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unit test 2

Vocabulary It sounds like we already have all the

information we need about our next
1 Complete the text with the words in the box. 8
! So when is the best time to
breathtaking ferry prehistoric trip
go there?
Julie: Probably just after Easter.
romantic spicy sunset tour
Thanks very much. I’ll call back later to make
Rob: Hi. Is that Azure Seas Travel? our reservations.
Julie: Yes, it is. How can I help you? 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Rob: I’m interested in going to a Greek island this
spring. Can you recommend something? erupts floats flows blows melts pours scorches
Julie: Our most popular Greek island is Santorini.
It’s about 200 kilometers from the mainland of 1 Snow .
Greece, and everyone loves it there. 2 The sun .
Rob: How can we get there? 3 A volcano .
Julie: You can take a 1 from Piraeus 4 A ship .
and arrive at the port of Skala. It only takes a 5 Heavy rain .
few hours. 6 The wind .
Rob: What’s the island like? 7 A river .
Julie: It’s one of the most spectacular islands in
Greece. Houses are built on the edge of a
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in 2 in
the correct form.
volcano, and the views are 2 . 1 The wind so hard last night that our
Rob: What places can we visit? tent collapsed on top of us.
Julie: You can 3 the island first, and 2 Heavy rain from a dark sky all day,
then visit the Thera Museum, where they have so we stayed inside the cabin and played board
lots of 4 exhibits. games.
Rob: What can I do with my friends? 3 The campground is very peaceful, with a shallow
Julie: There are lots of bars and restaurants on the river that gently through the trees.
island. There are chill-out bars by the shore, 4 As you look out over the harbor, you can see
and dance clubs as well. And don’t forget many boats and small ships on the
to watch the 5 from one of the calm sea.
viewing spots in the town. Lots of couples 5 We actually saw a volcano when
just sit and watch as the sun sinks below the we went to Hawaii. It was spectacular!
horizon. It’s very 6 .
6 We’d thought it would be a good day for skiing,
Rob: Where can we eat? but when the hot sun came out, the snow
Julie: There are beach bars in Perissa, Kamari and and we had to stop for the day.
Perivolos. If you like 7 food, 7 In Death Valley in the summer, the sun is so hot
there are a couple of popular bars which that it the few plants that manage
create new flavors by mixing spices from to grow there.
different parts of the world.
Rob: Where can we stay?
Julie: There’s a campsite at Perissa Beach. Or
there are plenty of rooms you can rent for
reasonable rates.


4817493 ECCE Result TB.indb 69 18/05/2012 13:02

Although Tarantino is best known for his work
4 Complete the text using the correct form of the behind the camera, he was also starring in some of
words in the box.
his movies, for example, Reservoir Dogs and From
sun economy friend hour wit weight drama Dusk Till Dawn.
He is still very young and working on many new
If you’re looking for a pleasurable vacation spot, try projects. One of which is Diary of the Dead. He has
filmed this in 2007 and, according to reviewers, it is
one of the Caribbean islands. Flights leave major
yet another example of Tarantino’s unique directing
U.S. cities 1 during the peak season, style.
and if you have 2 concerns – in other
words, you want to save money – there are many
3 Choose the correct answer.
1 “Why didn’t you call me last night?”
good deals to be found. When you arrive, you’ll
“I your message until really late, so
discover that the weather is usually
I wasn’t able to call you until this morning.”
, the people are 4
a haven’t gotten c have gotten
and helpful and everything is ready for you to have
b didn’t get d got
a good time. Don’t just stick to the tourist spots,
2 People in this village for at least
however. Visit a local café, where the conversations
4,000 years, and it remains a very popular place
can be 5 , dealing with politics and
for people to move to.
crime, or 6 , full of jokes and laughter.
a lived c living
And don’t miss the performances of local music and
b live d have lived
dances. These take place on the beaches by firelight,
3 I finished reading the book last night, but I
and the haunting music and long shadows of the
writing my essay on it yet.
dancers create a very 7 atmosphere.
a haven’t even started c even haven’t started
b don’t even star d not even start
Grammar 4 Since he turned eighteen, Tomás in
1 Complete the sentences with the present six different countries. Will he ever decide where
perfect or present perfect continuous form of to settle down?
the verbs in parentheses. a lived c has been living
Jason Martin 1 (cycle) around the U.S. b lives d has lived
for the past six months, and he still 2 5 “Is Candy still writing?”
(not get) tired of being on a bicycle. That’s because “She writing her novel last year, but
the people in every town he 3 (visit) it hasn’t been accepted by a publisher yet.”
greet him with cheers, good food, and plenty of a finished c did finish
money, too. Jason 4 (collect) donations b has finished d has been finishing
for research on autism since he began the trip, 6 Even though we there many
and so far he 5 (collected) nearly fifty times, every time we visit Mexico, we discover
thousand dollars. Jason himself 6 (be) something new and exciting.
autistic all his life, but that 7
(not keep) a went c have been
him from traveling, meeting new people, and doing b go d have been going
good for others. “I 8 (enjoy) this trip 7 Jack has had some really memorable parties, but
since the beginning,” he says. “And I plan to go on the one he for his fiftieth birthday
enjoying it for another six months.” was really unforgettable.
a threw c has thrown
2 Correct any tense mistakes in the text. b throws d was throwing
Quentin Tarantino was recently included on the list of
the Top 100 Living Geniuses. He is born in Knoxville, “Did you get to visit Taiwan last spring?”
Tennessee in 1963 and has written his first script at “No, I still there, but I’m planning to
the age of 14. His first feature film is Reservoir Dogs
in 1992, which set the tone for his later movies. His go in September.”
next movie, Pulp Fiction (1994), has earned seven a didn’t go c don’t go
Oscar nominations, one of which it won. He directed b haven’t been d haven’t been going
and was writing other popular movies such as From
Dusk Till Dawn (1996) starring George Clooney and
Kill Bill (2003) with Uma Thurman.


4817493 ECCE Result TB.indb 70 18/05/2012 13:02

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