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Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi – 40633Telepon: (022) 6631622-24


MATA KULIAH : English for Specific Purposes (Academic Writing)

HARI / TANGGAL : Senin, 23 November 2020
DOSEN PEMBINA : Heri Heryono, S.S, M.Hum./ TIM DOSEN

I. Write a descriptive paragraph by includingthe terminologies below. Make sure you

complete these elements. (Tuliskan satu paragraph deskriptif yang di dalamnya
terdapat istilah-istilah berikut ini):
a. Pre-eclampsia
b. Ultrasound scan
c. Episiotomy
d. Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)
Catatan: satu paragraph tersebut terdiri dari 8-10 kalimat, dan di antara kalimat-
kalimat tersebut, istilah-istilah di atas harus dimasukkan.

II. Write a short paragraph describing yourself and your future job, by minimum 200
words.(Tulis sebuah paragraph sederhana yang berisi mengenai personality dan
pekerjaan yang kamu inginkan setelah lulus dari kampus, dengan minimal jumlah kata
Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi – 40633Telepon: (022) 6631622-24


MATA KULIAH : English for Specific Purposes (Academic Writing)
WAKTU : 120 Menit
NAMA MAHASISWA : Karina Faulin Prasasti
NPM : 311118072

a. Pre-eclampsia

Preeclampsia must be treated to prevent complications and prevent it from developing into eclampsia which can
threaten the life of pregnant women and the fetus. A potentially dangerous pregnancy complication characterized by
high blood pressure.
Pre-eclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of gestation in women whose blood pressure has normalized. This can
cause serious, even fatal, complications for both mother and baby.
There may be no symptoms. High blood pressure and protein in the urine are its main features. Swelling in the legs and
water retention may also occur, but this can be difficult to distinguish from a normal pregnancy.
Preeclampsia can often be managed with oral or IV medications until the baby is mature enough to be born. This
condition often requires consideration of the risk of preterm birth versus the risk of continuing preeclampsia symptoms.

b. Ultrasound scan

Ultrasonography (USG) is an imaging procedure that uses high-frequency sound wave technology to produce
images of the inner body, such as organs or soft tissues.
Ultrasound can be used as a disease diagnosis tool, monitor the condition of the fetus, and as a tool during surgery or
certain procedures, such as taking tissue samples (biopsy). Ultrasound technology is safe, especially for pregnant
women, because it does not emit radiation.
There are 3 types of ultrasound that are commonly used, namely:
External ultrasound. This type of ultrasound is a tool called a probe that has a sensor on the tip, so it can use sound
waves from the surface of the skin.
Internal ultrasound. One example of internal ultrasound is transvaginal ultrasound. This type of ultrasound is
performed by inserting a probe measuring two fingers wide through the vagina.
Endoscopic ultrasound. This type of ultrasound uses a device called an endoscope, which is a device shaped like a thin,
long tube and equipped with a camera, lamp, and ultrasound sensor at the end.
Ultrasound Side Effects
Ultrasound is a safe procedure and does not cause side effects, especially external ultrasound. The side effect that may
arise is an allergic reaction to the gel used.
For internal ultrasound, such as transvaginal ultrasound, the patient may experience discomfort when the instrument is
For endoscopic ultrasound, the patient may experience side effects such as sore throat or flatulence, but these are only
temporary. Although rare, bleeding can occur as a result of endoscopic ultrasound

c. episiotomy
An episiotomy is a medical procedure performed by a doctor or midwife when assisting the delivery process,
namely by incising (or cutting) the mother's perineal area to expand the vaginal opening so that the baby's head is more
easily removed.
This perineal area is the muscle tissue that lies between the V hole and the anal canal.
Some things that are considered by doctors or midwives to carry out this episiotomy include:
There is a possibility of large and severe spontaneous perineal tear.
Transverse or abnormal position of the fetus.
The size of the baby is large enough, so it takes a bigger way out to get the baby out.
The baby should be delivered immediately, for example in fetal distress where the fetal heart rate begins to weaken.
The delivery process will be assisted by using forceps.
The condition of the mother who was too tired and could no longer bear to push

d. EDD

An average pregnancy lasts 280 days from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or 266 days after
conception.[1] Historically, an accurate LMP is the best estimator to determine the due date. Naegele’s rule, derived
from a German obstetrician, subtracts 3 months and adds 7 days to calculate the estimated due date (EDD). It is prudent
of the obstetrician to get a detailed menstrual history including duration, flow, previous menstrual periods, and use of
hormonal contraceptive. These factors are used to determine the length of her cycles and ovulation period. There are
several fallacies with Naegele’s rule. First, a woman may not accurately recall the first day of her menstrual cycle.
Second, this method assumes a woman’s cycle is exactly 28 days, with ovulation occurring at day 14, however, it does
not consider menstrual cycles with shorter or longer durations. Third, there are small variations in duration between
fertilization and blastocyst implantation. Last, this method cannot differentiate between menstrual bleeding and early
pregnancy bleeding. Parikh’s formula was created to account for differences in menstrual cycle length. Parikh’s
formula calculates EDD by adding nine months to the start of the last menstrual period, subtracting 21 days, then
adding the duration of the previous cycle.

I am a midwifery student in the best campus in Bandung. Some of my hopes are for the first time I want to graduate
and graduation on time. After I graduate I want to work in class A or private hospitals such as the Hassan Sadikin
Hospital in Bandung and the Santosa Hospital. while I work I want to continue studying midwifery S1 class employees.
If I have graduated with a bachelor's degree in midwifery and my profession I want to get married and open an
independent midwife practice, open a cafe business, build a foundation for street people who do not have a place to
live. How do I reach these expectations, namely studying seriously, doing assignments on time to graduate on time, not
being negligent in worshiping, being a humble person, easily organizing, never giving up when failing, and learning to
be an entrepreneur from now on.

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