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Zainab Salam – 00059066

Portfolio #4

Vodun is quite an interesting religion although it is said that the true nature of it is not

understood. I always associated Vodun with forms of unnatural practices that revolves around

satanic worship. At least this is what has been portrayed in films. However as much as I see

that it’s not a satanic religion, I am of the view that its devotees being in a trance-like state,

mounted by the spirit is diving into the unknown.

Their belief system consists of a deity known as Bondye, "the good god" and the existence of

lesser beings, which they call loa or lwa. These loas is believe to be infinite in number and

acts as intermediaries between a supreme god, and man. A concept that is similar to

Catholicism since they believe the purpose of praying to statues which represents the saints’

acts as an intermediary between man and God. A concept not fitting for our Creator who

needs no one to intervene on our part.

These Loas also communicate with individuals and congregations in group ceremonies,

through spirit possession during which the devotee goes into a trance-like state, mounted by

the spirit becoming the vessel for the loa. This is scary since I do believe in spirits/ Jinns

which are not to be invoked. What if this loa refuses to depart from the devotee?

The loa representing or syncretized with Saint Anthony the Hermit in Northern Haiti who

likes meat and alcoholic drinks. I am assuming saint Anthony has died a long time ago, and if

he is a Saint such attributes of him drinking alcohol or otherwise is unbelievable to me. Then

there’s Legba, the god who removes the barriers separating humans and spirits, the first to be

saluted in their ceremonies, careful not to offend him. Vodun have Bondye, "the good god

“and Legba, another God. Once there is a referral to more than one God in any religion then I

disagree with the religion being one of monotheism.

Another interesting feature is the way their dead is categorized depending on the way they

died. The most interesting being the Zombie who have no souls and are dominated by their

masters who utilize them for evil purposes. Religions are supposed to instil values to its

members and make them good members in society and using the deceased for evil purposes

defeats its purpose. This I found unique to other religions.

Included in their two major rites are loas who are called upon to communicate with humans

achieved through Rada and Petwo. Both these rites also include the spirits and I am left to

wonder if the whole of Vodun reflects merely on the existence and communications with


In their offerings and divination ritual meals are prepared exactly according to recipes and

rules since the loas are often hard to please. Although the spirits do not consume the food

offered, it is believed that it draws on their essential energy, and the food may be consumed

by the individual or congregation during or after the ritual. At this point it’s my opinion that

Vodun deals excessively with the dead rather than the living. Their worship involves mainly

spirits and there’s a lack of connection in these ceremony with the Supreme God. Is voodoo

really a misunderstood religion? It is a unique religion but it seems a dark religion and the

claim of monotheism is questionable to some.

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