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BAB9 PRECEDING-FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (Greet eet un tit (Ce) receding question merupakan Jenis pertanyaan yang ‘meminta kita untuk menentukan topik sebelum paragraf 1. ‘Sedangkan following question merupakan Jenis pertanyaan yang meminta kita untuk menentukan topik sesudah paragraf terakhir. Ieee 1. Pethatikan soal. Apakah yang ditanyakan preceding atau following. 2. _Jika menanyakan preceding, maka bacalah bars pertama paragraf pertama, Sedangkan untuk pertanyaan following, ‘maka bacalah bars terakhir paragrafakhir. 3. Buatiah kesimpulan tentang ide yang kemungkinan muncul di sebelum paragraf apabila yang ditanyakan terkait (preceding) dan sesudah paragraf apabila terkait (following) % ees ren es Following 1, Theparagraph PRECEDING the passage probably... 2. What is most likly in the paragraph FOLLOWING the 3. The part PRECEDING/FOLLOWING the passage will likely discuss about... CONTOH SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN The following texts for question number 1. Infections with Ebola virus are acute. There isnot carrier state. Because the natural reservoir ofthe virus is unknown, the man- ner in which the virus fist appears in a human at the start of an outbreak has not been determined, However, researchers have hypothesized thatthe fist patient becomes infected through contact with an infected animal After the frst case-patient in an outbreak setting is infected the virus canbe transmitted in several ways. People can be exposed ‘to Ebola virus from direct contact with the blood and/or secretions ofan infected person. Thus, the virus is often spread through {amiles and friends because they come in close contact with such secretions when caring for infected persons. People can also be exposed t Ebola virus through contact with objects, such as needles that have been contaminated with infected secretion. "Nosocominal transmission refers to the spread ofa disease within a health-care setting, such asa clinic or hospital. It occurs frequently during Ebola HF outbreaks. It includes both types of transmission described above. In African health-care facilities, patients ae often cared for without the use of a mask, gown, or gloves. Exposure to the virus has occurred when health care workers treated individuals with Ebola HF without wearing these types of protective clothing. In addition, when needles or syringes are used, they may not be ofthe disposable type, or may not have been sterilized, but only rinsed before reinsertion into multi-use vials of medicine. ( 1. The part following the passage will ikely discuss about Directions to carefully exploit the vius for medical purposes Hints to improve conditions of African health-care facilities Details to prevent the occurrence of nosocomialinfections Procedures to sterilize medical equipment throughly Ways to locate source of nosocomial transmission mone> Pembahasan SMART: Pada paragrafterakir teks tersebut dijelaskan mengenaitransmisi nosocomial (penyebaran penyakit di lingkungan laya- ran kesehatan), seperti bagaimana para pasien drawat tanpa perlengkapan yang kurang memadsl, kurang stril, dsb. Maka, is paragraf selanjutnya yang paling mungkin adalah menerangkan seputar cara pencegahantransmisi nosocomial Jawaban:¢ \O 85 The following textis for question number 2. The pursuit of true happiness can lead people to lifestyles that will not only be statisfying but will be better for the environment, according to an overview of psychological research. "For decades, consumerism has been on a collision course With the environment. Thats, consumer appetites drain the planet of natural resources and accelerate global warming. One view [s that we need to change eonsumption in order to save the planet.” said Miriam Tatzel. "But what if we approached it from the ‘other way around? What if what is good for the consumer mcets what is good for the environment?" Positive psychology, or the study of happiness, well-being, and quality of life, provides the answer to what really brings happiness to consumers, Tatzel said, Several studies have determined that people's basic psychological needs include competence, autonomy, positive relationship, self-acceptance, and personal growth. Research has shown that rather than fulfilling these needs, the pursuit of money and possessions takes time away from more personally fulfilling activities and social relationships. TTatzel’s research illustrated how many consumer traits have direct links to the environment for both good and bad. Materialsm is not only bad for the environment; it is bad for concumers’ wellbeing. "People's wants escalate as they tire of what they have and they want something else, which in turn leads to more consumption and more waste in landfills, more energy consumed and more carbon emitted into the atmosphere she said. “The larger the gap between what one wants and what one has, the greater the dissatisfaction, Less materialism equals more happiness” Tatzel noted that another path to well-being is thrift, which means conserving resources as well as money. Careful people are happier with life in general, according to a 2014 study. That may be because avoiding the negative consequences of spending too much and going into debts one way to avoid unhappiness, she said. People enjoy doing things more than having things. ther studies find that people realize more lasting happiness by changing their activities than by changing their material circumstances” Experiences existing in memory are incomparable, often hared with others and do not have to be resource intensive, "said Tatzel. Other research has found that people are more likely to be happy when they promote personal talents and relationships ‘more than money and fame. They will also be likely to be happy when they have an independent sense of self that results in not caring much what others think oftheir possessions. Tatzel said when it comes to having money, studies have shown a high income may buy life satisfaction, but not happiness. Research has found that people's emotional happiness is affected differeitly byhaving money than people’ life evaluation, which refersto thoughts about their if. Life evaluation steadily rises with income. Emotional happiness also rises income. However, research has found that there is no further progress beyond an annual income of about $75,000. "A society with some people being idolized for being fabulously rch sets a standard of success that is unattainable and leads us to try to approach it by working more and spending more," Tatzel said. "Cooling the consumption-driven economy, working less, and consuming less are better for the environment and better for humans too" (Adapted from http://wwew-sciencedailvcom) 2. The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with.. Conclusions ofthe research results Implications of the research findings Recommendations for the future follow-up Further discussions on the findings Limitations ofthe research study mpnp> Pembahasan SMART: Pertanyaan soal yang berbentuk transition question menanyakan topic paragraph setelahnya (The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with). Topik paragraph selanjutnya dapat merujuk pada kalimat terakhir paragraf terakhir. Dengan demikian, topic paragraph yang mengikuti wacana di atas berkaitan dengan rekomendasi untuk tindak lanjut di waktu yang akan datang, Jawaban: € The following text is for question number 3. Colours, hair, and Jewellery are frequently determined by a person's sex. This is not always true for al cultures, and itis not even true now throughout the United States. In this country, there were protests to bring about a change from these culturally strict norms. The anti-miltary attitudes of the 1960s and the 1970s sought to break with the military tradition masculine or ‘macho’ position, thus making it more acceptable for men to wear floral designs on their shirts in pinks, purples, violets, and other feminine colors: For some people, long hairs and jewellery on men also became acceptable as a means of expressing this changed way of thinking, More facial hair also became common, precisely because it differed from military norm. The business world, however, has been slow to change. 3. With which ofthe following sentences should the texts end? In most offices today ‘A. wearing bright colors, jewellery, and long hair is not acceptable for men. B. men and women have the same right in deciding the color of their rooms. is J C_ menare free to wear bright and colorful shirt. D. bright colors are used in the working areas, well asin the common room. E._ people coming from various cultural backgrounds work hand in hand, Pembahasan SMAI Kalimat terakhir merupakan kalimat kunci. Dalam dunia bisnis, trmasuk di Kantor, akan tetapi, tidak banyak perubahan, ‘Artinya, dunia bisnis sangatlah berbeda dengan pernyataan sebelumnya: For some people, long hairs and jewellery on ‘men also became acceptable as a means of expressing this changed way of thinking. Bagi beberapa orang, rambut panjang, pethiasan untuk laki-lakimerupakan hal yang diterima sebagai prasarana untuk mengekspresikah perubahan cara berpikir Jadi pemyataan yang merupakan kebalikan dari hal itu adalah menggunakan warna-wama yang cerah, perhiasan, dan. ‘memanjangkan rambut bukanlah hal yang diterima di kalangan pria. The following text isfor question number 4. ‘A newer and safer alternatives is on the way. Eyedrops can shrink cataracts in dogs, which may prove a first step toward a drug that can treat or even prevent cataracts in human eyes, researchers say. Cataracts from when the eye's lens grows cloudy, 2 condition that affects millions of people and accounts for ‘more than halfofallcasesof blindness worldwide. Currently, the only treatment for cataracts is surgical removal ofthe clouded lenses. Aging populations around the world are predicted to require a doubling in the numberof cataracts surgeries in the next 20 years Cataracts often result from clumping ofthe proteins that ‘make up the lens. To learn more about how eyes normally prevent such clumping and keep lenses transparent, Scientists analyzed the genes of two related families that both often suffered cataracts from birth. To examine what effects lanosterol might have on cataracts, scientists experimented on dogs with naturally occurring cataracts. “There are many old dogs with cataracts sad study co- author Kang Zhang, an ophthalmologist at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla. “Our collaborators in China had them for another project in cataract research, and we then treated these dogs with lanosterok” After six weeks of treatment with lanosterol eyedrops, lens cloudiness and cataract size decreased in the dogs. Similar results were seen in experiments with human lens. cells and rabit lenses on lab dishes, "The most important Implication is that we can treat cataracts with an eyedrop, not surgery, “Zhang told Live Science. Stil, “this Is a preliminary study, and it needs further work and more studies, as well as confirmation by other researchers” Zhang cautioned, "We will study the safety of this compound, and plan human tials for treatment of cataracts! 4. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses, ‘A. Adifferent and more conventional cataract cure B.A different kind of eye diseases that resembles cataracts . Patented remedies for eye diseases other than cataracts D. The causes and symptoms of cataracts mostly found E._ New cures for cataracts not yet issued to public cold, Jawaban: A Pembahasan SMART: Kalimat soal merupakan bentuk pertanyaan transition {question (preceding paragraph. Dengan demikian, untuk rmengetahui paragraf sebelumnyanya dapat merujuk ppada kalimat pertama paragraph 1, yaitu"A newer and safer alternatives is on the way". Oleh karena it, dapat dlipediksikan bahwa topic paragraph sebelumnya adalah new cures for cataracts not yet isuued to publi Ungkapan tersebut dapat dihat dari kata kunci adalah a newer alternatives, Jawaban: E The following text is for question number: In Montana and Wyoming, a cowboys life is harder in| the winter than in other seasons. During the spring and fall round-ups, a cowboy work long hours. The weather is good, however, and he enjoys being out of doors. The sun shines almost every day, and it rarely rains. During July and August there is little work for a cowboy, and he ‘an spend much of his time at rodeos, his favorite form of recreation. In the winters, as in the spring and fall, @ cowboy also has alot to do, but the severe weather makes his work very difficult. He often works in extreme could and wind. Even when the weather is bad, he rides his horse continuously, watching over his stock and taking care of the weak animals that cannot stand the wind and With which of the following sentences should the paragraph end? ‘A. Therefore, cowboys are usually considered very strong. B. Thus, throughout the year cowboys work hard but they enjoy their social life. To conclude, all cowboys are well trained and good alt rodeos. D. That's why cowboys work very hard only during the spring and fal. E. Asa result of their hard work, cowboys do not socialize wel Pembahasan SMART: Kalimatterakhir adalah: Even when the weathers bad, he rides his horse continuously, watching over his stock ‘and taking care of the weak animals that cannot stand the wind and cold, yang artinya walaupun cuaca buruk seorang cowboy memacu kudanya terus menerus, \G 187 ‘Sehingga, kalimat penutup yang paling tepat adalah therefore, cowboys are usually considered very strong, maka dari it, ‘cowboy dikenal sangat kuat. Jawaban: A The following texts for question number 6. Refugees are obviously not a new phenomenon. It has been said that Adam and Eve share the dubious honor of being the first refugees. In biblical times the Hebrews, to escape from slavery under the pharaohs, fled from Egypt in one of the first recorded collective migrations. Throughout history, wars, invasions, and religious and political persecutions have left a tral of refugees and a concomitant acceptance of the right in churches, mosques, and other holy places. The 17° century Dutch Jurist Hugo Grotius, himself a refugee, declared that ‘permanent residence ought not to be denied to foreigners who, expelled from their homes, are seeking a refugee, provided that they submit themselves to the established government and observe any regulation which are necessary to avoid strites” However, until the 20" century, there were no international agreements, Covering the right of asylum, Only ina few instances appropriate national legislation was enacted. 6. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses. A. refugees’ loss of wisdom B._ examples of proper legislation regulating refugees C. the government's act to ban refugees D._ the fight of modern refugees E._newresidence for refugees Pembahasan: Paragraf yang mengikuti (following) wacana di atas, pasti ada kaitannya dengan bagian akhir wacana tersebut. Dengan memperhatikan kalimat terakhit, maka paragrafselanjutnya membicarakan tentang contoh perundangan yang mengatur pengungsi. Jawabar _ Catatan

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