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3 Column Table: 5th/6th Robotics Preseason On-line Class

BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal

Learners will work online to prepare themselves for the 2021-2022 FIRST Lego League
competition season by learning a basic knowledge of Python coding vocabulary and
processes, and exploring the meaning behind each of the FIRST Core Values.

Learning Goals Learning Activities Assessment Activities

Foundational Online videos Formative/summative tests

Learners will understand the and quizzes
meaning of each of the FIRST Online activities such as
core values: discovery, Kahoot, Codesters, and Various Canvas assignments
inclusion, innovation, impact, Flipgrid
teamwork, and fun. Group discussions

Learners will understand basic

coding language terminology.

Learners will learn to create

simple coding samples using

Application Online practice games with Create a Flipgrid explaining the

Learners will analyze how the Kahoot meaning of each of the Core
ideas behind the FIRST Core Values
Values apply to teamwork. Brainpop Videos on
programming, loops, and Vocabulary matching quiz
Learners will demonstrate functions
their understanding of basic
coding language by matching Various learning games and Create coding samples using
terms with their definitions. activities on Python on

Learners will successfully

complete assigned tasks
using Python coding.

Integration Participate in a discussion Review and analyze online

Learners will apply their on the integration of Core videos demonstrating each of
knowledge of the Core Values Values, Gracious the Core Values in action
to the philosophies of Gracious Professionalism, and
Professionalism and Coopertition
Learners will use coding Match the steps needed to Explain step by step the
language to verbalize the steps solve a given coding process needed to solve a
needed to solve coding problem with the given coding problem
problems. description of each step

Human Dimension/Caring Personal reflection Flipgrid Discussion board where

Learners will recognize their where learners share their students may ask for help, and
own strengths and strongest/weakest Core help each other through the
weaknesses when it comes to Value skill programming tasks
the Core Values and how that
relates to teamwork. Teams will work Reflective journaling exit ticket
collaboratively to create a
Learners will demonstrate definition of teamwork, and
the ability to work meeting expectations
collaboratively and
persevere through difficult

Learning How to Learn activities Canvas assignments

Learners will utilize Canvas
pages, and other resources, as Self reflection Surveys
needed, in order to build their
knowledge of coding Demonstration of
vocabulary and skills to learned skills in
prepare for the official start of Robotics club meetings
the Robotics competition

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