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Virtual Rehearsals Tips & Tricks

Adult Choir (Less than 25 members)

(any specific activities your choir enjoyed during this virtual season?)

Title Description

Check-in - Weekly check-in questions (something uplifting/ interesting

questions to connect members)

Guest Workshops with special guests on a variety of topics


Joke Time Starting each rehearsal with time for everyone to share jokes

Rehearsal Strategies:
(How often do you meet? How do you keep your singers engaged?)

Title Description

Sharing - Using an online platform (Dropbox, etc) for choristers to

recordings share individual tracks so others can sing along to a voice
and not just a click/piano track

Sight singing We are trying a series of four workshops on Zoom, working

workshop through the text Sing at First Sight. We have thirty registrants,
more than expected!

Piano tracks Singing along to pre-recorded piano tracks. Easy to practice at

home on your own time.

Dance For a break during rehearsals, we play an upbeat song for dancing
Parties (video on or off) and encourage the singers to vocalize along with
the dancing.

Singing with Encouraging singers to sing along at home to full recordings of the
full choir piece so they can hear all the parts. Leave the applause at the
recordings end - it feels great!
Slow motion Singing long sustained pitches (unmuted) so we can actually
singing create and hear simple harmonies

Others lead Section leaders or choir members can share warm-up activities at
warm-ups the beginning for variety and to hear from different voices


1. Any tips for teaching new music? (Start slow; work with text first,
speaking in rhythm; then add each line, part by part. It’s a great
opportunity for singers to try sightreading other parts.)

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