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Majority of info from

● Every video was made on the same day
● Robert Helpmann was an actor/dancer
● Robert played in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang where he played a child stealer
● The screenshots of a frame of each video is the poem Gay Lady
○ " There was a lady all skin and bone; Sure such a lady was never known: It
happened upon a certain day, This lady went to the church to pray. When she
came to the church stile, There she did rest a little while; When she came to the
church yard, There the bells so loud she heard. When she came to the church
door, She stopped to rest a little more; When she came (to) the church within,
The parson prayed 'gainst pride and sin. On looking up, on looking down, She
saw a dead man on the ground; And from his nose unto his chin, The worms
crawled out, the worms crawled in. Then she unto the parson said, Shall I be so
when I am dead? O yes.! O yes, the parson said, You will be so when you are
dead. Here the lady screams."
● In the video “Daisy feeds the birds” backwards text says
○ “And my lovely red robe with its trimming of white, is as black as the black of a
black Winter's night, hahahaha And it's all because I have to climb down, The
many long chimneys you have in this town. Before I can possibly come out and
greet you, I must take a warm bath, and then perhaps I'll meet you. Don't think
that I mind getting dirty like this, for it's something I'd really be sorry to miss. I
have to go down all these sooty old places, to bring gifts to the children and
smiles to their faces.”
● Robert Helpmann bought the film rights from Daisy bates
● Bit of a smaller lead there were 12 videos made on July 12
● Lead of reversed speech in Daisy feeds the birds
○ The reversed speech is from Santa Claus Hides In Your Phonograph by Harry E.
Humphrey. It goes:
And my lovely red robe with its trimming of white,
is as black as the black of a black Winter's night,
And it's all because I have to climb down,
The many long chimneys you have in this town.
Before I can possibly come out and greet you,
I must take a warm bath, and then perhaps I'll meet you.
Don't think that I mind getting dirty like this,
for it's something I'd really be sorry to miss.
I have to go down all these sooty old places,
to bring gifts to the children and smiles to their faces.
● The poem about the dead person Gay Lady seems to bring us to the conclusion of Daisy
being dead since in each video it has a part of the poem and it talks about death
● The male who crushes the frog is a Russian male, Julietehcutie said that the male who
grinds the frog looks similar to the man in the Daisy videos, also in the related videos on
the side one of the channels were Kak Sdelat which is how to on Russian

1. Daisy Arrives

2. Daisy and Friends
3. Daisy settles in

4. Tucking Daisy in
5. Daisy unwinds

6. Daisy feeds the birds
7. Daisy tumble

8. Daisy helps out in the kitchen
9. Daisy plays hide and seek

10. Daisy Playing
11. Daisy makes a mess

12. Daisy Leaves

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