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Week: 23 Class: 10A1

Period 15: Students’ presentation Date of preparation:
Time: 45 minutes Date of teaching:
I. Aim: Help students to explore and understand the topics (in Units 9 and 10) they’ve learnt in other aspects.
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- talk about the topics they’ve learnt in other aspects
- develop their speaking skills in public
- improve their ability of evaluation and assessment of presentations
III. Teaching materials: Power point lesson plan, chalk, blackboard, evaluation sheets
IV. Teaching methods: Communicative method
V. Anticipated problems: Students may do their presentation overtime.
VI. Procedure
Stages/Timing/Focus Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Pre - presentation 1. Greeting (1’)
(5ms) - Say hello to students - Greet the teacher

2. Lead-in (1’)
- Say “Today, you’re going to present your topic to the whole class.” - Listen
- Write the title on the board - Copy down

Teacher - whole class 3. Instruction and criteria of evaluation (4’)

- Ask students to form their own group - Form groups
- Give a brief instruction: “Each group will present within 5 minutes and - Listen
then answer the questions from the audience in about 5 minutes.”
- Deliver the evaluation sheets to each group - Receive the evaluation sheets
- Clarify the criteria of evaluation on the evaluation sheet - Listen
- Let students ask questions - Ask questions if necessary
- Give feedback and comments - Listen
II. While - presentation Students’ presentation
(32ms) - Invite 3 - 4 groups, one at a time, to present their topic - Present their topic in front of the class. The rest
- Listen, take notes and assess listen and evaluate their friends’ presentation
Group work - Invite students to raise questions to the presenters and the presenters to - Raise questions to the presenters and the presenters
Teacher - whole class answer the audience’s questions
- Listen, take notes and assess
- Invite students to give comments and evaluation - Give comments and evaluation
- Listen and take notes
IV. Post - presentation 1. Report and reflection
(6ms) (Individual work, 3’)
- Ask students to think of what they’ve learnt from their friends’ - Think of what they’ve learnt from their friends’
Individual work presentations in 1 minute presentations in 1 minute
Teacher - whole class - Invite students to share the lessons they’ve learnt - Share the lessons they’ve learnt
- Listen and give feedback - Listen

2. Evaluation and assessment

(Teacher - whole class, 3’)
Teacher - whole class - Give comments and corrective feedback - Listen
- Give marks to each group - Listen
- Ask students whether they have any questions - Ask questions if necessary
- Collect students’ evaluation sheets - Submit evaluation sheets

V. Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. - Listen

VI. Homework - Write a paragraph (80 – 100 words) about one of the today presentation - Take notes
(1’) you like most.

Teaching reflection

Presentation day:...........................................................................................................................................
Students’ names:............................................................................................................................................

Unacceptable Poor Fair Good Very Good Exceptional

(0) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points) (5 points)
Language use
Visual Aids
Role performance
Bonus mark
Total mark

Content Delivery
 Clear purpose  Deliver in a vivid and interesting way
 Be sufficient, brief and meaningful  Complete speech within time limit
 By the end of the presentation, the listeners will be able to  Speak clearly, loudly, fluently, confidently.
understand what has been presented.  Attract and maintain audience attention
 Good eye contacts, gestures
 Answer the audience’s questions well
Language use Visual Aids
 Used supporting evidence & examples  Used effectively to present points
 Good language use (grammar, structures, vocabulary)  Easy to read
 Good pronunciation and intonation  Good visual quality (good choice of font, colour, pictures,
well - balanced)
Organization Role performance
 Clear, well structured (introduction, body and conclusion) • Equally distributed presentation tasks
 Good transition between sections • Specific tasks accomplished by each presenter or not
 Stick to their designated topic

* Strengths......................................................................................................................................................
* Weaknesses .................................................................................................................................................

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