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Point 1 : More flexible

 ride the wave of the digital era- easier to get connected with a global reach
 technology continues to advance-students need to grow their learning with it
 future of education - fully automated - anywhere anytime learning - progressive transformation
of artificial intelligence, machine learning - real-world teaching and learning experiences
 learning styles of students are changed with the environment in which they reside.
 will have more opportunities to learn in different ways in different places.
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 technology allows students to adjust learning to their own pace and strengths anytime
 As goes say by McLaughlin, “technology has created endless boundaries of where learning can
occur with whom and why.”
 present education style is hard for a teacher to have a customized study plan - needs of each
individual in the group - take place at a specific location and a set time
 have been hundreds of personalized learning programs available today
 Khan Academy -one of the biggest online sources of learning for new hands around the globe.
 allowing students to practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and
then accelerating their learning.
 useful for students who have trouble keeping up with a traditional virtual learning environment.
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 every student enjoy a completely unique educational approach -fully tailored to their individual
abilities - needs.
 directly increase students’ motivation and reduce their likelihood of dropping out
 able to study in a real-time mode and get feedback at any place and any time.
 the future of education is more flexible.
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First and foremost, the future will be better than the present because the future of education is
undeniably more flexible. This is because as we ride the wave of the digital era, it is becoming easier to
get connected with a global reach. As technology continues to advance, students need to grow their
learning with it. So, the future of education will become fully automated and can be anywhere anytime
learning by the progressive transformation of artificial intelligence, machine learning and real-world
teaching and learning experiences. The learning styles of students are changed with the environment in
which they reside. This means that students will have more opportunities to learn in different ways in
different places. For example, technology allows students to adjust learning to their own pace and
strengths anytime. As goes say by McLaughlin, “technology has created endless boundaries of where
learning can occur with whom and why.” In contrast, the present education style is hard for a teacher to
have a customized study plan fit to the needs of each individual in the group and the classroom must take
place at a specific location and a set time. On the other hand, there have been hundreds of personalized
learning programs available today. For evidence, an application name that Khan Academy is one of the
biggest online sources of learning for new hands around the globe. According to their website, the
program works by allowing students to practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their
understanding and then accelerating their learning. This method is particularly useful for students who
have trouble keeping up with a traditional virtual learning environment. With a personalized and
anywhere anytime learning experience, every student would enjoy a completely unique educational
approach that is fully tailored to their individual abilities and needs. This could directly increase students’
motivation and reduce their likelihood of dropping out. We are able to study in a real-time mode and get
feedback at any place and any time. As such, I strongly agree that the future will be better than the
present because the future of education is more flexible.

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