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REGN. NO- OD/18/SD/A/304-369

“WITH BIG CRISES COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY” in time of pandemic while there is extensive
proven value in adapting recommended personal hygiene standard, physical distancing. “It is also essential to leave the
word on the top of the pile- responsibility”. Reasonable restrictions on citizen right may come into play on invoking
provision of the epidemic disease. As we all know the situation is getting worse day by day as a leading or superpower
countries around the world struggling to combat the rapidly escalating COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately though out
much of Europe and United States it is already too late to contain COVID-19 in itself. Policy makers are struggling to keep
off with the spreading pandemic. It is worth emphasising that these obstacles emerged even after COVID- 19 held already
full impacted in china. It is a systematic failure to observe an act upon existing information rapidly and efficiently rather
than what ought to be done.

When we take a look on India where there is already sacristy of medical staffs. We all know that India is a densely
populated country with around 1.35 billion people. According to economics time there is only one doctor for every 1457
people as per the countries current population. Although India has already confronted 3 phases of lockdown and 2 unlock
procedure, yet it is not successful to stop the spreading of COVID-19. In terms of total no. of infection the country has
rapidly risen through to the 3rd place in the world,
behind the US and Brazil having overtaken Russia over the
weekend. This is all due to pure health care facilities, lack
of awareness and dearth of basic necessity and public
services to marginal society. Government of India
plays an important role in bridging. The access gap the
save millions at the bottom of the pyramids. These is
done through public distribution system, (PDS) which take
care of food security and distribution, the national
health mission of the Union Ministry Of Health And
Family Welfare the provides for village health care
facility. In addition to doctor and local authorities
frontline workers (FLWs) from all the departments
plays an important role in controlling the pandemic. To
build a comprehensive resilience of these pillars,
FLWs became the first line of defence for the nation
under any crisis. State and district authorities
struggled to feed the poorest section and while their civil
society organisation. Many others state government are
initiating community kitchen for the poor, but proper of
hygiene and physical distancing is essential. One of the most dedicated FLWs is the police who worked 24 X 7; while the
national lockdown has largely left the public confirm to their houses, the police are literally on the ground enforcing the
prohibiter orders. Even during lockdown they carry out range of duties ranging from instructing people to maintain physical
distancing in market, to take action against that flouting prohibiter order.

Here comes the contribution of NCC cadets played an important role in various tasks during the lockdown. Under
an initiative named EXERCISE NCC YOGDAN, all the three wings of NCC came forward volunteering join hands with local
authorities helped in the fight contain the spread of global pandemic. The motto of NCC “UNITY AND DICIPLINE” cadets
have come forward in this hour of crises by their selfless service. The cadets are helping the administration in distribution
of ration to the needy, in supply chain and data management. More than 60000 cadets are deployed across India providing
assistant in doing various jobs. Only senior division boys and senior wing girls voluntary cadets about 18yr age are being
mobilised in small cohesive groups in the supervision of permanent instructor staff or their ANOs. Defence minister
RAJNATH SINGH held a video conference to review the contribution of NCC in the effort being taken by the state and local
authorities Lt Gen Rajiv Chopra directed general of NCC and defence secretary Dr Ajay Kumar also participated in the

Thus the pandemic is full of challenges it is creating condition for serious mental health problems, job losses,
academic losses of students all over the country. In this lockdown we are confronting many such cases of attempting
suicide due to panic an. To tackle with this situation a cadet must have an organised, routine he must start his day with
meditation, yoga and exercise. In which yoga like Dhanurasana, Vrksasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana helps in boosting
your immunity and for mental peace you should practice Sukasana, Vajrasana, Janu Sirsasana etc. He have to keep
himself busy, by simply doing the things he is interested in and keeping in touch with family and friends online.
Also keep him as well as the surrounding clean, because the potent weapon against virus is maintain proper

Although it is impossible to maintain total cut off with society, while going outside one should all ways maintain social
distancing, wear a mask and if possible carry a sanitizer with them.In these days there is a plenty of time in which a cadet
can work on his skill development by many such online courses available in internet. A cadet must be helpful. He must take
calm and don’t make other harder. If explained simply a cadet is one who is a true gentle and doesn’t follow good practices
alone but also teaches other to do the same. These duties must performed by a cadet with full zeal and enthusiasm.

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