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Throughout all of human history, deceases have been one of the biggest threats our kind-faced, with major

plague outbreaks often resulting in crises or sometimes even the downfall of whole societies. Luckily, we
were able to invent a weapon capable of protecting us from the most dangerous deceases - vaccines.
However, despite its efficiency and overall usefulness, some people began to speculate whether or not
vaccines were actually beneficial or harmful. This followed in many governments suggesting vaccination to
be made into an obligation instead of a freely chosen option. Nevertheless, is it justified?

Generally speaking, vaccines are our primary, if not the only, weapon against many viruses and bacteria,
which killed an unimaginable number of people in the past. Due to its simplicity and overall lack of
dangerous side effects observed in, for example, some older decease treating methods, it can be safely
assumed that a refusal to use a vaccine is, first and foremost, not precisely smart or far-sighted. Moreover,
it has been confirmed by numerous studies that our most magnificent anti-death-from-a-decease
instrument only works when the majority of the population has used it. For instance, measles can be
contained only when at least 90% of the population was vaccinated.

With that in mind, vaccines do have some disadvantages, the main scientifically proven one being the
allergic reaction some children might have to a vaccine, causing their inability to be protected in such
away. Nevertheless, then in order to protect such kids, the rest of the society must take precautions, which
brings us back to our greatest tool against deceases. Another key thing to remember, is the danger of
actual deceases, which has been somewhat forgotten due to a miracle that is modern medicine. The side
effects and potentially lethal danger possessed by vaccine-preventable deceases are far worse than any
side effect of a vaccine; therefore, a rejection of it has a high probability of causing one's child's death.
Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, vaccines only work when the majority is exposed to them; to that end,
a decision not to vaccinate a child holds potential danger for other children.

On the whole, vaccines are our greatest and, to this time, the only weapon against many deceases, which
terrorized humanity for most of its history. Moreover, it daily saves a truly astonishing number of young
children all over the world, yet some of us choose to reject this tool in favor of unconfirmed rumors. That is
why, in order to prevent the return of our monstrous enemy, I believe vaccination of one's child must be
made a legal obligation if it is pliable.

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