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Recruitment is the process of actively finding and hiring candidates for a specific position or job
based on appropriate qualifications. Main reason of the recruitment is to select the best possible candidate
for the position with all the required skills, talents and qualifications of the job. On the other hand, the
recruitment will be efficient when the process has been carried out without incurring a lot of costs on the
part of the organization.

Furthermore, company has two options of recruitment methods which is internal recruitment and
external recruitment methods to recruit people to their organization. An internal source of recruitment
involves recruiting candidates internally. Employees currently working in their own company are promoted
to other department or higher position. If the employees’ performance is excellent, they are given chance to
occupy higher level from the current post. If extra skills required, organization are ready to provide training.
Next, an external source involves recruiting candidates externally for better performance and innovation.
External employees always feel young and innovative for new companies, more active enough to find
business problems and fix it. 

From the case study, it is obviously that the external recruitment method is the best and the most
appropriate to solve the problem. This is because, with external recruitment, company source candidates
outside of the organization. Job seekers who are not currently employed with the business are hired. The
company can use a recruiter’s specialized skills and large candidate pool to make finding external applicants
easier. On top of that, company can explore and get the new employees with a new skill or talent that not
influenced by current employees.

There are several example of external recruitment methods that we can apply. We can recruit a new
employee by using a recruitment agency. These agencies exist to do the sourcing for us. This is because they
have huge databases of skilled candidates. They have daily experience of finding workers for your market.
They trained to know how to find the best talent. Using an agency costs money but it means that you can get
on with running your business while experts find your next recruit.

Moreover, we can also use online recruitment methods to get a new employee, it is the easiest
methods because it can save a lot of time. The company can create virtual job fairs or website for people to
apply for the job. The company also can use e-recruiting to search and screening the prospective candidates
electronically. There are several online job portals that enable the job seekers to upload their resume online
which are then forwarded to the potential hirers such as Indeed or Totaljobs to host their job adverts. The
company can also use social networks platform like LinkedIn or Twitter as part of their recruitment strategy.
In a short space of time, social media has become one of the best recruitment methods. In using social
media, you can post updates about your business, attract job seekers or show off your brand by sharing what
your office culture is like, engage with the online community about news topics in your industry and
screening the job hunters by viewing their online posts.

Next, job advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They can be found in
many places such as local and national newspapers, notice boards and recruitment fairs. It should include
some important information relating to the job like job title, pay package, location, job description and how
to apply either by CV or application form. Where a business chooses to advertise will depend on the cost of
advertising and the coverage needed. Lastly, employee referral often referred to as 'word of mouth' and can
be a recommendation from a colleague at work. A referral program is a way to help ensure the company is
recruiting top talent for available positions. The assumption is that current employees are uniquely qualified
to identify the best candidates since they know the organization's mission and company culture. Employees
may have friends or colleagues they know to be talented and who would fit into that culture. A full
assessment of the candidate is still needed however but potentially it saves on advertising cost.

However, this external recruitment methods also have their drawbacks or disadvantages. The main
disadvantages of external recruitment are that it is time-consuming as most of the companies post an
advertisement for their company recruitment drive. Then, there is a quite possible chance of receiving a
higher number of applicants for the post and the recruiter need to be very careful with their decision of
selecting the best candidate for each round selection process. These different rounds of selection take a bit
longer than the internal recruitment process as it involves a lot of processes. External recruitment is quite
expensive in the sense that it requires an extra cost for vacancy announcement, promoting, cost to pay
recruitment agency and so on. As most part of the external recruitment process mainly deals with complete
new candidates. So, the company needs to come up with a pay scale for that candidate which should value
their skill and ability.

Next, external recruitment methods can lead to adaptation problem. As the selected employees are
new to the organization, they may face adaptability problem in the organizational environment. When a
candidate is selected from an external recruitment process, there is a possibility that the candidate might
have less chance of understanding the environment of the company. More time will be needed for them to be
familiar with organizational arrangements and this lesser understanding can make a big difference in the
future activities of the company. Lastly, this method will cause or create conflict and dissatisfaction
amongst the employees. This is happened when a company considers a fresh candidate for the higher post
than the existing candidates, then there is a higher possibility that the company existing employees might
show some sort of internal dispute among the officials of the company. This kind of internal dispute can lead
things to a completely different level. And eventually, the company can fall on their back with such
differences of opinions. The existing employees may feel dissatisfied with their jobs and leave the

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