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1. What are the findings of your study?

For the findings of our study, We come to an end that The Health status of Filipino Seafarers in terms of
physical approach has been considerably in a tolerable or moderate condition. However, the mental
health were deemed to be immensely poor. We also Considered the fact that majority of the Filipino
Seafarers encountered difficulties adapting properly, this became an issue as to why the seafarers’
adaptability has been drastically poor in accordance with the new normal system which is purely caused
by the threats. We also come to an end that The Filipino seafarer’s ability to adapt and build resiliency in
time of Pandemic were adversely affected because of their mental health status.

2. If given a chance, what would you like to do something different in your work?
-If I have given a chance and ability to improve our thesis. I would like to increase the number of
Population in our survey and Conduct a face to face interview.

3. If i am part of the authority, gov’t, what will make me, convince me to validate / accredit this
research? And why.
- I can convince you using our gathered data. You can also see our documents that can serve as evidence
that the data we gathered is based with the Filipino Seafarers that is onboard during the pandemic and
We’ve also followed a concrete procedures for the Validity of our Research.

4. How is your (survey questions) related to health status? In terms of physical and mental
-The set of questions from our survey was based on the related literature that we gathered, and from
there we used all the necessary information with regards to health status. Through the issues and
concern of our Filipino seafarers we are able to come up of find out their current health status in respect
to how they are affected or involved in this situation

Physical health means the overall condition or well-being of a person, from that we’ve managed to
determine the factors that are related such as their food/meal allocation, access to medical assistance,
and the maintenance of safety measure protocol (wearing of face mask, ppe, use of alcohol, social

*It answers the physical aspect since it is related to the survey questions tackles the overall condition or

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being, it also helps determine how
we handle stress, relate to others and make choices, it therefore related since we’ve managed to narrow
down the factors which contributes to the overall mental aspect.

5. What became the basis of your survey question on how can it answer the physical mental and
adaptability of FS.

-The very basis of our survey question on how it answered the physical and mental aspect of Filipino
seafarers is that, we first gathered information from our related literature that became our foundation
in narrowing down the possible issues and concerns of the seafarers throughout the pandemic.
6. The correlation of health status to the adaptability and resiliency of FS
-According to A Center for Disease control and Prevention (2019) Mental Health Issues Affect
Businesses and Their Employees Poor mental health and stress can negatively affect employee: Job
performance and productivity. Engagement with one’s work. Communication with coworkers. Physical
capability and daily functioning.

7. Does your study have any biases

-We strongly believe that we’ve eliminated possible biases from our research study since we agreed to
generalize our scope of respondents due to the fact that regardless of their rank, type of vessel or work
environment, our Filipino seafarers are still susceptible and involved to the issues which are drawn out
from the current pandemic.

8. About respondents (Demographic profile)

- Our respondents would be all of the Filipino seafarers who are onboard amidst the pandemic,
regardless of their rank, department and as well as for their type of vessel. We’ve decided to generalize
our respondents in that manner since they are all subject to one common variable in our title which is
the new normal caused by the pandemic. And it clearly shows that it would fit the criteria that our study
needs in order for us to utilize much needed information to answer our research question.

9. Uniqueness of your research?

I can confidently say that our research is the highlight of the year 2020. The whole world is informed
about the circumstances of the people living in land. But it is very is aware about the life in the sea
during the pandemic.

10. What particular method or sample did you use for the study and why?
-We used a random sampling; this method is the most straightforward of all the probability sampling
methods, since it only involves a single random selection and requires little advance knowledge about
the population. We chose this method since it perfectly fits the respondents and the type of research we
are into which is the quanti- descriptive.

11. What was your hypothesis and how you framed it?

-Our hypothesis or assumption states that ”The lack of attention and improper addressing with regards
to the health concerns and issues of Filipino Seafarers will definitely lead in damaging both physical and
mental health. And hence, will also become a major hindrance for Filipino seafarers’ ability to adapt and
build resiliency to the new normal caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.”. we merely based our academic
assumptions from all of the studies, articles and journals that we managed to get a hold of.

12. What limitations did you encounter in your study (trick question)?
- We believe that the only limitation we encountered throughout our study is the distant communication
from our respondents because as we are all aware of not all ships are equipped with data or internet
connection. But through their active participation and our eagerness to gather much needed
information, we were able to pull this study off.
Main Objective of this research?
-The main Objective of this research is to know the health status and adaptability of the Filipino
Seafarers to the New Normal Amidst the Pandemic.

Uniqueness of your research


Why did u choose this title

- We all know that in this amidst of the pandemic, though majority of businesses has stopped, the
demand for medications and goods proliferated. Many of us are not aware that one of those who make
this noble act possible is the unsung heroes we now call the seafarers. Upon Reflectiong we came up to
a question. How are the Seafarers during this pandemic? What are the challenges and sacrifices they
are facing for the survival of the world. So we’ve decided that we will do this research “Front liners of
the Sea: The health status and adaptability of the Filipino Seafarers to the New Normal Amidst the

State the Problems that can be solved by this thesis

Together with our survey we are confidently know that is we solved the health status of Filipino
Seafarers amidst the pandemic, In terms of physical and mental health, How are the Filipino Seafarers
make use of their adaptability to the new normal caused by the pandemic and that their improper
health condition affects Filipino Seafarers ability to adapt and build resiliency.

Does your study have any biases

- Sir we’ve come to a critical thinking for Improving the lapses of this research so I’m very confident that
it doesn’t have.

Was your survey questions able to answer your research question?

Yes sir, Based of our conclusions that is supported by our data.

The Health status of Filipino Seafarers in terms of physical approach has been considerably in a tolerable
or moderate condition. Then majority of the Filipino Seafarers encountered difficulties adapting
properly, this became an issue as to why the seafarers’ adaptability has been drastically poor .
We also come to an end that The Filipino seafarer’s ability to adapt and build resiliency in time of
Pandemic were adversely affected because of their mental health status.

Who will you recommend this thesis

To the shipping companies, Authorities, and related governing bodies

The outcome of the study will facilitate them to formulate efficient strategies and worthwhile
approaches that will contribute in the development in properly addressing the prevailing health issues
and concerns of the Filipino Seafarers

To the seafarers The maintenance and abidance to the safety measures and protocols should always be
done to avoid the transmission of the virus onboard.

And then,To the Future seafares. They must be physically and mentally fit for them to be able to adapt,
If ever such a pandemic or any other threats arises

Are you able to answer your research questions? How, elaborate

If i am part of the authority, gov’t, What will make me, convince me to validate / accredit this research?
And why.

Sir let me convince you using some articles that we’ve used in our Related literature.

According to Gorecho (2020), Extended contract is also a problem of seafarers they are forced to work
on board due to Covid-19 Pandemic which can affect their work performance.

According to Chambers (2020) Due to covid-19 pandemic, An increased in workload is given to our
seafarers in which may result of feeling stressed and exhausted. Seafarers are reporting greater fatigue
and burn out continuing everyday duties and other stuff, even if they don’t know when will they go back

According to Aguilar (2020) than 450 Filipino seafarers that can’t go back to their place in the Philippines

There are 400,000 Filipino seafarers are including to come up with to support their needs and to ensure
their safety. Some of them are being stranded.

According to the study of Kono (2020), Cruise ship employees’ worries are related to not being able to
provide financial support to their families. Thus, the aforementioned conditions can lead to anxiety,
where House and Stark define anxiety as a comprehensive adaptive reaction when the individual is
facing an unknown danger.

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