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Criterion C Assignment

Astronomy Unit

HR Diagram Assignment

If you were to plot a graph of height vs. mass for a random selection of people, what might you expect to
see? As most people weigh more the taller they are, we expect to see a correlation. While there may be
some exceptions to this relation, for the most part it is true.
When you plot the brightness of a star vs. its temperature, another type of correlation becomes apparent.
In this activity, we will determine that correlation by creating a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

Properties of Stars:

Brighter stars have a lower value of magnitude – so a star with a negative magnitude is actually brighter
than a star with a positive magnitude.

The temperature of stars is often measured in Kelvin (not degrees Celcius). Kelvin is very similar to
Celcius, but whereas 0 degrees Celcius is the freezing point of water, 0 Kelvin is absolute zero … the
freezing point of everything! At this temperature everything freezes and stops moving, even electrons
around the nucleus of an atom!

Hertzsprung and Russell:

Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Russell independently discovered this correlation in the early 1910s. The
diagram has since been used to infer properties of stars based on their temperature, brightness and

Below you will see 25 bright stars (stars that appear bright from Earth) and 25 closest stars (the stars
closest to our Earth. Each of these stars from this chart have been plotted onto the graph you see
below the chart. What you will notice is that the other components of the graph are missing.


1. You must complete the graph below by adding the proper titles, axis numbers, legend, etc.
- Make sure you review the numbers provided in the chart to determine the appropriate range
- Use the lines provided within the graph to display the appropriate numbers

2. Once the graph is completed you will then answer the “Discussion Questions”

3. Your discussion questions should be completed in a word document (typed) and once you have
completed the graph and discussion questions you will submit this work document through
TigerNet to Turnitin!

4. Make sure to include proper citations for any research completed (needed for top levels).


Bright Stars   Closest Stars
Absolute Absolute
Temperatur Temperature
Star Magnitud   Star Magnitud
e (K) (K)
e e
1 1 9650   1 11.5 2950
2 -0.8 13260   2 12 2900
3 -3 7400   3 10.5 3200
4 4.5 5840   4 14.5 2570
5 -4.5 23000   5 13 2500
6 -0.5 4590   6 14.5 2670
7 0.5 9900   7 6 4590
8 -0.6 5150   8 14 2670
9 -7 9340   9 13.5 2800
10 1.5 9600   10 7.5 4130
11 -7 12140   11 14 2600
12 -5.2 23000   12 7 4130
13 2.5 6580   13 13.5 2600
14 0.2 4900   14 11 3070
15 -2.5 20500   15 9.5 3340
16 -5 25500   16 5.5 5150
17 -5.5 3200   17 11.5 2800
18 2 8060   18 8.5 3340
19 -0.5 4130   19 11 3480
20 -4.5 6100   20 12 3000
21 -3.5 20500   21 13 2750
22 -4.5 28000   22 13 3000
23 -5 3340   23 12.5 2940
24 2 9060   24 13.5 2800
25 -3.5 25500   25 15 2670

***Some star characteristics have been adjusted to make it easier to graph*

***Our Sun = 5840K / 4.8*** (labelled in yellow)

White dwarf

25900 21900 17900 13900 9900 5900 1900

Temperature (K)

After plotting the needed components onto the graph, answer the following questions in complete
sentences in a word document.

1. Post your completed graph.

2. Our star, the Sun, has a magnitude of 4.8 and a temperature of 5840K. How does it compare to
the bright stars? How does it compare to the nearby stars? Which is it most like? Why?
The average absolute magnitude is 5.0 and the brightest star has -5.5 as its absolute magnitude.
Comparing to this, the absolute magnitude of the Sun is average. The average temperature is
13900K. This means that the Sun is relatively “cold” compare to other stars. The Sun is most like
the star No.4, because their temperature and absolute magnitude are very similar.

3. Most of the stars seem to be along a line from the upper left to the lower right of the HR Diagram.
Stars which fall into this category are called what? When do stars find themselves in this
category? Does our Sun fit into this category? Explain why or why not.
Stars which fall into this category are called main sequence stars. A main sequence star is any
star that is fusing hydrogen in its core and has a stable balance of outward pressure from core
nuclear fusion and gravitational forces pushing inward. The Sun fits into this category, because it
fills into all the characteristics of a main sequence star.

4. What happens when a star runs out of hydrogen? Would this change its location on the HR
diagram? Where would a star which is about to go supernova be located? Describe this in words,
then label it on your completed graph (use a textbox to write “supernova” onto your graph).
When a low mass star runs out of hydrogen, it will turn into a white dwarf; when a high mass star
runs out of hydrogen, it will turn into a neutron star or a black hole. The star that is about to go
supernova would be hot and luminous, so it will be in the upper left corner.

5. A possible end result when a small star “dies,” is that it becomes very hot, but dim. What are
these types of stars called? Where would they be on your HR Diagram? Describe this in words,
then label it on your completed graph in the proper area (use a textbox once again).
These types of stars are called white dwarfs. They would be in the lower right corner of the graph.

6. Outline the differences between high mass, and low mass stars. How are they physically different
and how are their life cycles different?
In order to keep balance within the force of gravity, high mass stars have to generate a lot of
energy; therefore, they are hot and luminous. On the other hand, low mass stars don’t have to
generate that much energy to balance the gravity; therefore, they are relatively cold and dim.
When a low mass star runs out of hydrogen fuel, it can stay on the main sequence for 100 billion
years, before shrinking and fading away into a white dwarf. When a high mass star consumes all
its energy, its core collapses and the outer layers disperse in a supernova. The core left behind
after the supernova will be a neutron star or a black hole if the original star is big enough.

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