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The Five Elements and Pythagoras Numerology

The relationship of the supporting and countering 5 elements

(metal/ wood/ water/ fire/ earth) related to the numbers 1-9
The single-digits in numerology have a distinct correlation with the 5 elements that determines a
lot in every individual’s life. The ancient people believe that everything in the universe is made
up of five elements namely metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The theory revolves around the
changes of motions between the relationships of these five elements.

The numbers 1 and 6 are connected with the Metal segment. As regards health issues, it
represents the lungs and small intestine problems, cynicism, asthma, skin hypersensitivities or
skin issue, hay fever and lots of other health related diseases and infections.

The numbers 2 and 7 are connected with the Water segment. As regards health issues, it
represents kidney and bladder difficulty, low back pain, sciatica, repulsiveness for cold,
impotence, below zero condition, frequent urination, dull eye sacks, tangible issues with the
nervous system, and so many others.

The number 3 and 8 are connected with the Fire segment. As regards health issues, it represents
heart and small intestine related problems, diverse cardiovascular diseases, lack of proper sleep,
forgetfulness, speech disorder, chest pain, depression, amongst a lot of others.

The number 4 and 9 are connected with the Wood segment. When it comes to health issues, it
addresses the liver and problems with the gallbladder, eye issue, coordination issue, tendon
problems, muscle spasm, and sporadic period.

Finally, number 5 is connected with the Earth segment. When it comes to issues relating to
health, it represents the stomach, pancreas and spleen problems, immune system disorders,
digestive system related issues, lymphatic issue, anaemia, overweight or under-weight.

In an instance whereby there is a missing number or excessive numbers (it can be considered to
be too many when it is more than 3) in your birth chart, this would mean you are presumably
going to have related problems or you should give more thought to that particular zone in terms
of your health issues.

The shape of the 5 elements
The five elements – Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth have certain shapes that are used in
describing them. These shapes have certain association with the elements in such a way that you
can easily denote which element is in question by merely seeing a particular shape.

These elements are represented by the following shapes:

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