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Tipo Guía de

PIJAO - QUINDIO Versión 001
Decreto de Aprobación Nro. 0000356 de marzo 10 de 2010 ICFES Código del Co legio 0F1e3c2h1a9 20-09-2018

Identificación registro DANE 163548-000439 NIT: 8900010921

Teléfono 3173853914

Date sent: April the 20th Deadline: April the 27th


Grade 2ND
Period Subject: English Teacher: Yuorsth Bastidas Students number: 15
Number of sessions: 3
COMPETENCE: I use my general knowledge of the world to understand what I hear. I infer specific information
from an oral text.

Learning Aim /BLR:

BLR 1. Requests and provides information about experiences and plans in a clear and brief manner.
BLR 2. Explains in written form different familiar situations and facts in a coherent and simple manner
BLR 3. Recognizes specific information in short oral and written texts on topics of general interest
Previous Knowledge Exploration: Activity – what they know about around the world
Pre-concept: New vocabulary presentation
Concept: listening, reading and writing exercises related with daily routines

Exercise 1. Read the following passage 3 times.

Review of Breaking Bad

There is no question that a few series have come out
that have been able to revolutionize the way in which
TV is perceived by the audiences. It seems like this last
decade has been a clear win for TV in general because
some of the best plots and dramatic twists have
occurred on the small screen instead of the big screen.
One of those amazing TV shows has been AMC’s hit
drama Breaking Bad.

The show was released back in January 2008 and it told

the story of Walter White, who is an underpaid and unaccomplished chemistry teacher that is diagnosed with
cancer. He finds himself with the dilemma of thinking about what he needs to do in order to provide his family
with enough money before he dies. This gives him the idea of becoming a methamphetamine cook in order to
make loads of money and leave his family with the financial support they needed.

He gets to know this kid who he used to teach in high school. Jesse Pinkman is the ultimate loser that sells
drugs in the streets and spends all the money he earns, but he has the connecting that Walter needs in order to
start selling the drugs. The show will allow you to get to know both characters very well and their twisted
relationship is almost that of a dysfunctional father and son.

Without spoiling it for those who have yet to see it. You will go through a rollercoaster of emotions in which
you will love and hate Walter and Jesse. There will be many peculiar characters that will get in their way, but if
there is one thing this show will never do is make you feel bored or uninterested, with a couple of exceptions in
the 4th season. Aside from that, this is probably the best drama TV show that has ever been made.
Tipo Guía de
PIJAO - QUINDIO Versión 001
Fecha 20-09-2018
Decreto de Aprobación Nro. 0000356 de marzo 10 de 2010 ICFES Código del Co legio 013219
Identificación registro DANE 163548-000439 NIT: 8900010921
Teléfono 3173853914

Exercise 2. Look up for 20 unknown words in the dictionary to make a glossary. Write the list in the
following spaces.

# English Word Spanish Word # English Word Spanish Word

1 11

2 12

3 13

4 14

5 15

6 16

7 17

8 18

9 19

10 20

Exercise 3. Choose true (T) or false (F)

1. This TV show was big for the audience.
2. This last decade was bad for TV in general.
3. This TV show was consider dramatic.
4. The show was released back in January 2008.
5. The protagonist was Jesse Pinkman.
6. Walter was a chemistry producer.
7. Walter was diagnosed with cancer.
8. He wants money for his own fun.
9. Walter became a food cooker
10. Walter and Jesse were father and son.
Tipo Guía de
PIJAO - QUINDIO Versión 001
Decreto de Aprobación Nro. 0000356 de marzo 10 de 2010 ICFES Código del Co legio 0F1e3c2h1a9 20-09-2018

Identificación registro DANE 163548-000439 NIT: 8900010921

Teléfono 3173853914
Exercise 4. Fill out the following puzzle.
Tipo Guía de
PIJAO - QUINDIO Versión 001
Decreto de Aprobación Nro. 0000356 de marzo 10 de 2010 ICFES Código del Co legio 0F1e3c2h1a9 20-09-2018

Identificación registro DANE 163548-000439 NIT: 8900010921

Teléfono 3173853914

Exercise 5. Listen to the following audio 4 times. Then, record the passage about Review of Breaking Bad
record it using your own voice. Send the audio to the teacher

Activities related with the four skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking – in the classroom

Electronic devices and the Way to go (pdf version)

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