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Id customer_id order_id transaction_date status vendor

1 422818 TEST000001 2018-01-01 00:00:10 SHIPPED Vendor A

2 181820 TEST000002 2018-01-01 00:10:10 SHIPPED Vendor A

3 999019 TEST000003 2018-01-02 03:18:01 CANCELLED Vendor A

4 1923192 TEST000004 2018-02-04 05:00:00 CANCELLED Vendor C

5 645532 TEST000005 2018-02-10 16:00:10 SHIPPED Vendor C

6 1101011 TEST000006 2018-02-11 11:00:11 SHIPPED Vendor C

7 1020000 TEST000007 2018-02-10 00:00:00 SHIPPED Vendor D

8 40111234 TEST000008 2018-03-11 06:30:11 SHIPPED Vendor D

9 1923192 TEST000009 2018-03-12 10:00:11 CANCELLED Vendor B

10 1101011 TEST000010 2018-03-12 15:30:12 SHIPPED Vendor B

11 999019 TEST000011 2018-03-15 12:30:45 CANCELLED Vendor A

12 645532 TEST000012 2018-04-01 09:30:22 SHIPPED Vendor A

13 650013 TEST000013 2018-04-01 10:50:37 SHIPPED Vendor C

14 777734 TEST000014 2018-04-02 13:45:19 SHIPPED Vendor D

From the table above, write the SQL query to (preferably using MySQL syntax, but you can also
use SQL Server, Redshift SQL or ANSI standard syntax):
1. Show list of transactions occurring in February 2018 with SHIPPED status.
2. Show list of transactions occurring from midnight to 9 AM
3. Show a list of only the last transactions from each vendor
4. Show a list of only the second last transactions from each vendor
5. Count the transactions from each vendor with the status CANCELLED per day
6. Show a list of customers who made more than 1 SHIPPED purchases
7. Show the total transactions (volume) and category of each vendors by following these criteria:
a. Superb: More than 2 SHIPPED and 0 CANCELLED transactions
b. Good: More than 2 SHIPPED and 1 or more CANCELLED transactions
c. Normal: other than Superb and Good criteria
Order the vendors by the best category (Superb, Good, Normal), then by the biggest
transaction volume
Vendor Category Total Transaction

Vendor D Superb 3

... ... ...

8. Group the transactions by hour of transaction_date

Hour of the Day Total Transaction

00 3

03 1

05 1

... ...

9. Group the transactions by day and statuses as the example below


2018-01-01 2 0 0

2018-01-02 0 1 0

2018-02-04 0 1 0

... ...

10. Calculate the average, minimum and maximum of days interval of each transaction (how
many days from one transaction to the next)

Average Interval Minimum Interval Maximum Interval

... day(s) … day(s) … day(s)


Id trx_id product_name quantity price

1 1 Beng beng 100 6000

2 1 Taro 80 5500

3 2 Beng Beng 70 6000

4 2 Taro 41 5500

5 2 Indomie Kari Ayam 12 3000

6 2 Indomie Ayam Bawang 20 3100

7 3 Indomie Ayam Bawang 30 3200

8 3 Indomie Kari Ayam 90 3300

9 3 Taro 100 5500

10 4 Beng Beng 40 6000

11 5 Teh Sariwangi Murni 50 8000

12 6 Indomie Kari Ayam 10 3000

13 6 Indomie Ayam Bawang 8 3100

14 6 Teh Sariwangi Murni 80 8000

15 6 Teh Hijau Cap Kepala Djenggot 15 9500

16 7 Coki-coki 70 1000

17 8 Bakmi Mewah 1500 13000

The new table, “transaction_details” contains the details of purchased item of each transaction in
“transactions” table.

In reference to both tables, write an SQL query to:
1. Show the sum of the total value of the products shipped along with the Distributor
Commissions (2% of the total product value if total quantity is 100 or less, 4% of the total
product value if total quantity sold is more than 100)

Product Name Value (quantity x price) Distributor Commission

Taro x.000.000 x.000

Beng Beng x.000.000 x.000

… … ...

2. Show total quantity of “Indomie (all variant)” shipped within February 2018



3. For each product, show the ID of the last transaction which contained that particular product

Product Name Last Transaction ID

Beng beng 4

Coki-Coki 7

… …

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