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1. In a few sentences tell us what your study is all about?

Our research is all about the health and adaptability of Filipino Seafarers. In the presence of the covid pandemic
our seafarers are seem to be neglected more especially when it comes to their welfare due to the lack of
attention and preparedness to this current situation in which we are all affected. And as we can see, the
pandemic made the life of our Filipino seafarers more uncomfortable and unbearable to the mere point that it
lead to numerous problems and issues for them to handle or go through.

2. Main Objective of this research?

The main objective of our study is to know or determine the health and adaptability status of our Filipino

3. The focus of your study?

The mere focus of our study is to know the health status and adaptability of Filipino seafarers more specifically
for those who are currently onboard.

4. What became your motivation in conducting this study? Focus in the research problem, who are affected, what
are the effects? Note convince the panel that there is a need to conduct the research
As a future seafarer, we can’t help but to get involved with the health issues that our Filipino seafarers are up
against with, and based from the articles we’ve read, seafarer’s health are obviously neglected and that fact
alone became our main reason as to why we are very much eager to pursue this research of ours. And as we are
all aware of, seafarers play a vital role in keeping the global economy afloat despite our current situation the
covid pandemic.

5. What is the problem you want to solve?

In our title and research, the problem we want to solve for the Filipino seafarers onboard is their health status,
both the physical and mental and lastly about their adaptability to the new normal throughout the pandemic.

6. What particular method or sample did you use for the study and why?
We used a random sampling; this method is the most straightforward of all the probability sampling methods,
since it only involves a single random selection and requires little advance knowledge about the population. We
chose this method since it perfectly fits the respondents and the type of research we are into which is the
quanti- descriptive.

7. What was your hypothesis and how you framed it?

Our hypothesis states that ”The lack of attention and improper addressing with regards to the health concerns
and issues of Filipino Seafarers will definitely lead in damaging both physical and mental health. And hence, will
also become a major hindrance for Filipino seafarers’ ability to adapt and build resiliency to the new normal
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.”. we merely based our academic assumptions from all of the studies, articles
and journals that we managed to get a hold of.

8. What is the significance? Who will benefit, what will be their benefits from it?
Our research will help inform the shipping companies, authorities, gov’t or any governing body affiliated in the
maritime affairs, in which they could potentially or properly address the Filipino seafarer’s health concerns and
issues and also at the same time the information embedded in our research with regards to the deficiencies of
health safety measures experienced by the seafarers onboard could be used as reference not just only for future
purposes but also for pandemic situations.
9. What limitations did you encounter in your study (trick question)?
We believe that the only limitation we encountered throughout our study is the distant communication from
our respondents because as we are all aware of not all ships are equipped with data or internet connection. But
through their active participation and our eagerness to gather much needed information, we were able to pull
this study off.

10. Are you able to answer your research questions? How, elaborate
Yes, we strongly believe that we’ve been able to answer our research question, since the content of our survey
questions are merely based from the related literatures, that would totally provide strong ground to our claims
that the health status of Filipino seafarers are adversely affected specifically in this time of pandemic.

Yes sir, Based on our conclusions that is supported by our data.

The Health status of Filipino Seafarers in terms of physical approach has been considerably in a tolerable or
moderate condition. Then majority of the Filipino Seafarers encountered difficulties adapting properly, this
became an issue as to why the seafarers’ adaptability has been drastically poor.
We also come to an end that The Filipino seafarer’s ability to adapt and build resiliency in time of Pandemic was
adversely affected because of their mental health status.

11. What are the findings of your study?

Our study found out that the health status, the mental health to be specific is obviously in a poor condition due
to the factors such as prohibited shore leaves, extended contracts and the observed anxiety and depression
which has been triggered due to the pandemic itself and the strong feeling of being more exposed to human
transmission of the virus.

And also that their poor mental health status became a major hindrance to their ability to adapt and build
resiliency to the new normal which is purely caused by the covid pandemic

12. Based on your findings, what are your recommendations?

Based from our findings, we highly recommend the furthermore review and improvement of the health safety
protocol that will purposely become the solution to all of these deficiencies being experienced by our Filipino

13. What is the importance of your study or how will it contribute or add up to the existing body of knowledge?
The importance from our study is that the information gathered is and will be very beneficial especially in
addressing the health concerns and issues of our Filipino seafarers and from that authorities and shipping
companies would be aware of the deficiencies in the overall implementation of safety measure protocol system.

14. What will you include if you are told to add something extra to the study?
15. If given a chance, what would you like to do something different in your work?
We think the only thing we would like to do differently in our work is the way we distributed our survey; we
would really appreciate to do it in person or like an interview for us to really grasp the hardship that they had
been going through.

16. If i am part of the authority, gov’t, what will make me, convince me to validate / accredit this research? And
We strongly believe that this study of ours is embedded with the firsthand account of experiences by the Filipino
seafarer themselves and that we’ve became very selective when it comes to handing out our survey so we will
be able to maximize the information needed to complete this study.

17. How is your (survey questions) related to health status? In terms of physical and mental
The set of questions from our survey was based on the related literature that we gathered, and from there we
used all the necessary information with regards to health status. Through the issues and concern of our Filipino
seafarers we are able to come up of find out their current health status in respect to how they are affected or
involved in this situation

Physical health means the overall condition or well-being of a person, from that we’ve managed to determine
the factors that are related such as their food/meal allocation, access to medical assistance, and the
maintenance of safety measure protocol (wearing of face mask, ppe, use of alcohol, social distancing)

*It answers the physical aspect since it is related to the survey questions tackles the overall condition or well-

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being, it also helps determine how we
handle stress, relate to others and make choices, it therefore related since we’ve managed to narrow down the
factors which contributes to the overall mental aspect.

18. What became the basis of your survey question on how can it answer the physical mental and adaptability of FS
The very basis of our survey question on how it answered the physical and mental aspect of Filipino seafarers is
that, we first gathered information from our related literature that became our foundation in narrowing down
the possible issues and concerns of the seafarers throughout the pandemic.

19. The correlation of health status to the adaptability and resiliency of FS

The relation of these two is the mere fact that imagine having troubled or poor health condition, we strongly
doubt that your adaptability and resilience will make promising results right? , of course if an individual is
considered to be not in his or her best self, it also affects their adaptability to a certain transition and changes or
in our situation the new normal of the covid-19 pandemic.

-According to A Center for Disease control and Prevention (2019) Mental Health Issues Affect Businesses and Their
Employees Poor mental health and stress can negatively affect employee: Job performance and productivity.
Engagement with one’s work. Communication with coworkers. Physical capability and daily functioning.

20. Does your study have any biases

We strongly believe that we’ve eliminated possible biases from our research study since we agreed to generalize
our scope of respondents due to the fact that regardless of their rank, type of vessel or work environment. And
Filipino seafarers are still susceptible and involved to the issues which are drawn out from the current pandemic.
21. About respondents (Demographic profile)
Our respondents would be all of the Filipino seafarers who are onboard amidst the pandemic, regardless of their
rank, department and as well as for their type of vessel. We’ve decided to generalize our respondents in that
manner since they are all subject to one common variable in our title which is the new normal caused by the
pandemic. And it clearly shows that it would fit the criteria that our study needs in order for us to utilize much
needed information to answer our research question.

22. Uniqueness of your research

The analysis of data and information in our research contains the firsthand accounts of experiences by the
Filipino seafarers making this one of the research to tackle current issues for the seafarers and shipping industry

23. State the Problems that can be solved by this thesis

The problem that this thesis can solve is that it would determine the health status and adaptability of Filipino
seafarers in this time of our current pandemic.
24. Drop the Supporting details (RRL-Topics)
According to Gorecho (2020), Extended contract is also a problem of seafarers they are forced to work on
board due to Covid-19 Pandemic which can affect their work performance. According to Chambers (2020)
Due to covid-19 pandemic, An increased in workload is given to our seafarers in which may result of feeling
stressed and exhausted. Seafarers are reporting greater fatigue and burn out continuing everyday duties and
other stuff, even if they don’t know when will they go back home.
According to Aguilar (2020) than 450 Filipino seafarers that can’t go back to their place in the Philippines
There are 400,000 Filipino seafarers are including to come up with to support their needs and to ensure their
safety. Some of them are being stranded. According to the study of Kono (2020), Cruise ship employees’
worries are related to not being able to provide financial support to their families. Thus, the aforementioned
conditions can lead to anxiety, where House and Stark define anxiety as a comprehensive adaptive reaction
when the individual is facing an unknown danger.

- “According to data from the IMO, 80 percent of incidents occurring at sea are due to ‘human error.’ Fatigue
and stress can all affect seafarers in the course of their daily work. These factors can make the difference
between safe transit and a major incident
25. Was your survey question able to answer your research question?
Yes, we strongly believe that our research questions was well answered by our survey since the content of our
survey is purely about to know or determine the seafarer’s health status and ability to adapt.
26. How did you come up with your research question?
First we interviewed experienced Filipino seafarers. Second we have read articles and watch news related to
shipping industry. Since the hypothesis is an assumption, our research … is connected to our research question
27. What are the strength of your research
We can provide information for the authorities because it can be there guidelines to take a step or do something
with this. We are able to determine the adaptability
28. Why did u choose this title
- We all know that in this amidst of the pandemic, though majority of businesses has stopped, the demand for
medications and goods proliferated. Many of us are not aware that one of those who make this noble act
possible is the unsung heroes we now call the seafarers. Upon Reflecting we came up to a question. How are
the Seafarers during this pandemic? What are the challenges and sacrifices they are facing for the survival of the
world. So we’ve decided that we will do this research “Front liners of the Sea: The health status and adaptability
of the Filipino Seafarers to the New Normal Amidst the Pandemic”
29. What is your contribution in your research
My contribution in this research is our research method. These include the sampling method that we have used,
on where we conducted our survey which is through online survey method and we chose 70 Filipino seafarers
onboard as our respondents regardless of their rank. We were honest not to fabricate the questionnaires and
not misinterpret the data. Also the confidentiality by protecting their information and record. And we
researchers used 5-point likert scale which are the always, often, sometimes, rarely and never. I am the one in-
charge in the process on how we conduct our survey.
30. What is the strength of your study
*May solid conclusions
*Credibility of the data
*All the research question in answered
*The hypothesis matches the result
We strongly believe that the strengths in our research is that we’ve been able to provide solid grounds to our
claims that can be supported by the results of our survey. We also consider the legitimacy of our work since
it was done with highest integrity to avoid misinterpretation and biases. And lastly our academic assumption
or what we call the Hypothesis, in which it clearly matched the results of our research

Provision - is the manner of ordering or supplying of food onboard the vessel Bunkering- is the supplying of
fuel to be used by the ship
Survey and inspection- is carried out to ensure the seaworthiness of the vessel, it is to know whether your
vessel is compliant to the requirements and such certificates and certifications are up to date.
Dry dock- it is when the ship is allowed to rest in a dry platform for the purpose of maintenance and repair
Pilot onboard- it when the marine pilot boards the ship and assist the captain with navigation around local
harbour , in and out of berths or through hazardous conditions The reason why we included this on our
survey is that whenever some of this operations are being done, it gives a benefit of the doubt as to whether if
that specific person boarding your vessel or attending to your specific operations are not exposed nor
showing covid related symptoms, since according to WHO one way of acquiring the virus is through human

31. What is the goal of your thesis.

"to have the best thesis awardee"

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