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Cadmium Sulfuratum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.


Hand Book of Materia Medica and

Homœopathic Therapeutics.
By T. F. Allen.
Presented by Médi-T.

Cadmium Sulfuratum.
This felt is triturated with sugar of milk for use.
General Action :- º Our knowledge of its action is too meagre to enable one
to generalize. º It seems, however, to be analogous to Zincum.
Generalities :- º Lying with the head low and the hands under it. º
Jactitations, startings of limbs (Zinc.). º Cutting in joints. º Restlessness. º
Weakness after vomiting ; W. of affected parts, with horripilation. º
Aggravation of symptoms in morning, before noon, after grief, after
drunkenness, by hunger, when lying and sitting ; after sleep, on walking in
open air, from a draught of air, from reflection, in air, in sunshine, when
staring at an object when ascending steps, when walking, after running,
when lying, finally they may compel lying down ; during deglutition and
after vexation. º Amelioration when sitting ; when eating.
Mind and Head :- º Horror of solitude ; of work. º Anxiety ; before going to
stool. º Apprehension at approach of anybody. º Irritability. º Head,
lancinations. º Hammering in H. º Inflammation of brain. º Tingling in head,
with digging and twitching. º Tension and sensation as if in a vise. º
Apoplexy. º Pressure above eyes. º Pain in vertex. º Pulsation in temples.
Eyes :- º Hollow. º Surrounded by blue circles. º Lancinations extending
outward. º Rending pain. º Burning lachrymation. º Dilatation of one pupil
with contraction of other. º Tension in brows. º Inability to read small type. º
Hemeralopia (Lyc.). º Aggravation of symptoms in the dark, at night, on
looking at a white object and when walking.
Clinical :- º Opacities of cornea, with sluggish inflammation

Ears :- º Lancinations. º Lacerating pain. º Pressure behind. º Clucking. º

Abnormal hearing alternating with abnormal vision. º Sounds echo in head.
Nose :- º Obstruction by swelling. º Lacerating pain. º Tension. º Tightness
at root. º Numbness. º Epistaxis. º Smell ulcerative. º Smell cancerous. º
(Caries of bones and ulcerations ?).
Face, Mouth and œsophagus :- º Face grayish. º Countenance gloomy. º
Looked vexed. º Trembling of jaw. º Lips swollen ; aphthæ on lips ;
spasmodic motion of upper lip. º Mouth symptoms agg. during deglutition. º (1 de 3) [17/4/2005 10:30:18]

Cadmium Sulfuratum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Salivation. º Taste pitchy ; salt T. º Constriction of œsophagus.

Clinical :- º Facial paralysis from cold.
Stomach :- º Thirst ; at night in bed, with heat. º Rancid eructations, agg.
noon. º Nausea ; at chest, in mouth, in abdomen, generally with red face and
trismus. º Gagging and retching up of tough mucus every few minutes. º
Vomiting ; of food, bile and mucus ; of acid matter, of black or yellowish
matter, with cold sweat on face and griping (Phos., Zinc.). º Cutting. º Pain,
and at umbilicus, with urging to stool ; burning. º Aggravation of symptoms
in forenoon ; during pregnancy ; in drunkards (Arg. nit.) ; after cramps in
stomach ; after drinking beer ; walking or carrying burdens, and symptoms
in hypochondria.
Clinical :- º Black vomit of yellow fever or of other diseases. º
Persistent vomiting of drunkards.

Abdomen :- º Lancinations ; in left hypochondrium. º Gripping in lower. º

Stretching pain. º Bruised pain. º Pressure in sides. º Compressed feeling. º
Pulsations. º Inertia.
Respiratory Organs and Chest :- º Breathing interrupted during sleep. º
Want of air on waking. º Cough with unconsciousness, agitation, red face,
pain in stomach or vomiting of bile. º External chest swollen. º Inflammation
of mammary glands. º Painful blows in chest. º Rheumatic pain in external
C. º Drawing in external C. º Lungs feel as if adherent to chest. º Contraction
of C. º Feeling of dilatation in C. º Tingling in C. º Beating near heart. º
Weakness of C. º Symptoms of C. agg. squatting posture.
Neck and Back :- º Pain in muscles of neck, as from efforts to vomit. º
Griping in region of kidneys.
Upper Extremities :- º Stretching of arms. º Swelling of bones of arms. º
Swollen sensation in arms. º Tension in forearm. º Gnawing in hands jerking
of fingers. º Tearing in metacarpal joints.
Lower Extremities :- º Lancinations in joints and in heels. º Digging. º
Sprained pain. º Boring. º Rheumatism. º Numbness of thighs. º Cramp in
legs, with trembling of knees. º Pressure in knee. º Tearing in legs. º Cramp
in calf. º Feet agitated by shocks while asleep. º Heaviness of feet.
Skin :- º Blue. º Red spots on limbs. º Brown spots on elbow ; on chest. º
Yellow spots on cheeks and nose. º Yellow eruption. º Eruption on forehead,
nose and around mouth. º Chilblains. º Erysipelatous inflammation of nose. º
Erysipelas of mammæ. º Herpes on temples. º Scaly, tearing, damp,
suppurating herpes. º Boil on nose ; on buttocks. º Suppuration of axillary
glands. º Crawling in face. º Itching at night in bed ; left when touched and
during cold ; amel. scratching, which excites a voluptuous feeling.
Sleep :- º Sleepiness in forenoon ; S. when sitting. º Sleeps with his eyes
open. º Moaning and smiling in sleep. º Somnolence, with revery. º
Nightmare on falling asleep, with startings. (2 de 3) [17/4/2005 10:30:18]

Cadmium Sulfuratum. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Fever :- º Coldness ; after sleeping and after waking ; with heat of hands. º
Horripilation after drinking ; H., with hot hands. º Fever before midnight. º
Sweat in axillæ ; in palms.

Copyright © Médi-T 2005.

Main (3 de 3) [17/4/2005 10:30:18]

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