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Multimedia: Video Lesson Idea

Lesson Idea Name: Solution to Pollution!

Grade Level/Content Area: 3rd Grade
Content Standard Addressed: S3L2b. Explore, research, and communicate solutions, such as the
conservation of resources and recycling of materials, to protect plants and animals
ISTE Technology Standard Addressed:  What would you like students to know and be
Empowered Learner – 1.1.a. Students articulate able to do by the end of this lesson:
and set personal learning goals, develop strategies I would like my students to explore, research,
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect and communicate solutions of conservation of
on the learning process itself to improve learning
resources and recycling of materials, to protect
plants and animals

What is the student learning goal for this lesson idea? Students will be able to find solutions to
pollution, by conserving resources and recycling materials that protect plants and animals.

Selected Instructional Software Tool: iMovie

Description of Software: iMovie is a video editing application that allows the user to create fun,
creative videos.

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☒ Creating

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:

☐ Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the student and mostly
practice based.

☒ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic of
learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The teacher facilitates
the learning as the students direct their own learning processes.

☐ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems and completing projects to
demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared outside of the classroom.
(Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing
it via an outside source.)
Lesson idea implementation:
After watching my video, students will create a video using iMovie (30 seconds-1 minute) based on
their learning of pollution, and how we can protect plants and animals. To introduce this activity, I
will first ask them the question (coming from the end of my video), “how can we save plants and
Multimedia: Video Lesson Idea

animals from pollution?” Then, after hearing some answers, I will tell them they will be creating a
video using iMovie. The video will show three ways we can protect animals and plants from one of
the three types of pollution (land, air, or water). Then, I will tell them they will be divided into groups
of three, assign them a certain kind of pollution (land, air, or water), and inform them they will
research, discuss, and record their information. Lastly, I will inform them these videos will be shown
towards the end of class. To facilitate their learning, I will walk around as they are working,
answering any questions or observing the groups to ensure they are headed in the right direction. As
they present their videos, I will be providing written feedback and will return them to groups after all
videos are shown. To conclude the lesson, I will summarize pollution, its three types, and ways we
can protect animals from each type.
Managing student learning:  
As students use iMovie, they will shift from passive to active learning by taking control of their own
learning. To specify, they will take what they’ve learned from the video/lesson and apply that in
creating their own video. In addition, students will be given a time limit of thirty minutes to research,
discuss, and create their videos. In addition, students will participate in co-use/co-engagement, as
there will only be one tablet provided for each group. This will allow students to actively engage with
the content and each other and stay focused on the activity.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reflection: Be sure to mention one specific UDL principle you
are focused on in this lesson – Multiple Means of Engagement, Multiple Means of Representation,
or Multiple Means of Action & Expression.
In the Universal Design for Learning, keeping a child engaged is essential for their learning. This
activity using the iMovie tool, supports student learning, as well as enhancing it by keeping students
engaged with the content. To specify, students will first become engaged, as they will be shown a
video prior to making their own (videos are great ways to keep children engaged). Then, they must
apply their knowledge in fun, creative ways to make their own video, forcing them to stay engaged
with the content. Finally, students will keep their engagement, as they must watch their classmates'
Reflection: I feel the activities I created will impact student learning, as they are taking control of
their own learning, improving their communication and problem-solving skills, and will have fun
while doing it. I look forward most to implementing the activity, as I like to see children working
together and becoming smarter.
Multimedia: Video Lesson Idea

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