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Diketahui Ditanya

Umpan 1000 mol/jam Misal

n-butane 0.35 A
n-pentane 0.3 B (LK)
Fraksi mol
n-hexane 0.2 C (HK)
n-heptane 0.15 D
P 405.30 kPa 3040.00 mmHg
komposisi Distillate 97% recovery n-pentane
Bottoms 85% recovery n-hexane

q 0.3
R 1.20 Rmin

Penyelesaian dengan metode short-cut

Perhitungan komposisi untuk Distilat dan Bottom
Komposisi Komponen
Feed Distillat
xF F yD = xD D
A 0.35 350 0.522 350
B (LK) 0.3 300 0.434 291
C (HK) 0.2 200 0.045 30
D 0.15 150 0.000 0
Total 1 1000 1 671

Konstanta Anotine
Komposisi A B C
n-butane 15.6782 2154.9 34.42
n-pentane 15.8333 2477.07 39.94
n-hexane 15.8366 2697.55 48.78
n-heptane 15.8737 2911.32 56.51

Estimate Dew point TDew for top composition and Bubble Point TBubble for bottom composition.
Trial 345.20 K 72.05 C
komponen yiD ln Psat Psat K
A 0.52 8.74 mmHg 6275.22 mmHg 2.0642157043
B (LK) 0.43 7.72 mmHg 2250.00 mmHg 0.7401310406
C (HK) 0.04 6.74 mmHg 842.34 mmHg 0.277083895
D 0.00 5.79 mmHg 326.73 mmHg 0.107475668
Total 1.00 3040.00 mmHg

Trial T 404.42 K 131.27 C
komponen xiW ln Psat Psat K
A 0.000 9.85 mmHg 19037.45 mmHg 6.26
B (LK) 0.027 9.04 mmHg 8409.73 mmHg 2.77
C (HK) 0.517 8.25 mmHg 3833.62 mmHg 1.26
D 0.456 7.51 mmHg 1818.38 mmHg 0.60
Total 1 3040.00 mmHg

Recalculate overall top and bottom flow rate compositions on the basis of the Hengsteback an

T embun 345.20 K
Ptotal 3040.000 mmHg
Komponen Distilat Ln P0 (mmHg) P0 (mmHg) Ki
A 8.74 mmHg 6275.17 mmHg 2.064
B (LK) 7.72 mmHg 2249.98 mmHg 0.740
C (HK) 6.74 mmHg 842.33 mmHg 0.277
D 5.79 mmHg 326.72 mmHg 0.107
Total 4.00 atm 3039.97496058449


LK 32.333
HK 0.176

Recovery of heavy key in bottoms is defined as b HK/fHK, recovery of light key in distillate is defined as d LK/fLK.
Constants A & B are defined as: Recovery of ith component in d

Komponen αi log αi Log (di/bi) di/bi

A 6.2079 0.7929 3.8950 7852.5614
B (LK) 2.4324 0.3860 1.5097 32.3365
C (HK) 1.0000 0.0000 -0.7533 0.1765
D 0.4311 -0.3654 -2.8954 0.0013


Feed Bottom
xF F xW W
A 0.35 350 0.0001 0.045
B (LK) 0.3 300 0.0274 8.999
C (HK) 0.2 200 0.5169 169.998
D 0.15 150 0.4556 149.809
Total 1 1000 1 328.852

T embun 345.20 K
Ptotal 3040.00
Komponen Distilat Ln P0 (mmHg) P0 (mmHg) Ki
A 8.74 6275.17 2.06
B (LK) 7.72 2249.98 0.74
C (HK) 6.74 842.33 0.28
D 5.79 326.72 0.11
Total 4.00 atm 8.16 3039.97

Estimate minimum number of stages, Nm using Fenske equation.

α average 2.43
Jumlah stage teoritis, Nm
Nm 5.86 4.86 Theoritical Trays

Select an operating reflux ratio, R as a factor of minimum reflux ratio,

Number of stages, N is calculated based on Gilliland's correlation.

Jumlah Stage, N dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan persamaan berikut

X R-Rm/R+1
γ N-Nm/N+1

Trial N

Jumlah Stage=

Feed stage location is estimated based on Kirkbride's equation.

log Nr/Ns -0.18790

Nr/Ns 0.6488
Nr= 0.6488Ns
0.6488Ns + Ns 16
1.6488 Ns 16
Ns 9.70416
Nr 6.29584 dibulatkan menjadi 7

Lokasi tray umpan pada tray ke7dari bagian atas

Dengan metode shortcut hitunglah
a. Amount and composition of products and top and bottom tower temperatures.
b. Number of stages at total reflux and distribution of other components in the product
c. Minimum reflux ratio, number of stages at 1.2Rm , and feed tray location.

xW W
0.000 0
0.027 9
0.517 170
0.456 150
1 329

T (K )
P (mmHg)

bottom composition.
ai yi/ai xi
7.45 0.07001671489616 0.25269139117
2.67 0.16235779111961 0.58595174262
1.00 0.04470938897168 0.16135686621
0.39 0 0
0.27708389498746 1

ai aixi yi
4.97 0 0.00
2.19 0.06000943087964 0.08
1.00 0.51671732522796 0.65
0.47 0.21625699754783 0.27
0.79298375365543 1

basis of the Hengsteback and Geddes equation.

T didih 404.42 K
Ptotal 3040
yD αD Bottom Ln P0 (mmHg) P0 (mmHg) Ki xw
0.522 7.450 9.854 19037.118 6.262 0.000
0.434 2.671 9.037 8409.562 2.766 0.027
0.045 1.000 8.252 3833.533 1.261 0.517
0.000 0.388 7.506 1818.330 0.598 0.456
4 atm 3039.927491

log αavg (x
αavg Log (di/bi)
2.432 1.510 0.386
1.000 -0.753 0.000

s defined as d LK/fLK.
overy of ith component in distillate is defined as: Recovery of ith component in bottom is defined as:


f(x) = 5.86206261026932 x − 0.7
dimana R² = 1
bi di di/ di+bi= fi
log di/bi

0.0446 349.9554 di=

8.9992 291.0008 bi= fi/(1+a)
169.9984 30.0016
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300

log di/bi

149.8094 0.1906 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300

Distillat log a average
xD D
0.521 349.955
0.434 291.001
0.045 30.002
0.000 0.191
1.000 671.148

T didih 404.39 K
Ptotal 3040
yD= xD αD Bottom Ln P0 (mmHg) P0 (mmHg) Ki xw
0.25 7.45 9.85 19028.71 6.26 0.001
0.59 2.67 9.04 8405.16 2.76 0.076
0.16 1.00 8.25 3831.24 1.26 0.651
0.00 0.39 7.50 1817.10 0.60 0.272
1.00 4.00 1.00

ke equation. Estimate minimum reflux ratio, Rm using Underwood's equation.

dengan q= 0.3
Trail θ 1.4579783278 Rm
Komponen α.xF/α-θ α.xD/α-θ
Pentana 0.4574 0.6815
Heksana (LK) 0.7488 1.0823
Heptana (HK) -0.4367 -0.0976
Oktana -0.0630 -0.0001
0.7066 1.6660
Rm+1= 1.6660
Rm= 0.6660

um reflux ratio,
s correlation.

1.20 Rmin

15.377086859 0.5810

15.377086859 dibulatkan menjadi 16

αB αAverage
4.966 6.208
2.194 2.432
1.000 1.000
0.474 0.431

f(x) = 5.86206261026932 x − 0.753327666658611

R² = 1

Column H
Linear (Column H)

000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500

Column H
Linear (Column H)

000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500

log a average

αB αAverage
4.97 6.21
2.19 2.43
1.00 1.00
0.47 0.43

od's equation.

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