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Learn and Talk I – Lesson 26 ©2016 Acadsoc Limited

Learn and Talk I – Lesson 26 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*If the student knows ALL the vocabularies below, please look for some extra ones.

1. Media /ˈmiːdɪə/ [noun]

the radio stations, television stations, and newspapers through which information is communicated to the

2. Newspaper /ˈnuːzˌpeɪpɚ/ [noun]

a set of large sheets of paper that have news stories, information about local events, advertisements, etc.

3. Press /pres/ [noun]

a printing or publishing business

4. Editor /ˈedɪtɚ/ [noun]

a person whose job is to edit something

5. Scandal /ˈskændəl/ [noun]

an occurrence in which people are shocked and upset because of behavior that is morally or legally wrong
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 26 ©2016 Acadsoc Limited

Sentence Structure
*Introduce the student the sentence structures listed below.

Question: How many words did you write in the news article?
Possible Answer: Less than 5000.
More than 5000.
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 26 ©
2016 Acadsoc Limited

*Always elaborate from the student’s answers in order to build an INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION. If the student doesn’t like the questions below,
please construct some extra questions related to the topic. (DO NOT GO OVER ALL THE QUESTIONS)

1. Would you ever consider being a journalist? If someone asked you to be a journalist,
what kind of stories would you like to write about?

2. When you watch the news, do you focus on the story itself or the newscaster
who presents it?

3. Do you think journalists tell the truth when they write? Do you think journalists add
more information to make the story interesting?

4. Do you totally trust the information you get from the news?

5. If you are someone who usually follows the news, has there been a time when you
decided to stop? Why?
Learn and Talk I – Lesson 26 ©2016 Acadsoc Limited

Further Reading

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