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Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11

Localization and possible social aggregation in the Late Pleistocene

and Early Holocene on the north coast of Peru!
Tom D. Dillehaya,*, Jack Rossenb, Greg Maggarda, Kary Stackelbecka, Patricia Netherlya
Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA
Department of Anthropology, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, USA


Early circular living structures made of rough field stone, radiocarbon dated between 10,800 and 8300 BP, and probably affiliated
with the Paij!an culture on the north coast of Peru! are discussed in terms of possible proto-household economies that are localized
and socially aggregated in compressed environmental zones along the lower western slopes of the Andes. The technological,
settlement, and economic data recovered from several sites in the Zana * and Jequetepeque Valleys are discussed briefly. Their
broader implications are presented as well.
r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

1. Introduction environments may partially explain why some forms of

incipient socio-economic complexity appeared early in
In this presentation, we are interested in examining South America. For instance, cultigens appeared per-
the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene periods from a haps as early as 8000 years ago at several sites in Peru!
different perspective; we want to consider how cultural (cf. Bonavia, 1991; Moseley, 1992; Pearsall, 1995;
developments of early complex societies in the northern Lavalle! e, 2000), while pottery production was estab-
Peruvian Andes were predicated on the cultural diversity lished by at least 6000 BP in parts of Colombia, Brazil,
and broad spectrum economies of earlier hunters and and Ecuador (Oyuela-Caycedo, 1995), mummification
gatherers (Bryan, 1973; Ardila and Politis, 1989; Fagan, by 7000 BP in northern Chile (Moseley, 1992), monu-
1989; Dillehay et al., 1992; Moseley, 1992; Dillehay, mental architecture by 5000 BP in Ecuador and Peru!
2000). We will present preliminary archeological evi- (Quilter, 1991), and so forth. What triggered these early
dence for changing conditional factors in the glacial and cultural developments in diverse environments is not
post-glacial environments and in hunter–gatherer eco- well understood. We suspect that it might relate to
nomic and social systems that are relevant to broad advanced hunter and gatherer societies intensifying
cultural transformations taking place from approxi- broad-spectrum diets in lush, circumscribed areas such
mately 10,500 to 5000 uncalibrated years ago. We will as low wetlands in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, ! in
specifically focus on the regional Paija! n tradition on the highly compacted ecotones along the western and
north coast of Peru,! where we have been carrying out eastern flanks of the Andes, and in the confluences of
collaborative and interdisciplinary research over the large rivers in the eastern lowlands from Venezuela, to
past 25 years. Although large gaps occur in the database Paraguay, Uruguay, and northern Argentina. In each of
for the time span under consideration here, enough these areas, there is growing archeological evidence to
information exists to relate the archeological records of suggest that different social and historical processes
several cultural periods and to generate working were acting in Early Holocene times to form early food
hypotheses about long-term cultural continuity and producing and more territorial, if not permanently
change. settled, groups in some areas, especially in the Central
The rapid efficient adaptation of regional Late Andes (Kaulicke, 1988; Dillehay, 2000; Lavalle! e, 2000).
Pleistocene and Early Holocene populations to diverse One of these areas is the arid north coast of Peru, !
where several investigators (Moseley, 1992, Dillehay,
*Corresponding author. 2000; Lavalle! e, 2000) have linked the significance of
E-mail address: (T.D. Dillehay). early cultural changes to later and more complex

1040-6182/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

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4 T.D. Dillehay et al. / Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11

societal developments. For instance, Moseley (1992, forage more efficiently under the new climatic condi-
p. 88) states that: ‘‘In overviewyPaija! n points [dated ca. tions of the post-glacial period. In many parts of the
10,800 and 8300] vie with fluted fishtail points as the globe, Boguchi (1999, pp. 151, 152) believes that a
most distinctive early projectiles on the continent. Paija! n ‘‘transition in human organizational behavior took
stands apart from other traditions in its circumscribed place during this period, beginning with the automiza-
geographic focus, principally along the wide coastal tion of Late Pleistocene foraging bands into smaller
plain of the northy. It is curious that this wider family centered units and ending with autonomous co-
distribution coincides with the later distribution of large residential family groups with stable foci of residence.’’
architectural monuments along the coastal desert. The He calls these atomized units of late forager society
earliest of these monuments were erected by preceramic ‘‘proto-households’’ to distinguish them from the more
fisherfolk who relied on nets and hooks, but no advanced households that developed with later agricul-
harpoons. Paija! n was certainly ancestral to these later tural societies. More specifically, Boguchi notes that:
developmentsy.’’ Although Moseley did not fully
the most important consequence of a transition from
acknowledge the important contributions of contem-
large cooperative bands to autonomous proto-house-
poraneous lithic traditions (e.g. unifacial) and of
holds is that the smaller proto-households could
generalized hunter–gatherer and later horticultural
exercise initiative and resourcefulness and take risks.
economies, he is correct in seeing Late Pleistocene and
Clearly, the potential for failure exists as well, but the
Early Holocene cultural adaptations as conditioning
post-glacial environment may have offered so many
factors in the later rise of complex societies. To better
new possibilities (and probably redundancies of
understand these developments at the regional level in
resources) that for the first time the risk may have
South America, we need to study long-term human and
been relatively low or at least manageable. The need
environmental interaction and the specific conditions by
to share in order to mitigate risk may have suddenly
which local societies began to aggregate demographically
diminished in a number of key parts of the world
and to adapt their social organization to more territori-
between 13,000 and 9000 years agoy. Local,
alism, or at least having focal settlements where they
autonomous proto-households freed of the sharing
spent large parts of the year, in rich resource zones where
norms of Late Pleistocene band societies also would
they established more reliable and diverse economies.
have been free to experiment with new methods of
plant and animal use. If sharing obligations were
lessened or eliminated, a late forager proto-house-
2. Social, economic, and environmental change
hold for the first time could feel free to maximize its
exploitation and to use it the way it saw fit for its own
The Late Pleistocene shift from high mobility of
benefit. For instance, it might exchange it for a
human populations to circumscribed territorialism took
desirable commodity. Or they could have stored the
place in some areas of South America, in our view,
excess food and given energy to non-food foraging
within a short time after people moved into resource-
activities. Given the resource-rich habitats present at
rich temperate and semi-tropical environments. The
the end of the Pleistocene, it would have been
abrupt deglaciation between 14,500 and 12,000 BP was a
possible for more groups to have become more
crucial event that probably enforced new and more
territorially circumscribed and localized.
productive environmental conditions in South America,
(Boguchi, 1999, p. 152).
especially the Andes (Mercer, 1972; Richardson, 1978;
Rosqvist, 1995; Thompson et al., 1995; Clapperton et al., In our opinion, this is the kind of scenario that may
1997). In many areas, however, for instance the eastern help us to explain the rise of later complex societies in
lowlands, glaciation was a different phenomenon in some areas of South America, where we know that large
comparison to North America, with most early popula- nomadic hunter–gatherer bands exploited selected eco-
tions in the south moving rapidly into productive zones and eventually settled down to establish produc-
landscapes at the outset of human entry. Nonetheless, tive food economies and dynamic social systems. Not
major shifts in regional environments still must have known are the conditioning factors that brought about
triggered corresponding shifts in human economic and these changes in regional settings.
settlement patterns and in the organization of foraging ! it is likely that localization
On the north coast of Peru,
behavior. in rich, diversified, and compressed environments is a
Under temperate climatic conditions in the Early fundamental aspect of these changes. In this setting,
Holocene, large hunter–gatherer bands operating collec- localization was associated with the exploitation of
tively and sharing resources to reduce economic risk small, highly productive and compressed micro-envir-
may not have been the most productive way to exploit onments (i.e. Pacific littoral, arid coastal plains, river
diverse resources (sensu Boguchi, 1999). Perhaps smal- bottoms, vegetated hillslopes), all within a 1–3 h walk of
ler, more flexible groups would have been more able to centrally located campsites. It is the appearance of
T.D. Dillehay et al. / Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11 5

increasingly localized and aggregated, but not necessa- area (Fig. 1). We have only one radiocarbon date of
rily larger, social systems in this kind of ecological 11,650 BP from one excavated unifacial site, El Palto, in
setting that may have been the most critical aspect of the the upper Zana * Valley, and we have found Amotape and
development of risk reduction, exploitation of resource- Talara-like unifacial sites that may date as early as
rich habitats, excess food and energy, and new social 11,000 BP (Dillehay, 2000). We do know that from at
structures, all of which helped to plant the seeds of early least 11,000 to 10,000 BP (i.e., Younger Dryas Period
civilization. when temperatures fell ca. 3 degrees) until Holocene
These changes have been difficult to detect arche- times, there were at least three concurrent lithic
ologically because they may have happened rapidly, industries on the north coast of Peru! that are distinct
infrequently and locally, and because we do not always in terms of fundamental technology as well as raw
try to relate the cultural developments in the Late material used. These are the unifacial industry utilizing
Pleistocene and Early Holocene periods to later devel- primarily basalts and andesites (Richardson, 1978;
opments. In fact, most hunter–gatherer models of Malpass, 1983, 1993; Dillehay et al., 1997), the Fishtail
advanced cultural development generally propose lin- industry utilizing at least rock quartz crystals (Politis,
kages among demographic factors, subsistence strate- 1991; Briceno,* 1997), and the stemmed Paija! n industry
gies, and integrative mechanisms that only seasonally utilizing quartzite, quartz, cherts, and basalts (Chau-
aggregate larger groups of people in more permanent chat, 1975). The changing environmental conditions
localities and lead to institutionalized social and may have supported different procurement strategies, as
economic foundations of more complex hunters and suggested by the diverse lithic industries.
gatherers, such as alliances and exchange networks (cf. In particular, the north coast lower valleys of Zana, *
Lanning, 1970; Moseley, 1992). In addition to these Jequetepeque, Cupisnique, Chicama and Moche are rich
factors, we believe that the reliance upon spatially in sites of these early cultures but particularly the Paija! n
restricted, highly productive, localized resources, often culture. The best-known Paija! n area is the Cupisnique
equated with increasing dependence on a wider food and Zana * valleys. More than 300 Paija! n sites have been
spectrum, was required to have developed more stable found stretching from 10 to 35 km inland from the sea to
and formalized ties between local aggregated groups. We 1000 m in elevation in these valleys. In these areas,
believe that this is the case for the north coast of Per!u. numerous early Paija! n sites are located on small hills or
rising ground, commanding a general view of the
surrounding country and accessing several proximal
3. Social aggregation and proto-households on the north resource-rich habitats (Ossa and Moseley 1972; Ossa
coast (?) 1978; Chauchat, 1988; Dillehay, 2000), including the
vegetated (thorn scrub with mesic forests along water-
We do not know the settlement pattern and social courses) lower hills of the Andes and the coastline, both
group size at the outset of human habitation in the study within a 1–3 h walk. Most of these sites yield a wide

* and Jequetepeque valleys on the north coast of Peru,

Fig. 1. Location of the Zana ! and of the sites mentioned in the text: (1) PV-19-100-7, (2) El
Palto, (3) CA-09-55-2, (4) PV-19-96-1, (5) PV-19-101-11, (6) PV-19-122-1, (7) PV-19-97-8, (8) PV-19-57-2, (9) PV-470-10, (10) PV-21-431.
6 T.D. Dillehay et al. / Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11

range of stone artifacts which suggest that they were the on the basis of uncalibrated radiocarbon dates in the
camping places of small groups or families. There are lower Zana and Jequetepeque Valleys. Early Paija! n
also a number of much larger stone tool quarry sites. sites, roughly dated between 10,800 and 10,000 BP,
These sites contain only local raw materials suggesting suggest a seasonal pattern of movement, as indicated by
highly localized adaptations. There also is evidence of a thin, intermittent micro-stratigraphic levels in excavated
very limited Paija! n presence in the middle sections of sites. Charcoal from features in three excavated sites in
these valleys, suggesting that Paija! n was confined mainly the Zana* and Jequetepeque Valleys have been dated by
to the coastal plains and adjacent foothills, that its radiocarbon means: CA-09-55-2 with a date of
territory overlapped with some unifacial tradi- 10,3607100 BP [Beta 154141], PV-19-57-2 with a date
tions located farther upvalley, and that it initially was of 10,260790 BP [Beta 154128], and PV-19-96-1 with a
a general foraging adaptation focused on multiple date of 10,560760 BP [Beta 154123]. These dates
habitats. correspond with those for early Paija! n sites excavated
Chauchat believes that the Paija! n industry is primarily by Chauchat (1975, 1988; Chauchat et al., 1998) in the
associated with a littoral and coastal plain adaptation Cupisnique Valley and by Ossa (1978) and Ossa and
after the disappearance of megafauna in the region Moseley (1972) in the Moche Valley. Of the eleven sites
which probably occurred during deglaciation and aridity that we have excavated in the Zana * and Jequetepeque
on the coast between 13,000 and 11,000 BP (Chauchat, valleys, only six contain intact cultural deposits,
1975, 1978). Yet, the Paija! n industry shows a good deal including the three dated ones. Many investigated early
of variation in the lithic types found at different sites, sites do not contain intact deposits because they have
including projectile points, various unifaces, grinding been deflated by fluvial and/or wind erosion. There are
slabs, and debris (Fig. 2). Also found is the slug, or hearths scattered randomly across the deflated surfaces
limace, which is an elongated, bipointed stone tool that at these sites. The buried cultural deposits in the intact
has been resharpened until it is often too small to use. sites are generally between 1 and 3 cm in thickness and
These different tools reflect the varied activities carried appear to represent shallow single occupations. There
out by the local Paija! n populations, who occasionally are no architectural structures associated with any of
fished but focused mainly on hunting wild game and these early sites. Instead, sites are defined by lithic
probably collecting wild plants. This last food source is scatters ranging between 20 and 80 m in diameter and
indicated by the presence of macro-plant remains, occasionally as much as 150 m in length, often with
milling stones, and also by the fact that some stone overlapping clusters suggestive of reuse of the site by the
tools bear on their edges the characteristic sheen polish same group or by multigroups over time. These sites
which may result from their being used to cut plants range between 2000 and 12,000 m2 in total size.
(Dillehay et al., 2001). Most Paija! n stone tools are made Most of the early sites in the lower Zana * and
of local quartz, quartzite, basalt, and andesite, although Jequetepeque Valleys are situated along low altitude
a few exotic cherts occur in assemblages. passes cutting between the coastal grasslands and the
For the purpose of our discussion here, we will vegetated foothills or on stream terraces near large
arbitrarily divide the Paija! n tradition into early and late quarry localities. During different seasons of the year,

Fig. 2. Various Paij!an projectile points from sites discussed in the text.
T.D. Dillehay et al. / Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11 7

people living at these sites may have subdivided into 8500 BP, we believe they are associated with the Paija! n
several smaller groups, fanning out over a succession of tradition. The appearance of permanent living structures
temporary camps and special activity areas. Such a at these late sites suggest the appearance of small, local
situation is suggested by the concentration of sites and social systems, or proto-households, and more stable
surface artifacts within the passes and the adjacent forms of localization.
mountain streams and springs. It is also suggested by The settlement pattern of these late sites is different
other findings: the remains of migratory birds and fish from the early sites; the late sites are generally situated
and seasonally occurring plant species. A radial on the crest of large alluvial fans near springs or
oscillating pattern of seasonal movement between secondary streams in an ecotone between the lower
closely juxtaposed micro-environments in the Andean hillslopes and the coastal plains. The late sites are also
foothills near the coastal plains seems to have smaller and often defined by 2 to 8 house structures
occurred. suggesting group sizes of perhaps 5–20 individuals. The
The late Paija! n period dates between roughly 10,000 total site areas range between 400 to 1600 m2. In
and 8300 BP. There is growing archeological evidence contrast, the early Paija! n sites occupy areas between
that late Paija! n groups (and/or contemporaneous 2000 and 12,000 m2 and are not associated with
unifacial groups) were decreasing their mobility, aggre- structures.
gating, and establishing more permanent camps, as We wish to make it very clear that this is only a
suggested by site location near springs in the hilly tentative chronology that could change as more
ecotone at the edge of the coastal plains, an increase in excavated data are available and more radiocarbon
grinding stones, and the appearance of permanent living dates are obtained from intact house floors and features.
structures. Four late sites containing structures have This is particularly relevant, given some difficulties with
been radiocarbon dated. These are PV-19-100-7 with a previous early sites in the region (Rossen et al., 1996).
date of 8270760 BP (Beta) [154125], PV-19-101-11 with Further, it has been very difficult to associate differences
a date of 8470760 BP [Beta 154126], PV-19-122-1 with a in Paija! n point types and other lithics with these two
date of 9980780 BP [Beta 154099], and PV-19-97-8 with heuristically divided early and late phases. Possible early
a date of 95207130 BP [Beta 154124]. As with the early circular houses and structural pits are reported at
sites, no multi-component sites with deep, thick cultural several sites in coastal Ecuador, Peru,! and Chile, dating
deposits were located. Of the nine excavated late sites, as early as 9100–7000 BP years ago (Malpass and
five have intact cultural deposits that range between 5 Stothert, 1992, Munoz * et al., 1993). Chauchat (1988)
and 15 cm in thickness. Seven of these sites are reports 14C dates ranging from 10,380 to 8260 BP for
associated with permanent stone-lined architectural or several intact Paija! n middens and hearths in the
residential structures ranging in diameter between 2.2 Cupisnique area. Although we found numerous Paija! n
and 4 m in width (Figs. 3–5). Because Paija! n points have open-air sites with middens and 17 sites with circular
been found on the interior surfaces and excavated from structures, only a few of the latter have intact deposits.
the buried floors inside these structures and because the As noted earlier, most sites are eroded and wind
structures are radiocarbon dated between 10,200 and deflated.

* Valley dated at 9,980780 BP.

Fig. 3. General view of a stone-lined residential structure in site PV-19-122-1 in the lower Zana
8 T.D. Dillehay et al. / Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11

Fig. 4. Schematic drawing of a stone-lined structure associated with a Paij!an point in site PV-21-470 in the Jequetepeque Valley.

In summary, we find the aggregation of smaller but resources and allows for a more efficient and reliable
perhaps more permanent late sites at the edge of the economy.
hilly ecotone near active springs and within equidistance
of the coast and the vegetated hillsides indicative of a
shift in social and territorial organization between 4. Broader implication and conclusion
10,000 and 8300 BP. This organization was more highly
localized, as indicated archeologically by (1) an intensi- For the earlier Paija! n foraging societies, dated
fication in the use of very localized lithic raw material between 10,800 and 10,000 BP, greater mobility may
and a greater degree of typological variability in the have provided a variety of options for adjusting
stone tool industry, which can be explained as reflecting imbalances in scheduling, in resource availability, in
a wider spectrum of resources; (2) an increase in the population size, and in social transactions. Increased
number of grinding stones and plant species found in territorialism, or reduced mobility among a few selected
sites; (3) a preliminary study of the species represented later groups between 10,000 and 8300 BP, implies that
by animal and fish bones, plant remains, and snails, all the options afforded by mobility decreased. Alternative
of which are found within a 5 km radius; (4) the means may have developed to resolve similar imbal-
appearance of two to eight adjacent dwelling structures ances. These may have included exploitation of a wider
that are linear in their layout along the low crest of range of resources, food excess and storage, exchange
alluvial fans near streams, which we consider to be for distant non-food items, social structure reflecting
possible co-residential protohouseholds; (5) the presence small, localized co-residential groups, and the begin-
of slightly thicker and more continuous habitational nings of plant domestication (Dillehay et al., 1997,
floors in the living structures that are suggestive of 2001). These conditions probably opened the door to
people occupying very specific habitats over a longer further challenges presented by increased complexity in
period of time; and (6) the increased presence of later social and economic structure. They also would have
sites in highly compacted and diverse micro-environ- permitted the accumulation of material possessions,
ments along the lower flanks of the Andes, which allowed the making of a new range of artifacts,
minimizes the spatial dispersing effect of varied especially grinding stones, provided a stable place for
T.D. Dillehay et al. / Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11 9

Fig. 5. Plan of three residential structures associated with an in situ Paij!an point in site PV-21-431 in the Jequetepeque Valley. The ceramics outside
the structure date to the Chimu period (A.D. 1100–1400) and are unrelated.

people to have social contact and exchange, and Early Holocene did not disappear overnight. Over much
enhanced conditions for population growth and the of the study area the broader-based economic strategies
first pulses of institutional forms that later developed typical of most later hunters and gatherers continued to
into Andean civilization, including social fusion, ecolo- be dominant for several millennia. Continuity in the
gical complementarity, and corporate unity. These permanent living structures and in the stone tool
developments began at a remarkably early date not technology evolved in some areas, with structures
only on the north coast but in other regions of Peru! and becoming larger, oval and later rectangular in form
the Andes as well, and have considerable implications during the subsequent Las Pircas and Tierra Blanca
for the later more complex societies that appeared phases in the Zana* Valley (ca. 8000–5000 BP). Some of
between 7000 and 5000 BP. these structures are similar to those recorded at the
How did these early and late cultures link together * et al., 1993), La Paloma and
Acha site in Chile (Munoz
through time, space, and cultural process? The hunting Chilca sites on the central coast of Peru! (Donnan, 1984;
and gathering societies of the terminal Pleistocene and Quilter, 1989). Although not yet dated by radiocarbon
10 T.D. Dillehay et al. / Quaternary International 109–110 (2003) 3–11

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