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Virtual Rehearsal Tips & Tricks

Children & P/J school choirs

(any specific activities your choir enjoyed during this virtual season?)

Title Description

Google Jam - For discussions, a jam board allows all students to participate

Word Art - Create uplifting wordart which everyone can participate


Kahoot - Many pre-created music quizzes that allow singers to play along
and test their knowledge

Family - Adding this in at the end of rehearsals / terms allows for family
Singalong engagement and a feeling of community

Rhythm Check Mr. Gordon on youtube

playalongs And many more!
I Want You Back (The Jackson 5) Basketball Rhythm Play Along -

free-chat The children join up to 20 minutes before, and can stay on 20-30 after
rehearsal for free chat, and time with video filters, etc. They love this
time, and it has helped create community, and then they focus for the

Icebreakers Would you rather (have 2 distinct gestures to show preferences); or “yes
or no” (thumbs up and down - use neutral things like - skating, egg nog,
high fives - things that are fine to disagree on)

Warmups on The Minor 3rd Warm Up - YouTube

YouTube that
have (14) 10 Minute Daily VOCAL WORKOUT! Vocal Exercise (subtitles) -
visual/aural YouTube

games - 3yCurfUU2wBH7FM4/edit?usp=sharing
musical tic tac
Rehearsal Strategies:
(how often do you meet? How do you keep your singers engaged?)

Title Description

shyness - Many of my younger students are hesitant (terrified) to

participate actively with video on. I invited them to bring a
stuffy for an action warm-up and they went crazy! Instant

movement Lots of movement breaks - we have ‘stand up sightsinging’ where

certain solfege / rhythms / note names require certain movements

whiteboard Lots of using the whiteboard to let them collaborate and play and

Structured We usually have breakout rooms set up with activities that they
breaks can opt in or out for break: charades, pictionary, chat, show and

Pre-record If you have warmups in canon or with movements, pre-record

warmups them so that you can share your sound and allow them to hear
harmony, piano support, AND you’re free to do the actions with

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