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This week we learned about Genocide mass killing, Complexity to Politics war and
peace and the feminist approach to peace psychology and its importance.
About complexity to politics and war, there are two ways a leader can go in a time
of conflict. It Is either to stand their ground and not comply with the opponent or
be flexible and be willing to compromise and negotiate in order to maintain peace.
This theory has been proven in some of incidents in history, such as the American
civil war, World War II and the cold war. The American Civil war (1861 – 1865)
could’ve started a decade early in 1850 when there was a conflict about whether or
not the new states entering the union allowed slavery or not. This debate ended in
peace with compromise, But, in 1860 the senatorial debate turned into a violent
war. In World War 2 Churchill was in the opponent party of the prime minister of
that time and he said that negotiation would lead to greater aggression.
Chamberlain had consistently higher complexity levels than Churchill until very
near the actual beginning of World War II, when he showed a major drop in
complexity. This was collected as further evidence that a downward shift in
integrative complexity is often a signal that war is imminent. World War 2 ended
and the communism in Eastern Europe fell USA and Soviet Union were the
primary opponents on the political and military scene. Soviet Union and USA
started being a part of every international conflict and they has begun an unofficial
war, this only ended after compromise. This topic explains the relationship
between integrative power, complexity and war. Complexity is a powerful
predictor of whether an international crisis would end in war or Peace. High
complexity usually means that there will be a negotiation and peace will prevail
whereas, low complexity means that war is imminent.
Feminist Approach: This topic looks at both feminist methods of conceptualizing
and initializing peace, and the effects of conflict on women and girls. Integrative
power is the closest to feminist point of view of power, and is associated with
energy, strength and effective communication, as opposed to manipulation,
domination and control. The feminist approach is distinct from other conceptual
approaches in its philosophy and analysis and is one that has often been overlooked
or marginalized in peace studies. Peacebuilding is a process; relationship building
is crucial to its effectiveness and meeting basic human needs underlies its success.
This topic explains how women and peace psychology are interrelated and very
important. This chapter helps us understand their relationship better. differential
psychosocial effects of armed conflict upon men and women, boys and girls must
be investigated and appropriate healing methods developed. Due to so many types
of violence and crisis peace education is important because even if it is not taught
how to end a particular type of violence or war, we could be taught how to bring
peace and maintain it.

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