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System Development

The Proponents used the Modified Waterfall Model for the Computerized Library System

in the development process of the system. Just like a waterfall, the Modified waterfall recycle

itself the adjust to changes that the system implements. Modified waterfall model is the pioneer

of the SDLC Processing according to Merriam-Webster when it was called a pioneer, it is the

one who create and develop new ideas and methods, which is true in the system we will be

implemented because computerized system needs a lot of changes and updates because of the

fast changing industry of technology, all must cope with the change in the future. The model

served as a timeline in the development of what is needed to ensure project process. Shows the

modified waterfall model and development for the Computerized Library System.

Modified Waterfall Model

Planning and Analysis Phase. In this phase, the proponents decided to choose the

Computerized Library System. This phase helps the proponents in developing and planning

project as it progressed.

Requirements Phase. The first stage involves understanding what to design, determine

the problem of the user or organization, and what are its function and purpose. The Proponents

used different tools and methods in collecting information that is relevant to the development of

the study.

Design. The Proponents acquired data and data info needed for the design of the system’s

user interface. After analysis, the proponents proceed on the design wherein all the requirements

should be available. The developers designed a system for Library to help in reducing the time

accessioning books, to produce catalogue cards, to handle the circulation of books, and improve

data confidentiality.

Implementation Phase. Implementation of the design as specified in the design stage

that is achieved through an executable programming language code. As part of the Waterfall

model, software is delivered and documented done. To implement the system the system

supporting documents is required to have a guideline in implementation of the system.

Testing and Evaluation Phase. The Proponents will conduct a demonstration of the

system in front of the panelist that may be a great help for recommendation of the system before

implementing and having a demonstration of the System in the Library of QCU.

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