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Seminar Hall Booking System for College

Project Topic : Seminar Hall Booking System for College


The main objective of the Seminar Hall Booking System is to manage the
details of seminar hall booking dates, history, availability and managed by all
departments. The project is totally controlled at administrative end and department
member can only request to administrator shall guaranty the access. The purpose of
the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for
managing the booking seminar hall as mobile app. It tracks all the details about the
status of booking, approval or rejected or amended. It manages all the information
about seminar hall. Report generation: It generates the report on seminar hall status
and history.

Objective :

 The main objective of this system is to provide booking system of seminar

hall for college. . 

Project Implementation Technology

The Project is loaded in Android Studio. We used Android Studio for

Design and coding of project. Created and maintained all databases into MySQL
Server , in that we create tables, write query for store data or record of project.

Seminar Hall Booking System for College

 Hardware Requirement:
 i3 Processor Based Computer or higher
 Memory:2 GB RAM and Above
 Hard Drive: 500GB
 Monitor
 Internet Connection
 Software Requirement:

 Windows 7 or higher
 Front End : Java , HTML, CSS, and JS
 Tool Used :Android Studio / Eclipses
 Bank End :SQLite /MySql.

Project By :

1. Anurag Pant
2. Abhishek chopde
3. Nikhil gulhane

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