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Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea

Lesson Idea Name: Adaptations and External Features of Animals Needed for Survival
Grade Level/Content Area: Third Grade Science
Content Standard Addressed:

S3L1.B. Construct an explanation of how external features and adaptations (camouflage,

hibernation, migration, mimicry) of animals allow them to survive in their habitat.

ISTE Technology Standard Addressed: What would you like students to know and be
Empowered Learner – 1.1.a. Students articulate able to do by the end of this lesson:
and set personal learning goals, develop strategies
Students can identify animal features and
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect
adaptations that help the animals survive.
on the learning process itself to improve learning Students will create a podcast of their own
outcomes. reflecting and reviewing their learning.

What is the student learning goal for this lesson idea?

I can identify animal features and adaptations that help animals survive.

Selected Instructional Software Tool:

Spotify Podcast Tool
Description of Software:
This software is a podcasting streaming service that allows you to create and publish your own
podcasts for yourself or the public and it be available for streaming by other viewers on Spotify.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): (Which level(s) will this lesson meet using this technology tool?)
Please put an X in the box or next to the level(s). Do not highlight or bold the response.

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☒ Creating

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:

☒ Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the student and mostly
practice based.

☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic of
learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The teacher facilitates
the learning as the students direct their own learning processes.

☐ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems and completing projects to
demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared outside of the classroom.
(Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast,

TFrazier, 2022
Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea

posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an
outside source.)
Lesson idea implementation:
The students will listen to the audio introduction of the standard and will analyze the question on
the podcast where they will think of animals that adapt to their environment and their features that
help them survive. Students will then learn the lesson and cover the standard in class the next day.
Students will then make their own podcast in class over an animal of their choice that has features
that allow them to adapt to their environment for survival. The teacher will review these podcasts
and give feedback to students by commenting on their podcasts or by answering questions in class. I
will conclude the lesson by allowing students to present their podcasts to the class.
Managing student learning: Students will become active learners by taking the material they learn from
the standard and creating a podcast to overview their learning by talking about an animal of their choice that
uses adaptations for their own survival. Students will have a time limit to create their podcast and can only
submit a podcast that is no longer than a minute long. In this minute podcast, the student will explain the
animal they chose and how it adapts to their environment with their own features. Students will have forty-
five minutes to create and submit a podcast to myself before presenting to the class.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reflection: Be sure to mention one specific UDL principle you
are focused on in this lesson – Multiple Means of Engagement, Multiple Means of Representation,
or Multiple Means of Action & Expression.
This podcasting tool lesson using Spotify will support the engagement and action/expression parts of the
universal design for learning framework. This lesson incorporates engagement by giving students a fun tool to
use to speak about their learning and represent their learning by creating their own summarization of an
animal of their choosing. This lesson uses the action and expression framework because I am giving students
the choice of an animal to speak about on their podcasting page and they can express how this animal uses its
features to adapt and survive. Student will be able to create and express their learning to their peers and their
teacher through the creation of this podcast.
Reflection: I feel this activity will positively impact student learning because it presents them with
the opportunity to reflect on a question at the beginning by listening to my Spotify podcast that
introduces the lesson. Then, the students will come to class ready to learn and will be able to create
their own podcasts based on their learning. After they publish their podcasts over an animal of their
choice to connect to the lesson, they will present their learning to the class. The part of the lesson
that I look forward to implementing is my students choosing their own animal and creating their
own podcasts.

TFrazier, 2022
Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea

TFrazier, 2022

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