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Solar Energy Vol. 44, No. I, pp. 43-..49, 1990 0038-092X/90 $3.00 + .

Prinu:d in the U.S.A. Copyright ~ 1990 Pergamon Press ple


Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, West Palm Beach, FL, U.S.A.

Abstract--The predicted steady-state performance of a single-effect solar still has been in the technical
literature and solar energy textbooks for some time, but recent measurements of steady-state solar still
efficiencies and temperatures appear in conflict with earlier, apparently similar measurements which
partially support the long-standing theory. This paper reviews that controversy and offers new experi-
mental evidence which is used as a basis for altering Dunkle's original model.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ~s = basin emissivity (infrared)

= glass emissivity (infrared)
The predicted steady-state performance of a single- ~s
= modified convection coefficient ( W / m z K)
effect solar still has been in the technical literature[ 1 - hl
12] and solar energy textbooks[13-16] for some time, tr = Stefan-Boltzman constant
= basin water saturation pressure (atm)
but recent measurements[6,7] of steady-state solar still Pw"
efficiencies and temperatures appear in conflict with Pw~ = condensate saturation pressure (atm)
earlier, apparently similar measurements[12] which hf~
= heat of vaporization (kJ/kg)
partially support the long-standing theory. This paper
k, = insulation conductivity ( W / m K)
reviews that controversy and offers new experimental Ai/A, = insulation area normalized by basin area
evidence which is used as a basis for altering Dun- xi = insulation thickness (m)
kle's original model. T~, = ambient temperature (K)
.70 = mass transfer-heat transfer proportionality
constant (kg K / a t m kJ).
2. C A L C U L A T I O N O F S T E A D Y - S T A T E E F F I C I E N C Y
For the glass, energy is received from the basin,
Based in part on Sharpley and Boelter's[17] experi- and some solar energy is absorbed directly. The glass
ments with the evaporation of water into quiescent sheds its energy to the surroundings through convec-
air, Dunkle[1] first outlined the steady-state thermal tion and radiation. Again, assuming equal areas for
model for a solar still. Malik et al.[13] explain the the basin and cover glass (valid when the cover glass
mathematical development of the model in detail, so is only slightly inclined with the horizontal), the en-
it is not repeated here except to highlight certain as- ergy flux to and from the glass is
sumptions and the convection-diffusion relationship.
The model consists of two energy flux b a l a n c e s - - cr(T~ - T])
+ hi(T, - T z)
one for the water basin and one for the cover glass. I I
Input to the basin is solar energy transmitted by the --+---I
¢-s ~-t
glass and absorbed by the basin. The basin energy
output is radiation, convection and evaporation di- + 0.70 hi(P,, - Pwg) h/g + 1o%
rected to the glass, and conduction through the still = ~scr(T~ - T 4-) + h~,(T s - T~,) (2)
walls and bottom. Thus, assuming equal areas for the
basin and the glass cover, the energy flux balance for where
the basin is
% = glass absorptivity (solar)
cr(T~ - r~)
Io "rseq = 1 1 + h'(T~ - Ts) h~ = ambient convection coefficient .
Because the current experiment was done in a lab-
+ 0.70 hi(Pw, - P,s) hfs +/~iAi (1) oratory, the sink temperature for glass heat loss is
xiAs (7", - T=), modeled as the ambient temperature. For a solar still
operated out of doors, the sink temperature would be
where the sky temperature.
These two energy balances are two equations in
Io = solar flux ( W / m 2) the two unknowns, 7", and Tz. A simultaneous, iter-
x s = glass transmissivity (solar) ative solution yields the basin and glass tempera-
et, = basin absorptivity (solar) tures, following which the still steady-state efficiency
7", = basin temperature (K) can be calculated as evaporation heat flux divided by
Tg = glass temperature (K) incoming solar flux.

44 J. A. CLARK
0.70 h" (P~., - Pwg) his tions of Dunkle's long-standing model. Then, ex-
~q = (3) perimental results from the current work are pre-
sented and shown to agree with Dunkle's model only
As background, the term, hl, appearing in all three after that model is modified to halve the constant in
equations is a modified heat transfer coefficient, de- the evaporative mass flux equation.
rived by Sharpley and Boelter[17] to describe the
similarity relationship between diffusion mass trans-
fer and natural convection heat transfer. They de- Baum and Bairamov[l 1], and Cooper[12] have con-
fined a modified convective heat transfer coefficient ducted experiments using insulated enclosures whose
basin water was electrically heated and whose con-
hl = 0.89 (AT') ''3 (4) densing surfaces were water-cooled brass or copper.
Cooper's results, which overlap and extend beyond
where AT' is a temperature difference, modified from Baum's and Bairamov's data, appear to support Dun-
that appearing in the typical Grashoff number defi- lde's model at low insolation fluxes, as shown in Fig.
nition (see Malik et al.[ 13] for details). Evaporative 1. However, some explanatory notes are required for
mass flux can then be related to h" via Fig. 1 because Cooper reported temperatures and
evaporative mass fluxes rather than steady-state ef-
m,'" = 0.70 h~' (Pw, - Pwg) (5) ficiencies, and because not all of Cooper's data are
shown in Fig. 1. Furthermore, the exact location of
and evaporative heat flux is the product of heat of the analytical curve calculated from Dunkle's origi-
vaporization and evaporative mass flux. nal model depends on assumptions regarding ambient
This paper focuses in part on the choice of con- temperature, insulation type and thickness, basin ab-
stant (which is not dimensionless) in the equation for sorptivity and glass transmitivity in the solar spec-
evaporative mass flux. The value of 0.70 has been trum, and basin emissivity and glass emissivity in the
widely advertised[I,12-16] but some sources have infrared; those assumptions are listed on Fig. 1.
suggested that it should be halved[2,7]. In the re- Cooper's data covered a wide range of water heat
mainder of this paper, previous steady-state data from fluxes, some much larger than can actually be ob-
simulated solar stills is compared with the calcula- tained by a non-concentrating solar collector. To

/~Ts = 70°C
.70 iI


///" ~ - 74° C -
LLI .55 /// / Dunkle Constants
,' / ^
TAMa= 27°(3
, /arTs =51aC ~G--.87
t,'/,~___ . . . . . Ct
eta = .0S
.50 X -86
e~ Ts =42"C as = .86
// ~ = .90
/ / Well-Insulated
.45 / NO Breeze

/ Ts = 33°C

159 317 635 952

Solar Flux (-~2)

Fig. 1. Comparison of Cooper data, original Dunkle model.

The steady-state performance of a solar still 45

compare with data from the current study, Fig. 1 ex- surface remains a possibility in Cooper's apparatus.
cludes any of Cooper's data which are beyond the As with the effect of local boiling, such suppression
range of insolation fluxes available in a single-effect of radiation would augment evaporation and convec-
solar still which collects its own heat. In addition, tion, leading to abnormally high steady-state effi-
several of Cooper's evaporative mass fluxes pertain ciencies like Cooper's converted data shown in Fig.
to evaporation-condensation temperature differences 1. Cooper's radiation equation (his Equation (I)) tac-
which are greater than a maximum of 17°C measured itly assumed that the infrared absorptivity of the con-
and predicted for such stills[5,6,7]; these data are also densing surface was unity; thus, Cooper's correlation
excluded from Fig. 1. To convert Cooper's remain- of his data did not consider this suggestion of radia-
ing data to steady-state efficiencies, the product of tion suppression by the metal condensing surface. In
evaporative mass flux and heat of vaporization is di- contrast, the present analysis includes the infrared
vided by apparent insolation flux, which is the result emissivities of both the basin and the cover glass.
of dividing Cooper's electrical heat flux by the prod-
uct of basin absorptivity, cq, and glass transmissivity,
r t, in the solar spectrum. The values of eq and "rg used
to convert Cooper's data are the same as those used
to generate Dunkle's curve in Fig. 1. If other values The solar still used in the present study is a single-
of glass transmissivity and basin absorptivity had been effect, shallow-basin type, with a single glass cover,
used in converting Cooper's data and in making the sloped at an angle of 15 degrees with the horizontal.
Dunkle model calculations, the two curves in Fig. 1 The square, aluminum basin has an area of 0.177 m s
would both be vertically shifted, but their relation- and a depth of approximately 2.5 cm. The sides and
ship to one another would be unchanged. bottom of the still are a sandwich of two 0.63-cm
Two explanations are offered as to why Cooper's sheets of plywood surrounding a 1.27-cm air gap.
data do not match Dunkle's original model at mod- Condensate is collected in a vee-shaped copper trough
erate-to-high heating fluxes, and both are related to attached to the lowest edge of the glass. To allow
the suggestion that Cooper's experimental apparatus inspection of the interior, the sides and cover glass
may not have truly reproduced conditions within a separate as a unit from the bottom. In the joint be-
single-effect solar still. First, Cooper used an im- tween the two halves is a silicone (caulk) gasket to
mersible electric heater as an energy source in his eliminate both air infiltration and water-vapor es-
experiment. Though the heater's geometry was de- cape. The interior walls are coated with high-gloss,
signed to distribute the heat throughout the water ba- white, epoxy paint to reflect most of the incoming
sin, the possibility that Cooper's basin of water ex- insolation onto the fiat-black water basin, and to pro-
perienced local boiling above the immersed heater tect the plywood walls from steam damage. A ther-
(while the average water temperature was well below mocouple beneath the pan measures the basin water
the boiling point) cannot be ignored. If local boiling temperature. Though direct temperature measure-
were present, it would be expected to be most prom- ment of the basin water would in principle be more
inent at moderate-to-high heat fluxes, and it would accurate, the thermocouple was placed beneath the
produce the higher-than-expected efficiencies dis- pan, rather than in the water, to eliminate the error
played by Cooper's converted data in Fig. 1, because which would be incurred by exposing the thermo-
vapor in bubbles rising from the heating coil would couple to the direct radiation from the light source.
escape the water basin without being captured and For the same reason, the temperature of the cover
condensed by cooler water away from the coil. glass was not measured. The sides and bottom of the
Second, Cooper's use of a metallic condensing still are insulated with 7.6 cm of extruded polysty-
surface (in place of glass) may have suppressed what rene, whose thermal conductivity is nearly identical
is normally a significant infrared radiation loss from to that of stagnant air.
the basin to the condensing surface, because unoxi- A solar simulator is the energy source for this still.
dized metals normally have much lower infrared ab- The simulator is a bank of 30 incandescent spot-
sorptivities than does glass. An uncertainty regarding lights, 18 of which are 150 W and 12 of which are
this second comment on Cooper's apparatus concerns 75 W, and the bulbs are arranged in six rows of five
the presence of a water film on the condensing sur- lights each, with a dimmer switch controlling each
face. If the film were uniform, its infrared absorp- row. A sketch of the simulator is shown in Fig. 2,
tivity might be expected to alter the radiative prop- and a more complete description of the simulator is
erties of the condensing surface. However, found elsewhere[19,20]. The arrangement of large
observations from the current experiments are that a and small bulbs on the simulator was selected on the
thin film of water does not cover the condensing sur- basis of flux uniformity and dimmer-switch power
face in a single-effect solar still; the surface is only limitations. Previous experiments[6] have shown that
partially wetted because of the droplets and rivulets the day-long performance of the current still oper-
(caused by water's high surface tension) that char- ating under this solar simulator is the same as its per-
acterize the water condensation process. Thus, formance under actual sunlight. Though the tungsten
suppression of infrared radiation from the basin by filaments in the spotlights emit a greater percentage
the low absorptivity of Cooper's metallic condensing of their light in the infrared than does the sun, the
46 J. A. CLARK
a cleaning of the cover glass and a rinsing of the ba-
sin. After water is added to the basin, the upper and
lower halves of the still are joined, polystyrene in-
oO0@e sulation is attached, weights are added to the top of
the still (to compress the silicone gasket), and the
o000o solar simulator is turned on. Once the dimmer switches
have been adjusted to approximately produce the de-
sired insolation level, readings of the radiation flux
o 00
falling on the cover glass are taken at five locations
on the cover glass--one at the center, and one at each
o0o of the four comers. The solar flux is adjusted so that

oCo0o,0 0
individual flux readings arc within 10% of the av-
erage radiation flux on the surface. The still is taken
to be at steady state when the therrnocouple shows
that the basin water temperature is changing by less
o oT than 0.5°C per hour.
As Fig. 3 shows, a 51-cm box fan was originally
located near the solar still to investigate the effect of
J a breeze on still performance. Preliminary work[7]
showed that the absence of a breeze worsened the
still's efficiency. However, once the still was prop-
erly sealed to block air infiltration and water-vapor
escape, the experimental trends reversed so that the
Fig. 2. Sketch of solar simulator.
still's best performance was always obtained in a "no-
breeze" situation. Though the present work included
operation of the still with and without an external
glass bulbs of the spotlights intercept all wavelengths breeze, only the no-breeze results are presented herein,
longer than three microns. Infrared radiation from the for two reasons. First, the velocity profile from the
glass bulbs themselves to the solar still is blocked by fan was highly nonuniform--therefore characterizing
a separate pane of glass placed between the solar sim- the wind speed was difficult. Second, according to
ulator and the glass cover of the solar still. This in- work by Test et a/.[21], laboratory breezes are much
tervening pane is kept at room temperature by a fan. different from true breezes in their effects on external
Thus, the only radiation reaching the still is at wave- heat transfer coefficients. In short, though the ex-
lengths within the solar spectrum. periments with the present solar still subjected to a
A diagram of the test setup for measuring still ef- breeze produced a smooth curve of efficiency versus
ficiency is shown in Fig. 3. The entire experiment is insolation flux, the precision of the wind speed was
situated in a laboratory whose temperature is main- unknown. Suffice it to say that a breeze of less than
tained at 22.5°C. Each efficiency test is started with 2 m / s has been measured to reduce the steady-state
efficiency of a solar still by two-to-six percentage
points, with the greater reduction corresponding to
high temperature operation.

/ After steady state is reached (usually 3-5 hours

after startup), the condensate production is measured
every half hour for the next 1.5 hours. At the end of
the test, readings of insolation flux falling on the still
are again taken at the five locations already de-
scribed. The experimental steady-state efficiency ot
the still is then calculated according to

Y- mhfg

illlxi'l °-,,
"q io Ag At

m = mass of condensate (gm) collected in a tim{

hlg = heat of vaporization (J/gin)
]o = Insolation flux (five-reading average, W / m 2
Ag = Glass area (m 2)
Fig. 3. Testing arrangement. At = Time interval (see).
The steady-state performance of a solar still 47

.65 ~MS = 22"5°C 's - ~~,,,,,~¢

:~ .60 r~. 70°c-.----_,./' .--_.-"

e- , ~/ o f _........ -" - Ts = 91 ° C

tu .55

/ ,/ D_uunkl_eModel
~ .50 .... . 8r

/ .~7 Cs = .88
,,~/ Co .90
.45 / t~ = .05
Ts = 55°C NO Breeze
159 317 635 952

Solar Flux (-~2)

Fig. 4. Comparison of current data, original Dunkle model.

5. RESULTSAND DISCUSSION modified to include eqn (7) in place of eqn (5), is

shown in Fig. 5. This comparison demonstrates that
Steady-state efficiencies and basin temperatures are
the inclusion of eqn (7) brings predicted temperatures
reported in Fig. 4 for a well-insulated solar still op-
to within 3°C and predicted efficiencies to within two
erating under solar simulator radiation fluxes be-
percentage points of their experimental counterparts,
tween 315 and 1000 W / m 2, with no external breeze,
while reasonable assumptions are retained regarding
in a laboratory whose ambient temperature is 22.5°C.
basin absorptivity and glass transmissivity.
The efficiencies vary from 42% to 60%, and the ba-
A pertinent side comment is brought up by the
sin temperatures fall in the range from 55°C to 91°C.
fact that basin water temperatures at high insolation
Also shown in Fig. 4 are the efficiency and temper-
fluxes approach and can exceed 95°C, meaning that
ature predictions (solid curve) of Dunkle's original
the bulk gas within a still can be almost entirely water
model. As is evident in the figure, Dunkle's effi-
vapor. Under these circumstances, the modified heat
ciencies are consistently above the experimental data,
transfer coefficient developed by Sharpley and Boel-
and Dunkle's temperatures are for the most part be-
ter (eqn (4)) would presumably revert to a standard
low their experimental counterparts. At first glance,
definition, using the properties of water vapor rather
it appears that the predictions could be made to better
than air. Such a reversion reduces the values of both
match the experimental results by lowering the as-
the convective heat transfer coefficient[18] and (if eqn
sumed values for glass transmissivity and/or basin
(6) continues to hold) the mass transfer coefficient,
absorptivity. While this strategy would indeed bring
leading to a steady-state efficiency prediction below
predicted efficiencies into better agreement with the
that from Dunkle's modified model. However, De-
measured values, it would simultaneously increase
vuono[22] among others, has shown that mass trans-
the disparity between measured and predicted basin
fer coefficients associated with a change of phase are
temperatures. To bring both predicted temperatures
strongly dependent on the percentage of nonconden-
and efficiencies into closer accord with the measured
sible gases present, especially when those noncon-
values, Dunkle's constant relating the evaporative mass
densibles are present in small concentrations. In other
flux to the modified convective heat transfer coeffi-
words, a mass transfer coefficient increase caused by
cient in eqn (5) must be halved
the purging of air from the still at high temperatures
may offset the simultaneous reduction in the internal
th~ = 0.35 h" (Pws - Pwg), (7) convective heat transfer coefficient, such that the
modified Dunkle model is accurate at high still tem-
as has been suggested previously[2,4,6,7]. peratures, even though some of Dunkle's assump-
A comparison of the experimental steady-state re- tions do not apply. An additional consideration is that
suits with the revised predictions from Dunkle's model, as the basin water approaches its boiling point, tiny
48 .J.A. CLARK

Modified Ounkle Model
te = .87
G.S = .88
¢J .60 ~S = .88
<D ¢¢G = .05 Ts =91°C
~G = .90
.55 Well-insulated

No Breeze

~ T~=74° C T,~ = 22 5~C
u) .50

Ts = 58°C

" X ~ / ~ T s = 55 ° C
159 317 635 952

Solar Flux ( - ~ 2 )

Fig. 5. Comparison of current data, modified Dunkle model,

bubbles form on and remain attached to the bottom suppressed internal infrared radiation loss, and it
of the basin. The reflectivity and the number of these may have promoted local boiling in the water basin.
bubbles is perceived to be high enough to appreciably 5. At high insolation fluxes, the bulk gas within a
lower the basin absorptivity at elevated temperatures. solar still can be almost entirely water vapor in-
Nonetheless, as is evident in Fig. 5, the modified stead of air. Also, bubbles form on and attach to
Dunkle model remains an accurate indicator of steady- the basin bottom. These two phenomena invali-
state efficiencies and basin temperatures over the en- date some of the assumptions and conclusions of
tire range of realistic insolation fluxes incident on a Dunkle's original model as well as its modified
single-effect solar still. version. But, the expected decrease in perfor-
mance due to a lower basin absorptivity, and a
lower Grashoff number (based on water vapor in-
stead of air) is apparently offset by an increase in
1. The steady-state efficiency of a well-insulated, the mass transfer coefficient which has been shown
single-effect, solar still operating under solar sim- to accompany a reduction in the concentration of
ulator radiation fluxes from 315 to 1000 W / m 2, noncondensible gases. Thus, the modified Dunkle
with no external breeze, in a laboratory whose model remains accurate over the entire range of
ambient temperature is 22.5°C, ranges from 42% solar still operating conditions.
to 60%. Under the same conditions, steady-state
basin water temperatures fall between 55°C and
Acknowledgments--The author wishes to thank John W.
95°C. Barker of the Mechanical Engineering department at Ohio
2. A breeze of less than 2 m / s has been measured State University for constructing the still described herein.
to reduce the steady-state efficiencies of a well- Also, the insightful preliminary calculations done by James
sealed, well-insulated solar still by two-to-six per- A. Schrader are appreciated. Finally, the author is grateful
centage points, compared to no-breeze efficien- to the many senior undergraduate engineering students who
aided in obtaining the solar still data.
cies, with the greater reduction corresponding to
high temperature operation.
3. Dunkle's original model, modified to use a mass REFERENCES
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The steady-state performance of a solar still 49

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