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5/1/2021 Thermodynamics Problems and Solutions


PROBLEM    03 – 0097:      A cylinder piston arrangement as shown in the figure is
                                                made of a non heat conducting material. The cylinder
has a
                                                volume of 3 ft3 and is connected to a steam source at
                                                100 psia and 500°F. The piston is held in position by air
                                                20 psia and a cooling coil is placed in the cylinder to
                                                maintain a constant air temperature of 100°F.
Determine the
                                                final temperature of the steam if the valve is opened
until the
                                                pressure in the cylinder falls to 100 psia.

Solution:                    The thermodynamic system is chosen as the air, steam, and
                        inside the cylinder. Even though the cylinder is insulated, heat is being
                        removed by the action of the cooling coil. The amount of heat removed
is 1/3
5/1/2021 Thermodynamics Problems and Solutions

                        calculated by determining the heat transfer when the given quantity of
                        is compressed isothermally from 20 psia to 100 psia. The mass of air
                                                ma = (pV / RT) = [{(20)(144)(3)} / {(53.35)(560)}] =
0.289 lbm
                        The work done on the gas is
                                                Wa = ∫– p dV = – (v)2∫(v)1 mRT(dV / V) = – mRT ln(V2 /
                        Since the temperature remains constant, (V2 / V1) = (p1 / p2), so that
                        work is
                                                Wa = mRT In (p1 / p2)
                                                      = – (0.289)(53.35)(560) In (20 / 100)
                                                      = 13,850 ft–lbf = 17.8 Btu
                        For the air
                                                Qa + Wa = ΔUa
                        But since Ta = const., ΔUa = 0 and
                                                Qa = – Wa = – 17.8 Btu
                        This heat transfer is the total heat loss from the control volume. Write
                                                mi(hi + K.E.i + P.E.i + ... ) + (d'Q / dτ) + (dWext / dτ)
                                                                        = (dE / dτ)σ + ṁe(he + K.E.e + P.E.e +
                        in integral form as
                                                ∫ṁihidτ + Q = ∫ (dE / dτ)σ dτ = m(2)su(2)s – m(1)su(1)s
                        since there is no change in internal energy of the air in the control
                                                ∫ṁidτ = m(2)s
                        so that, finally, since m(1)s = 0,
                                                m(2)s(hi – u(2)s) = –
Q                                                               (2)
                        The final volume of the steam is
                                                V(2)s = 3 – V(a)2 = 3.0 – (3/5) = 2.4 ft3 2/3
5/1/2021 Thermodynamics Problems and Solutions

                        and the mass of steam is

                                                m(2)s = (V(2)s / v(2)s)
                        Equation (2) thus becomes, with hi = 1279.1 Btu/lbm and Q = – 17.8
                                                (2.4 / v(2)s)(1279.1 – u(2)s) =
17.8                                          (3)
                        Equation (3) must be solved by trial and error with the use of the
                        superheat steam tables. The result is
                                                T(2)s = 536°F
                        which is the final temperature of the steam. 3/3

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