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Over the centuries numerous pandemics have been encountered by human. This pandemic has proved to be so
dreadful and hazardous that it is attacking the society like thunderbolt. Doesn’t either spare any religion, any
country, any sect, any caste, while it(pandemic) continues its assault on the humans.

This grievous situation has been caused by a virus. The name of the virus is Novel Coronavirus.

Novel Coronavirus(COVID-19) is an infectious disease and a mutating agent

which is continuously changing its nature to mutate to take new form.

This virus originated in the city of Wuhan, China and it would have been
controlled since then. But due to ill-management or may be due to biomedical
tactics of China converting it into biological warfare. Today, the whole world is in

Presently, lockdowns, shutdowns, curfew are the only methods to strengthen social distancing to break the chain of
the virus.

Actually, the virus if infects a certain person, the latter may infect some other and this chain goes on but to stop this
frightening path, we should follow the best and only method of prevention- Social Distancing till a proper vaccine

Numerology of the epidemics

Endemics are lesser than pandemic, which are concentrated in a particular fragment section or community of the

Pandemic is an epidemic that spreads over multiple countries or


While to say there are many Pros and Cons to this.

We have obviously faced crisis in the economic front but the pandemic
has left a lot to learn i.e emotional intelligence, money handling(financial
plans), importance of family role and many more.
Numerous COVID-19 (Coronavirus-19) warriors have been fighting to stop the pandemic and it's menace to cease
it's outbreak of the disease in the form of doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, police officers, army officials, IAS(Indian
Administrative Service), IPS(Indian Police Service) officers and many more.

Last but not the least in the list, cadets have not been for behind for showcasing their national integrity and their
dedication towards the nation.


NCC( National Cadets Corps) is the youth wing of the Indian Armed Forces.

Students from schools and colleges voluntarily come forward to become a part of this organisation. NCC is a
voluntary organisation that teaches us, "Unity and Discipline" , which is the motto of National Cadet Corps.

A cadet learns discipline, which is the foremost trait to be successful in phases of life maybe exams for a cadet, or
focusing on any situation/problem.

Not only discipline, a cadet learns to work in unity with other personnel in the society. This way he/she is learned to
be equipped with selfless action, i.e. does work for others along with motive without asking or thinking or expecting
anything in return.

This way the output of a true service comes out an individual feels inner contentment and happiness. This cycle and
crave for working for Nation develops and he/she becomes a valuable citizen.

Nevertheless undoubtedly NCC is a premier organisation in nurturing cadets into soldiers, faithful citizens of the
country. It has lot to do in everyone's life.

This pandemic, cadets from all over the nation came voluntarily in great numbers to participate to overcome this
terrible virus.

Lock down send shutdowns have been installed in the towns and cities of the country wherein the measures have
been taken to curb the profound effect of Corona.


Cadets from our battalion have planted one sapling each on 20th of July 2020 so to
allow the nature grow and we can too get cleaner and greener surrounding.

"Plant One Save One" , was the slogan which had been the driving force of
importance of our green nature to us.

We often tend to ignore Mother Earth this may be an outcome of it.

Sequentially, when we don't take care of our Mother(Earth), she corrects us in the form of tsunamis, earthquakes
and natural calamities for us to understand/make us learn the importance of caring others not only a living or a
movable object but having care for immobile to not only of animate but inanimate objects too.


Over 49k, (forty-nine thousand) candidates enrolled in the voluntary participation

for helping the needy in the pandemic. Where in the candidates from Tamil Nadu,
Bihar, Gujarat States have already jumped on to distribute the ration and food
supplies for relief.

Over 80 crore Indians are below poverty line and we all of us are responsible
citizens, it is our duty to come out and help them when they are deprived of food,
the basic requirement for existence.

When food is deprived of anyone, he doubts himself and his existence. So, it is our
responsibility to save our brothers and sisters by standing by them in every single
odd situation.

And especially during this pandemic where they are much prone to commit suicides.

Where they think that they have no way to save their family and choose this drastic step.

Cadets had been engaged with the units to distribute meals to the needy and masks too.


NCC cadets had published essays, posters and videos and circulating awareness about the virus like-

- Wash your hands for 20 seconds

- Wear your mask when you go out

- Use paper soaps and sanitizers as much as possible

- Use digital mode for payment

Spare the virus, not the patients

Steps to stop coronavirus

Bathing and keeping ourselves clean

Prior information about keeping our body clean and thus keeping away from germs is also one of the ways of
washing away Corona.

Cadets have prioritised cleanliness as an example to all the citizens.

Washing vegetables

Vegetables brought from market should be washed once and second with baking soda to remove the dirt/ impurities
and germs.

We all re-learnt some basic manners from this pandemic and will have to
rework them in our life.

Doing small rallies and going to realities with proper to counter this
danger(coronavirus) is an important step in re-installing motivation and
precautions to fight the disease.

Spreading information about the importance of Quarantine and being self

isolated from touching others all been instructed by the cadets and officers in
the localities.

Where when they would be educated about the disease, we could prevent the menace and shorten the claws of

We also instructed awareness as much as they can, as knowledge grows as we give more, and the corona will be
curbed as we certainly prevent us from it more.

While cadets have always kept Nation first, society second, family third and self at last.

Cadets making others know -


Cadets proved that they didn't quit yoga even if they had been in lockdown as last
year they attended a camp of International Yoga Day on 21st of June.

This year too many citizens participated on this day to healthify their body.

Yoga is not only a form of exercise, it is a Vedic way to boost immunity power, which
will immensely help fighting the coronavirus.

Cadets have been at the forefront to ascertain the citizens and people all over the
world, the Yoga is the best way of life.

They themselves along with army officers at Ladakh, and all over India performed yoga
on different plains of the country.

Avoiding junk food

Earlier junk food was considered bad and due to the outbreak of the virus, it has put the greatest beings on Earth
that is human behind the bars i.e. locked in their homes.
So, now having Sattvic( pure) home cooked food is one of the saviour from buying free virus from Gupchup waala
and street vendors(fastfood).


When we hear NCC song, " Hum Sab Bharatiya Hain, Is Desh Ki Dharti Rani Hai, Sartaj Himalaya Hai" . Just these
words fill ourselves with so much enthusiasm, gives us goosebumps and enthralls us do something for a Nation.

The tune of the song is so much motivating.

We cadets are always there for the Nation. A cadet not only puts on responsibilities when he or she puts on
uniform he/she was a cadet and remains a cadet throughout his or her life with the same National motivation and
working for saving the integrity of the Nation.

"Service before self" is all that he keeps in front of him.


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