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Minutes of Springfield PCC meeting

17th May 2021, 7.45pm via Zoom

Present: Jon Lindsay-Scott, Sandy Elderkin, Alan Brearley, Jenni Botfield, Dave Foulkes, Gill
Foulkes, Steve Watkins, David Silcock, Sarah Miller, Mick Miller, Philip Darkin, Helen
Campbell, Andrew Green, Emma Shepherd, Richard Cooper, Tim Samuel, Nigel Elderkin

Special Note: In accordance with national Church of England and Government guidelines
relating to COVID-19, this PCC meeting was conducted virtually using internet conferencing
software (Zoom).

1. Welcome Jon welcomed everyone to the meeting and prayed.

2. Apologies David Atkinson

3. Worship
Mick led worship encouraging council to spend time sitting with God

4. Notice of AOB

5. Testimonies
Council shared where they have seen God on the move recently and other good
news- God opens all the ‘help doors’

6. Minutes of last meeting

Accepted nem con and will be published as agreed at the last meeting. Future
minutes will be agreed separately before the next meeting if possible so they can be
published earlier

7. Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere

a) Result of PCC vote 07 April 2021 [screenshot at end of minutes]
Risk Assessments for children's groups meeting outside, and for connect groups
meeting outside.
Closes 12pm Friday 9th April 2021. 14 for acceptance, none against: Agreed
b) Ann Nicholls has stepped down from the PCC but we are delighted she is
continuing to serve in another capacity

8. Minister’s Notices
1. Thank you to those stepping down after the end of their service on the PCC:
Helen, Richard, Ann
Please do continue to send in 30 second video highlights of the past year at
Springfield ready for our AGM. Jon reported that he had two candidates who had
stepped forward for the treasurer role and he was talking to them to establish
how best to make this work. Our AGM would have a song from Harvey and two
new candidates for the PCC so far
2. Jon shared the latest COVID advice from the diocese and what that might mean for
a) General activity: max 6 indoors (unless all involved are from 2 households) and 30
b) “If worship takes place inside, the congregation should not participate in any activity
that can create aerosols, including communal singing, shouting and chanting.”
c) “People can now attend public worship in church as part of a group of 6 (as well as
alone or as part of a household group)... and must not join any other group or mingle
with any person from another group.”
d) “Up to 30 people can attend support groups and parent and child groups (with children
under 5 not being counted). Indoors or outdoors.”
e) Homegroups (or other meetings in private homes) – “No restriction, provided that no
more than 6 people gather or all involved are from 2 households or linked households.”
f) Youth services – No restriction if no more than 6 people gather indoors or no more than
30 outdoors. If more than 6 people gather indoors: attendees participate alone, or part
of a group of no more than 6 people and don’t mingle.
g) Face coverings mandatory inside places of worship. Social distancing still in effect,
limiting numbers.
h) Supervised children’s activities being organised by the place of worship are permitted –
in groups of up to 15 (including leaders).

What that means for us:

a) Outside activities have started and some inside activities are starting too. (E.g.
Springers, RR & Mini – outside, Roundshaw prayer circlers – inside, HT Gathering –
b) Press forward with Family Gatherings @ WHSG (12th June?)
Youth meetups (alternating outside & St Pauls)
Investigating with the team RR & Mini @ St Paul’s on Sunday morning (1/month)
Connect groups – inside groups of 6, outside up to 30
Pastoral meetings – inside
Sunday evenings @ St Paul’s.
Sunday mornings? No singing, limited numbers still.
Factors to consider: Online worship available to all.
WHSG only, at this stage, considering hiring the hall – no other rooms. Limited numbers
~ but increasing with groups of 6. Perhaps investigate smaller alternatives (Wallington
Methodist? Wallington URC). And consideration to our online presence.
3. Jon and the council moved on to discuss what information would it be useful to
know from the wider congregation via a questionnaire.
Answers included the following points- please do talk to Jon if you think of others
o What needs to be done to make people feel physically safe?
o Responses should be anonymous with the option to include name/email if
further contact/discussion wanted
o Ask people whether they wanted to return to some form of their pre-
lockdown roles
o Ask about best times: mid-week, Sat, Sun etc
o What have you enjoyed about online content [give options?] and want to see
o How connected do you feel to your Springfield Family post lockdown?
o Who and where are you? If ‘remote’ what do you want to do?
o Where would be a good place for us to meet?/ Where would you want to go?
o Open questions with room for a response eg what about corporate activities?
o Demographic information/ family situation
o Open question about possible worries
o What changes would you like to see from pre lockdown patterns?
o How large should a congregation be?
o What has been your experience of our new pastoral care structure?
o How well has the church communicated through lockdown? And what would
you like to see going forward?

9. Treasurer’s report
Helen shared the finance reports with council pointing out where figures have
changed slightly to reflect our actual expenditure rather than the budgeted amounts.
She also explained the status of our restricted funds and what was likely to happen
There was an opportunity for CAP to apply for funding to the Beddington Community
Fund, but it was decided that a more rigorous investigation of the fund’s suitability
was in order.
Council were asked whether between Helen stepping down and the new treasurer
being in post Helen could continue to sign cheques etc to ensure a smooth
Yes proposed Philip Darkin, seconded Alan Brearley nem con
Council then warmly thanks Helen for all the work she had done over the past three
years [and was happy to continue to help the handover process].

10. Staff and Contracts

Caitlyn has had her flight back to the UK cancelled, but was booking another. A
generous donor has offered to cover the costs of Caitlyn’s quarantine. Physical youth
meetings will start before she is back with the youth team ready to go.

11. Mission Partners

PCC moved on to discuss our mission partners and our level of appropriate funding
a) Abi-Joy taking on a new role at OM- council felt that £1500 per year for three
years was appropriate
Proposed Helen Campbell, seconded Gill Foulkes nem con
b) Padayachee family appropriate to carry on at present level for 3 years
c) Trish King in Guatemala at the current level for three years
d) There is some uncertainty as to Nigel Hallett’s future plans as a missionary. A
further conversation will happen and a future application was always possible.
e) Martin Quested will continue as a mission partner who does not need funds
f) CAP central office was still a very important resource and council wanted to
support at the current level for another three years
g) Sutton Schools Work was not due for review until 2022
h) HT school fund support was mandated in our establishment protocols and there
were good reports of what goes on there.
i) International Needs have identified accounting irregularities at RUSH so it was
suggested that we wait until IN report back at the end of the month as
Springfield is a charity and we rightly have strong constraints on how we use our
j) Wallington Debt Centre funding will continue until next year
k) It would be great to find some new mission partners to help use God’s generosity
towards us- let Jon have suggestions and ask your friends at church for their
Council were asked whether they accepted the changes listed from b) to k) above?
Proposed Jenni Botfield, seconded Andrew Green nem con

12. Safeguarding updates

Refresher training for Sarah and the wardens was ongoing

13. AOB
There being no AOB, Jon closed in prayer

Dates of future meetings:

AGM Monday 24th May

PCC Monday 19th July Worship: Tim Samuel
PCC Monday 20th September Worship: Gill Foulkes
These Minutes were agreed by the PCC on June 3rd 2021

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