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Falsgrave Avenue, BRADFORD BD2 3PU

Headteacher Mrs C Parfitt

School Telephone: 01274 771124 Fax: 01274 772479


5th July 2021

Dear Children

I am writing to tell you something that I would have preferred to speak to you about in
assembly, but, due to current circumstances a letter will have to suffice.

After eleven years and two terms as headteacher of our school I have decided to retire, this
is a very long time that I have been in post, in fact, there are only 10 children in year 6 who
were born before I came to Fagley!

I have thoroughly enjoyed being the headteacher at our school and loved watching you learn
so engagingly at everything that has been put in place so that coming to school is one of the
best things that you do.

I have seen you work so hard through our exciting curriculum be it in art, forest schools,
food technology, maths, computing, science, French, phonics, PE, English and the integrated
curriculum.; you can be so proud of yourselves.

Equally I have seen you grow into kind and happy friends with the children around you, this
has made me especially proud of you as you become more resilient, confident, independent,
proactive, respectful and co-operative in school and outside school in the playground, woods
and on visits. Your happy smiling faces and polite manners are an absolute joy and credit to

I will miss you all and hope that the life skills that we support you with will help you to be
healthy, kind and strong in creating for yourselves a positive future.

Now, enjoy the fun day!

Best wishes

Mrs Parfitt

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