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Ké hoach bai gidng budi 1: idl thigu cdu triic 48 thi |. Cu trite bai thi dang thitc Toeic Nai bo Gm * 100 céu héi cho phn bai nghe Listening : 35 phiit lam bai Part 1: 10 cau hoi ta tranh Part 2: 30 cau héi : nghe cau hoi tim cau tra [oi phd hop Ws Part 3: 30 cau hdi: twong dutong 10 doan hoithoai ngin ww Part 4: 30 cau hoi : tuong duong 10 bai néi ngén: thurong la fang céo , thoong bao , canh bio, *, 100 cau doc Reading : 75 phiit lam bai_ * part S : 40 cau héi: éién tir vao céu : ca ai ant: 3 vin d@: ngtr phép — ho tir tir wyng. khi phan tich ky dang cdu hdi ching ta sé biét duoc hung 6n tp hiéu qua part 6: 12 cdu hdi : din tir vao doan vin : dang cau héi nhu part 5 part 7 : 48 cau hdi : doc hiéu , dya vao_doan van don va doan van déi dé i tra loi cau héi I cdu tric bai thi dang thtrc Toeic Quéc té gdm © 100 cau nghe Listening : 35 phut lam bai part 1: 6 cau hdi ta tranh part 2: 25 cau hd: nghe va chon cau tra Idi phu hgp voi cau hdi part 3 : 39 cau hai : tuong dong 13 doan héi thoai ngan part4 : 30 cau hdi : tong durong 10 bai néi ngan + 100 cau doc Reading: 75 phit am bai part 5 : dién tir vao cu : 30 cdu hdi : cu hdi lién quan dén 3 van dé: ngit phdp — ho tir- tir vung. part 6: 16 cdu hdi: chon dap 4n dung dé hoan thanh doan vin part 7: 54 cau hdi , dya vao doan van don / déi / ba: chon cau tra Idi chinh xd hat cho cdc cu héi SX so thi ni b6 va quéc té chi hdc nahu chiitxiu v8 cu trac, s6 long c&u hdl) con lugneg kién thie la nhu nhau, cdc em cing tim hiéu phuong phap hoc va lam bai RA ne eae nhitng phn tiép theo nha WE B. Huéng dn sinh vién céch lam part 5 oe we Khilam part 5 & phan bai Reading ching ta nén doc 4 dap én daighiad é yeu xem cau héi ma minh dang 4p [a loai cdu hoi dang thitc gi :_ngu xphpas , ho tir- tir vung Néu thay 4 dap dn [a nhting tir gn gidng nhau , neha la ta ane lam bai ign quan dén kién théfc ho tir Buc 1: doc tir ding trudc va tir sau tir cin dién dé nhan dang vi tr, loai tiv cla tir cin dién Buse 2: van dung 13. quy tic sau dé lam bai nha Sb : somebody : tn ngir chi ngudsi St: something : tan ngir chi vat N: noun : danb tir V: verb : dong tir © : object : tan ngi S: subject : chiy ngtr P2: qua khir phan tir Adj : adjective : tinh tir Adv: adverb: trang tir Quy téc 1 : ign quan dén have Have ~ ngéi thi 3 56 it : has- qua khtt - Have sb Vnguyén thé = Have st P2 - Have p2/ToV Had Vd: please, have Mr Minh HCM instead of Mr Ha a, go b,gone c,going d, goes Khi lam bai ta thay c6 have , nén ta xét vé sau have cé Mr Minh la sb; tan ngit chi ngudi , nén ta chon céng thitc : have sb V nguyén thé: dap an: A Hay bao Mr Minh di thanh phé HCM thay cho Mr HA The president had her computer last week A, install_b, installed, to install _d, installing Xét sau have cé computer : [a st_ tan ngir chi su vat hiénj tuong nén ta chon have st P2 P2 : qué khit phan tir : c6 2 dang —cé quy téc_ V+ ed - Bat quy téc : ta phai hoc thudc rai: vd : go -went ~ gone: gone la p2 cia go Dap 4nB Chi tich c6 may tinh duot cai dat tir tuan tude \\ © Quy tée 2: lién quan dén make - made — made Make sb V nguyén thé : bat ai lam gi Wy Make st_ adj Sy Vd: please , make the check ss oo A,pay b, payble c,topay 4, oe The check : tm séc sa st nén ap an B: payable Bares 13m sé ct ages toan duge * Quy téc3 Let © Vnguyén thé: cho phép , dé cho Let me be: hay dé tdi yén Letit go: hay dé moi chuyén qua di © Quytc4: get—got - gotten Get sb toV: bat ai, bao ai lam gi Get st p2 Vd: the boss got her assistant (trg’ly) to send all the inviations to branch managers © Quytées To _ V nguy€n thé / be p2 ( bi déng), néu cd 2 trurding hop cling xuat hién ta nén xét chil ng nha , néu chai ngir la sy vat hién tong thi dap dn ta chon la dang thurcs bi dng nha The door is scheduled to be reolcaed * Quy tic6 Mao tir: a /an /the +N © Quytéc7: - Tinhtir+ N = Tinh tir sé hiu ( my / your/ his/ her/ their/ our / its) + N = Gigi tir: (in/on/offat....) +N ~ Luong tix{ many / much/ any/ some...) N = Bai tir chi dinh ( this/ that / these/ those) +N * Quytéc8: Be Iam / was He, she, it_ is/was They, we _are / were Be _ adj / p2/Ved/ Ving © Quytics: S Adv V SV adv S be adv adj Hoc cdi nay bng cach nhd la trang tir l8 vé tinh quay quanh dng tir, va trang tir nam gitta Be va adj © Quy tée 10. Be adv _Ving/ Ved/ P2 © Quytéc11. Béng tir khuyét thiéu Can / could : c6 thé + V nguyén thé / be p2 ( bi déngj) Should = had better= ought to : nén+V_nguyén thé / be p2 ( bi déng) Have to = must : phdi+V_nguyén thé / be p2 (bi dong) May / might : c6 I& + V_ nguyén thé / be p2 ( bi d6ng) © Quytéc12. s v0 Néu thay truéc tir can din va sau tir cin dién du la danh tir, 1 danh tir fam chitc nang chi ng /Ldanh tir lam chic ning tan ng@, thi vi tri gitra 2 tir nay la 1 déngj tir ( lu y, Ving / To V khdng co quyén lam déng tir chinh trong cau don) © Quytéc13 Sau déng tir [a 1 trang tir, tuy nhién sau nang dort ac biét sau [a 1 tinh tir. cde ban oF, cdi nay hoc thuéc nha WO Seem + adj : dung nh Or Sound + adj : nghe cé vé ww wy Look + adj: trong o6 ve os we feo a Become = get + adj : Feel + adj : cam thay Make + adj : khién cho Remain = keep = stay + adj Vd: you look beautiful today Stay health : git gin strc khoé jdt, duy tri Hoc thugc cdc quy tc trén ri hoc nét cho ¢6 du higu nhan biét danh , déng, tinh ,trang sau day la lam duc bai lién quan dén ho tir rét d& dang nha ‘*** du higu nhan biét céc loi tir 1. Déu higu nhan biét dong tir Nhiing tir c6 dudi sau day sé la dng tir nha : -en/- ate-/- ize /-fy Vd: specify / lengthen / compensate / organize 2. D&u higu nhén biét tinh tir La nhting tir ¢6 duéi sau : Albe/ ible / ble /less Ful/ al/ ic / ous Ant / ent / tory/ ive Luu ¥ diéu dc biét sau nha: dudi "ly" vén la dc sn cdu trang tir, nhung cé 1 sé tir c6 duéi “ly” nhung lai la tinh tir, it thoi nén chiing ta hoc thudc nha Timely : diing lic , kip thd’ / friendly : than thign/ lovely : dng yéu d@ thuong / likely : duréng nhu/ manly : nam tinh/ womanly : nitu tinh / costly : dat d6 Dudi - y:: thuréng xuat hién & cdc tinh ir chi thai tiét Windy : c6 gid/ sunny/ rainy/ snowy/ icy Va dai khi cd nhumg tir khong c6 tinh tir ta phai ty’ ché , bing cach thém dudi —ed/ ing Ta hiéu thé nay nha : ta thém dudi—ed khi tinh tir do smang tinh chat bi tac dng Budi — Ing khi ty ban chat c6 thé & Vd: the new appointed manager : giém déc mdi dug bé mee SPP An interesting film : 1 bé film hay Du higu nhan biét trang tir Da s6 cir 6 dudi “ ly “Ia trang tir ae Tuy nhién cling cé nhiing truéng hop setae Mic dit [a trang tir ma lai khéng co ” aS Hard : khé / cham / cang Soon : sém théi Fast : nhanh Wrong : sai Right : ding Well fa trang tir cua good Du higu mhan biét danh tir Sion / tion /ion Ance / ence / ment Ism / ness/ ty Ce/ ship / hood Or/er/ee/ist : danh tir chi ngudi C6 1 sé danh tir chi ngiroi dc biét va khéng c6 duéi nhén biét hay xudt hign trong bai thi, céc em tham khao nha Assistant : troy Attorney : ludt su Physician : bac sf Accountant : ké toan Representative : ngudi dai dién Hoc thém may cong thttc chang theo bat cir quy tac nao sau day nha , néu chura mét 1. Have difficulty Ving : g&p kh khan trong viéc gi 2. S$ find/found ST adj To V: ai dé thay cai gi lam sao 3. Can't help Ving : khéng thé khéng lim gi 4, Please, V(nguyén thé): céu ménh lénh cau khién 6 sau khi hoc thugc r8i,, thi bay gid lam thuu bai tap cho cé nha 1. YOU CaM key at the front desk when you go out, Aftoleave —B, leave «, leaving D, leaves 2. Weare .....seeking new university graduates to join our sales team A,current B, currently C, currency _—_—D,, currentness 3. Identification cards must be displayed A,clear —B,clearly CC, clearance, clarity 4, All you have to do is register and you are ready to........posting and browsing for books. A,tobegin 8, beginning began —_D, begin 5. The hotel is ...........l0cated within easy walking distance of the beach. A.perfect —_B, perfectly C. perfection —_D, perfecting 6. You have to present your... A, identify B, identification __C, identifiable —_, identified 7. The company is implementing new vacation policy Aactive —B,activty —_C, actively D, activate 8. We are looking for an .........person for our sales department. A,experienced ——_B, experience Cy experience —_D, to experience 98. The president had a meeting with employees during his visit to the plant. A,recently —_B, recentness Cyrecency —_D, recent 10. The ssnsuen-Was considered final . A,decisive B decided C, decision _D, deciding 11. My supervisor had me.....the morning taking inve ‘A, spend B, to spend © spent D. ef 22, Mr.Kim sosnusthe seminar in the conference roi A,attended —_B, attending C to attend D, attendance 13, The director had her assistant.......the memo. A, signing B,signed —c,willsign—_D, sign 14. The result will be announced next week. A, finalized B, finally G finalist , final 15. The result was predicted before this quarter A, original B, origin C, originally D, originality 16, Many physicians ......m.uthat exercise is benefit to our health. A,agreement —B, to agree C agreeing D, agree 17. Itis not... tto argue about small details. A, advise B, advice C, advising D, advisable 18. We recommended a of all of the facilities in the hospital. A, comprehensive 8, comprehend C, comprehensively _D, comprehensiveness 19. Applicants should necessary documents to the personnel office. ‘A, submitting 8, submitted C, to submit D, submit 20. Dr.Marriot recently completed a. study of economic trends. A, detail 8, details C, in detail D, detailed 21. You must......your supervisor when you are late for work. A, notify B, to notify C, notification D, notifying 22. The lawyer usually high feos for her consulting service A, charge B, charges , charging D, is charging 23. This hotel can easily a large tour group. ‘A,accommodate _—B , to accommodate C,accommodated —_D, accommodation 24, My secretary ...nnuuthe memo to the department managers. A, sending B, to send G sent D, sender 25. The company will...its new high-speed copy machine A, introduction B, introducing C, introduced D, introduce 26. Many people for the position A, applicant B, application CC, applied —_—D, to apply 27. The plant manager a day-long safety workshop. A, organizing _B, to organize C, organization D, organized 28. The company will spend more money ON the .....of environment: friendly vehicles. A,develops —B, developed _—_C, develop 29. The sales department sales goals for the mae % A, reached B, to reach C, reachable Pee” 30. If you are interested in this item , nn ea 786 A,contacting —_B, contact C, to conti Dy contacts

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