kembali Kerajaan Romawi Suci melainkan membentuk Konfederasi Jerman,
sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

2) How is the last sentence of paragraph 1 related to paragraph 2?

A. It explains how the congress established an order that lead to German Confederation
B. It elaborates how the cogress help restore kingdoms and civilization in Europe
C. It shows what are the contents of the congress to be further explined with examples
D. It describes the history of the congress and when it begin to take effects
E. It depicts how the congress could bring peace to Europe for a century

Pertanyaan bertanya mengenai apa hubungan antara kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama dengan paragraf
Kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama adalah “After months of deliberations, the congress established an
international political order that was to endure for nearly 100 years and that brought Europe a measure
of peace.” Atau “Setelah berbulan-bulan musyawarah, kongres menetapkan tatanan politik internasional
yang akan bertahan selama hampir 100 tahun dan yang membawa Eropa menuju perdamaian.”
Sedangkan pada soal sebelumnya sudah diketahui bahwa paragraf kedua berisi tentang tentang
bagaimana Kongress Vienna tidak membangun kembali Kerajaan Romawi Suci melainkan membentuk
Konfederasi Jerman.
Dari sini dapat disimpulkan bahwasannya kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama berhubungan dengan
paragraf kedua dengan menjelaskan bagaimana Kongres Vienna menetapkan keteraturan dan kestabilan
yang mengarah ke Konfederasi Jerman, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah A

3) Why is the Prince Clemens von Metternich is an important figure as explained in the third
paragraph ?

A. He was a very strong political figure as the leader of Austria Kingdom

B. He is one of the leader that become a part of the Vienna congress
C. He signed several decrees and held campaigns all across Europe
D. He is a very dominant political figure that was respected throughout Europe
E. He directed several policies that lead towards Europe stability and peace

Pertanyaan ini menanyakan mengapa Pangeran Clemens von Metternich adalah tokoh penting seperti
yang dijelaskan dalam paragraf ketiga.
Dalam peragraf ketiga telah dijelaskan hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh Pangeran Metternich, diantaranya:
Mengatur kebijakan luar negeri Austria 1809-1848, Melakukan satu dekade kampanye di Eropa untuk
meredam revolusi, Meredam press dan universitas German untuk mencegah penyebaran prinsip
liberalisme, membentuk ligas suci dengan kerajaan lain untuk mempertahankan stabilitas Eropa.
Dari keterangan tersebutdapat disimpulkan bahwa Pangeran Metternich menjadi tokoh penting karena
membentuk berbagai kebijakan untuk menjaga kestabilan dan kedamaian Eropa.

4) The word Deliberation in the first paragraph could best be replaced by ?

A. Conjugation
B. Elimination
C. Determination
D. Unification
E. Consideration

Pertanyaan diatas menanyakan tentang kata yang paling tepat untuk menggantikan “deliberation” di
paragraf pertama (persamaan kata).
Deliberation dapat diartikan sebagai pertimbangan
Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, yakni conjugation (konjugasi), elimination (eliminasi), determination
(determinasi), unification (persatuan), consideration (perhitungan).
The question 5-8 is based on the following passage.

U.S. President Barack Obama said in a weekly address that he is encouraged by congressional
efforts and other endeavors to change the fact that while the U.S. is home to five percent of the world's
population, it has 25 percent of the world's prisoners. The president said, "Every year, we spend $80
billion to keep people locked up.
Obama said the "real reason" for the soaring prison population is over the last few decades, the
U.S. had "locked up more non-violent offenders than ever before, for longer than ever before." He said "in
too many cases, our criminal justice system is a pipeline from underfunded schools to overcrowded jails."
The president said he has taken steps to reverse that trend by investing in schools that at-risk youths
attend, signing a bill reducing the 100 to 1 sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine, and
commuting the sentence of dozens of people "sentenced under old drug laws we now recognize were
President Obama said he will travel around the country over the next few weeks "to highlight
some of the Americans who are doing their part to fix our criminal justice system." His itinerary will
include a visit to a community battling prescription drug and heroin abuse, and talks with law
enforcement leaders "determined to lower the crime rate and the incarceration rate." The president is
also scheduled to meet with former prisoners. Earlier this year, Obama became the first sitting U.S.
president to visit a federal prison, as part of his push for a fairer justice system and prison reform. He met
with both law enforcement officials and inmates at the El Reno prison in the central U.S. state of
Oklahoma. Obama said in his weekly address he was encouraged by the bipartisan effort in the Senate
earlier this month, resulting in an agreement on a criminal justice reform bill. The president said the bill
would reduce mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenders and reward prisoners with shorter
sentences, if they complete programs that make them less likely to commit a repeat offense.
The harsh sentences were handed down in an era when a "tough on crime" stance resulted in the
prison population surge. The mandatory minimums were joined by a law called "three strikes, you're out"
which mandated life sentences without parole for a third felony involving drugs. New Jersey Senator Cory
Booker said recently that the Senate bill is "a moment where, after decades of our country moving in the
wrong direction, after decades of seeing our federal prison population explode 800 percent, we have
gotten our criminal justice system - with this piece of legislation - moving this country forward."
"From the halls of Congress to the classrooms in our schools, we pledge allegiance to one nation
under God with liberty and justice for all," President Obama said Saturday. "Justice means that every child
deserves a chance to grow up safe and secure, without the threat of violence. Justice means that the
punishment should fit the crime. And justice means allowing our fellow Americans who have made
mistakes to pay their debt to society, and re-join their community as active, rehabilitated citizens."
Obama said "Justice has never been easy to achieve, but it's always been worth fighting for. And it's
something I'll keep fighting for as long as I serve as your president."

5) Where do you most likely to find this reading ?

A. Magazine
B. Newspaper
C. School books
D. Scholar articles
E. Bulletin Board

Soal tersebut bertanya mengenai dimana kira-kira bacaan diatas dapat ditemukan.
Apabila dicermati pola penulisan bacaan diatas banyak berisi liputan-liputan maupun perkataan dari
narasumber yang banyak dikutip, pola seperti ini menyerupai penulisan artikel berita.
Jadi dari penjelasan tersebut dapat diketahui bahwasannya bacaan diatas akan lebih mungkin ditemukan
pada media massa seperti koran (B)

6) What is the main problem that was addressed in the reading ?

A. Overloading cost for USA prisoner

B. Battling prescription drug and heroin abuse in USA
C. Crime rate and the incarceration rate that lead towers prison sentence in USA
D. President Obama struggle to combat high crime rate in the USA
E. Overpopulation of USA prison due to flaw in the justice system

Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan tentang apa permasalahan utama yang dibahas dalam bacaan
Dalam paragraf pertama dijelaskan bahwa “the U.S. is home to five percent of the world's population, it
has 25 percent of the world's prisoners” atau dapat diartikan menjadi “AS adalah rumah bagi lima persen
populasi dunia, yang (akan tetapi) memiliki 25 persen tahanan dunia”. Pada paragraf selanjutnya
dijelaskan bahwa hal ini disebabkan oleh kecacatan dalam sistem hukum AS.
Gagasan pokok merupakan jawaban yang dicari dalam soal ini, dari keterangan diatas maka jawaban
yang tepat adalah banyaknya populasi tahanan AS yang disebabkan oleh sistem hukumnya (E)

7) The word “legislation” in paragraph 4, what is the best way to describe what it means ?

A. Few people that have the power to make laws

B. the system of courts that interprets and applies law in legal cases
C. The process of making or enacting laws
D. A dynamic, structured, interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties
in resolving conflict
E. person or institution, often as a government institution, with the authority to adjudicate legal
disputes according to laws

Pertanyaan tersebut bertanya tentang makna dari kata legislation di paragraf keempat
Legislation dapat diartikan sebagai (proses) legislasi atau proses pembuatan hukum atau undang-undang
Dari pilihan yang tersedia, maka sudah dapat disimpulkan jawaban yang tepat adalah C
8) Which statement best explain the bold sentence in the last paragraph ?

A. Barack Obama believes that justice is very difficult to achieve

B. Obama is willing to keep figting to be USA’s president
C. It is always worth it to fight for justice as a president, and Obama will always do that
D. Obama will always fight for justice because it is his duty as the serving president
E. Fighting for justice is always difficult even as a president

Pertanyaan tersebut bertanya mengenai pernyataan mana yang paling tepat menjelaskan kalimat yang
dicetak tebal.
Kalimat yang dicetak tebal dapat di translasikan menjadi “Obama mengatakan, "Keadilan tidak pernah
mudah dicapai, tetapi selalu layak diperjuangkan. Dan itu adalah sesuatu yang akan terus saya
perjuangkan selama saya menjabat sebagai presiden Anda." “
Dari keterangan tersebut dapat kita rangkai isi kalimat tersebut menjadi bahwasannya Presiden Obama
meyakini bahwa keadilan itu selalu layak diperjuangkan meskipun sulit, dan Dia akan selalu
memperjuangkan hal itu selama dia menjadi presiden (karena itu menjadi tugasnya), sehingga penyataan
yang paling menjelaskan kutipan tersebut adalah D.
“Satu-satunya batasan untuk meraih mimpi kita adalah keragu-
raguan kita akan hari ini. Marilah kita maju dengan keyakinan
yang kuat dan semangat yang membara”
- Zeniora Education

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