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Learn and Talk I – Lesson 28 ©

2016 Acadsoc Limited

Learn and Talk I – Lesson 28 ©2016 Acadsoc Limited

*If the student knows ALL the vocabularies below, please look for some extra ones.

1. Motivation /ˌmoʊtəˈveɪʃən/ [noun]

the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something

2. Motivate /ˈmoʊtəveɪt/ [verb]

to give (someone) a reason for doing something

3. Pushy /ˈpʊʃi/ [adjective]

using forceful methods to make others do what you want them to do: aggressive and rude

4. Eager /ˈiːɡɚ/ [adjective]

feeling a strong and impatient desire to do something or for something

5. Reluctant /rɪˈlʌktənt/ [adjective]

feeling or showing doubt about doing something: not willing or eager to do something
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 28 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Sentence Structure
*Introduce the student the sentence structures listed below.

Question: Come on! Can’t you just do some work?

Possible Answer: I don’t have any motivation.
I need someone to motivate me.
I am not motivated to do so.
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 28 ©2016 Acadsoc Limited

*Always elaborate from the student’s answers in order to build an INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION. If the student doesn’t like the questions below,
please construct some extra questions related to the topic. (DO NOT GO OVER ALL THE QUESTIONS)

1. How do you define motivation? Name three things that motivated you.

2. Have you ever tried to motivate someone to do something? How did you do so? How
did you feel after? What are some ways to increase people’s motivation?

3. Under what conditions can motivation be influenced by ambition? Is being ambitious a bad
personality trait? Is competition good?

4. Why do you study English? How do you motivate yourself to be an active learner? What is
the role of motivation in effective teaching?

5. What are the things a parent can do to motivate his or her kid? What are the things a boss
can do to motivate his or her employees?
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 28 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

Further Reading

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