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Learn and Talk I – Lesson 35 ©

2016 Acadsoc Limited

Extreme Sport
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 35 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*If the student knows ALL the vocabularies below, please look for some extra ones.

1. Bungee /ˈbʌnʤi/ [noun]

to jump from a very high place while you are attached to a strong, long rope that stretches and
that keeps you from hitting the ground

2. Extreme /ɪkˈstriːm/ [adjective]

very great in degree

3. Rescue /ˈreskjuː/ [verb]

to save (someone or something) from danger or harm

4. Accident /ˈæksədənt/ [noun]

a sudden event (such as a crash) that is not planned or intended and that causes damage or injury

5. Oblige /əˈblaɪʤ/ [verb]

to force or require (someone or something) to do something because of a law or rule or because it
is necessary
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 35 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Sentence Structure
*Introduce the student the sentence structures listed below.

Question: Watch out! You stepped on my foot!

Possible Answer: I am extremely sorry.
I am terribly sorry.
I am so sorry.
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 35 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*Always elaborate from the student’s answers in order to build an INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION. If the student doesn’t like the questions below,
please construct some extra questions related to the topic. (DO NOT GO OVER ALL THE QUESTIONS)

1. What extreme sports can you name? What extreme sports can you do in your area?

2. What associations or clubs do you have to contact to practice them?

3. Why are there so many people into extreme sports? Have you heard of any accidents of people
doing extreme sports?

4. To what extent or level is society (rescue services, the police) obliged to help and pay for the cost
of rescuing people from doing extreme sports?

5. How do you feel about extreme sports?

Learn and Talk I – Lesson 35 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Further Reading

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