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Introduction to the main software for HTPC

Quick access to all movie information

Including cast, crew, release year, review, trailer, poster, etc...

Play a movie, directly from the software.

Needles to search your movie on your computer, just click on play.

Skinnable user interface

You can change it exactly like you want.

A Database in a few click

With the automatic scripts, you can register a movie in less than 10 sec.

Easy to use, but exhaustive as well.

Visual, everybody can use it. And do everything needed.

Completely free
Ant Movie + Viewer is a combination of two freewares :

1) Ant Movie Catalog : Database Manager

2) Ant Movie Viewer : Database Viewer

Thanks to the two creators for their works, Pryatna and Antoine Potten

How does it work ?
First of all, you need a Database for you movie.
For that, download Ant Movie Catalog first
Once installed, launch it.

You’ll see this interface.

This is where you register your movies, and their informations.

For that, you have 2 possibilities :

Click on « new » (1)

Once done, enter here (3) the name of your movie.

Now we’re gonna use the Automatic Scripts in order to get the information of your movie.

Click here (4) it’s opening the scripts window

Here, you can find a list of many websites where you can get some information
Choose according your video (tvshow, anime, movie)

Choose your infomation source (IMDB for this exemple), and click on « execute ».
Once the search over, the poster and all the informations concerning the movie,
will have been copied in the database

Easy, isn’t it ?

Add now in the text field « source » (5) the adresse of your movie (for ex C:\terminator.avi)

Repeat this operation as many time as you have movies to register.

Once your base filled, save it ( for this exemple, in « My folders » under the name Base.amc,
and close the software.
It’s time to go to Ant Movie Viewer

Download it directly on the Pryatna website

Install, and open it.

Everything seems so empty…

Click on Open, and select the file Base.amc in « My Folders »

Now, we’ve got something
Let’s talk about the interface.

This one is separated in four panels.

1) Scrolling images
Nothing particular, all your movies posters scroll from left to right, or vice versa.

2) The tools bar

a) Open : Open a database.amc
(You can choose to automaticly open the same one at each start
b) Edit : Open the Database in Ant Movie Catalog
c) Settings : (see below)
d) Play : Launch your movie
e) back : Back to previous page
f) Title + search : Here you can search by title, artist, actors, etc…

3) The movie list

Very simple, you just have to click on a title, to see its page.
Its also possible to group movies by title, artist, actors, etc…

4) The movie’s page

This one contains all the informations registered in the database.
The page is in HTML, so it can be completely modifiable

Now, get back to the « settings »

Tab 1

1) Language
It changes the software language

2) Title in left panel

You can choose if you prefer the original title of your movie, or the translated one.

3) Scheme
You can choose 4 differents interface color for the viewer

4) / As indicated

5) / As indicated

6)] / As indicated

7) / As indicated

8) You can choose if you want a specific player for all your movie
(Not recommended ; it’s better to let windows take care of that)

9) Select here « source »

It’s necessary if you want to use the viewer to launch your movie.

10) Max Image width & height

You can specifiy here, the size for the picture in the movie’s page.
Tab 2

1) You can protect your settings with a password

2) / As indicated

The tabs 3, 4 et 5, are only for the modification of the interface in HTML.
Come here only if you do what you’re doing

That’s it, you know almost everything about Ant Movie + Viewer.

Of course, you can do much more with this software than I explained here.
It’s just a simple tutorial to help you to do the first step.

Enjoy !

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