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Third Printing-July, 1967

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 62-21097

Copyright 1962



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Pdntro in U.S,.~.

Cooling Tower Wood
Types of Wood Deterioration ............... 301
Chemical Attack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Biological Attack . ..................... 303
Physical and Other Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Control of Wood Deterioration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Flooded Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Non-Flooded Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Wood Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Methods of Spraying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Other Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

the past decade considerable at- still subjected to the same conditions. The
tention has been focused on the prob- large, open natural draft tower was the first
lem of cooling tower wood deterioration- type used to cool water. The flow of air
and for good reason. Complete collapse of through this tower is dependent upon wind
some cooling towers has occurred. In other velocity and upon the draft produced by the
cases, supports have deteriorated and fans chimney design of the tower. In general, the
have fallen through the tower. Accidents conditions in these towers from the biologi-
have occurred due to collapse of ladders, cal point of view were not nearly so critical.
decking and -other parts of the tower. Wood The few natural draft towers which have
deterioration has shortened the life of cooling been in service for the past 20 years or more,
towers from the anticipated 20-25 years to 10 are still in a remarkable state of preservation.
years or less in many cases. Repair and re- Because natural draft towers do not exhibit
placement costs have been excessive, and rapid loss of wood structure or strength as a
cooling tower operation has been inefficient. result of attack by decay organisms, docs not
Redwood is the most commonly used ma- mean that decay is non-existent but rather it
terial for cooling tower construction. It has indicates that biological deterioration is not
been used for this purpose almost since the the limiting factor affecting the life of these
advent of cooling towers themselves. Origi- towers.
nally, this material was selected because of The development of the mechanical draft
high strength to weight ratio, ready avail- tower has resulted in greater cooling effi-
ability, ease of fabrication, cost, and natural ciency. A smaller tower is required to supply
resistance to decay. Other species are used the process with cooled water, and in addi-
for this purpose, particularly Douglas Fir and tion these towers also give more reliable and
less frequently cypress and pine. uniform performance because they are not
Wood is composed of three main com- dependent upon wind velocity for their op-
ponents: cellulose, lignin and natural ex- eration. Even though mechanical draft towers
tractives. The cellulose exists as long fibers, are more efficient than atmospheric towers,
almost identical to cotton fibers, and gives they impose a completely different set of con-
wood its strength. Lignin acts as a cementing ditions upon the wood. The general design
agent for the cellulose. The extractives con- of a mechanical draft tower is more con-
tain most of the natural compounds which ducive to biological and chemical attack than
contribute to the resistance to decay. In the natural draft tower. The drift elimina-
Oil general, the more highly colored woods are tors, cell partitions, doorways, and the com-
the more durable. A typical analysis of red- pact design of the mechanical draft towers
wood, based on dry weight, will show ap- create a greater number of areas where en-
proximately 50% cellulose and hemi-cellulose, vironmental conditions are ideal for the
307 30% lignin and 20% extractives. The ex- growth and development of objectionable
tractives in redwood make this material one microorganisms. In addition, the amount of
303 of the most resistant to decay. Unfortunately, water and air handled per unit area is higher
303 the extractives present in all woods arc largely and inoculation of the system with air borne
water soluble and will be leached from the organisms is at a greater rate.
304 wood by the circulating water. The strength
304 of the wood does not appear to be aff ccted
by leaching. However, the wood does become
304 more susceptible to decay. Cooling tower wood is subject to three main
307 Exceptionally good service was obtained types of deterioration: chemical, hiological,
from redwood during its initial use and it is and physical. It is rare when one of these
308 reasonable to expect that this good service types of deterioration is present without the
309 would be obtained today if redwood were other. In most cases, these different types of


Figure 39-1 • Delignified Wood-Caused by Chemical Figure 39-2 • Checked, Brash Wood-Caused by
Attack Biological Surface Attack

Figure 39-3 • Fibrillated Wood-Caused by Chemical Figure 39-4 • Internal Decay of Redwood Structural
Allack A1 ember Showing White Fungus M]celiurn

deterioration occur simultaneously. When de- The organisms that are responsible for at-
terioration occurs it is sometimes difficult to tack of cooling tower ,,,ood are those that can
determine which type of attack is predomi- utilize cellulose as their source of carbon in
nately responsible. However, it is evident that their growth and development. Degradation
physical and chemical deterioration will of the cellulose is accomplished by the secre-
render the wood more susceptible to biologi- tion of enzymes which convert the cellulose
cal attack. into compounds that can be absorbed by the
organisms. The attack tends to deplete the
C!lEJ\fiCAL ATTACK. Chemical deterioration
cellulose content of the wood and leaves a
of cooling tower wood commonly is mani-
residue rich in lignin. Characteristically the
fested in the form of delignification. Since the
wood becomes dark in color and loses much
lignin component of the wood is affected and
of its strength. The wood may also become
removed by this type attack, the resultant
brash, soft, punky, cro~s-checkcd or fibril-
residue is rich in cellulose. The chemicals
lated. The principal cellulolytic Oiganisnls
lllOSt commonly responsible are oxidizing
isolated from cooling tower wood are prima-
agents such as chlorine, and alkaline ma-
rily fungi, which include the classical wood
terials such as sodium bicarbonate and so-
destroyers ( Basidromycetes), and !1lcmhers
dium carbonate. The attack is particularly
of Fungi 1rnperfecti. However. bacterial or-
se\·ere when the combination of high chlorine
ganisms that exhibit cellulolytic properties
resid llals and high alkalinity concentrations
also ha\·e been isolated but their exact role in
are ntaintained simultaneously.
cooling tower wood deterioration is yet to be
Typically, the wood takes on a white or determined. The wood destroying organisn1s
hleachecl appearance and the surface be- are common air and \vater borne contami-
wl bv comes fibrillated. This attack is restricted to nants, and are widely distributed in nature.
the surface of the wood and the strength of
The classical intt rnal duay is restricted
tlw unafft'cted arC'a is not irnpairf'd. How-
generally to the plenum areas of the tower,
n·er. sen•re thinning of the wood will occur
such as cell partitions, doors, drift elintina-
wherever cascading water has an opportunity tors, decks, fan housing and supports. It is
to wash awav the surface fibcro.. In serious
cases, the loosened fibers have caused plug-
ging of screens and tubes, and h;n e served as
focal points for corrosion at areas where the
fibers accuntubte in heat exchange equip-
me!l t.
Chemical attack most frequently occurs in
the fill section and flooded portions of the
tower where water contact is continuous.
However, it will occur also in those areas
\\here alternately wet and dry conditions
develop-such as on tlte air intake louvers
and other exterior surfaces. Chemical attack
occurs also in the warm, moist areas of the
plenum chamber of the tower as a result of
chlorine vapors and the entrainTllent of drop-
lets of tower water.

BroLOGICAt. ATTACK. Bio!o~ical attack of

cooling (O\\t'r wood can be di,·idcd into two
basic typr<;-·spft or surface rot and internal F(~urr 3!)->J • ,).tntr!rtttd .\lrmba .)'!wa r·:,g Soum/ O:iln
dec a\·. ,)';p ,!r;, t rtti:l f)'fN"ral /:;J('·.•ul

the more insidious of the two types of biologi- the soft l'Ot organisms.
cal attack. It is characterized externally by Preferential erosion of the summer ·wood
an apparently sound piece of wood, which is relatively common in tower fill. In severe
upon breaking shows severe internal decay. cases of erosion significant losses of wood
Because the decay is internal, it is difficult to can result in very short periods of time. Ex-
detect in its early stages. Rarely is internal tremely high concentrations of dissolved
decay found in the flooded portions of the solids are to be avoided where there is op-
tower such as the fill section. In these sec- portunity presented for alternately wetting
tions, the wood is saturated completely with and drying of certain wood areas. While
water which excludes oxygen from the in- natural salts have been shown to possess
terior of the wood. The lack of oxygen little tendency to attack wood, crystallization
limits the growth and development of these of these salts in dry areas may rupture the
organisms. wood cells.
Soft or surface rot is found predominantly
in the flooded sections of the tower but also CONTROL OF WOOD DETERIORATION
occurs in the plenum areas. The water flow-
ing over the wood surfaces in the flooded The only effective method of protecting
portions contains enough oxygen to support operating cooling towers is to adopt a pre-
growth. Surface rot is detected more readily, ventive maintenance program. The preven-
and its effect is less severe than internal de- tive measures for the flooded sections of the
cay. tower where attack of the chemical and bio-
logical types is limited to the surfaces of the
In addition to oxygen, moisture and tem-
wood are relatively easy to accomplish. The
perature have a marked bearing. Locations
preventive measures for the non-flooded
where the moisture content of the wood
portions of the tower where internal decay is
range between 20 and 27% and tempera-
the primary concern are more difficult and
tures range between 88 and 105 F, usually
the success of the program is largely depend-
permit optimum growth and development of
ent on adopting the necessary measures be-
the organisms.
fore infection reaches serious proportions.
FLoODED SECTION. The control of chemical
major physical factors is the effect of tem-
and biological surface attack of cooling tower
perature on wood. Wood technologists have
wood in the flooded portions of the tower is
long recognized that high temperatures have
a water treatment problem that requires:
an adverse effect on wood. It is known that
continuous exposure to high temperatures 1. Control of pH of the circulating water
will produce gross changes in anatomical below 8.0 and preferably in the range of
structure and will accelerate Joss in wood 6.0 to 7.0.
substance. These resultant effects will weaken 2. The use of non-oxidizing- biocides alone
the wood and predispose it to biological at- for control of slirnc and prevention of bio-
tack, particularly in the plenum areas of the logical surface attack.
tower. 3. Where chlorine must be used--chlorine
There are other factors which also have a should be restricted to l.O ppm or less and
bearing on the deterioration of tower wood. preferably in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 ppm.
For example, areas adjacent to iron nails and In addition, the supplemental use of a non-
other iron hardware usually deteriorate at an oxidizing biocide should be employed to
accelerated rate. These areas invariably lose control biological surface attack.
much of their strength and the wood will In order to minimize delignification, pH
crumble easily in the fingers. Slime and al- of the circulating water should definitely be
gae growths and deposition of dust and oil maintained below 8.0 and preferably lower.
can all aid the growth and development of Fortunately, most rnodern treatments for con-

trol of corrosion function best when pH is cooling tower wood in systems using chlorin-
,1er wood maintained around 6.0-7.0. This pH range ation has led to the conclusion that chemical
In severe corresponds to the range best suited for attack predisposes the wood to biological at-
of wood minimizing attack of wood. tack. In cases where carefully controlled
time. Ex- Surveys have shown that in tower systems chlorination has been practiced and chemical
dissolved where non-oxidizing biocides alone are used attack of the wood surfaces is low, studies
~re is op- for control of slime, surface attack is at a have been conducted to check the incidence
' wetting minimum. Accordingly, when it is economi- of fungi on the surfaces of the wood and in
ts. While cally feasible non-oxidizing biocides should the subsurface sections. J\1icrotome sections
o possess be used in preference to chlorine. of the wood, such as that shown in Figure
tallization 'Where chlorine must be used for control of 39-8, reveal a high incidence of fungi in the
pture the slime it is necessary that chlorine be used wood from the fill and plenum areas of the
judiciously. Undoubtedly, many of the sys- tower. These studies indicate that chlorina-
tems that have shown rapid or excessive at- tion alone is not effective in controlling the
tack from the use of chlorine have lacked organisms responsible for attack of wood.
adequate control of chlorination. In many of The judicious use of chlorine requires low
>rotecting residuals be maintained. As the water cas-
these cases, the chlorine residual has been
pt a pre- cades through the tower the residuals are de-
improperly determined, determined at the
~ preven- pleted. The air-borne organisms can and do
wrong point for proper control, not checked
ns of the accumulate readily on the surfaces of the
frequently enough or neglected entirely. In
and bio- wood and grow and develop in the sub-
the majority of the systems using chlorine for
:es of the surface sections. Similar studies conducted
slime control, the chlorine residual is checked
lish. The for systems that use non-oxidizing biocides
(as it should be) in the water returning to
n-flooded alone for slime control show that the inci-
the tower, not after the water cascades
I decay is dence of fungi on the wood surfaces is
through the tower. The water in passing
icult and negligible. Since these biocides do not react
through the tower will have its chlorine residu-
· dcpend- with the wood, they are able to penetrate the
al decreased to very low values or depleted
sures be- wood and effectively control the causal or-
entirely. The reduction in chlorine residual
:tions. ganisms. Accordingly where chlorination
occurs partially due to aeration but mainly
chemical through reaction with the wood. Where at- must be practiced the supplemental use of a
mg tower tempts have been made to control chlorine non-oxidizing biocide is recommended to as-
tower is residuals after the water has passed through sure maximum tower life.
Lures: the tower, excessive chlorine residuals have One standard procedut·e currently utilized
ng water been permitted to contact the wood and ac- to aid in minimizing biological attack in the
range of celerated chemical attack has been the result. flooded portions of the cooling tower re-
quires adding a non-oxidizing biocide to the
In instances where intermittent chlorina- system approximately once every three
:les alone tion has been practiced, initially the duration months. The concentration of biocide used is
•n of bio- of the chlorination period and the rate of in the range of 60 to 120 ppm. The purpose
chlorination may have been established prop- of this treatment is to kill the organisms that
-chlorine erly by testing for the chlorine residual. How- have accumulated on the surface and sub-
·less and ever, all too often, after initially establishing surface portion of the wood in the fill or
0.5 ppm. the rate and duration, infrequent or no fur- flooded portions of the tower. Supplemental
of a non·· ther testing for chlorine residual is made. benefits are also secured in that the non-
1loyed to Since the chlorine demand of most circulat- oxidizing biocide will carry down into the
ing waters will vary, this practice has led to lower depths of the cooling tower sump
tion, pH low residuals and poor slime control or to where it is difficult to maintain a chlorine
nitely be high residuals and excessive attack of the residual. Muck and debris accumulate in
I>· lower. wood. these areas and provide ample food for
; for con- The prevalence of biological attack of growth and development of microorganisms.

Figure 39-6 • Sectioning cif Wood by Use of a Sliding Microtome

Figure .39-7 • Microscopic Examination of Figure 39-8 • Microtome Stction ~! H'al)d Showing
Cooling Totmr Wood fl;ngus Hyphae Growing through Wood Cells

These areas serve as a point of inoculation, and certainly more frequently if a preventive
particularly for sulfate reducing bacteria. The maintenance program is not in use.
supplemental usc of non-oxidizing biocides Although soft rot or surface attack occurs
serves to eliminate this point of infection. in the non-flooded portions of a tower, the
In many cases, it is possible to use a effect on loss on wood structure is not as
variety of treatment programs which com- severe as in the flooded areas. This is due
bine the use of chlorine and a non-oxidizing primarily to the fact that the wood is not
biocide. Where a combination program is subject to erosion by cascading water. The
possible, chemical attack can be held to a principal and most serious problem in the
minimum and biological attack can be con- non-flooded area is internal decay. When in-
trolled effectively. ternal decay is restricted to white pocket rot,
It should be evident that if the makeup the affected areas can be very small and
water is taken from a stream, river or other easily missed. As a general rule internal de-
surface supply that is not pretreated or cay is detected usually only after extensive
clarified, high bacteria counts can enter with damage has occurred. It is very important to
the makeup water. In addition, these sources look for signs of internal decay in structural
of makeup water usually contain organic members. This is sometimes revealed by ab-
matter and other contaminants that serve as normal sagging or settling of the wood. When
food for bacteria as well as increase the chlo- obvious decay is not evident, it is advisable to
rine demand of the water. \Vhere water of secure samples of the wood for microscopic
this type is used, the slime potential is usually examination to determine whether the in-
heavy and continuous chlorination to a free ternal areas of the wood are infected with
residual is generally necessary. To minimize fungi.
the amount of chlorine that contacts the wood Replacement of infected wood is necessary
many plants have adopted the practice of to retard spread of infection to adjacent
chlorinating the makeup to secure a total sound members. A weakened section will
bacteria kill and to minimize bacteria food cause additional weight load to be shifted to
entering with the makeup. Under these con- sound sections of the structure. These in turn
ditions, the slime potential \vill be substan- may crack under the increased load and he-
tially reduced and an intermittent chlorina- come more smceptible to spread of internal
tion program can be adopted for the circula- decay. The infected wood should be replaced
ting water alternating weekly or biweekly with pressure treated wood. Several different
with the use of a non-oxidizing biocide. wood preservatives arc available as well as
The adoption of these measures will effec- a choice of wood species. Willa discusses a
tively minimize attack of wood in the flooded seven year study of eight different pressure
portions of the tower and will also aid in treatments. On the basis of incidence of in-
minimizing surface attack in the plenunt ternal decay the treatments can be listed 111
areas of the tower. the following order of effectiveness:
1. Creosote
NoN-FLOODED SECTION. The preventive
maintenance program for the non-flooded or 2. Ammonical Copper Arsenite
plenum areas of the tower requires: 3. Acid Copper Chromate and Copper
1. Thorough periodic inspections Naphthenate
2. Replacement of damaged wood with +. Chromated Copper Arsenate
pressure treated wood 5. Pentachlorophenol
3. Periodic spraying of the plenum areas 6. Fluoride Chromate Arsenate Phenol
with fungicides. 7. Chlorinated Paraffin
of 1-Vood Showing A thorough inspection of the cooling tower Periodic spraying with an effective fungi·
~h Wood Crtls should be conducted at least once per year cide is the third essential step in an effective

preventive maintenance program. The pur- determines whether any fungi present are
pose of spraying the plenum areas with a cellulolytic (wood destroying) or simply fun-
fungicide is to render the wood resistant to gus organisms.
spread and growth of wood destroying fungi. The most beneficial test when evaluating
Diffusion of fungicide into the wood at best cooling tower wood is commonly known as
permits penetration of the wood to a depth the zone of inhibition test This test deter-
of 1/ 16" to 1/ 4". The degree of penetration mines the relative penetration of any fungi·
is dependent on the preparation given the cidal agent employed and the degree to which
vvood and to some degree on the concentra- this material is present. Also determined is
tion of fungicide sprayed. The objective is to the susceptibility of the wood to support
spray a sufficient concentration of fungicide fungal growth and to become decayed if
so that the wood remains fungistatic until inoculated with wood destroying organisms.
the next semi-annual or annual inspection Briefly described, the zone of inhibition
and spraying.
test consists of placing two Yz inch squares
WOOD EXAMINATION of the wood specimen on nutrient agar pre-
viously seeded ·with a wood rotting organism,
Since several types of wood deterioration are such as Aspergillus niger or Chaetomium
possible in cooling towers, physical inspec- globosum. The plates are then incubated for
tions along with periodic laboratory examina- seven days at 28 C. After the elapsed incuba-
tions of wood samples should be scheduled tion period, the plates are evaluated for their
regularly. In this connection, service labora- degree of protection or susceptibility.
tories are equipped with specialized equip-
A complete zone of inhibition exists when
ment to determine all of the important data no fungal spores of the test organism are
needed to comprehensively evaluate the con- present in a clear zone around the test block.
dition of rower wood. This preventative barrier against fungal in-
Microscopic examination of the wood re- fection develops when the effects of a fungi-
veals the degree of grooving, erosion, surface cidal application are still present in the wood
structure and depth of surface attack. Speci- and inhibit the growth of wood rotting
mens are broken to determine whether the organisms.
wood is brash, and the degree of brashness as
well as apparent loss in structural strength A partial zone of inhibition is one which
shows some growth of the test organism
are recorded. Macroscopic study reveals the
around the block, but the growth of fungal
physical aspects of the wood, whether or not
spores of the test organism is retarded. This
chemical and/or biological factors are present
partial zone indicates that some residual
and, if so, to what extent. Figures 39-1 to
39-3 inclusive demonstrate some of these fungicide or natural inhibitory properties are
physical characteristics that are helpful to still present in the wood.
fully evaluate the condition of cooling tower No zone of inhibition is exhibited by a
wood. specimen of low resistance, so the growth of
Microtome studies of wood cells, as shown the test organism or other organisms inherent
in Figures 39-6 to 39-8, are of assistance in in the wood occurs around the block. This
determining the extent of microbiological growth indicates that the wood is susceptible
deterioration. These microtome sections are to fungal attack. Corrective measures must
usually 25 microns in thickness, and permit be taken in order to control the spread of
viewing of the internal structure of the wood. fungus in the sound members of the tower.
This examination indicates to the analyst the Figure 39-9 shows two of the conditions
extent of infection, and whether the infection that aid the analyst in determining whether
is due to bacterial or fungal activity. From or not inhibitory power from a preservative
this study of the wood cells, the microscopist treatment or from the natural property of the



1t arc wood is at an eflectiw: len?L This zone of OTHER METHODS
y fun·· inhibition test may be used to evaluate the
residual effect of fungicidal treatment or the In order to decrease labor costs and to fur-
1ating dtcT !lliniwizl' the hazards of direct spraying
degree of resistance restored by an applica-
~vn as
other methods have been considered. Steam
tion of fungicide.
deter·· spraying through a permanent piping ar-
rangement has be€'n used. In this procedure
which the fungicide is forced into the steam and is
1ed is The Inost effectin~ llletho<l of spraying is the transported into the cell by the steam. It is
.pport direct or manual li!Cthod. This method is essential that the distribution piping be de-
?Cd if \·cry silllilar to painting in that the concen- .~igned properly in order to secure complete
msms. trated fungicide is applied directly to the coverage. The use of steam causes dilution of
wood by the use of spraying equipment the fungicide and colllpared to direct spray-
handled by an operator or team of operators. ing a relatively dilute solution contacts the
This method of application proVPs most wood. As a result the quantity of toxicant
r prc-
effective since small areas can be cm·ered that penetrates the wood is smaller and more
thoroughly by the fungicide, and special at- frequent spraying is necessary to maintain
tention can be given to spraying the joints, the wood fungistatic.
~d for
holes and other access points into the wood. Recently a revised method of spraying the
·their Direct spraying· can be hazardou~ unless plenum areas of cooling towers has bern
proper precautions are taken to protect the introduced. This new rnethod is designed to
operator. Figure 39-10 shows an operator miniruize the hazards and high cost of direct
n are
propcdy equipped. He is clothed in air-fed spraying while rnaintaining its major advan-
coveralls with the legs secured with tape at tage, namely: spraying of a concentrated solu-
:1! in .. the ;mkles. The outer clothing consists of a tion of fungicide so that the frequency of
fungi .. rain suiL The rubber gloves are vulcanized ,;praying will he required only once or twin•
wood to the sleeH~s of the suit and the legs are per year. Pneumatic spraying with a portable
otting secured to the arctics with tape at the ankle<;. rig equipped with an atomizing nozzle ~imilar
The sandblaster's hood is in place and its air to that shown in Figure 30-11 is used. The
feed can be seen from the rear. The air-fed rig- is inserted through holes in the deck of
which (()\'('ralls and sandblastn's hood rwrmit the the tower so that spraying can he acrom-
an ism operator to stay enol and rnn1fnrtab!e \\·hile plished from outside the tower.
'tmgal spravmg-.
es are

by a
dh of
ad of
let her
vative Figure 39-9 • Te.11 Blocks of Wood an the Suifau '![ lnnwlattd .Vutrirrll Agar The Block on lht l,rfl Shou; .Yo
of the Resistanu to rhe Test Orgamsm. The Block on the R1ght, zL'hidz has had Fungicide Sf"GJ' F~t·atment, Shorn a C!mr
.(ont of fnl11bition

Diflusion and spray methods are limited

for the most part to penetration of the outer
surfaces of redwood. Therefore it is essential

Figure 39-10 • Direct Fungicide Spraying by

Properly Equipped Operator

that preventive maintenance be started be-

fore infection takes place and preferably be-
fore the interior parts of the wood lose much
of their natural resistance. Under these con-
ditions new infection can be prevented and
the life of the tower extended. Where the
tower has undergone a serious degree of in-
fection and it is likely that infection can-
not be contained by following the normal
preventive maintenance program, then con-
sideration can be given to sterilization of the
wood by elevating the temperature of the
internal portions of the wood to 150 F and
maintaining this temperature for two hours.

W. A. Dost, "Certification of Redwood and Effect
of Oxidizing Agents on Redwood in Cooling Tower Figure 39-77 · Portable Rig for Pneumatic Spraying
Service", Proceeding.r, Engineers Soc. of Western
Penna., pp. 77-83 (1959)
B. F. Shcma, "Clarification of Cooling Tower
Wood Deterioration", Proceedings, Engineers Soc.
of Western Penn~., pp. 69-74 ( 1959)
Unpublished data, Betz Laboratories, Inc., Phila.,
l L. Willa. "Report Oa Field Wood Preservation
Studies", Proceedings, Engineers Soc. of 'Western
Pe1ma., pp. B3-9fi ( 1959)

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