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Volume 6, Number 4,1991

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers

A Systemic Acceleratory Phenomenon (SAP) Accompanies

the Regional Acceleratory Phenomenon (RAP) During
Healing of a Bone Defect in the



The rate of remodeling in the region of a bone defect exceeds normal tissue activity. It was Frost who de-
scribed this reaction as a regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP). We investigated the local healing process
with rats with a burr hole defect (1.2 mm in diameter) in the left tibia. We differentiated an initial phase of
bone formation followed by a phase of predominant resorption. To determine whether this regional en-
hancement of bone formation would result in a systemic impact on bone metabolism, we analyzed both
tibiae and femora and the fourth lumbar vertebra. On day 7 both femora of rats with the tibial defect
showed a significant increase in computerized x-ray density, dry weight, ash weight, and Ca2+content. Both
tibiae and the fourth lumbar vertebra showed a significant increase in mineralizing surface, mineral apposi-
tion rate, and bone formation rate. Because of these results we conclude that a systemic acceleratory phe-
nomenon (SAP) accompanies the RAP.
SAP affects only the cancellous, but not the cortical bone compartment. SAP is associated closely with
the occurrence of woven bone during the formation phase of the healing process. Thus we assume that
woven bone formation plays a pivotal role in the mediation of SAP.

INTRODUCTION the rate of remodeling in the region of a bone defect ex-

ceeds the ordinary tissue activity to potentiate tissue heal-

B ECAUSE they may reveal insights in the understanding

of bone growth, repair, and remodeling processes, the
control and stimulation of bone formation and bone re-
ing and local tissue defense reactions. This “reaction of
mammalian tissues to diverse noxious stimuli” was termed
the regional acceleratory phencimenon (RAP) by Frost. In
sorption have received a great deal of attention. the present study we examined whether acceleration of re-
There is ample evidence that both bone formation and gional remodeling activities leads to an impact on systemic
resorption are regulated by a complex interplay between bone remodeling. We induced RAP by a burr hole defect
systemic hormones and an increasing number of local fac- in the rat tibia and characterized the local healing process.
tors,“) but the effects of systemic and local growth factors Associated changes in growth and remodeling dynamics at
on bone formation and resorption have been examined al- distant skeletal sites were analyzed as well, since our previ-
most exclusively by use of in vitro systems.(z-6)Very little ous results pointed toward syslemic effects of local repair
is known about this interplay between hormones and sys- mechanisms.(L1)There have also been reports of an en-
temic and local growth factors in the in vivo regulation of hancement of osteogenesis in rat mandibular condyles fol-
bone formation and resorption. lowing tibial marrow ablation.(”’ Our study comprises the
We applied and further characterized an animal model analyses of weight-bearing (femora and tibiae) as well as of
of maximally stimulated local bone formation and resorp- so-called non-weight-bearing structures (vertebrae).
tion under in vivo c~nditions.‘’-~) According to Frost,(1o)

Department of Medicine I, Endocrinology, University of Heidelberg, Bergheimerstrasse 58, D-6900 Heidelberg, Germany.


MATERIALS AND METHODS of this method is that the density of the x-rayed object is
Animals directly proportional to the intensity of the x-ray shadow.
For densitometric measurement the x-ray film is positioned
Female rats (strain Chbb: THOM, Thomae GmbH, under a photomicroscope equipped with a high-resolution
Biberach, Germany) weighing 180-200 g were maintained video camera that displays the x-ray shadow of the bone
at random in cages (Ehret, Inc., D7830 Emmendingen, on a video monitor. This video image is then digitized by
Germany) and received food and water ad libitum. The means of threshold discriminators. Approximately 60 gray-
diet was a standard laboratory chow [Atromin standard scale values can be discriminated. The instrument trans-
324 (0.9% calcium; 0.7% phosphorus; 0.2070 magnesium; forms the gray-scale value of each picture point (pixels) be-
0.2% sodium; 1.0% potassium; 600 IU/kg of vitamin D3) longing to the bone image into a brightness value. The sum
Altromin Co., Lage, Germany]. of the brightness values (termed the hydroxylapatite area
coefficient, ha/mmz) in a defined area of measurement is
Experimental design directly proportional to the bone density in this region of
Two experiments were carried out. The first studied the i n t e r e ~ t . " ~ . ' ~ )
healing pattern of an experimentally induced defect in the
rat tibia. We investigated whether this local healing would Physical Analyses: Bone volume: Both femora were re-
follow a predictable series of events that could be quanti- moved and completely cleaned of adherent soft tissue. The
fied and thus be used as an appropriate in vivo model to bones were weighed and their volumes determined accord-
study bone formation under defined conditions. A hole 1.2 ing to Archimedes.('5)
mm in diameter was drilled in the diaphysis of the left tibia
Dry weight: For determination of their dry weight the
of female rats. There were six groups of 10 animals each.
femora were dried to constant weight at 37°C.
The animals were sacrificed on days 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, and
28 under ether anesthesia by aortal bleeding and cervical Mean specific density: The ratio of bone dry weight to
dislocation. We used a triple-fluorochrome labeling the total bone volume was determined.
method to demonstrate the dynamics of healing.
Ash weight: The femora were ashed in a muffle furnace
The second studied whether this local enhancement of
(Heraeus MR 170, W.C. Heraeus Co., Hanau, Germany)
bone formation by the experimental defect would affect
at 600°C for 24 h.
other sites of the skeleton or even lead to a systemic bone
formation stimulus. There were three groups of animals. Calcium content: Ash specimens were dissolved with
One group ( n = 12) was designated as the control group. 32% (1.16 M) HCI and diluted 1:40,0oO for A A S (atomic
The second group underwent a sham operation ( n = 12). absorption spectroscopy, Perkin-Elmer 4ooo).
A hole was drilled in the diaphysis of the left tibia of the
rats of the third and experimental group (n = 14). The Triple-Fluorochrome Labeling: In experiments 1 and 2
animals received injections of calcein before the operation the animals received intraperitoneal (IP) calcein (6 mg/kg
and of tetracycline before sacrifice on day 7. This date was body weight per day) 24 h before surgery and IP tetracy-
chosen after the results of our experiment 1 (data shown cline (30 mg/kg body weight per day) 24 h before sacrifice.
below) as the date on which local enhancement of bone In addition IP xylenol orange (90mg/kg body weight per
formation was at its peak. Both femora, both tibiae, and day) was injected 1 week before sacrifice in the 14, 21, and
the fourth lumbar vertebra were removed for analyses. All 28 day groups.'16-'9)
the bones examined were x-rayed to perform computerized
x-ray densitometry. The femora were then used for physi- Histomorphometry: The tibiae and fourth lumbar verte-
cal analysis, the tibiae and vertebrae for quantitative histo- bra were removed from each animal and fixed in 70% eth-
morphometric analysis. anol. The bones were dehydrated in successive concentra-
tions of ethanol and embedded in methyl methacrylate.(zO)
Experimental defect
For visual morphometric analysis [Merz grid'z'.zz)]of
Rats were anesthesized with ether, and a skin incision the tibiae and vertebrae, 3 pm sections were cut with a
was made parallel to the long axis of the medial tibial di- Jung microtome (Jung Co., Heidelberg, Germany) and
aphysis. A defect 1.2 mm in diameter was drilled from the stained according to van K o s ~ a . ' ~In~addition
) to the Merz
medial to the lateral side of the midshaft cortex (the defect grid method we applied a computerized histomorphometry
extending from one cortical side to the other throughout method for the van Kossa stains.
the marrow cavity). A sodium chloride solution (0.9%) To prepare sections of the defect-bearing tibia we chose
was used to clean the area of debris. The incision was a standardized cutting plane parallel to the long axis of the
closed with two sutures. In the sham procedure the bone bone and to that of the defect.
was exposed and was left intact. The fluorescent labels were estimated by means of hand-
ground sections (approximate thickness 50 pm) using a
Zeiss Morphomat. The following measurements were car-
ried out at x 50 in vertebral cancellous bone and in tibial
Computerized X-ray Densitometry: X-ray films were metaphyseal area of secondary spongiosa, 1 mm distal to
taken of all the examined bones. The underlying principle the epiphyseal growth plate: bone volume (Vo), bone sur-

face (mm2/mm3), mineralizing surface (MS: single-labeled ullary callus underwent almost complete resorption (Color
surface = sL, double-labeled surface = dl, Vo), mineral Plate 3). On day 21 lamellar bone began to replace the
apposition rate (MAR, pm/day), bone formation rate bridging woven bone (Color Plates 4 and 5). On day 28
(BFR, tissue level, pm3/pm2/day). lamellar bone formation in the restored cortical zone con-
The histomorphometric parameters were determined ac- tinued and led to an increase in cortical bone density at the
cording to the ASBMR Histomorphometry Nomenclature defect area (Color Plate 6 ; for quantitative data see later).
Committee. Computerized histomorphometry of the defect area (by
Tibia1 growth was determined by measuring the distance means of 3 pm sections stained according to van Kossa)
of the fluorescent band from the epiphyseal line.'25) confirmed the time-dependent formation and resorption
phase described earlier.
Statistical Analysis: We applied MANOVA (multivari- In our histomorphometric analyses we additionally dif-
ate analysis of variance) to calculate statistical ferentiated between the medullary callus and the bridging
significance.'26) We used the SPSS-X software system bone at the cortical site, which 'we quantitated separately.
(SPSS Inc., 44 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611) Figure 1 gives an overview of our measurement areas in the
to analyze the data obtained for femora, tibiae, and verte- defect-bearing tibia. Figure 2 shows the bone volume in the
brae. medullary cavity (area 1 in Fig. l), which reached a peak
The precondition for the application of the MANOVA of 40% at day 7 (also compare Color Plate l), and then the
was nonsignificance of the Box's M test. As the Box's M resorption of this medullary callus subject to temporal lim-
test for the vertebrae showed a significance of 0.001, we itations. The volume of the cortical bridging bone (area 2
had to exclude the vertebrae from the MANOVA. Thus in Fig. 1) increased to reach 850,'o on day 28 after surgery,
statistical significance for the vertebrae was calculated by along with its transformation into lamellar bone (Fig. 3).
means of Wilcoxon's test. Bone formation at the periosteal site revealed a peak at
We applied an a adjustment to integrate the statistical day 10 postsurgery and was also followed by a phase of
tests for femora, tibiae, and vertebrae. The significance predominant resorption (area 3a in Fig. 1). Thus forma-
level a, of the individual tests must be <0.017 (a,= 1 - tion and resorption of the bone at the periosteal site paral-
(1 - p)l/n; n = number of individual tests) to obtain an leled the formation and resorption phase of woven bone in
overall significance level p < 0.05. the medullary cavity (Fig. 2 shows the development of
medullary woven and periosteal bone).
RESULTS However, this newly formed periosteal bone was not re-
sorbed entirely: approximately 20% became an integral
There was no difference in body weight between control part of the cortical envelope. The mineralized volume of
the remaining 20% of this periosteal callus rose continu-
and defect-bearing rats at the end of the experiment. There
was also no enhancement of tibial growth in rats with a ously and thus showed a dynamic profile similar to that of
the cortical bridging bone (Fig. 3).
burr hole defect. The data obtained for our sham group
corresponded with those of the control group, suggesting
that the sham procedure did not provoke alterations of Experiment 2
bone metabolism (data therefore not shown).
Femora: X-ray Density + Physical Analyses: On day 7,
Experiment 1 when local repair achieved a maximum of newly formed
bone, both femora of rats with the tibial defect showed an
The healing pattern of a local defect in the rat tibial mid- increase in computerized x-ray density, dry weight, ash
diaphysis followed a predictable series of events. Determi- weight, and Ca'+ content (see Table 1).
nation of the x-ray density in the defect region by means of The multivariate test, which is the overall test for all re-
computerized x-ray analysis showed a first phase of activa- peated measurements (i.e., computerized x-ray density, dry
tion of bone formation followed by a phase of predomi- weight, ash weight, and Ca2+content) showed a significant
nant resorption (data not shown). increase between the experimental and the control group
Our histologic examinations (50 pm sections with triple- (p < 0.015). The individual univariate tests, which focus
fluorochrome labeling) revealed that the initial formation on the difference between the control and the experimental
phase consists of group with respect to the single repeated measurement,
1. A complete filling of the defect with woven bone showed a significant increase in the experimental group
throughout the marrow cavity (medullary callus forma- (see Table 1). There was no within-subject difference; that
tion; Color Plate l). is, there was no difference in tht: reaction of right and left
2. An additional enhancement of bone formation not femora of defect-bearing rats.
only at this site of local defect but also at the lateral peri-
osteal envelope of the tibia within a certain distance of the Tibiae: Histomorphometric Data: Mineral apposition
burr hole defect (periosteal bone neoformation; Color rate, bone formation rate, and (double- and single-labeled
Plate 2). mineralizing surface of both tibiae (area 4, Fig. 1) of de-
fect-bearing rats were increased (Fig. 4). The effects as
On day 14 bridging of the interrupted cortical ends was measured by the dynamic parameters, single- and double-
achieved by newly formed woven bone, whereas the med- labeled MS, MAR, and BFR were more marked in the de-

fect-bearing left tibia, but the contralateral tibia responded Vertebrae: Histomorphometry: The mineral apposition
in the same way. rate, bone formation rate, and single- and double-labeled
The multivariate test showed a significant increase in mineralizing surface in vertebral cancellous bone of rats
both experimental tibiae with respect to all repeated mea- with the tibia1 defect were increased (Fig. 5). The Wilcoxon
surements, that is, MS sL, MS dL, and MAR, that were test for the BFR of the fourth lumbar vertebra of defect-
integrated by MANOVA (p < 0.001). Each of these indi- bearing rats was significant, with p < 0.005.
vidual repeated measurements showed a significant in-
crease in the experimental group in the univariate test. a-Adjustment: The significance levels for the femora
There was no within-subject effect in the multivariate test: (multivariate test, p < 0.015), tibiae (multivariate test, p
the right and left tibiae of defect-bearing rats reacted in the < 0.001), and vertebrae (Wilcoxon test, p < 0.005) were
same way. Only the individual test for MS SL showed a sig- all below the a-adjusted level of a0 = 0.017.Thus there is
nificant increase in the left defect-bearing tibia compared a significant systemic osteogenic stimulus in the repair pro-
to the right tibia (see Fig. 4). cess of a local bone defect.

a r e a of histomorphometric results
measurement parameters shown

1 bone volume fig.3


2 bone volunie sig.4

( 010 I

3a mean width of callus fig.3


3b bone volume of frg.4

mineralized callus

4 mineralizing surface sL fig.5

4 mineralizing surface dL r1g.5

4 mineral apposition r a t e S1g.S

5 Y
bone To m a t ' n r a t e
(urn /urn /d)

5 = position of the pretreatment fluoro-

chrome label a t the time of
microscopic evaluation

FIG. 1. Measurement areas in the defect-bearing tibia: 1, medullary area; 2, cortical area; 3, periosteal area; 4, subepi-
physeal area; 5 , pretreatment fluorochrome label, 1 mm proximal to area 4.

COLOR PLATE 1. Day 7: Longitudjnal section of the defect-bearing tibia parallel to the long axis of the defect.
COLOR PLATE 2. Day 7: Note the woven bone filling the defect and the periosteal proliferation on the lateral side of
the tibia.
COLOR PLATE 3. Day 14: Note the resorption of the medullary callus and the bone formation at the cortical site of
the defect.
COLOR PLATE 4. Day 21: Transformation of the cortical bridging bone into lamellar bone.
COLOR PLATE 5. Day 21: Detail of the occurrence of lamellar bone (double labels) at the cortical site.
COLOR PLATE 6. Day 28: Note the increase in density of the cortical briding bone and the double labels indicating
lamellar bone formation.






bone volume

YO bone volume

10 20

3. 7 10. 11. 21. 28. day 3. 7 10. 14. 21. 28. day

qm mean thickness Oh bone volume


300 I T



3. 7
14 14
FIG. 2. (Top) Bone volume in the medullary cavity (area FIG. 3. (Top) Bone volume of the cortical bridging bone
1 in Fig. l), SD. (Bottom) Quantitation of the perios- at the defect site (area 2 in Fig. I), f SD. (Bottom) Bone
teal bone neo-formation (area 3a in Fig. l), f SD. volume of the periosteal bone neo-formation at the lateral
side of the tibia (area 3b in Fig. 2), * SD.

Our histomorphometric data show that the secondary DISCUSSION

spongiosa in the tibia and the vertebral cancellous bone re-
sponded to the observed systemic stimulus toward bone Bab et aI.('2) proposed a generalized enhancement of
formation. We examined the cortical bone compartment to bone formation, since they observed increased formation
further investigate if both fractions of bone (cancellous in rat mandibular condyles during postablation regenera-
and cortical) are affected. tion of tibial bone marrow. They suggest that this increase
We found no significant difference in the vertebral corti- in osteogenesis is preferentially associated with postabla-
cal bone volume (cortical BV/TV, (70) between experimen- tion marrow regeneration, but they also reported an in-
tal and control groups. The endocortical mineral apposi- crease fourfold lower than after marrow injury after a
tion rate, measured in the tibiae as well as in the vertebrae, periosteal injury and after drilling a hole in the tibial cor-
also did not show a significant difference (see Table 2). All t e ~ . ( ~ ~A. *similar
') reaction has also been described in hu-
histomorphometric changes observed thus far must be at- mans, whose serum parameters of bone formation (osteo-
tributed to the cancellous bone compartment. calcin and alkaline phosphatase) were elevated after aspira-
By means of polarized light microscopy the newly tion of large amounts of marrow.(28)
formed bone in the cancellous compartment turned out to In our study we focused on the local healing site of a
be lamellar bone. bone defect, on one hand, and on the other its possible im-


Defect-bearing rats
Control rats
Left side
(defect side) Right side Left side Right side

X ray density
Subepiphyseal zone
(distal growth plate), pixels 5130 (457) 5202 (411) b 4648 (407) 4657 (456)
Physical data
Dry weight, mg 377 (12.8) 380 (13.5) b 357 (17.3) 359 (18.5)
Ash weight, mg 249 (9.4) 246 (10.6) c 237 (13.5) 236 (14.5)
CaZ+content, mg 82 (3.5) 83 (5.0) d 78 (3.6) 79 (7.4)
Volume, mm3 403 (18.7) 404 (15.0) 384 (15.5) 398 (26.1)
Density, mg/cm3 935 (46.8) 943 (37.2) 931 (25.0) 906 (75.7)

aValues in parentheses are standard deviations; defect = drill hole of 1.2 mm diameter in the left tibia1 midshaft
on day 0; femora examined on day 7. There were no significant differences in the influence on the left compared to
the right side of experimental animals (within-subject effect).
bp < 0.005 experimental compared to control group (between-subject effect).

pact on distant skeletal sites. Our results indicate that such at the epiphyseal plate during bone growth or in expenmen-
detailed analyses of the local site in relation to the systemic tal osteogenesis. The signals governing these processes could
changes is a precondition for the further characterization be similar to those operating during embryogenesis."(")
of the osteogenic stimulus. Thus it is also a precondition to We were able to relate the time course of woven bone
draw further conclusions regarding the (patho)physiologic neoformation and periosteal proliferation during defect re-
regulation of bone formation in vivo. pair with systemic cancellous osteogenesis. The pivotal role
We characterized the healing of a local bone defect as a of woven bone neoformation is obvious since an increase
model of accelerated modeling in the sense of a RAP.('O) in bone volume of the bridging lamellar bone in our exper-
The RAP was described by Frost as a phenomenon that in- iment had no osteogenic effect (unpublished data). Frost
volves acceleration of normal activities in both hard and stressed the importance of the woven bone and its reactiv-
soft tissues, as an SOS mechanism to potentiate tissue ity, allowing a rapid adaptation of bone to new situa-
healing and local tissue defensive reactions. t i o n ~ . ' ~Thus
~ . ~ we
~ ) conclude that the reactivity of woven
We distinguished between an initial phase of maximally bone neoformation not only leads to stabilization of the
stimulated bone formation followed by a phase of predom- local situation but also provides the stimulus for the sys-
inant resorption in the repair of a local bone defect. This temic enhancement of osteogentsis.
initial osteogenic phase was characterized by true bone We suggest two models, which are in agreement with re-
n e ~ f o r m a t i o n ' ~woven
~): bone not only filled the defect cently published to explain the origin of this sys-
but also stabilized the lateral periosteal side of the defec- temic acceleration. Local injury to bone leads to local re-
tive tibia.'3D)Most of the medullary callus(31)then under- pair, in the sense of a RAP.
went resorption, whereas the woven bone bridging the cor-
tical ends was transformed into lamellar bone. Hypothesis 1: The injury to the bone per se leads to re-
In analyzing different sites of the skeleton we found that lease of growth factors needed to initiate local repair and
restoration of a bone defect not only leads to a RAP but simultaneously evokes systemic Iosteogenesis.
also leads to a systemic acceleration of osteogenesis (SAP). Hjpothesis 2: Local repair, either of bone or of bone
This systemic osteogenic stimulus is directed toward marrow, leads to the release of humoral factors that act
weight-bearing (tibiae and femora) as well as so-called systemically (via the circulation).
non-weight-bearing structures (vertebrae). It affects only
the cancellous compartment of bone. The cortex does not Previous results showed that the inhibition of marrow
respond. regeneration by injection of a silicone-based dental impres-
We stress that that systemic osteogenic stimulus is cou- sion material after marrow ablaltion does not lead to an
pled to the phase during which woven bone is formed lo- elevation in bone formation parameters in the rat condylar
cally and is subject to temporal limitations. Woven bone subchondral bone.[271If this mechanical inhibition of mar-
formation occurring in fracture and defect repair has been row regeneration does not affect the release of growth fac-
compared to fetal osteogenesis.(291"During fracture repair, tors after injury per se, hypothesis 1 seems not to be rele-
osteoblast differentiation is very similar to that occurring vant. Thus the repair processes of bone or bone marrow

mineralizing surface mineralizing surface MA A EfR

X I single label % 1 double label

4 sL l * i MS dl

30 I 8
1 0.6

I.r. I.r. 1.r. 1.r. ao5


mineral apposition rate

I 1 rats with tibial defect
0 intact controls
0.6 T FIG. 5. MS sL, MS dL, MAR, and BFR of the fourth
lumbar vertebrae of rats with a tibial defect compared to
0.G intact controls, SD. (a) p < 0.005 experimental com-
pared to control group (Wilcoxon test).
I. r. I. r. I. r. I. r: Defect- bearing
rats Control rats
I left tibiae with defect Cortical bone volume, (70 18.2 (4.0) 19.2 (3.5)
1right tibiae of tibial defect group Endosteal MAR, @day 3.1 (0.2) 3.1 (0.3)

0 left and right


control tibiae aCortical bone volume and endocortical mineral apposition rate
of the fourth lumbar vertebrae of rats with tibial defect compared
to control rats.
FIG. 4. MS sL, MS dL, MAR, and BFR of the secon-
dary spongiosa (area 4 in Fig. 1) of both tibiae; rats with
left tibial defect compared to intact controls, + SD. (a)
p < 0.0015 experimental compared to control group (be- Prostaglandins (PGs) have also been shown to be present
tween-subject effect). (b) p < O.ooOo3 experimental at the site of bone injury.(4o)Several in vivo observations
compared to control group (between-subject effect). (c) p add support to the hypothesis that PGs have a stimulatory
< 0.015 left compared to right tibia (within-subject effect). effect on bone formation.'41) Shih and N~rridin"~)de-
scribed in their study on the effects of prostaglandins on
regional remodeling changes during tibial healing in bea-
gles an enhancement of periosteal bone proliferation in
may be responsible for the release of systemically acting PGE-treated groups. In children with congenital heart dis-
humoral factors. ease infusion of PGE,, used to maintain patency of the
A number of factors could play a role as mediators. Bab ductus arteriosus, evoked striking periosteal new bone for-
et al. partially purified a growth factor derived from heal- mation. (43.44) Thus the periosteal bone proliferation ob-
ing marrow of rat tibia and showed its in vitro growth-pro- served in our experiment could be due to the action of
moting activity to osteogenetic cells. ( 2 5 ) prostaglandins. Because the activation of periosteal bone
Transforming growth factor (TGF-P) may be another formation occurs exclusively on the lateral side of the de-
candidate in the mediation of the systemic e f f e ~ t . ' ~ ~It- ~is' ) fect-bearing tibia, we assume an increased biomechanical
well known that TGF-P and other factors, including fibro- stress on this side. Biomechanical stress is known to stimu-
blast growth factor (FGF), platelet-derived growth factor late prostaglandin production and cell proliferation.'4s'4')
(PDGF), and insulinlike growth factor (IGF), modulate We do not know if systemic growth factors or locally
various aspects of bone formation.'39) synthesized factors are responsible for the mediation of the

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with to thank Opfermann Inc., Wiehl, Germany, which 22. Schenk RK, Merz WA, Muller J 1969 A quantitative histo-
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