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Physiological mechanisms of recovery processes.

Recovery is a set of changes in the body that occur after the cessation of exercise. In the functional
systems that provided the performance of this type of work, there are reversible changes. During the
recovery period, the products of metabolism are removed and the energy balance, plastic
substances, enzymes that were spent on muscle work are restored, ie homeostasis is restored. In
addition, during the recovery period there are processes that ensure further growth of the body's
functional reserves, its efficiency. In the recovery period, there are four phases: rapid recovery, slow,
supercompensation and long (late) recovery. The first two phases correspond to the period of
recovery of physical working capacity, reduced as a result of work, the third phase - increased
working capacity, the fourth - return to the pre-working level of physical working capacity. The
recovery period has certain patterns:

• The speed and duration of recovery of most functional indicators is directly dependent on the
power of work: the greater the power of work, the greater the changes occur during its duration
and, accordingly, the higher the speed and shorter the recovery period. For example, the duration of
recovery of most functions after maximum anaerobic work is a few minutes, and after a marathon -
a few days. The course of the initial recovery of many indicators by their nature is a reflection of
their changes during the period of employment.

• Restoration of different functions occurs at different speeds, and in some phases of the recovery
period and with different orientation. Achieving their level of rest occurs simultaneously
(heterochronously). The fastest is, first of all, the recovery of CF reserves, the slowest - glycogen and
the latest - proteins. Therefore, the completion of the recovery process as a whole should be stated
not on any one or even several indicators, but only on the return to the ascending level of the
slowest recovering indicator. Physical efficiency and many functions of the body that determine it,
during the recovery period not only reach the pre-working level, but also exceed it, passing through
the stage of recovery. When it comes to energy substrates, such a temporary excess of the pre-
working level is called supercompensation. Restorative processes are reflected in increased oxygen
consumption relative to the pre-work level (oxygen debt). The rate of oxygen consumption after
work decreases exponentially: during the first 2-3 minutes very quickly (fast, or lactate, component
of oxygen debt), and then more slowly (slow, or lactate, component of oxygen debt), until it reaches
(through 30-60 min) a constant value close to pre-working. In addition, the long-term increase in
oxygen consumption is associated with the need to maintain increased activity of the respiratory and
cardiovascular systems during the recovery period, increased metabolism and others. The total
supply of "muscle" oxygen bound to myoglobin (about 0.5 liters) and venous blood (up to 0.2 liters)
is quickly restored after work. Recovery of phosphatogens (ATP and CP) occurs very quickly due to
the energy of aerobic metabolism (fast phase of oxygen debt). Recovery of glycogen in muscles can
take up to two or three days and depends on the degree of glycogen consumption during exercise
and the content of carbohydrates in the diet. The excretion of lactic acid from muscle, blood and
tissue fluid occurs the faster, the less it is formed during work. Thus, after the maximum load for
complete excretion of lactic acid it takes 60- 90 minutes. in conditions of complete rest. Active
recovery using a restorative load speeds up this process. In untrained individuals, the optimal
intensity of the load is 30-45% MOC, and in trained athletes - 50-60% of MSC, duration up to 20
minutes. Lactic acid is excreted as follows: 1) oxidation to CO2 and H2O (70%); 2) conversion to
muscle and liver glycogen, as well as glucose (about 20%); 3) conversion into proteins (up to 10%); 4)
excretion in the urine and sweat (1-2%). The largest proportion of lactic acid is oxidized in skeletal
muscle, especially in its slow fibers. This explains why light work, which is provided mainly by this
type of muscle structure, promotes the rapid removal of lactate after strenuous exercise. Even in
Sechenov's experiments it was shown that a faster and more significant recovery of working capacity
occurs not under conditions of passive rest, but in the case of switching to another type of activity
(the phenomenon of active rest). He found that the working capacity of a hand tired of working on a
manual ergograph was restored faster and more fully when the other hand was working during the
rest period. It has been suggested that afferent impulses, which come from other working muscles
during rest, help to improve the recovery of nerve centers, as if charging them with energy. In
addition, the work improves blood flow in the tissues, which also contributes to the faster
elimination of lactic acid and recovery. The phenomenon of active recreation is manifested not only
in the case of switching to work of other muscle groups, but also in the case of performing the same
work, but with less intensity.

Navakki test

This test is quite informative and extremely simple. Only a bicycle ergometer is needed for its
carrying out. The idea of the test is to determine the time during which the subject is able to
perform a load of a certain, depending on its mass, endurance.

Thus, the loads are strictly individualized and are expressed in W / kg. In this test, a certain
unification of power is achieved. For example, in order to perform a load of 4 W / kg, an athlete
weighing 100 kg must pedal with a power of 400 W (2400 kgm / min), and an athlete with a weight
of 50 kg - with a power of only 200 W. Testing procedure: initial load equal to 1 W / kg every 2
minutes. increases by 1 W / kg until the subject refuses to perform the load. At the time of failure,
oxygen consumption is close to or equal to the maximum oxygen consumption, also reaches the
maximum heart rate. Table 7 shows the data on the evaluation of test results, which, in fact,
characterize the overall physical performance. They can be used to determine the functional
readiness of athletes. The test is suitable for research of both those who are engaged and those who
are not engaged in physical culture and sports. It can be used in therapeutic physical culture for
rehabilitation after illness and injury. In the latter case, the test should start with a load of 1/4 W /
kg. The test gives good results in the selection at a young age for sports. At dynamic supervision of
the same sportsman it is necessary to register accurately time of refusal of work on the given step of
loading. Then the increase or decrease in working time can be associated with the state of functional
readiness of the athlete.

Table 7. Evaluation of Navakki test results. Load power (W / kg) Operating time on each step (min.)
Capacity For people who do not play sports 2 2 Low (А) 3 1 Satisfactory (B) 3 2 Normal (C) Athletes 4
1 Satisfactory (D) 4 2 Good (E) 5 1 – 2 High (F) 6 1 Very High (G

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