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How is Physical Fitness Assessed?

Learners would be able to:
1. Describe risk factors for disease
2. Understand how to assess fitness in terms of Body composition, Cardiorespiratory endurance,
Muscular strength, Muscular endurance, and Flexibility.

Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of behaviors that contribute to overall health and wellness

Performance Standards
Learners shall be able to create a plan to improve physical fitness

Enduring Understandings
Learners would be able to reflect on the importance of overall health and wellness
Essential Questions
1. How to manage a healthy lifestyle?
Key Concepts
1. Examine your health habits; Choose a target behavior; Learn about your target
Instructional Materials

Motivational Activity
5 minutes

• Engage students with topic by asking them what the term 'lifestyle' means.
Share answers with a partner, then discuss as a class.
• Tell students they will be learning about what lifestyle management and
wellness is.

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Ask the students to List down the leading diseases in pediatric, adult, and geriatric aged
men and women around the world.

Have them discuss their answers and ask the class to share thoughts about it.


1. Have a discussion about Risk Factors for Disease.
2. Cite the Behaviors that Contribute to Health and Wellness.
3. Get across the topic: “Lifestyle Management: A Key to Wellness”
4. Have a brief discussion on how to create a personalized health plan.

Ask the students to access the links under ‘Equip’ to access Heart Disease Risk Calculator.


Instruct the students to list down their common reasons for doing physical activities.
Ask them to state their reason, describe their action plan, and strategy.
Explain to them that regular physical activity can help them improve cardiorespiratory
fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety
and depression, and reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as: Heart

Ask the students to answer the “Check” section of Lesson 2.


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Lesson 2 Build Activity
Order the students to use fill up the provided Lifestyle Assessment Inventory on the build
part of this lesson. Explain to them that the purpose of this lifestyle assessment inventory
is to help them identify areas in their life that increase their risk of disease and injury.
Awareness is the first step in making change.
After answering the Lifestyle Assessment Inventory, ask them to answer the “Par-Q &
You” questionnaire that can determine their readiness to engage in a fitness program.

Rubrics posted on the module page of the textbook.

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Ask the students to answer this in a sheet of paper:
What does it mean to exercise?


True or False
1. In Maintenance stage, people are more determined to pursue behavioral modifications
in the next coming days.
2. Communication skills, capacity for intimacy, ability to establish and maintain
satisfying relationships, ability to cultivate a support system of friends and family are
qualities of Interpersonal Dimension of wellness
3. Weight is nonmodifiable risk factors for disease.
4. Openness to new ideas, capacity to question, ability to think critically, motivation to
master new skills, sense of humor, creativity, curiosity, lifelong learning are qualities of
Intellectual dimensions of wellness.
5. Having abundant, clean natural resources, maintaining sustainable development,
recycling whenever possible, reducing pollution and waste are qualities of
Environmental dimensions of wellness.
6. In Precontemplation stage, people are usually unaware of problematic behaviors or
7. Smoking is a modifiable risk factors for disease,
8. Having a basic understanding of how money works, living within one's means,
avoiding debt, especially for unnecessary items, saving for the future and emergencies
are qualities of Intellectual dimensions of wellness.
9. behavioral modifications are in place in Action stage, and people are highly motivated
to continue modifying their behaviors to keep seeing its benefits.
10. Contemplation stage is marked by acknowledging problems or behaviors that must be
acted on, and there is serious thought about committing to a plan for action.

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True

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10. True

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