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School of Health and Natural Sciences


Course Descriptive Title: Biochemistry

Fleur Isabelle V. Cansino


Proteins are large, complex molecules that have a variety of functions in the body and are essential
to good health. Like fats and carbohydrates, proteins are long polymer chains. They are made from
amino acids and are used by organisms to build structures, facilitate chemical processes and give
an animal locomotion.

Proteins can be classified as:

(a) Simple proteins. On hydrolysis they yield only the amino acids and occasional small
carbohydrate compounds. Examples are: albumins, globulins, glutelins, albuminoids, histones and

(b) Conjugated proteins. These are simple proteins combined with some non-protein material in
the body. Examples are: nucleoproteins, glycoproteins, phosphoproteins, haemoglobins and

(c) Derived proteins. These are proteins derived from simple or conjugated proteins by physical or
chemical means. Examples are: denatured proteins and peptides.
School of Health and Natural Sciences
Course Descriptive Title: Biochemistry

3. What are the structures of proteins? Describe each structure.

The potential configuration of protein molecules is so complex that many types of protein
molecules can be constructed and are found in biological materials with different physical
characteristics. Globular proteins are found in blood and tissue fluids in amorphous globular
form with very thin or non-existent membranes. Collagenous proteins are found in
connective tissue such as skin or cell membranes. Fibrous proteins are found in hair, muscle
and connective tissue. Crystalline proteins are exemplified by the lens of the eye and similar
tissues. Enzymes are proteins with specific chemical functions and mediate most of the
physiological processes of life. Several small polypeptides act as hormones in tissue systems
controlling different chemical or physiological processes. Muscle protein is made of several
forms of polypeptides that allow muscular contraction and relaxation for physical movement.


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