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Nama : Ayu Trianingrum

History of Curriculum Development in Indonesia

The history of the education curriculum in Indonesia often changes every time there is a
change in the Minister of Education, so that the quality of Indonesian education has not yet met
clear and steady quality standards. In the course of history since 1945, the national education
curriculum has undergone changes, namely in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004
and 2006. These changes are a logical consequence of changes in the political, socio-cultural
system economy, and science and technology in a nation and state society. Because, the
curriculum as a set of educational plans needs to be developed dynamically in accordance with
the demands and changes that occur in the community. All national curricula are designed based
on the same foundation, namely Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, the difference being in the
main emphasis of the purpose of education and the approach in realizing it.

1. Lesson Plan 1947

The beginning of the curriculum was formed in 1947, which was named the Learning
Plan of 1947. This curriculum at that time continued the curriculum that had been used by the
Dutch because at that time it was still in the process of struggle for independence. The main
characteristic of this curriculum is that it emphasizes the formation of sovereign and equal
human character with other nations. The first curriculum born in the independence period uses
the term leer plan. In Dutch, meaning lesson plans, more popular than curriculum (English).
Changes in the education grid are more political: from the orientation of Dutch education to
national interests. The principle of education was established by Pancasila.
The 1947 Lesson Plans were only implemented by schools in 1950. A number of people
called the history of curriculum development beginning with the 1950 Curriculum. The form
contained two main things: a list of subjects and hours of teaching, plus outlines of teaching.
Lesson Plan 1947 reduces mind education. Preferred character education, state awareness and
community, subject matter is connected with everyday events, attention to art and physical
education. After the 1947 learning plan, in 1952 the Indonesian curriculum experienced
improvements. By changing its name to the Decomposed Lesson Plan 1952. What characterizes
this curriculum is that each lesson must pay attention to the content of the lessons that are
connected with everyday life.

2. Decomposed Lesson Plan 1952

This curriculum details each subject called the Decomposed Lesson Plan 1952. "The
syllabus is very clear. a teacher teaches one subject, "said Djauzak Ahmad, Director of National
Education Ministry of Education 1991-1995. At that time, at the age of 16, Djauzak was a
teacher at Tambelan Elementary School and Tanjung Pinang, Riau.
At the end of the era of President Soekarno, an Educational Plan 1964 or Curriculum
1964 emerged. The focus was on the development of creativity, taste, intention, work, and
morals (Pancawardhana). Subjects are classified into five study groups: moral, intelligence,
emotional / artistic, intelligence (skills), and physical. Basic education emphasizes the
knowledge and functional activities of students. In 1952, before 1964 the government re-
perfected the education curriculum system in Indonesia. This time it was named the 1964
Educational Plan. What characterizes this curriculum is that learning is centered on the
Pancawardhana program, which is moral development, intelligence, emotional, ingenuity and

3. Curriculum 1968
After 1952, before 1964, the government again refined the curriculum system in
Indonesia. This time it was named the 1964 Educational Plan. The main points of the 1964
curriculum that characterize this curriculum are: that the government desires that the people get
academic knowledge for debriefing at the elementary level, so that learning is centered on the
Pancawardhana program (Hamalik, 2004), namely moral development, intelligence, emotional /
artistic, keprigelan, and physical.
The 1968 curriculum is a renewal of the 1964 curriculum, namely the change in the
structure of the educational curriculum from Pancawardhana into Pancasila mental formation,
basic knowledge, and special skills. The 1968 curriculum is an embodiment of the orientation
changes in the implementation of the 1945 Constitution in a pure and consistent manner.
In terms of educational goals, the 1968 curriculum aims that education is emphasized in
efforts to form a true Pancasila man, strong, and physically healthy, enhancing intelligence and
physical skills, morals, character, and religious beliefs. The contents of education are directed at
activities that enhance intelligence and skills, and develop physical health that is healthy and
Birth of the 1968 curriculum was political: replacing the 1964 Educational Plan which
was imaged as a product of the Old Order. The goal is the formation of a true Pancasila man. The
1968 curriculum emphasizes the organizational approach to subject matter: the Pancasila
coaching group, basic knowledge, and special skills. Number of lessons 9. Djauzak calls the
1968 curriculum a round curriculum. "Only contains subjects," he said. The content of subject
matter is theoretical, does not associate with factual problems in the field. The emphasis on any
material that is appropriate is given to students at every level of education.

4. Curriculum 1975
The 1975 curriculum instead of the 1968 curriculum emphasizes goals, the 1975
curriculum emphasizes the goal, so that education is more efficient and effective. "The
background is the influence of the concept in the field of management, namely MBO
(management by objective) which was famous at the time," said Drs. Mudjito, Ak, MSi, Director
of Development of the Ministry of National Education Kindergarten and Elementary School.

Methods, material, and teaching goals are specified in Instructional System Development
Procedures (PPSI). This era is known as the term "learning unit", namely the lesson plan for each
unit of discussion. Each lesson unit is detailed again: general instructions, specific instructional
objectives (ICT), subject matter, learning tools, teaching-learning activities, and evaluation. The
1975 curriculum was widely criticized. The teacher is busy writing down the details of what will
be achieved from each learning activity.

5. 1984 curriculum
The 1984 curriculum carries a process skill approach. Although the priority of a process
approach, but the goal remains an important factor. This curriculum is also often called
"Enhanced 1975 curriculum". Students position placed as studying subject. From observing
something, grouping, to discuss, to report. This model is called Active Student Learning Method
(CBSA) or Student Active Leaming (SAL).
An important figure behind the birth of the 1984 curriculum is Professor Dr. Conny R.
Semiawan, Head of the Ministry of National Education Curriculum Center from 1980 to 1986
who was also the Chancellor of IKIP Jakarta - now Jakarta State University - from 1984 to 1992.
The beautiful concept of CBSA theoretically and good results in schools tested, experienced
many deviations and reductions when applied nationally. Unfortunately, many schools are less
able to interpret CBSA. What was seen was a rowdy atmosphere in the classroom because
students were discussing, here and there there were patches of pictures, and what was striking
was that the teacher no longer taught lecturing models. CBSA's refusal has emerged.

6. 1994 curriculum and supplements to the 1999 curriculum

The 1994 curriculum revolves more on efforts to integrate previous curricula. "His soul
wants to combine the 1975 curriculum and 1984 curriculum, between the process approaches,"
Mudjito explained. Unfortunately, the combination of goals and processes has not been
successful. Critics scattered, because the learning burden of students was considered too heavy.
From national to local content. Local content material is tailored to the needs of each region, for
example the language of the arts area, regional skills, and others. Various interests of community
groups also insist that certain issues be included in the curriculum. As a result, it became a super-
dense curriculum. The fall of the Suharto regime in 1998, followed by the presence of
supplements in the 1999 curriculum. But the changes were more about adding a number of
material. The 1994 curriculum was made as a refinement of the 1984 curriculum and carried out
in accordance with law no. 2 of 1989 concerning the National Education System. This has an
impact on the learning time sharing system, namely by changing from the semester system to the
quarterly system. With a quarterly system, the division in one year into three stages is expected
to provide opportunities for students to be able to receive enough subject matter.

There are prominent features of the implementation of the 1994 curriculum, including the
a. Division of learning stages in schools with quarterly systems.
b. Learning in schools emphasizes subject matter that is quite dense (oriented to subject
matter / content).
c. 1994 curriculum is populist, that is, it applies a curriculum system for all students
throughout Indonesia. This curriculum is a core curriculum so that special regions can
develop their own teaching tailored to the environment and the needs of the surrounding
d. In carrying out activities, the teacher should choose and use strategies that involve active
students in learning, both mentally, physically, and socially. In activating students the
teacher can provide a form of questions that lead to convergent, divergent (open, possible
more than one answer) answers and investigations.
e. In teaching a subject should be adjusted to the specifics of the concept / subject matter
and the development of student thinking, so that it is expected that there will be harmony
between the teaching that emphasizes the understanding of concepts and teaching that
emphasizes problem solving skills and problem solving.
f. Teaching from concrete things to ha is abstract, from easy things to difficult things and
from simple things to complex things.
g. Repetition of material that is considered difficult needs to be done to stabilize

During the implementation of the 1994 curriculum several problems arose, mainly as a result
of a tendency towards content oriented approaches, including the following:
1. siswa Student learning burden is too heavy because of the many subjects and the amount
of material / substance in each subject.
2. pelajaran Learning material is considered too difficult because it is less relevant to the
level of development of students' thinking, and less meaningful because it is less related
to the application of everyday life.

The above problems during the implementation of the 1994 curriculum. This encouraged
policy makers to perfect the curriculum. One of the refinement efforts was the 1994 curriculum
supplement. The improvement was carried out while considering the principles of curriculum
improvement, namely:
a) Continuous curriculum improvement as an effort to adapt the curriculum to the
development of science and technology, as well as the demands of the community's
b) Improvement of the curriculum is done to get the right proportion between the goals to be
achieved with the burden of learning, potential students, and the state of the environment
and supporting facilities.
c) Improvement of the curriculum is done to obtain the truth of the substance of the subject
matter and conformity with the level of development of students.
d) Curriculum improvement considers various related aspects, such as the purpose of
learning material, evaluation and facilities including textbooks.
e) Improving the curriculum does not make it difficult for teachers to implement it and can
still use textbooks and other educational infrastructure available at the school.
The improvement of the 1994 curriculum in primary and secondary education was carried
out in stages, namely the stages of short-term improvement and long-term improvement. The
implementation of education in schools refers to a set of curriculum. One form of innovation
developed by the government to improve the quality of education is to innovate in the
curriculum. The 1994 curriculum was refined as a response to structural changes in government
from centralized to centralized as a logical consequence of the implementation of Law No. 22
and 25 concerning regional autonomy.
In this era the curriculum developed was named the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).
The CBC is a set of plans and arrangements regarding competencies and learning outcomes that
students must achieve, assessment, teaching and learning activities, and empowering educational
resources in the development of school curricula (Ministry of National Education, 2002). This
curriculum focuses on developing the ability to perform (competency) tasks with certain
performance standards, so that the results can be felt by students, in the form of mastering certain
sets of competencies. The CBC is directed to develop students' knowledge, understanding,
abilities, values, attitudes and interests so that they can do something in the form of skill,
accuracy and success with full responsibility.

The characteristics of the CBC according to the Ministry of National Education (2002) are as
 Emphasizing the achievement of competency of students both individually and
 Learning-oriented (learning outcomes) and diversity.
 Submission in learning uses various approaches and methods.
 Learning resources are not only teachers, but also other learning resources that fulfill the
educational element.
 Assessment emphasizes the process and learning outcomes in mastering or achieving a

7. 2004 curriculum
The cool language is the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). Each lesson is parsed based
on what competencies students must achieve. Unfortunately, confusion arises when it is
associated with measuring student competency, namely examinations. The final school and
national exams are still multiple choice questions. If the target competency is to be achieved, the
evaluation will certainly be more in practice or in the question that is able to measure how much
students understand and competence.
Even though it has only been tested, in a number of schools in cities on Java and large cities
outside Java, the CBC has been implemented. The results are not satisfactory. The teachers did
not understand exactly what the curriculum makers wanted the competencies to be.
This curriculum is said to be an improvement from the KBK which is named the Education
Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP). This KTSP is a form of implementation of Law No. 20 of 2003
concerning the national education system described in a number of regulations including
Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning national education standards. This
Government Regulation provides direction on the need to compile and implement eight national
education standards, namely: (1) content standards, (2) process standards, (3) graduate
competency standards, (4) standards of educators and education personnel, (5) standard facilities
and infrastructure, (6) management standards, financing standards, and (7) educational
assessment standards.
The curriculum is understood as a set of plans and arrangements regarding the purpose,
content, and material of learning and the methods used to guide the implementation of learning
activities to achieve certain educational goals, then with the issuance of Government Regulation
No. 19 of 2005, the government has led education actors to implement curriculum education unit
level curriculum, namely the operational curriculum compiled by and implemented in each
education unit.
Substantially, the implementation (read: naming) of the Education Unit Level Curriculum
(KTSP) is more to implement existing regulations, namely PP No. 19/2005. However, the
essence of the content and direction of the development of permanent learners is still
characterized by the achievement of competency packages (and not in the complete absence of a
subject matter), namely:
 Emphasize the achievement of student competencies both individually and classically.
 Oriented to learning outcomes (learning outcomes) and diversity.
 Submission in learning uses various approaches and methods.
 Learning resources are not only teachers, but also other learning resources that fulfill the
educational element.
 Assessment emphasizes the process and results of learning in mastery or achievement of
a competency.

There was a fundamental difference compared to the 2004 KBK with the 2006 KBK (version
of KTSP), that schools were given full authority in preparing their educational plans by referring
to the established standards, starting with the objectives, vision-mission, curriculum structure and
content, learning burden , education calendar to the development of the syllabus.

8. KTSP 2006
Beginning in 2006 the CBC trial was stopped. The Education Unit Level Curriculum
appeared. The KTSP lesson is still choked up. In terms of content and the process of achieving
target competency learning by students to technical evaluation is not much different from the
2004 curriculum. The most prominent difference is that teachers are given more freedom to plan
learning in accordance with the environment and the conditions of the students and school
conditions. This is due to the basic framework (KD), graduate competency standards (SKL),
competency standards and basic competencies (SKKD) for each subject for each education unit
determined by the Ministry of National Education. So the development of learning devices, such
as syllabi and scoring systems is the authority of the education unit (school) under the
coordination and supervision of the Regency / City government. (TIAR)
The most recent curriculum is the 2006 KTSP curriculum which is a development of the
2004 KBK curriculum. The 2006 curriculum that is used at this time is a curriculum that gives
autonomy to schools to carry out education, the peak of which will be carried out by each
subject, namely the teacher. So that a teacher here according to Okvina (2009) is truly moved to
become a professional human being who needs to be able to respond to a teacher. The
curriculum that we use today is still lacking in addition to the advantages that exist. The other
disadvantages are (1) the lack of potential human resources in describing SBC with the word lin
still a low quality of a teacher, because in KTSP a teacher is required to be more creative in
carrying out education. (2) lack of facilities and infrastructure owned by the school.

9. Curriculum 2013
The core of the curriculum in 2013, is no simplification efforts, and thematic-integrative.
Curriculum 2013 is prepared to print generation ready in the future. Because the curriculum is
structured to anticipate future developments.
2013 curriculum aims to encourage learners or students, better able to make observations,
ask questions, reasoning, and communicating (present), what they earn, or they know after
receiving learning materials. The object becomes the structuring of learning and curriculum
improvement in 2013 emphasize on natural phenomena, social, art, and culture.
Through this approach we have the competencies expected of students attitudes, skills,
and knowledge is much better. They will be more creative, innovative, and more productive, so
that later they can be successful in dealing with various problems and challenges in his day,
entering a better future.
sCurriculum implementation in 2013 is part of the continuing development of
Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) has been initiated in 2004 with competencies include
attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner, as mandated by Law 20 of 2003 on
National Education System in the explanation of Article 35, in which competence of graduates
are qualified graduate capabilities that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills in accordance
with the agreed national standards. This exposure is part of the public test curriculum in 2013,
which is expected to capture the opinions and input from the community.
The meaning of curriculum content and learning experiences
Curriculum content simply means the totality of what is to be taught in a school system.
The content component of teaching learning situation refers to the important facts, principles and
concepts to be taught. These contents must be in line with the learning experiences and there
must be clear cut objective to be achieved by the end of each respective lesson. It can be in form
of knowledge, skills, attitude and values that learners are exposed to. Content involves subject
matter drawn on the basis of problems, themes or topics cutting across traditional subjects.
Learning experience refers to any interaction course, programme or other experience in which
learning takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic setting (schools classrooms) or
non-traditional academic setting (outside of school locations, outdoor environment or whether it
include traditional educational interactions (students learning from teachers and professors)or
nontraditional interactions (student learning through games and interactive software
applications). According to Tyler learning experiences are the interactions between the learner
and the external conditions in the environment to which he can react. It is an activity which may
be planned by the class or teacher but perform by the learner for the purpose of achieving some
important learning objectives There are various types of activities that can be performed by the
learners in the study of various school subjects to enhance learning. There are also various
activities which teachers perform as they teach learners, but then, learning experiences are not
what the teachers do, it is not the teacher methodology, but those activities performed by the
learners themselves.

Criteria for selecting curriculum content :

1. Validity: The content of the curriculum is valid if it promotes the outcome that it is
intended to promote. It is also the authenticity of the subject matter or content selected, to
make sure the topics are not obsolete, for this to be achieve, there should be a regular
check on the curriculum content and replace it if necessary.
2. Self sufficiency: This criterion helps learners attain maximum self sufficiency at the most
economical manner or content selection. This is done when the students or learners are
given the chance to experiment, observe and carryout field study.
3. Significance: The content is significant if it is selected and organized for the developed
of learning activities, skills, processes and attitude that will help in solving the problem of
the country. It also develops the three domain of learning namely cognitive, affective and
psychomotor skills and considers the cultural aspect of the learners particularly, if your
learners come from different cultural background and races then the content must be
cultural sensitive.
4. Interest: This criterion is true to be learned centred curriculum. The interest of the
students should be considered in selecting content because students learn best if the
subject matter is meaningful to them. It becomes meaningful if they are interested in it.
But if the curriculum is subject centred, teachers have no choice but to finish the facing
schedule religiously and teach only what is in the book, this may explain why many fail
in subject sometimes.
5. Learnability: The content should be what the students can learn and should be within
their experience. Teachers should apply theories on psychology of learning in order to
know their subject are presented, sequenced an organized to maximize the learning
capacity of the students
6. Utility: This is the usefulness of the content in solving problems now and in future. It is
more important in skill or procedural. Knowledge, whereby learners can put what they
have learnt into practice life activities
7. Consistency with Social Realities: This means that content should be chosen based on
the facy that they relates to our present social needs economic and political situation.
Content must be acceptable to the culture and belief system of the people.

Criteria for selecting learning experiences

The condition for selecting learning experiences by the experts must base on the recent or
modern principles of learning. These criteria are:

1. Validity: Learning experience is valid when it related objectives are in any of the three
domains; cognitive, affective and psychomotor, the learning experience must be holistic
to involve all the domains.
2. Variety: Learners are different and learn, in different ways base on their interest and
ability therefore varied learning experience must be provided to help them comprehend
3. Interest: So that the desired objectives can be achieve and also for learners to demand
pleasure learning experiences from tem must be of great interest to the learner.
4. Relevance to Life: Learning experience must be relevant to real-life situations in school
and in the society to help learners understand their society and proffer solutions to some
problems of the society. This is where community based resources comes to play.
Experience in real content and situation bring realism to teaching and learning.
5. Suitability: Learning experience must not be too simple nor complex but rather be
suitable for the age or level of the learners and for the content which it is meant for.
6. Comprehensive: Learning experience must cover all the stated objectives in a lesson; it
must range from the simplest learning experiences to the most complex, covering all the
domains of learning.

Potential for multiple Learning: This means that learning experiences are not fashioned for
different distinct domains of instructional objectives. Therefore, it is necessary to plan for
learning experiences that will provide for the three domains as strategy for multiple learning. A
single learning experience should involve cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of
learning, hence it is said to be comprehensive.

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