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Motivation Letter


On July 26th/ 2021

Caritas Switzerland Country Office for Kosovo

Fazli Balaj 59
10000 Prishtina / Kosovo

Dear Sir/Madame,

After many years of working directly with Rroma, Aashkali and Eegyptian communities, including but
even with people in diverse professional settings,. I’m seeking to leverage my experience in the INTERK
Intercultural resources position within the field ofas Local Municipal Coordinator. For this reason I was
excited to learn that Caritas Switzerland branch is currently seeking Local Municipal Coordinator, and
would very much like to be considered as a strong candidate.

Ideally, the position will allow me the opportunity to utilize to your program my experience and know-
how gained in past 20 years as an active activist in various intercultural projects and programs ran by
local and international NGOs and development agencies. Beside a Local Municipal Coordinator working
with young people of all ethnic groupsbackgrounds,. iIn this capacity I will further develop co- manage
the cooperation with local municipal schools, minority and majority local NGO representatives with
purpose of establishing collaborative relationship with majority as well as minority to bring to young
people professional’s assignments. With my experience to date In this position I have succeeded in
positioning youth in career growth through coordination of unique local relations opportunities ,
especially in economic integration of women and young girls belonging to non-majority ethnic groups.

Much of my experience is transferable and collaborative, specifically in the areas of improving living
conditions through strengthening of cooperation with local institutions and civil society as well as
majority youth. I am looking forward to learning broad areas of relationship with local institutions, and
strengthening of relationship among youth of all ethnicities on fostering income through various
activities. Given the opportunity, I’m confident that my experience and personable disposition would be
an asset to your branchprogram.

For your convenience, I have attached my CV for your review. Realizing the limitation of written page, I
would welcome the opportunity to participate in the interview to answer any of your questions and
better present my qualifications. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking
with you.

Indira Elshani

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