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Chp 9(1)

1. As a consumer, I certainly care more about the price of certain items than others. This is

because my behavior is influenced by situational factors and culture. For example, store location.

If I want to buy milk and bread, I'll surely observe the other items that are available in the store

and if I like that particular item(s), I will first check the price and then buy it. Moreover, Social

Situations influence me a lot while buying something. For example, if I am with my family, I

don't care about the price while buying the item(s). However, I care about the price of buying

something when I am with my friends or colleagues.

4. Yes, I have utilized a subscription-based service (Netflix). This is because I opt to receive the

goods or services on a recurring basis for a monthly or annual fee. My goal of subscription

purchasing is to have a lower customer acquisition cost. Besides, convenience is the main reason

why the subscription-based model is beneficial to me. The ‘set it and forget it’ mentality that a

subscription company offers fits well with me as per the fast-paced information overload culture

of the 21st century. Finally, the reason I utilize Netflix subscription is that it is simple and easy to

use, saves time as it does not have commercials, and contains original and authentic content. This

may not be the case with a random website on the internet containing that particular program that

I watch on Netflix.

Reply 1: Hi Jacqueline, I completely agree with your response and you have written and

organized it in a splendid way. This is a fascinating discussion, as you have presented great

information about the article. Besides that, I think that much of the psychological research

psychologists may read is irrelevant and inaccurate regarding the majority of the world because

they mostly involve studies that only involve American subjects or subjects from Western
countries, specifically undergraduate psychology students. Although America has a large

influence on people in the rest of the world through globalization, they still possess unique

cultures and traits that are different from the American or Western psyche.

Reply 2: Hello Amanda, your response is very well written, and you have explained it quite

well. I agree with your discussion. Apart from that, I would like to say that the Western culture is

very different from Non-Western cultures as they tend to be more individualistic and come from

industrialized environments, while Non-Western cultures are more communal and they are more

focused on relationships, they also differ in the ways they cognitively interpret things and convey

information through differences in language. Because most studies on human behavior are

according to a Western or American perspective, people from other cultures are not able to relate

with the theories and the conclusions, and that Non-Westerners are measuring themselves on the

standards set by the West, which provides them with an inaccurate and irrelevant view of the

entirety of the human nature and human psychology and that there aren't enough studies on the

human nature and psyche according to the point of view of people outside America and outside

of the West.

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