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Incarnation The Christian doctrine that Jesus Christ is truly God and truly human

Paschal Christians believe in Christ’s saving death and resurrection, the _____ Mystery.
Trinity Christians believe in one God in three persons, the Holy _____.
Baptism The Christian initiation ritual
Eucharist A Christian ritual in which the Last Supper of Jesus is re-enacted; means “thanksgiving”
Inspiration Christians believe in Divine _____- that the Scriptures are both theWord of God and the
words of humans.
Beatitudes The two main scriptural passages used as the basis of Christian morality are the Ten
Commandments and the _____ (which are part of the Sermon on the Mount).
Peter Catholic Christians believe the Pope to be the successor to St. _____.
Tradition Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe that God is revealed to us not only through Sacred
Scripture, but also through Sacred _____.
Statues This form of religious art is typically found in Catholic churches, and not typically in Orthodox or
Protestant churches.
Mary Catholic and Orthodox Christians are known for their strong devotion to _____ and the other
Rome The main disagreement between Catholic and Orthodox Christians is the role and authority of the
Bishop of _____ in the universal Church.
Constantinople The spiritual head of Eastern Orthodox Christians is the Patriarch (Bishop) of _____, who
is recognized as the “first among equals”.
Russia The largest numbers of Eastern Orthodox Christians are found in Greece and _____.
Icons This form of religious art is found most often in Orthodox churches, where these images are highly
Luther The Protestant Reformation is usually said to have begun with the actions of this person.
Solas The main principles of Protestant Christianity are known as the “Five _____”.
Baptists The four mainline Protestant denominations are: Lutherans, Reformed, Anglicans and _____.
Bible Protestant Christians tend to put a great deal of emphasis upon the _____ as the primary means of
knowing Christ.
Protestant _____ Christians tend to have simpler church buildings and put less emphasis upon Mary and
the saints.
Ecumenism The movement that promotes and works toward Christian unity

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